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this Society might be called his adopted child; without his approbation of the plan, the original promoters of it would hardly have ventured to make it public. From the first meeting, which was held with a view to its establishment, to the day on which it received the sanction of the citizens of Bristol and inhabitants of Clifton, in the Guildhall, his attention to its interests was unremitted; he was among the most bountiful of the annual sub. scribers to its support, he endowed the loan fund, with the noble donation of 100 guineas, and his venerated name, seldom pronounced by the poor man without a blessing, gave to the bank of savings a stability in the eyes of those for whose benefit it was iutended, which the wealth of the city would not have imparted. When the name of REYNOLDS appeared, experience had taught the laboring man that there was good in store for him.

"Your Committee with pride and pleasure remind you, that he who gave medicine to the sick; was eyes to the blind; fed the hungry; clothed the naked; bade the prisoner and the slave be free; supported the rising fabric of your Society on his shoulders, till its completion.

"Our central stay is gone; another single pillar of equal strength and equal beauty we cannot hope to raise; but let united efforts, like a clustered column, continue to support the building, which, may prove a shelter from the storms of adversity to generations yet unborn."

"It is now proposed that an establishment on a limited scale be formed by way of trial, and if successful, of example.

"That a fund be raised by subscription of the nobility and gentry, applicable in the first instance to promote and sustain the primary institution; and ultimately to give general extension and permanent security to such establishments throughout the kingdom.

"That a lady approved by this Committee be appointed as superin tendant of the establishment, and that the regulations of the household be placed under her direction.

"That one of the managing Committee be annually elected President; and, as head of the establishment visit the house and direct the due observ, ance of all the regulations.

The plan is published under the sanction of the Queen who has made a donation of 3001. and signified an intention of subscribing annually 1001. Five Princesses have given 501. each. One Duchess 2001. The contributors and subscribers are from the nobility and gentry ;-the names given are numerous, and the contributions of large amount. The Society has 4 Patrons and 13 Patronesses; the Patrons are the Lord Bishop of Durham, the Lord Bishop of St. David's, the Lord Bishop of Meith, and the Earl of Sheffield.



To the Editor of the Christian Disciple.
DEAR SIR,-In the summer of 1816
I was at Bath in England; and was
much interested by an account which
I heard there of "The Ladies Asso
ciation" on "a Plan for improving
the situation of Ladies of respectable
character and small fortunes."
plan had then, I think, been in opera-
tion a few months, and the Associa-
tion consisted of nine or ten ladies.
From the lady to whom I was particu
larly indebted for my information on
the subject, I have recently received
the papers which I enclose to you. If
you think any part of them will be in-
teresting to the readers of the Disciple,
you are at liberty to publish them.

Yours affectionately,

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The papers referred to in the above note, have been perused. The object is of the benevolent character; but at present we have room only for a general view of the plan, and a few facts. "That with a view to the immedi- The following are extracts from the ate furtherance of the object, an asso- printed proposal of the " Plan for imciation be formed of Ladies, among proving the situation of Ladies of rewhom a certain number will act as spectable character and small fortune. patronesses and superintendants of"It has been anxiously wished that the undertaking; and that a managing committee be appointed to establish the primary institution.

a plan could be effectually brought forward, which should induce Ladies of rank and influence throughout the

kingdom, to unite for the purpose of affording assistance and protection to females of reputable families, who are, by the death of parents, or by other calamities, much reduced from the state of comfort to which they had been accustomed.

A School for teaching Girls, CHILDREN of the indigent poor, to read, write, and sew, was established at Guildford, in Surry, about a year ago, by some of the inhabitants, who contribute towards its support by donations and annual subscriptions upon the most liberal plan; it being open to all, without distinction or exception as to religious professions.

The children, between 70 and 80 in number, were invited lately to the house of a subscriber where, on a convenient adjacent lawn, tables were spread with various small articles of clothing, &c. which were distributed

among them as rewards, according to merit, adjudged by the managers and weekly visitors present. These little scholars made a decent appearance, conducted themselves with propriety and seemed to be highly gratified; doing their governess credit, and affording general satisfaction to the company.

One circumstance I cannot well omit noticing, for the introduction of which, without the author's permission, I hope to be excused as no name is mentioned. A small box was provided, and placed on one of the tables, having the following appropriate lines neatly inscribed on the lid, with an aperture between, to receive donations; they were composed for the occasion by a respectable female decidedly attached to the Institution. M. B.

Stranger! if e'er thy bosom understood
The sweet delight, the bliss of doing good,
Drop here a mite, to aid the kind design

Of guiding youth to virtue's sacred shrine;
To instruct the Poor in paths before untrod;
To love their friends, their Bible, and their God."

Letter from a Kalmuck Prince to the President of the Russian Bible Society.

To our highly exalted Lord and Emperor's privy Counsellor, member of the Council of State, General Director of the Spiritual affairs of foreign fellow believers, President of the supereminent Bible Society and Knight of many orders, the most noble Prince Alexander Galitzin; the Prince of the Choschooten, Tumen Dschirga lang reports in all humility.

On the 19th of the 1st Tiger month, I received with joy your letter written on the 1st of the Mouse month of the last wooden Swine Year, together with two copies of the history of the merciful God, Jesus Christ, translated into o Mongolian language, one in yel

Philanthropist, Oct. 1815.

low and the other in red binding-and read therein.

You request me first to read, myself, for my own salvation, the word of God contained in this book, and also to afford my subjects opportunity to hear the same and acquire knowledge therefrom.-2ndly to grant assistanc to the two men who came to us from Sarpeta the last Spring to learn our Mongolian language, viz. Gottfried Schill and Christian Hubner, for that purpose, and to intcrest myself in their protection and aid of their other wants

and necessaries.

In pursuance of your first order I not only read myself the doctrine of the infinitely merciful God Jesus Christ, but I have also presented our Lama with a copy which he reads

with the divines. As regards my other subjects I should much like to assemble them this winter in order to have this book read to them. This is however, because of the rough season, impossible, but since the most eminent of my people make a pilgrimage to a holy feast between the 8th and 15th of the month of May, and assemble to gether for prayer, I will at that time have this book read before the whole devout assembly; and thus seek to comply with your command. I will then by God's grace as in duty bound, report the result thereof to you, and pray to our God that he may regard me in mercy.

In relation to the two men, Gottfried Schill, and Christian Hubner, who are learning the Mongolian language, I have already assisted them according to their own wishes, and have associated to them a learned man conversant with our doctrine and writings as an Instructer with whom they now study the doctrine of our Gods in the books called Bodihn Mor Arwan, Chojor Sokohl and Alheni Gerrel, and shall also not fail in future to interest my self about them according to your command. And now, our highly exalted Emperor's Minister, enlightened, wise, long famed in the whole compass of the whole Russian Empire, most exalted and noble Lord and Prince, you have rejoiced me unexpectedly and greatly by your gracious com mand, I ardently wish to be also in future honoured by your communications, for which bending one knee, I now entreat you, noble Sir! if you will have the goodness to satisfy this ny wish, I beg you to enclose the letter to me, to I. Kaporsky, Postmaster at Astracan. He takes charge of delivering all letters for me immediately, since I send an express almost every Post day to Astracan to bring my letters. I live now in a massive house on an Island of mine in the Wolga, called Schambay, 72 Wersts above Astracan on the river. Ever wishing your welfare I recommend myself, Bending one knee, (Signed)


With the impress of my seal. Written in my massive dwelling, situated on Schambay, the 1st of the Last Tiger month in the Fire Mouse

Year-according to Russian account the 4th of January.

The above letter has been translated by a friend from the Appendix, to the last Annual Report of the Russian Bíble Society.


Extract of a letter from Rev. Gordon Hall, Missionary in India, to his friend in the State of Connecticut dated Bombay, July 7th, 1817. THOUGH We have more than 200 native boys in our school, we have no heathen children in our families. The schools under native teachers have succeeded beyond our expectation, and since the Board have furnished us with more means, we hope to extend the plan much farther. We cannot yet say the plan of taking heathen children to be brought up in our families has not succeeded; because hitherto we have not made the attempt, nor have we had the means of doing it. Since our last remittances and com munications from the Board, and from private friends, we have felt en couraged, but have not yet had time

to act.

We have mentioned the plan here to several persons; they speak of it in the highest terms of approbation, aud think that we shall find no difficulty in obtaining as many children as we wish. Perhaps this is too sanguine; but we shall make trial. Some of the children of the lowest and poorest of the Roman Catholics ought to be included under the denomination of heathen children, for they are every way as destitute and needy, and probably could be more easily obtained.

Scarce any thing has given me more delight than to see the late publications on the subject of war. Since God has ceased to give positive commands, direct from Heaven, to make war, as he did to the Jews, and since Christ has left us his precepts on this subject, wherever a person is to be found who does not utterly condemn war in every shape, are we not obliged to consider that person as ignorant and inconsistent a Christian as the man who advocates the slave trade?

Such have long been my sentiments upon this subject, and in my opinion the subject ought to be brought fot

ward in every association, consociation, and meeting of ministers, and each one called upon to declare upon which side he stands. I cannot but think that every true minister of Christ, after some consideration and prayer, would shudder at the thought of not siding against war. And if all would thus decide and act accordingly, how mighty would be the effect! How glorious! The Lord grant it for Christ's sake. G. HALL.

EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. From the Religious Remembrancer. MR. SCOTT-Believing that the following communication will be interest ing, not only to yourself, but all who admire the character of the Emperor of Russia, I beg leave to request a place for it. in your interesting "Remembrancer." It was communicated by the Rev. Mr. Patterson, to a preacher belonging to the society of Friends in London, and by him related to the person from whose letter I now copy the intelligence. A. M. M.

"For many years a great friendship subsisted between the Emperor of Rus sia and Prince Galitzin. It is said they had been unbelievers. It is however beyond a doubt, that they were both opposed to the influence of vital religion, as may be observed from the following relation.

"The office of "Minister of Religion," being vacant, the Emperor was desirous of disposing of it to an individual whom he esteemed, but understanding that he was from principle at tached to the BIBLE, he altered his intention, and, with some difficulty, prevailed upon the Prince to accept the situation. The Prince very early felt himself in an awkward predicament, not knowing how to discharge, with propriety, the duties which now devolved on him, he therefore applied to the bishop of the diocese, and asked his advice how he should proceed in his arduous undertaking. The bishop referred him to a certain book where he said he would find every ne eessary instruction, and which he entreated him to study, observing, "if he faithfully did so, he would find no difficulty in rightly proceeding in his new situation." This book was the BIBLE. To this he made some oppc

sition, but in a short time he secretly obtained a Bible; read it with much attention; and the more he read the more his understanding became enlightened and his mind satisfied. This was a short period previous to the entrance of the French army into Russia. When the account of that event reached Petersburgh, the Russian Court were in great alarm. Every one appeared to carry terror in his countenance. Prince Galitzin alone seemed calm and composed. This circunstance caused universal surprize. Knowing the sincere attachment which subsisted between the Emperor and himself, the former had noticed it, and could hardly suppose that any person could be thus tranquil under circumstances which seemed to threaten ruin to the Russian nation. Neither would he believe his friend was a traitor, or insensible to the present difliculties. The Emperor one day called on the Prince, and asked him how it was that he was so composed while every one else was in dismay? To which he replied, that he had of late read the Scriptures, and that they had fortified his mind against every danger, and given him a firm trust in divine help and protection.' The Bible lying on the table, he urged the Emperor's perusal of it, believing if he did, it would have the same calming influ cnce on his mind. At these remarks the Emperor appeared displeased, and, with some violence, pushed the Bible from him; it fell open on the floor. The Prince took it up, and entreated the Emperor to let him read the part which was then open. At length he consented. It was the 91st Psalm. The Emperor was much struck with its appropriate and consoling language.

When the Russian army was a bont to depart from Petersburgh to mect Bonaparte, the Emperor and of ficers went to Church, as is the usual custom, previous to an army's going on an expedition. The Emperor was greatly astonished when that part of the service of the Greek Church was read (which was a portion of the Scriptures) which contained the 91st Psalm. He apprehended that Prince Galitzin (who was with him) had desired this, and, on questioning him, he declared that he had not scen-the

person who had read the service, nor had he directly or indirectly any communication with him, since the conversation they had together about the Scriptures."

"The Emperor now became, in some measure, sensible of the value of the Scriptures, and while in the camp with his army, he sent for a chaplain of one of the regiments to read to him. His surprise may be readily imagined when the chaplain commenced reading the same Psalm. He immediate ly asked him "who told him to read that particular Psalm ?" To which he replied, "God;" for being informed on what account the Emperor had sent for him, he had most earnestly implored divine direction in selecting such a portion as would benefit the Emperor; and that it was from a divine impulse he had selected that part. The Emperor now became more and more delighted with the Bible, and his subsequent conduct proves the influence its sacred truths had on his mind."


It appears from an official statement that the city of Moscow now contains a population of 312,000-that 8688 dwelling houses, 348 churches and places for divine worship, and 5549 shops and booths, have been rebuilt since the destruction of this ancient capital of the Empire of Russia.

Several States of Germany have recently acceded to the Holy Alliance, at the solicitation of the Emperor of Austria.

According to the last census the present population of France is 29,045,099 inhabitants.

There are in the State of New-York 8 Newspapers published daily, 9 semiweekly, 79 weekly-total 96. Estimating the average editions at 500, it

will give 12,000 daily, 72,000 each week, and more than three millions, five hundred thousand in a year!

"469 blacks were arrested and imprisoned in Charleston, S. C. on the 28th of Dec. They had purchased a lot and erected a building for divine worship; but were complained of a a nuisance !"-Thus the Slave holders are treasuring up wrath against a day of wrath.

It is stated in the Delaware Gazette that a ship lately arrived at New-Castle with Dutch passengers, and that of eleven hundred, five hundred had died on the passage from Amsterdam to this country.

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