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affirming that they themselves were the majority of the Wooler congregation, and that they were not satisfied with the choice which the other party had made. We examined with candour and impartiality the list of names which each party produced, but, from various circumstances, found it impossible at that time to ascertain which of the parties made the majority of the congregation. In order to discover this, we advised to scrutinize their lists, and recommended harmony and peace. With this measure the party opposing the grant of ordination, readily and cheerfully agreed to comply; while the party applying for ordination, conscious, as it would appear, of their being the minority, refused to submit to any scrutiny, and forthwith applied to the Presbytery of Chernside to ordain their candidate, who at that time resided within the bounds of that Presbytery. Without inquiry, the Presbytery of Chernside proceeded to ordain him, and one of their number came to Wooler on the Sabbath following to introduce him as minister of the Old Congregation.

"In a short time after this transaction, the other party also chose a minister, who, after ordination by members of the Northumberland Class, made application to the Court of King's Bench, on the ground of a majority of the congregation to support his pretensions, for a mandamus to obtain possession of the meetinghouse, which the first party, with their minister, had usurped, and continued to retain. "Lord Mansfield ordered the Cause to be tried at the Assize which was held at New castle, in July, 1785, when, after a minute examination of the evidence of both parties, and the claims of their respective ministers, a verdict was given in favour of the plaintiff. In consequence of which, the defendant ordained by the Presbytery of Chernside, was reduced to the necessity of resigning his charge, and the plaintiff, with his friends, were put in possession of the meeting-house, and a valuable property annexed to it.

"We do not presume to point out to a Court of so much wisdom and discernment the fatal consequences of encouraging such irregular conduct, though we have to lament that envy, malice, evil-speaking, are amongst its dismal effects, and have been severely felt.

"We, therefore, earnestly entreat this venerable Assembly to take into serious consideration the grievance we labour under, and have briefly stated, and to adopt such measures as their wisdom shall see proper, to prevent in future ordination of ministers to Dissenting Congregations in England by members of Presbytery in the Church of Scotland.

"It is by no means our wish to renounce communion with the Church of Scotland, which we consider as both pleasing and advantageous; we should rejoice to live always on the most friendly terms with all its members; but we think it hard that our congregations should be scattered, our usefulness injured, and the means of our subsistence lessened by those we have always considered and respected as brethren, and whose friendship it has ever been and still is our earnest desire to cultivate and preserve.

"Impressed with the highest sentiments of respect for this Venerable Court, we present our memorial, and we rely with confident expectation on the high sense of honour and justice, and that liberality of mind by which the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has been distinguished, for redress of the grievance of which we have complained.'

"Mr. Kellock and Mr. Nichol were appointed to be the bearers of the above memorial to the General Assembly."

Such is the memorial. What effect it pro

duced on the Assembly we do not know. The only notice of the matter that occurs in the record is the following, which is inserted in the minutes of a meeting held at Glanton on the 12th of June:-"A Letter from the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland to the Moderator of Class, transmitting their resolution upon the memorial was read, but the letter appearing rather obscure, and not easily to be understood, was referred to the consideration of Class on their next meeting, to be held at Lowick, on the first Wednesday of August next." We have the minutes of the said meeting at Lowick, but whether it was that no new light had arisen to illumine the obscurity of the Scotch Moderator's letter, or that the Class having succeeded in ousting the intruder at Wooler, and resolved to take the same course in future with all who made a raid across the border, did not deem it necessary to prosecute the case, certain it is that no subsequent steps appear from the minutes to have been taken in the




THE following extracts relating to the sister Church in Canada are taken from "Toronto Banner," of June 13th. With much of the proceedings of the Synod of that Church we are highly pleased. But the manner of its intermeddling with slavery in connexion with the American Churches, and its letter to the Presbyterian Church of the United States, we cannot at all approve of. However, we do not mean at present to enter upon this thorny subject. We give at some length the proceedings on the Sustentation Fund, and will probably, in another part of this number, make some remarks upon it.-ED.

The Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada closed its proceedings on Tuesday night, the 10th of June, having been in session exactly a week. There was a good deal of business before it, but only two subjects produced much debate-the sustentation scheme, and the anti-slavery controversy. We rejoice to say that on the latter question, the Synod has declared firmly against the atrocious traffic, and has swept away the mist by which the Presbyterian Church of the United States seeks to envelop its position.

As to the sustentation scheme, we are glad to say, that the result on the whole is very satisfactory. During last week the Synod held private conferences every day on the subject, but as the press was not admitted to these meetings we are unable to state what passed. We understand, however, that much discussion took place, which tended to modify the ideas of the ultras, and it was finally determined that the public discussion should take place on Monday forenoon. On that day Mr. Bayne opened the debate. He explained the objects contemplated by the framers of the scheme.

Dr. BURNS followed Mr. Bayne, and took up ground decidedly against the scheme. He complained of the way in which it had been brought forward and was pressed upon the people with inconsiderate precipitancy. The Rev. Doctor expressed his preference for a supplementary, rather than a general fund, and introduced a resolution deferring the whole matter for another year, the sense of the Church to be deliberately sought in the meantime. As we propose giving the debate in full next

week, it is unnecessary at present to enter on the arguments at length. The Synod adjourned after Dr. Burns closed.

Mr. REDPATH, Elder for Montreal, then moved a set of resolutions. They stated that a majority of the Church was in favour of the principle of a general Sustentation Fund, and that the Synod recommended a trial of it by the Church generally,—but that each congregation was at perfect liberty to adopt it or not as they pleased. The resolutions dropped the details of the scheme, recommended a reduction of the minimum fixed by the scale in the scheme,-left congregations to have deacons, managers, or trustees, as they saw fit, provided they were men in full communion with the Church. But the most important feature was that the whole scheme was to be sent back to all the congregations for consideration before next Synod, and the Commission was instructed to obtain information, and make such modifications of the arrangements as they might deem advantageous for the interests of the Church. Mr. JEFFERY seconded these resolutions.

Dr. BURNS immediately rose and said, that while he still held that there were objections to the general principle, yet that the scheme was, by Mr. Redpath's resolutions, so completely divested of all its obnoxious character that should they pass the Synod he would at once withdraw his motion, and join heartily in giving the plan a fair trial. If it worked well, he would be delighted,—if not, it could easily be amended. He rejoiced to see that Mr. Redpath proposed to send the scheme back to congregations for their opinion—that was a very liberal feature in the resolutions, and tended greatly to reconcile them to his mind. This announcement was loudly applauded, and the feeling expressed was unanimously in favour of Mr. Redpath's resolutions. We are still of opinion that the Supplementary Scheme would be preferable, but we have always held this to be a matter of opinion, and should never have said a word against the scheme had it stood as it now does. We shall be heartily glad if the general system shall be found to work well.

A Mr. WALKER, from Hamilton, who explained that he was a Congregationalist, but who, it seems, has been made Secretary of the Sustentation Board, brought forward a statement of the operations of the Board, which was considered to be highly satisfactory. It appeared from his report, that there are over thirty settled congregations in the body, only thirteen of which have adhered to the scheme, and of these, only eleven have transacted business with the Board. Two of the eleven had commenced doing so, but, as we understand, had withheld their balances. The following are the congregations adhering, and the sums promised by each :— Hamilton, per annum Cobourg, do. Galt, do.

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people, and placed in Church Courts, and that all the funds for the minister were to be thrown into one pool. It is not so now; and it is also understood, that congregations adhering to the scheme, may supplement their minister's stipend. If the scheme should bring the allowance of some ministers too low for the position they occupy, their congregations must just supplement to the extent of their ability. We do not fear for the people. Let their duty be clearly pointed out, and let the ministers cast themselves fearlessly on the justice and good feeling of their congregations, and they will have no cause to complain.

No steps have yet been taken towards the settlement of a minister, and we think the congregation are disposed to look far more to the procuring a suitable minister, than to the filling up the vacancy hastily. They appear also disposed to incur responsibility beyond their immediate means, providing they can see their way clear to the settlement of a minister at Birmingham, likely to promote the cause of Presbyterianism in England. We notice one indication of healthy condition in the fact that although their numbers are so small, and although, under their present circumstances, there is so RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE SYNOD AS TO much need to husband all their resources for


The Synod having considered the proceedings of the Commission with respect to the Sustentation Fund, and the report of the Sustentation Board, instituted by the Commission, as also the reports of Presbyteries, as to the action of the several congregations within their bounds, in regard to the Fund, find that a majority of congregations have approved of the principle of a common Fund, and of the plan of distribution recommended by the Commission, but that great diversity of opinion exists with respect to the other arrangements suggested by the Commission,

Wherefore it is resolved

tions in connexion with the Church are main- | this principle, from the energy displayed at Bir-
tained in healthy operation.
mingham, we argue confidently their ultimate
success. There is one part of the above letter to
which we call special attention; it is that in
which it is said that our people resolved, and that
in circumstances well calculated to make selfish-
ness assume the guise of prudence-that they
would not confine their contributions to them-
selves. This is the scriptural course, and it is the
dictate of the truest prudence, and the truest
policy. We know of nothing more calculated to
cramp the inward or self tending liberality of a
congregation than a selfish indifference to the
claims of others; and as this is one of the most
paralyzing so is it also one of the most prevailing
errors with which we have to grapple in dealing
themselves, they are alive to the importance of with (not our people, for their Christian instincts
encouraging liberality towards all the Church's teach them better, but with) our ministers,
schemes. In connexion with this congregation, Managers, and Trustees. Teach the people
there are not many who are able to contribute to give to others, and they will give to your own
much, and yet, since the month of July last, local schemes. But deprive thom of the
sums falling very little short of a total of 901. Christian privilege of contributing to the bene-
have been subscribed for objects beyond the im-fit of others, and in vain will you appeal to them
mediate support of the Church, and within the for yourselves. We repeat Birmingham de-
last month they have commenced subscriptions serves all credit, and we trust God will soon
for building a school, which is progressing provide them a minister after his own heart,
and that our people there will have ample
cause in acknowledging his hand to say, “He
doeth all things well." A more important
place there is not vacant in our Church, nor
one that requires an abler man, nor one
that would put an able man of God in
a sphere of labour more conducive to the
advancement, not only of local, but of general

At first sight it appears to many of our wise calculating friends little short of madness for a congregation so few in numbers, and so poor, to contribute so much to objects beyond the 1st. That the principle of a Common Fund pale of its own immediate support, but the fact be approved, and recommended to the support is, that in proportion to the increase of conof all the congregations connected with the tributions for other objects, so is the increase Synod, as being, in the deliberate judgment of to the funds for maintaining Divine ordithe Synod, well fitted to promote the efficiency nances amongst themselves. And there is a and extension of the Church, but inasmuch as farge experience of the truth that they who particular engagements, or other circum-water others shall themselves be watered. stances, may render it inexpedient for some congregations to place themselves on the fund for the present, it is left to the discretion of congregations to act in this matter as they may deem expedient.

2d. That all details as to the mode of raising their contributions to the Sustentation Fund, whether by deacon's courts, seat-rents, subscriptions or otherwise, be left entirely to the discretion of congregations.

3d. That the arrangements of so much of the scheme as is now approved and sanctioned by the Synod be remitted to the Commission for revision; and in that particular it is recommended to the Commission to consider and determine whether the minimum of the contribution required, in order to entitle congregations to be placed upon the fund, as also the gradations of the scale determining the dividends, might not with advantage be lowered. And further, obtain all the information in their power as to the local arrangements for raising contributions to the fund, which different congregations may adopt, or may deem desirable to be adopted.

4th. That the Sustentation Board be authorized to engage a suitable agent for visiting congregations, and carrying out the objects of the scheme, if they shall see fit.


SINCE the vacancy in the Presbyterian Church here, the pulpit has been supplied under the direction of the London Presbytery by Ministers of our own Church, of the Free Church of Scotland, and of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, and we are gratified in being able to state that even in present circumstances there are indications rather of increase than diminution, a result which must without doubt be ascribed to the efficiency of the supplies that have been afforded, as well as to the energy with which the various associa

Some of our friends in Birmingham think
it would be well to make an attempt at tithing

our increase, and that individual Churches
would not find themselves losers by coming to
a resolution that a proportion or per centage of
all they collect for their own local purposes, and
for their own individual support, should be
given to the schemes of the Church, as a sort of
tithe or first-fruit offering of their own increase.
Sure we are, that by whatever name it may be
called, it is the duty of every Christian man and
woman, however humble their lot, to devote a
portion of their income to the support of
God's house, and we think the principle ought
to be extended to the income of each individual
congregation, a proportion of the income
realized, however small, ought to be devoted
to the support of the Church's schemes, or, in
other words, the extension of the Gospel at
home and abroad.

[Placed as we are in a position which brings
all the affairs of the Church under our notice
we are occasionally agitated with conflicting
emotions. We bless God, however, that the
hopeful and the promising in the prospects and
condition of our church, far preponderate over
the discouraging and despondent. The above
report of the state of matters at Birmingham,
all things considered, is extremely cheering. It
shows what a few men of faith, zeal, and cou-

can accomplish under unfavourable circumstances. It shows that we ought never to distrust the good grace and aid of our covenanted God. Birmingham deserves the sympathy of the Church, but our zealous and resolute friends there deserve also our admiration. God helps those who use in a proper spirit the means with which he supplies them, and on

wisely herein. Let all our vacant congregations
*The Birmingham Congregation are acting
imitate their example. The Church is more
alive now to the necessity of getting first-rate
men. Let vacant congregations just exercise a
little patience.-[ED.]


AN elegant pulpit gown
to Mr. Kidd, and it is only justice to
was presented
say, that the idea of this originated with
the senior class for religious instruction,
which Mr. K. commenced a few months
ago. A pulpit bible was also presented
some time ago; and many proofs of kind-
which must be gratefully mentioned a dona-
ness have been shown besides, among
tion of 51. from Sir Francis Blake. The con-
gregation here has had difficulties to contend

the communion of the English Presbyterian
Church only a few months ago, and when it
is considered that a chapel is nearly finished.
capable of containing, without difficulty, 800
people, that the audience is in general about
whom were once belonging to the Secession
600, and that the congregation, a number of
Church, is, strictly speaking, a Society of
only eight months' standing, there is cause
for abundant gratitude. It is bare justice to
say, that the Berwick Presbytery of the Eng-
lish Presbyterian Church have shown an
attention and a kindness that cannot be for-
gation, and add to it daily of such as "shall
gotten. May God prosper this new congre-
be saved!"

with of no common kind; it was received into


WE understand that the congregation at Hampstead, have recently sent Professor Lorimer a very handsome present, which they desire to be regarded, to use their own words,

"not as a compensation for his ministrations among them during the past twelve months-but as a little token of their great esteem for his gratuitous labour of love in that place."

We quite agree with Mr. Fraser, of Hampstead, who was the channel through which the congregation sent the present, and whose own services as a Deacon have been invalua

ble to our young and hopeful station in that locality that this incident "tells a great deal not only towards Professor Lorimer personally, but also towards our cause."

We may take this opportunity of mentioning that the prosperity of the congregation at Hampstead is steady and progressive. The revenue for last year, amounted to upwards of 160%. The Committee are now engaged in correspondence with Scotland in order to obtain supplies for the winter-and it is hoped that in the spring the congregation may be in a position to invite some qualified individual to become their settled pastor.



[THE following admirable address, to which we made reference in our last, we have obtained permission to reprint, and we are certain our readers will thank us for presenting it in this form.-ED.]

Dear young friends,-You have often been told by us that the money which every year you subscribe and collect, has been sent to aid Christians in Britain in sending out Missionaries to the Heathen, but we write this to tell you that our Church has now resolved to send out Missionaries of her own. Many Ministers and Elders of our Church, met together in Manchester lately, to fix on what station they would take up, and where they would plant the first standard for the truth. They remembered both a command and a promise of Jesus Christ. The command was, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature!" and the promise was, "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." When they looked abroad over the earth, they saw one kingdom where myriads of human beings live, and they saw that of them it might well be said, that "no man cared for their souls," for there are few men of God labouring there, and three hundred and seventy millions of our fellow-sinners are, almost without exception, perishing in that dark land.

What country do you think it was? It was a country which takes a great many of our manufactures from us, and gives employment to a great many of our people, and which sends us back in exchange the tea which refreshes after the day's work is over. It was CHINA.

We have not room here, or we might tell you a great deal about that vast empire. You will be hearing about it, from month to month, in the "Messenger," which many of your parents take in and read. But we may just remind you that the first Protestant Missionary to China was Dr. Morrison, whose father was an elder in one of the Churches connected with our body in Newcastle. He was early brought to love the Saviour, under his father and mother's instruction, from the Bible and the Shorter Catechism, such as you are receiving, and in 1807 he set sail for Canton, and devoted himself to the work of making known to the Chinese the true God, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent. He laboured with unwearied diligence, and under many trials, translating the Scriptures and the Shorter Catechism into the Chinese language, and at length, in 1819, completed that great work. On that occasion he expressed himself in the following words:"To have Moses, David, and the prophets, Jesus Christ and his disciples, using their own words, and thereby declaring to the inhabitants of this land the wonderful works of God, indicates, I hope, the speedy introduction of a happier era in these parts of the world;

and I trust that the gloomy darkness of Pagan | through your heart, "Ye know the grace of scepticism will be dispelled by the dayspring our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was from on nigh; and that the gilded idols of rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that Budha, and the numberless images which ye, through his poverty, might be rich." And fill this land, will one day fall before the if you are a child of God, and if you have power of God's word, as Dagon fell before within you that precious witness which says, the ark." "He loved me, and gave himself for me,' you will arise at once, and discover some new way whereby, through the sacrifice of self, you may glorify the Lord.

Though the Bible was thus translated into the language of China, the circulation of it was altogether prohibited till within the last few months. But on the 9th day, 11th month, 24th year of Taukwang, in reply to the memorial of Keying, the Imperial Commissioner, the Emperor himself repealed the edict which forbad the circulation of the Bible. The Word of God may now have free course among the many millions of that vast empire. Toleration has been granted, to a certain extent, to preach the Gospel, and a wide and effectual door is here thrown open by Him that openeth and no man shutteth.

There are many circumstances connected with the myriads of inhabitants in that country which should rouse to action our Christian feelings. We are told that, "Night after night a cart rattles through the streets of Pekin. It sets out empty, but as it passes on its conductor hears a faint cry, as if from some deserted child. It is what he seeks. With rude hands he tosses it into his vehicle, and proceeds on his way ! Another and another experiences a similar fate, and when the load is completed, the whole are thrown with careless indifference into a pit prepared for them." Will you not feel for these poor children?

"To take another example-the condition of the Chinese women. Although they are not called by the name, they are really slaves, and are treated in a far more barbarous way than are many in that condition, even in America. Suicide among them is an everyday occurrence. It is the only resource left them of terminating their miseries." Will you, who enjoy the privileges and blessings of being the daughters of Christians, not do something to rescue them out of their degraded state?

To this people, so great in number, our Church has resolved to send out a missionary. You will agree with us, however, that at least three should be sent out at once. It is a disgrace to speak of only one. But they cannot be sent without funds, and the number will depend on what you and others do to assist her; and therefore it is our earnest prayer that every one of you may begin to do more than you have ever yet attempted,-first, by pleading more at a throne of grace for the poor Chinese; next, by giving more of what God has given you to support our missionaries, and then by doing all that you can among your neighbours and companions, to lead them also to love the poor heathen for Jesu's sake, and to save and give all they can for this object.

And now, dear young friends, ever keep before your eye the claims which the Lord Jesus has upon you. Devote your existence to answering these. They reach to the most minute and unobserved of your actions, words, and thoughts, as well as to the greatest of them; so that, in reality, you never give an hour of your time or a penny of your money to mere self-pleasing without robbing the Lord of his due. Emmanuel did not pay the ransom for his elect without leaving at each redeemed one's door a debt of love which you can never pay, but which you may acknowledge by a holy life on earth, and an everlasting song of praise above.

When you are tempted by Satan to think that you have already given enough in support of Christ's cause, oh! may these words sound


Again, when the devil tempts you to feel as if you had prayed enough and laboured enough for the heathen at home and abroad, or when he succeeds in getting you to go about the work sleepily and heartlessly, oh! remember the reproof of an ignorant heathen to a slumbering prophet, and your inmost heart will be pierced, while the perishing millions of India, of Africa, and of China seem to cry in a voice of thunder, "What meanest thou, oh sleeper; arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not!

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The members of the Committee will be happy to supply collecting cards and missionary boxes.

[We hope other congregations will follow the example of our zealous friends at Manchester. The young ought to be specially cared for, the lambs of Christ's flock ought to be fed with food convenient for them and trained to walk in his footsteps.-ED.]


OUR readers will be gratified to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Charteris have arrived safely at Corfu. We have been favoured with a perusal of a letter addressed by Mr. C. to the Secretary of the Ladies' Association, in which he states some particulars of the voyage outwards. The letter was written immediately on landing, and could not consequently contain any information relative to the plans and prospects of the Mission. Mr. Charteris, however, was to write to us in a week or two, and we trust in our next number to be able to convey fuller information regarding the prospects of our Mission. At present we commend Mr. Charteris and the cause in which he is engaged to the prayers of our readers. Nothing stimulates and supports the missionary so much as the knowledge that he enjoys the sympathies of friends at home, and that froin many a closet and family altar there daily ascend prayers of faith on his behalf. Let us assure our first missionary that he is not only not forgotten, but is continually in our minds when at a throne of grace. The prayers of British Christians from their own holy mountain of near access to God have borne up our missionary host in their hot contests with error and sin.

It affords us great pleasure to add that with that spirit of truly Apostolic Catholicism which leads missionaries of all denominations to hail a fellow-missionary, of what denomination soever he may be, as a brother and a fellowsoldier engaged in the same holy cause, Mr. Charteris has received the greatest kindness from the brethren of the American Baptist Mission at Corfu. Mr. Arnold, on learning that Mr. and Mrs. Charteris had arrived in the bay, went on board the ship and brought them to his own house, where they were to remain till they had obtained suitable accommodation for themselves. We trust the time is not far distant when the same Catholic spirit will be manifested also at home.


[THE subjoined abstract of the sums received during the preceding three months by the

Association in aid of the Church's various schemes in Regent-square Church was laid before the London Presbytery at its last meeting in terms of the instructions of Synod that Presbyteries should enquire into the operations of all the congregational associations within their bounds. We request our readers to cast their eye over the following columns before we offer a remark or two upon the subject. We would only add further in this place, that the Associations in Regent-square are under the management of the Deacon's Court who provide and superintend the collectors, allocate districts, receive or disburse the monies, in short, take the active, if not the entire management of the Associations.--ED.]

[blocks in formation]

[The Session and Deacon's Court in Regent

square have divided the congregation into districts and appointed a collector or collectors to visit the families in the districts assigned them. Each individual is left to his own option to pay his contributions weekly, monthly, or quarterly, as may best suit his or her convenience. At the time appointed, the collector appears, and we have it on authority that "the people give willingly and cheerfully, looking with pleasure for the periodically returning visit of the collector." Of this we never doubted. From the outset we stated from our own experience and the testimony of all the collectors we have met with (and they were not few) both in Scotland and in England, that you have only to state your case simply and clearly, and our members will give most cheerfully to the whole extent of their ability. There is a beautiful spirit of Christian liberality at present abroad among all denominations. The claims of the Church on the support of her members for all Christian enterprises are now much better understood and more cheerfully responded to. at last to understand better that the silver and the gold are the Lord's, and that it is a noble Christian privilege to be permitted to contribute so willingly after this sort. We do wish that all official parties throughout our congregations were able fully to understand the real state of feeling among their members, and afford to all disposed an opportunity of contributing of their substance to the service of their God.

Men seem

We owe much to the congregation of Regent-square for having, so far as we know, been the first to set congregational associations in full efficient operations. It is true that is a large and wealthy congregation. But

Barbour, of Manchester.

We shall be


A HANDSOME 4to. Bible was lately sent to Mr. Nisbet through the Parcels Delivery Company, accompanied with a note containNisbet." The Bible must have been puring only the words, "Restitution to Mr. loined from Mr. Nisbet's premises some

twenty years ago, and perhaps by the reading of that very Bible the party had been made to see his sin, and now makes such reparation as he has it in his power to make to the man whom he had injured; and may we not hope that he has also been enabled, through the blood of the Cross, to present an acceptable atonement to that God against whom he had sinned? Mr. Nisbet, with excellent taste, has presented the Bible to the London Presbytery with a suitable inscription recording its history.

we know too well that it is neither members | requested to attend to this case.
nor wealth, nor both combined, that can most happy to receive donations to any
render efficient aid to our various schemes. amount, but it were better to send them direct
Twice the numbers and opulence of Regent- to the Treasurer. Does any one ask who
square would have been unproductive, but is the Treasurer of the Home Mission Fund?
for the means afforded through the instrumen- He must be only a stranger in our Israel who
tality of associations of giving to each mem- needs to be informed that it is Mr. Robert
beran opportunity of consecrating his property
to the cause of God. This is so self-evident
a truism that it would hardly need to be
stated but that we find practically it is too
much overlooked. Why then should not
every congregation within our Church adopt
the plans enjoined by the Synod, and institute
without loss of time the machinery required?
One of the most hopeful features of the
above abstract is the progressive increase of
the contributions. For the first month they
amounted only to 687., but during the second
they advanced to 1081., and before the end
of the third they increased to near 2097., that is
each month almost doubled the contributions
of the preceding, and that arose, be it re-
membered, not from an increase in the
contributions of each individual, but from
an increase in the number of the contributors
themselves. The system and machinery in Re-
gent-square are yet by no means sufficiently ma-
tured. And yet that congregation (not speaking
of public collections at all, nor of the donations
and subscriptions of its individual members
through other channels) contributed in Sept.
last 2087. 16s. through its own association to
the various schemes of the Church. And
what will these sums amount to when the
congregation is thoroughly worked? and
what noble funds may our Church calculate
upon receiving if each congregation but just
do their duty like Regent-square? We re-
joice to know that our congregations are now
better alive to the importance of possessing
the requisite internal machinery for contri-
buting to local funds and to the general
schemes of the Church. This is our first
financial year, and although its proceeds are
not just what could be desired, yet they
afford a most hopeful promise of what future
years cannot fail to accomplish.--But what
will be the contributions to the College? We
shall state in our next.-ED.]


THE deputation of the Home Mission an-
nounced in our last, has not, owing to circum-
stances, been able to accomplish their visit to
London, but will, we believe, appear in the
course of this month. In the meantime the
demands upon the funds of the Mission are
incessant, and yet no contributions are
received. The present state of matters is
certainly not satisfactory. The collection ap-
pointed by the Synod for the Home Mission
does not take place till March next. But before
that time the Mission fund must be in debt
to the Treasurer to the full amount of what
the collections may contribute, and thus the
Mission will commence its operations next
year as it did this year, without a farthing in
its coffers, and a monthly series of demands
which it has no funds to meet. This state of
matters cannot longer be allowed to exist.
Means must be employed to obtain funds.
The Church is too much interested in the
success of the Home Mission to suffer matters
to remain longer as they are. The Treasurer
has issued circulars to the friends of the
Church, stating the exigency that has arisen,
and soliciting donations to meet the current
demands made upon the funds. We trust
that all who have received such circulars will
respond with their usual liberality. Parties
who have not received circulars are urgently



LIVERPOOL. · Rathbone - street Sabbathschool.-The teachers and children of the Lord's-day-school and other young people connected with the congregation under the pastoral care of the Rev. J. R. Welsh met in the school-room on the evening of Monday the 6th Oct., to hold a conversazzione regarding China with a view to increasing the interest already begun to be felt in behalf of the mission of our Church in that wide and interesting field. After a hymn and prayer, the Chairman stated the object of the Meeting, and explained the circumstances which peculiarly encourage British Christians to attempt propagating the Gospel in China. The facilities presented for missionary work by the translation of the Bible into Chinese afford us opportunities that fifty years ago did not exist. The providence of God in making China the only country whence tea could be imported, seemed designed to bring the Lord's people in this kingdom into connexion with that long-benighted though not uncivilized land.

Mr. Sturm was then called on to give an account of the tea-plant; whereafter Mr. Robert Welsh enforced the duty of missions on scriptural grounds, and took farewell of the school. The proceedings were closed by an address and prayer from the beloved pastor. The interest of the evening was increased by the exhibition of an eastern idol and of a curious Chinese book of paintings representing the various punishments that are inflicted by that people. By means of a map the geographical position of China and Britain was pointed out, and the voyage between the two countries was partly described. Slight refreshment was given in the course of the evening. The following arithmetical question which was asked may interest our young readers. Suppose the population of China to be 360 millions, and calculating a generation at 30 years, how many of its inhabitants pass into the eternal world every year, month, week, day, hour, and minute?

[We are glad the claims of China are being brought so prominently before our Sabbathschools and juvenile societies, and hope the example here set will be universally followed. — ED.

ALNWICK. The children attending the Sabbath-school in connexion with St. James's

Presbyterian Church here, to the number of 120, took tea together on the 9th inst., when they were examined, in presence of their parents and friends, on the shorter Catechism, and their acquaintance with Scripture truth. They were then addressed by the Rev. J. Thomson, their pastor, who, for more than an hour rivetted the attention of all present from the youngest to the oldest. On the evening of the following Sabbath, Mr. Thomson delivered a discourse to the young, after which a collection was made in aid of the Sabbath school Library, which amounted to 67. 3s. 6d. Both parents and children were highly delighted with the proceedings. In no Sabbath-school have we been privileged to witness more zeal in the teachers, and more mutual love between teachers and taught than in this. Long may it continue to grow and increase. We were favoured lately with a

visit from the Rev. Professor Lorimer from

London, who delivered a long and interesting address upon the schemes of the Presbyterian Church in England. At the conclusion of his address an Association in aid of this scheme was formed, and promises well. A sum of upwards of 31. has been remitted from the congregation to the Treasurer of the Foreign Mission funds, being the first missionary collection known to have been made in St. James'. May it be an earnest of noble deeds!

[blocks in formation]

ercise all due judgment in bestowing their | meeting at Exeter Hall on the 14th October;
certificates. The only desire of the Com- the Rev. Wm. Nicolson, Moderator, in the
mittee is to discharge their responsible trust chair.
in the manner most conducive to the ends of
their appointment. But in order to enable
them to decide judiciously they must trust
very much to the information they receive
from parties who are acquainted with the
claims of the various schools.


Dear Sir, I beg to intimate to you that the School Committee are now prepared to receive applications for grants from the Sustentation Fund, which has been placed at their disposal by the Church.

All such applications must be accompanied with answers to the annexed Schedule of Queries; which answers must be certified, and each case recommended by the Presbytery of the bounds. All applications must be lodged on or before the 1st day of January next; and none lodged after that date can be considered before the next meeting of Synod.

If you have no Day-School connected with your Church, be so good as to inform the Committee whether you think there is room for one in your locality; and if so, whether, in your opinion, and in that of your Session, it would be practicable to commence one immediately, with the aid of the Committee.

I remain, Dear Sir, yours respectfully,


I. Is there a Day-School in connexion with your Church?-II. If so, what is the average number of children attending it?-III. What are the branches of education taught in it?— IV. What are the School books used?-V. What is the Schoolmaster's Income? How much derived from salary? How much derived from fees?-VI. If the Schoolmaster has a salary, from what source is it derived? VII. What is the rate of fees charged? And whether higher than the fees charged in the neighbouring schools of other religious deno minations? And if higher, how much so ?— VIII. Do you pay a rent for the school-house? If so, how much? IX. If the School-house is the property of the congregation, have you any burdens upon it? And if so, to what amount?-X. Are School-books and other school materials supplied to the pupils gratuitously, or at reduced prices? And in either case what is the anuual expenditure incurred in this way?-XI. Has the schoolmaster attended any Normal Seminary?-XII. Is he qualified to teach Latin, Greek, and Mathematics?-XIII. Has your school any other schools in the neighbourhood to compete with? And at what distance is the nearest of such schools from yours?-XIV. Have you any special claim to state in support of your application, not brought out in your answers to the preceding queries?

Such then is the amount of the School Sustentation Fund received up till the date of our going to press. We are grieved to say that only about one half of our congregations have made a collection for this most important object. The School Committee have issued a circular addressed to every session which has not made the required collection, and also a circular and schedule of queries to all our congregations, which we subjoin. In their first-named circular the Committee very properly state, that in allocating sums to the various schools, regard must be add to the fact, whether collections have been made. This does not say in so many words that congregations that have not made collections need expect no aid to their schools, but most assuredly in estimating the comparative claims of the respective applicants, the fact that a collection has or has not been made is a most important element in coming to a conclusion. But we do hope that no congregation has been prevented from making a collection by the consideration that they had no school for which to lodge a claim. This were to betray PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN ENGLAND. both a lack of policy and a lack of duty; for, 1st. every church ought to have a school, and, 2d. if from any reasons they have not established a school for themselves, that is no reason whatever why they should not aid their more diligent brethren.




THE TREASURER, MR. NISBET, begs to acknowledge, as under, received this month :


NEWCASTLE Collected by Susannah Brown, from High Bridge Church, Friends, &c. WHITEHAVEN-per Rev. Joseph Burns at the Presbyterian


21, Berners-street, Oct. 21, 1845.

In filling up the schedule we trust the answers will be made as specific as possible, BRIGHTON-Collected and that any additional information will be furnished which may enable the Committee to come to a more perfect understanding regarding the comparative claims of the various applicants.



4 2

An extract minute from the Records of the Free Presbytery of St. Andrew's was produced and read, to the effect, that said Presbytery had refused to translate Mr. Ferrie from his present congregation at Anstruther, in Fife, to the congregation at Leicestersquare, in London.

Extract-minutes from the Records of the

General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, and of the Free Presbytery of Aberdeen, were produced and read, to the

effect that these Reverend Courts entertained a very high opinion of the character and qualifications of the Rev. Abercromby Lockhart Gordon, late minister of the Free Grey Friars' Church, Aberdeen, and that they commended him affectionately and earnestly to their brethren of the Presbyterian Church of England, but more particularly to the brethren of the Presbytery of London, within whose The Presbytery bounds he now resides. unanimously agreed that Mr. Gordon be re

ceived as a minister in connexion and in full

communion with the Presbyterian Church in England.

with his instructions, and in the presence of a Mr. Wilson reported that, in accordance very respectable audience, he had formed the congregation at Wolverhampton into a Church in connexion with the Presbyterian Church of England; and Professor Lorimer also reported, that he had obtempered the instructions of the Presbytery by preaching at Wolverhampton on the day appointed. A temporary Kirk Session was appointed for this station till a fixed pastor has been or-dained over them.

The clerk read the Report of the Committee appointed to confer with the memorialists from Westminster; and, after a lengthened conversation, it was agreed that Mr. Henderson be appointed to labour in that very important field during the ensuing year.

The Presbytery inquired into the progress which had been made within their bounds in organizing Associations for the prosecution of the schemes of the Church.

An application was received from the congregation at Ranelagh, craving the appointment of an early day for the moderation of a call to a pastor to labour amongst them in the Lord, and the Presbytery appointed Friday, the 31st current, at half-past six o'clock, p.m., for this purpose. The Rev. J. Fisher to

preach and preside.

Professor Lorimer gave a very encouraging account of the state of the station at Hampstead.

A Committee of the whole House was appointed to meet at Exeter Hall on Tuesday, the 28th instant, at seven o'clock in the evening, for the examination of the students, preparatory to attending the theological college.

The Presbytery adjourned to meet at Ranelagh Chapel, on Friday, the 31st instant, at half-past six o'clock.


FELTON, SEPT. 17, 1845.-On Wednesday the Presbytery met here by appointment, and was duly constituted. The Rev. Messrs. Huie, (Mod.), Blythe, sen., Dr. Hutchison, 0 0 Hoy M'Clymont, Anderson, Edwards, Gil5 50 lespie, Lennie, and Blythe, jun., (the Clerk,) with Mr. James Hall, and Ramsey, Elders, were present as Elders for the congregation at Felton was handed in. In regard to what had been done since last Meeting of Synod for the Evangelistic and educational schemes



We trust also that Presbyteries will ex- THIS Presbytery held its ordinary monthly of the Church, Mr. M'Clymont reported that

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