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Minister of the Presbyterian Church, River Terrace, Islington. London,

N. H. Cotes.

This Sermon bears the stamp of its author's warm and vigorous mind. It

is lively and various, affectionate and earnest, and full of instruction even to those who do not need conviction.

A Warning to the Rulers of the Land: especially addressed to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, with Reference to the proposed Endowment of Popery. By the Rev. W. NICOLSON.-London. A solemn and faithful remonstrance; but, like many others, as it now appears, tendered in vain. Like Mr. Wilson, its able and devoted author is a recent acquisition to the cause of Presbyterianism in London; and we trust that under his fully-furnished ministrations, the Church of Robert Fleming and Henry Hunter may renew the days of its youth.


(From the Report of the British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews.) THE Society's simple object is the spiritual welfare of the Jews, and this it seeks to promote by the co-operation of all who, loving the Lord Jesus, also long for the salvation of Israel. Its primary field is England. Situated as we are, we feel that the command to preach the Gospel to the Jews, requires us to begin at London; and when, by the blessing of God, we have gone over the towns of England, we hope to extend our labours to the Continent and remoter regions.

In London, where there are resident probably about 20,000 Jews, four missionaries are constantly employed, and another is about to enter on the work. In addition to these, the Committee are now enabled to avail themselves of an eminently-qualified individual, whose office it is to receive and converse with serious Jewish inquirers, and to give instruction in Jewish literature and modes of argument to those employed as missionaries. Three of these fulfil their mission in districts almost entirely inhabited by Israelites; of which districts some idea may be formed from the following descriptions given by the missionaries.

One of them says: "In endeavouring to present as condensed a view as possible of monthly visitations, it is difficult to avoid repetition; the Scriptures read and arguments used being in substance the same. Still, however, it is gratifying to be able to say, that those blessed truths which make wise unto salvation, have again been listened to, and the Gospel simply and plainly set forth; and that those who have been induced to hear it on former occasions, continue to hear with increased interest and attention. With these feelings I cannot but express gratitude to God, that I have been enabled to show, that the plan of salvation, as stated in the New Testament, is in the fullest accordance with the Old.

"The only knowledge of religion that is common among the Jews in this district, is, that they are the people of God'—that they must keep the law, observing the Sabbaths and holy days, and do as well as they can.

"The district contains about 750 Jewish families, of whom about 400 have been visited. Others would not receive me, and many have been visited, as occasion required, who live

beyond the boundaries of the district, besides those who from time to time call at my house, and with whom I spend several hours every week. In the midst, however, of the many abounds, it is comforting to see even a slight discouragements with which this barren soil indication of good; this, I am happy to say, has been the case in many instances during the past month, and, though I have had more opposition than usual to encounter, yet, upon the whole, my reception has been tolerably good. May He who caused light to shine out of darkness, shine upon the word of Divine truth, and into the hearts of those who have heard it, giving them to see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ!" Another writes: "The district which is the scene of my labours, contains 583 families, 500 of whom are Jews; every room is occupied, on an average, with one family, with from three to five children each, amounting in all to about 2,000 individuals. The occupations of the Jews are, in this district, various. Being poor, and having little knowledge of mechanical labour, they devote themselves to anything by which they can with honesty procure a scanty subsistence. Out of the number of 500 families occupying 483 rooms, being the number of apartments in 227 houses, 415 are under actual visitation, and to the others I have given some tracts with a hint on the all-important concerns of their souls." Our other friend is enabled to gain access to families residing in various parts of London, superior to these in temporal circumstances. By many of them his visits are thankfully received, and his expositions of Divine truth listened to with seriousness.


The Committee refer also with peculiar thankfulness to the labours of a valued missionary who having been long engaged, with many decided tokens of usefulness, in Bristol, where he had gained the confidence of Christians and of his Jewish brethren, has spent some weeks most beneficially among the Jews at Birmingham, and is now pursuing the same course with unwearied zeal under the direction of the Committee of the Auxiliary Society lately formed in Manchester. thus reviews the first year of his labours: "On looking back with devout reflection, mine eyes run down with tears of joy and thankfulness, that I have been allowed to offer salvation to my perishing felllow-sinners, but especially to the long-neglected sheep of the house of Israel. You will perhaps be surprised when I tell you that the Lord has enabled me, in his good providence, to meet, during the past year, with upwards of 1,500 individuals, and not one of them has escaped my notice without my telling them that Jesus the Crucified is the true Messiah. With regard to the living testimonies afforded to the Word of God, I can thankfully put you in mind of two who are I believe under the care of a faithful minister; of another who is by all appearence a sincere and devoted believer; and of one who has lately received the ordinance of baptism, in connexion with another society; besides many individuals who went from me to seek assistance elsewhere. I feel assured, my dear Sirs, that you will not despise the day of small things; and who can tell the joy which these little and feeble ones have caused among the angels in heaven, yea, and to Christ himself, who has thus seen of the travail of his soul and been satisfied, while the poor efforts of his servants are proved not to be in vain? Then again, the valuable tracts which you have committed to my trust I have carefully distributed, and they have, in many cases, proved effectual. Thus, O my dear fathers and friends in the

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bonds of the Gospel of our Jesus, you will bear me in mind and heart at the throne of grace, to render praises and thanksgivings for many mercies vouchsafed unto me your hummy mission." ble servant during this last memorable year of

'He thus describes the present scene of his occupation: "I commenced my stated operations here about three months ago, and I believe that, already, the Lord is doing great things. I have formed an acquaintance with the most part of the Jews resident here; they are in number about 1,500. They have no prejudice against me; if any offend me, he presently asks pardon; and if some are vexed by the impression made by Divine truth on others, they do not fall out with me. average, I meet and converse with from ten to fifteen per day.-I have carefully given away all your tracts, and several Bibles and New Testaments."

On an

He mentions two cases of apparent conversion, and others of much spiritual promise. The number of travelling Jews he describes as about 1,500 annually.

The Committee have much pleasure in referring to the cases of two individuals, with regard to whom reserve appears unnecessary.

One of them was a wanderer in our land, when some pious females met with him-first made known to him the doctrine of the Messiah, and introduced him to a minister of the Gospel, at whose hands he received a copy of the New Testament, of the real worth of which he was at the time utterly regardless. But he read, and as he read, the Spirit of God breathed upon the sacred page, and life entered into the soul of the young Israelite. As an inquirer, and almost with the language of the Greeks of old upon his lips, "Sir, I would see Jesus," our missionary found him. Himself of the seed of Abraham, he welcomed him at his humble home, read with him the Scriptures day by day, and saw in him the promise fulfilled, “Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord." The "young man " became "strong" in his love to the Saviour, and in compassion for the souls of his brethren. The Committee placed him under the care and instruction of an able and faithful minister of the Gospel, who, when satisfied of his piety, administered to him the rite of baptism. He is now engaged as a faithful, persevering, and judicious missionary among his brethren, where first he found Him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did write. His journals attest the meekness yet fervour of his spirit-the simplicity of his faith and his aptness for teaching. They prove, too, that his heavenly Father is gladdening the morning of his new day with many tokens of his approval. The minister, who has had him under instruction, thus speaks of him :-" He has my confidence fully, so far as I have been able to see him. His conduct seems every way consistent and devoted. With a good deal of disinterested generosity, I believe he pinches himself to assist a poor but serious inquirer. And he has now the additional burden of a young brother, destitute of every means of support. He is his brother, and he cannot turn him away. Often and long has he prayed for his conversion.”

The other individual referred to has been long known to members of the Committee, and highly esteemed by them. He, too, when travelling in this country, first received some knowledge of the truth from a pious family, who, in the spirit of unsuspecting Christian benevolence, received him to their house-for weeks sheltered and tended him when his health had failed-led his steps for the first

time to the house of God, and opened to him the Scriptures. After frequent intercourse with the missionary, his enmity to truth was subdued, and he came to London, where, under the faithful preaching of the Rev. Ridley Herschell and another minister, and by the prayerful instructions of private Christians, he was led to know the way of the Lord more perfectly-became a constant attendant on the services of the sanctuary; and having given satisfactory evidence of a work of grace on his heart, has been recently baptized. His connexions on the Continent are most respectable. The affection subsisting between him and the members of his family, is of the tenderest character. Severely has his spirit been tried by the most persuasive and powerful inducements to return home. He remains stedfast, preferring a very laborious occupation, with small wages, in the house of a Christian, loved and honoured by him for his piety and kindness, to all the comforts and endearments of home. Baptism severs the last tie that binds an inquiring Jew to his father's house; and now these two brethren, in their anguish as disowned of those they love, and in their faith as Christians, cast themselves on your sympathy and prayers, who love and follow their Saviour. The last-mentioned young man forms one of many converted Israelites in London, who sit beneath the faithful preaching of the Gospel, meet at the table of a crucified Saviour, and in teaching the young, and in other Christian efforts, testify of the grace they have received. Several of them attend the Society's prayer-meetings, and occasionally

lead the devotions.


OUR readers must all have heard of the signal success which has attended the labours of Dr. Kalley, in Madeira, and of the persecution which he and his converts have in consequence undergone. We shall return to this subject in our next number, as the whole narrative is fitted to set in a very striking light both the intolerant spirit of the Church of Rome, and the very altered tone in regard to Protestantism which the Government of this country is disposed to assume. Meanwhile it will interest our readers to be made acquainted with some details in the history of Francisco Pirez Soarez, one of the first fruits of Dr. Kalley's labours. They have been furnished to us by a gentleman who has recently returned from Madeira; and under whose care the Portuguese convert in question, having escaped the fangs of his persecutors in Madeira, has come to this country.

Francisco was originally a most bigotted Roman Catholic. During the struggle in Portugal betwixt the Miguelites and Pedroites, he joined the former party, not from any political motive, but simply because it was the party supported by the priests, and was consequently connected in his mind with the cause of religion. It is extraordinary how such an individual should ever have come in contact with Dr. Kalley, but Providence prepared the way by afflicting him with some complaint in the region of his heart. He was induced to consult the Doctor, and derived such benefit from his advice, that he resolved to attend also to his spiritual instructions. If

after proceeding so violently against the other, would of course have cast some suspicion on the motives of the authorities. Accordingly, the old process was revived against him also; and no fewer that eighteen men were despatched with six mandates of imprisonment to apprehend him. They proceeded straight to his fazenda, or cultivated ground, but whilst they were entering it on one side, without being aware of their ap proach, he went out on the other for the purpose of seeing Dr. Kalley. Whilst in the Doctor's house, he was informed of his narrow escape; and so signal an interposition of Providence was at once received as an intimation, that he should return to his place of concealment. After continuing in hidings this second time for seven or eight months, his friends began to see that it was necessary to remove him from the island; and while they were consulting where they should send him, and how they could provide for him, a letter arrived from the Rev. Mr. Fraser, minister of the Free Church in Bombay, requesting that some Portuguese convert might be sent to that place to act as catechist among the Portuguese Roman Catholics residing in it. As Francisco was the fittest person for this purpose whom Dr. Kalley knew, it was regarded as a providential indication of what should be done with him. It was resolved, therefore, to send him to Bombay; and when the matter was proposed to him, his eye brightened immediately, and he expressed himself ready to go to the extremity of the world, should the Lord so appoint it. He was consequently conveyed with the utmost secrecy on board a vessel, which was on the point of leaving, and he arrived in England on the 3d of May,

he was not the very first, he was at least
among the first, in Madeira to embrace the
truth. On hearing some time after of the
celebration of the Lord's Supper in the Scotch
Church in that island, he expressed a wish,
together with another fellow convert, Nicolau
Tolentino Viegra, to be permitted to join in
that ordinance. As he had completely re-
nounced Romanism, not even making con-
fession to the priest, which is generally the
last act abandoned by the converts; and as
he had a clear and comprehensive knowledge
of Gospel truth, and his walk was most
orderly and consistent, Dr. Kalley thought
it advisable that his wish should be gratified,
and on his making application to the session
of the Scottish Presbyterian Church, the
names of Francisco and his companion were
added to the communion roll. The services
when these two converts first made their
public profession (in 1843), were felt to be
peculiarly refreshing, and doubtless they still
form a green spot in the minds of many
whose privilege it was on that occasion to sit
down at the table of the Lord. This act of
theirs was construed into a proof of heresy
and apostasy, and they were declared liable to
arrest by a judge, in order to being tried.
Mandates were issued for their apprehension,
and hence it was deemed advisable that they
should go into hidings, as in all probability
they would be subjected to very harsh treat-
ment in prison before their trial came on.
They continued in hidings for some
months, till the first proceedings against
Dr. Kalley, which had been commenced
in the meantime, were pronounced by the
Court of Relaçao, in Lisbon, to have been
altogether illegal. The enemy received at
this time a check, more especially as the
public prosecutor in Lisbon had declared, Had the officers succeeded in apprehending
when pleading against the Doctor, that heresy him, he would have been lying at this time
and apostasy were no longer civil crimes by in Funchal gaol, under a charge of heresy
the laws of Portugal, and the two converts and apostasy; and there can be no doubt that
ventured forth from their concealment. For death would have been the doom awarded
some months they met with no annoyance, him. For though the sentence of Maria
native place, the Lombo das Fayas, rendered some time ago has been commuted by the
till Nicolau, having opened a school in his Joachina-the woman condemned to death
himself once more obnoxious to the priests Court of Appeal in Lisbon into three months'
and the Portuguese authorities. The old imprisonment and a fine of six dollars and
charges of heresy and apostasy were revived costs, this has been done, not because heresy
against him, and last summer an attempt was and apostasy, of which she was accused, were
made to apprehend him. Certain officers, crimes not punishable with death in the eye
bearing an order for his imprisonment, en- of the Court, but because the charge of blas-
tered his premises after sunset, in direct phemy was the only one, in their opinion,
contravention of the law of Portugal, while substantiated against her. It is probable,
the order for his imprisonment did not con-
that had the sentence of death been passed on
tain the signature of any judge whatever. Francisco, they would not have proceeded to
As Nicolau refused to accompany the officers put it into execution; for they do not hang
that night to gaol, dreading some foul play by even murderers in Madeira who have been
the way in the dark; and as most of the neigh-capitally condemned. But it is unquestion-
bours had assembled round the school, and
were strong enough to have effected his rescue,
although they offered no violence to the po-
lice, it was thought proper by the authorities
to give this proceeding on their part the

able that they would have subjected him to much harsher treatment in gaol than that which these murderers experience, as indeed has already happened in the case of Maria Joachina.

Of all his converts, Dr. Kalley appears to place the greatest confidence in Francisco, esteeming him very highly for his intelligence, spirituality, and stedfastness.

May the Lord carry him in safety and comfort to the place of his destination, and make him a blessing to his fellow-Portuguese in Bombay!

name of treason, and make it the occasion of
letting loose a body of military among them,
perpetrating the most disgraceful barbarities
on their persons and property. We can-
not now enter into the details of this
shocking transaction: it is already ably,
minutely, and faithfully described in Dr.
Kalley's pamphlet, entitled, "An Account of
the recent Persecution in Madeira," published Nicolau, to whom allusion has been
by John F. Shaw, 27, Southampton-row, the made above, our readers will be glad to
perusal of which we would earnestly recom- learn, has also escaped from his perse-
mend. But it was necessary to allude to this
gross act of the Government, as rendering it cutors, and is now in Demerara, usefully
necessary for Francisco to secrete himself a employed, and we trust, adorning the
second time. He had already been connected doctrine of the Gospel. Dr. Kalley, there
with Nicolau in the same charges of heresy is some reason to believe, may ere long be
and apostasy, and to suffer him to go free expected in this country.

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this SOCIETY was held on Tuesday, the
6th May, 1845, when,

Graham Speirs, Esq., Sheriff of the County of
Edinburgh, was unanimously called to the


The following Report was then read :"REPORT by the Directors of the Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society to the Annual General Meeting held on 6th of May. The directors are happy to announce the continued prosperity of the Society. During the year ending 1st March last, the number of Policies issued was 502, the amount of sums Assured 293,1807., and the Premiums and Entrymoney 11,1561. 8s. 4d. This exceeds the sum Assured last year by about 100,000., and is a greater amount of business than in any former year, excepting the year 1835-6.

As was to be expected from the increased age and influx of Members, the claims on the Society arising from death have exceeded those of previous years; but notwithstanding the amount falls greatly short of the calculation by the Northampton Table. The Policies which have fallen by death are forty in number, and amount to 30,2007., besides 4,0661. of additions. After providing for these sums, the Surplus Fund which has arisen during last year amounts to 14,8877., which, added to 34,9327. reserved at last year's division, makes the Surplus Fund or Rest 49,8197. After deducting lapsed and surrendered Policies the amount remaining Assured at 1st March was 2,134,3817., and the Annual Revenue was upwards of 76,000l. The Accumulated Fund now amounts to 295,1977.

SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE | Report which you have heard read, and the able |
manner in which it has been supported; but
looking back for a period of fourteen years,
when a very few individuals, originally five of
us, I believe, met for the purpose of instituting
this Society, certainly not even the most sanguine
among us could have anticipated the vast success
which has crowned its proceedings. And I
apprehend that the causes of this success are to
be found, in the first place, in the Society's having
been founded on principles which have been re-
cognised as sound by the country at large; and, in
the second place, by its having been conducted
by persons of energy and experience. A great deal
of attention has lately been directed to the prin-
ciples upon which such Societies are founded,
and I am quite certain that, with the knowledge
now abroad upon this subject, no Society is
likely to attain success unless its principles will
bear the strictest investigation and scrutiny.
But it is not enough that a Society like this be
founded upon right principles. There must be
the combination of these two; and it is to their
happy combination in our case that I think our
Society's vast prosperity is to be ascribed;
because it has not only struck its roots into the
place where it was planted, but, as you have
heard to-day, it has spread its branches over
the empire. There are two great principles,
I believe, which, if attended to in the management
of a Society of this kind, render its prosperity
certain. These principles are, great care in the
selection of lives, and great caution and discre-
tion in the investment of the accumulated
capital. This is a matter which is brought
under our attention in the Report. I believe
that in every stage of human existence there
may be peculiar trials and difficulties attending
our upward or downward progress, and so in the
history of every Society of this kind there will
be peculiar difficulties at particular stages of its
progress. At the commencement, of course, our
anxiety and exertions were directed to the
obtaining a sufficient number of members. We
have now passed that stage; and the very cir-
cumstance that the Directors have come to us
this day asking us to concur in a law giving
them additional power in the investment of our
accumulated capital, shows that we have reached
another stage in our history-the stage where
we find our capital getting larger than we can
conveniently employ in the restricted way origi-
nally intended, and that we now require new
channels of investment. With regard to the
new rules that had been proposed, I concur
entirely in the observations made by my friend
Mr. Walker. I think it the duty of this Society
-and I think it will contribute largely to its
success to make the mode of cancelling its
obligations as easy as possible to the families of
parties assured. The same remark applies to
the third rule, which allows the Directors, upon
such conditions as they may think proper, to
repone within a limited period, policies in the
hands of onerous assignees, which may have
lapsed from the negligence of the parties as-
sured to intimatetheir intention of going abroad.
I don't think it necessary to detain you by any
further observations, except to repeat my con-
gratulations on our prosperity, and to express a
hope that future years, if they do not equal the
success of the last-for we cannot always look
for the same success-will at least indicate
the continued prosperity of the Society.

The Directors having considered it expedient to obtain an extension of their powers, they, in terms of the Deed of Constitution, submitted the proposed alterations to a Quarterly Court of Directors held on 12th September; and to a General Court of the Society held on the 17th October last, by all which Courts the alterations were unanimously approved, and if sanctioned by the present Court, they will become laws of the Society. They are the following 1st. To lay out and invest the Funds of the Society in the purchase of Government Funds, or on such real or personal securities in any part of the United Kingdom, or on such other security or purchases as the Directors may from time to time approve.


2d, To make sums assured payable in such part of the United Kingdom as the Applicant for Assurance may desire.

3d, To repone policies which may become forfeited by departure of the Assured beyond Europe without license, in cases where such policies either were originally effected by one party on the life of another, or were at the date of forfeiture, and up to the date of application to be reponed, held by an onerous assignee, on evidence being produced of the party assured being in good health at the time of the application, and on such other conditions as the Directors may in each case prescribe, proWided that such application be made within six unonths from the date of forfeiture.'

Although from the growing difficulty of finding secure investments, the Directors have found it necessary to propose an extension of their powers, which at present are so restricted as to exclude various eligible modes of investment, the Society may rest assured that the Directors will continue to exercise the same caution they have hitherto done, by lending on such securities only as are absolutely safe. WILLIAM STUART WALKER, Esq., of Bowland, moved the adoption of the Report.

ARCHIBALD ANDERSON, Esq., seconded the Motion, which was carried unanimously.

The REV. JOHN MACFARLANE, of Dalkeith, moved a vote of thanks to the Directors of the

past year, which having been seconded by WILLIAM M'CANDLISH, Esq., Cashier of Stamps and Taxes, was unanimously carried.

Thanks having been afterwards voted to the Local Boards of the Society, and to the Manager, Secretary, and Medical Officers,

The CHAIRMAN said, I observe from the programme which has been laid before me, that the business of the Meeting is now concluded; but there is a small addition which says that the Chairman may make such observations as occur to him. I do not know that I have many observations to trouble you with after the excellent

On the motion of George M. Torrance, Esq., of Threave, the thanks of the Meeting were tendered to Mr. Sheriff Speirs for his conduct in

the chair.

OFFICE-BEARERS OF THE SOCIETY. President.-His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, K.G.

The great leading and fundamental principle of the Society, that all the surplus contributions or profits are divisible amongst the policy holders, distinguishes this Society from, and gives it a decided superiority over, proprietary companies; because, in the latter, either the whole or a considerable portion of the profits go to the proprietors. The profits thus retained by the proprietary companies are, in this Society, divided amongst the policy holders, and will be, at the option of the assured, either applied in the reduction of the annual Premiums, or as additions to the policies, or they may be commuted into a single present payment. These are advantages which may be urged with great effect on the consideration of those

intending to effect assurance, when they are deliberating as to the Institution to which it is most expedient for them to resort.

The importance of this advantage is apparent from the fact, that at the 1st of March, 1841, the Society made vested additions varying from twelve to twenty per cent. on the sums assured, to all Policies of five years' endurance, and at the 1st of March, 1844, a similar vested addition of six per cent.; besides further prospective additions of two per cent. per annum, calculated on the accumulated amount, in the event of their becoming claims before the 1st of March, 1847, being the next period of allocation. For example; on a Policy for 1,0007., effected on the 1st of September, 1831, there will be, if it become a claim after the 31st of August, 1846, 1,3487. 6s. 3d. payable, viz. :


Sum originally assured.
Vested Addition at 1st of March, 1841,
20 per cent. .......

Vested Addition at 1st of March

£1,000 0 0



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00 £1,200 0 0 72 0 0 £1,272 0 0

Further additions, viz:-
On surviving 31st Aug., 1844, 2 per cent.
On surviving 31st Aug., 1845, 2 per cent.
On surviving 31st Aug., 1846, 2 per cent.

25 8 9 25 8 9 25 8 9 £1,348 6 3

And if the party be alive on the 1st of March, 1847, another vested addition, with prospective additions, will accrue in manner above stated; and so on every three years thereafter.

By the Deed of Constitution the assured are
permitted to visit or reside in any part of Europe.
London Office, 61a, Moorgate-street.
Wм. Cooк, Agent.
The Right Hon. Lord Gray.
The Right Hon. Lord Abercromby.

Vice Presidents

Archibald Alison, Esq., Sheriff of Lanarkshire.
William Johnston, Esq., merchant, Dundee.
John Thompson, Esq., of Gogarburn.
John Tennant, Esq., of St. Rollox.
William Winn, Esq., banker, Lincoln.
Thomas Horncastle Marshall, Esq., barrister at Law, Leeds.
Rev. John Anderson, D.D., Newburgh.
Graham Spiers, Esq., Sheriff of the county of Edinburgh.
Archibald Anderson, Esq., merchant, Edinburgh.
Alexander Macfarlane, Esq., of Thornhill.
Hon. Alexander Leslie Melville, Lincoln.

R. Paul, Esq., Manager of the Commercial Bank of Scotland.

The Right Rev. Michael Russell, L.L.D., Bishop of Glasgow.
Robert Murray, Esq., Provincial Bank of Ireland, Dublin.
Sir David Brewster, K.H.

Edward Spence, Esq., merchant, Hull.
Andrew Buchanan, Esq., Mount Vernon.
John Shank More, Esq., Advocate, Professor of Scots Law
in the University of Edinburgh.
Colonel Duncan Macgregor, Inspector General of the
Irish Constabulary, Dublin.


John Whitefoord Mackenzie, Esq., W.S.
Rt. Laurie, Esq., Master of the Merchant Company, Leith.
William H. Dunbar, Esq., Advocate.

John Watson, Esq., Manager of the Edinburgh Gas Light

William Stuart Walker, of Bowland, Esq., Advocate.
John Hutton, Esq., merchant, Leith.

David J. Thomson, Esq, merchant, Edinburgh.
James Ross, Esq., Solicitor Supreme Courts.
Thomas Scott Anderson, Esq., W.S.

Henry Maitland, Esq., wine merchant.
Robert Chambers, Esq., publisher.

Rt. Robertson Glasgow, of Mountgreenan, Esq., Advocate.
Manager-Robert Christie, Esq.
Secretary-Robert Gibson, Esq.

Medical Officers

S. A. Pagan, Esq., M.D.
Adam Warden, Esq., M.D.
J. S. Combe, Esq., M.D. for Leith.

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Printed by ALEXANDER MACINTOSH, of No. 20, Great Newstreet, Fetter-lane, London, and published by JAMES MACINTOSH, of No. 12, Seymour-street, Euston-square, at the Office, No. 16, Exeter Hall, Strand, London, by whom communications to the Editor (post-paid) and advertisements are received.-Tuesday, July 1, 1845. Sold by HAMILTON, ADAMS, and Co., Paternoster-row ; and JAMES NISBET and Co., 21, Berners-street.

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STATEMENT AND APPEAL BY THE difficulty, and there is much danger that SCHOOL COMMITTEE OF SYNOD. unless a prompt and vigorous effort is made to sustain them their number will speedily become less than it is. This remark applies more especially to the schools existing in the county of Northumberland. Of the whole number of schools returned, no fewer than twelve belong to that part of the country, within the bounds of the three Presby

THE School Committee beg to remind all the ministers and other office-bearers of the Church, that Sabbath, the 10th of August, is the day appointed by the Synod for a public collection to be made in all our churches in aid of the Schoolscheme.

No. 4.

the education of poor children in such a way as to entice away the young of our flocks, giving them in fact the preference to the young of their own charge. And instances, too, are not wanting, in which recourse is had even to threats and intimidation in order to deter Presbyterian parents from sending their children to our schools, which all their principles and attachments would lead them to prefer. The objects of this scheme are two-teries of Northumberland, Newcastle, The Committee are in possession of dofold:-First, To grant pecuniary assist- and Berwick; and while a few of these cuments which abundantly justify all these ance to such day schools as already exist are returned as being in a flourishing statements, and they would readily proor may hereafter be erected, in connexion condition, all the rest are reported to duce extracts from them, if the limits to with the church, where such assistance is be labouring under great difficulties, which they are obliged to restrict themneeded, and would be beneficial; and, arising from the powerful and persevering selves would allow them. From these secondly, to aid in the erection of Day- opposition of the Established Church. causes our schools in the north of Engschools in localities which are as yet It would appear from the statements of land have already suffered severely, and unprovided with them. The former the brethren in that quarter, and also in will certainly suffer still more, unless some. branch of the business of this Committee the county of Cumberland, that the thing is done immediately to strengthen may be appropriately called "School- Established clergy in these districts, the hands of the brethren in that quarter, Sustentation;" the latter, "School- are actuated by a more than ordinary and to enable them to maintain so unhostility to the Presbyterian Church. equal a struggle. The Committee reThis is no doubt owing to the fact that joice to testify that there is no lack of Presbyterianism is there the most power-zeal and spirit among our Northumberful, or rather, the only powerful form land ministers; they are all most anxious of Protestant Nonconformity-a fact to maintain the conflict, but they lack rewhich may well stimulate and encourage sources. If these were furnished to them, the whole Synod to come to the help of there would be no fear for the issue. The our ministers and people, in a region remedy is a simple and efficacious one. which is on this account invested with Let these schools be aided with a small peculiar interest. And one of the ways annual grant or endowment. This would in which this help can best be given is by enable their managers to reduce the fees extending our aid to their sorely-be- to at least an equality with those of the leaguered schools, for it is against these that episcopal schools, without injury and even their opponents direct their most strenuous with positive benefit to the teachers; and and successful attempts, with the view of in cases where no such reduction might drawing off the children of our Presby- be necessary, it would enable them to add terian families, and attaching them to their to the emoluments of the teachers, and own schools and churches. The superior thus to secure the continuance of their wealth of the Established clergy enables services, and a superior order of qualifithem to practise this kind of proselytizing cations. From an arrangement of this warfare with too much success, among a kind many benefits would result. The population who are generally poor, and not young of our congregations would be so firm as could be wished in adhering preserved to us: those who are at preto their principles. Sometimes the plan sent enticed away would be recovered; which they adopt is to reduce the fees of schools now languishing would be retheir schools lower than our Presbyterian vived, and saved from extinction; pateachers can afford to do, if they are to rents, teachers, and ministers would all earn the barest subsistence. At other be greatly encouraged; and the attachtimes, they administer the endowments ment of the people generally to the Synod which have been entrusted to them for would be greatly enhanced by this sea

Building." To accomplish the first of these objects, a fund will be raised by annual congregational collections, and also by such subscriptions and donations as may be offered for this purpose; and to attain the second object, or the erection of schools where required, it is proposed to raise a distinct fund upon the plan of Mr. McDonald, of Blairgowrie, and upon such a scale of magnitude as will suffice to give material aid in the erection of 100 schools. It will therefore be distinctly understood that the collection which is appointed to be made on the second Sabbath of August is not to be appropriated to the object of Schoolbuilding, but is to be confined to that of School-sustentation.

From Educational Returns lately obtained by the Committee, (and of which an abstract will be found in another part of this number,) it appears that there are at present upwards of twenty dayschools connected more or less exclusively with the congregations belonging to the Synod. This is a very small number, and proves how much need we have for a School-building scheme. But even of these few, the greater part are maintained and carried on with the greatest

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