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different from England; and a Government such as this should, in my judgment, have the power to put down seditious publications in a summary manner. In the crisis of the Mutiny, more than twenty-one years ago, Lord Canning and his Council passed a stringent Act regulating the English as well as Vernacular Press; and the GovernorGeneral was violently abused on account of it; but it is now, I think, generally admitted by sober-minded persons, who appreciate the gravity of the crisis, that the restrictions were necessary and wise.

The trial and conviction of the Rajah of Pooree, the hereditary guardian of Juggernath, for aiding in the murder, with revolting circumstances, of a reputed holy man, were keenly discussed in most of the Indian papers; and it is painful to state that the comments of the Vernacular Press were marked by much unfairness. There could not, among sensible men, be a doubt of his guilt, and yet such doubts were freely and even confidently expressed; and much more sympathy was felt for the Rajah than for the victim of his oppression and cruelty. I am unwilling to accept the native press as on this point a faithful exponent of native opinion. The reader knows that the Rajah was sent to the Andamans, a prisoner for life. It is said that he wept much when he found himself on board the steamer, and feigned idiocy on the voyage. He was also a good deal affected when he reached his destination. This is the last information that has been published about him. It must, one should think, be a heavy blow to the worshippers of the wooden god. Let us hope that it may lead them to see that they are trusting in refuges of lies.

The War with Afghanistan is one of the most important events of the year now closing. I have no hesitation in expressing my full conviction that it is an unrighteous and wicked war, and that its consequences will be disastrous, whatever military success attends it. Indeed it is very likely that the remark of the Duke of Wellington in regard to our first war there may be verified in the second, "When your military success is complete, your real difficulties will begin." Let not the reader, however, suppose that my strong conviction of the injustice of the war now raging blinds me to the treachery of Russia, or the duplicity and cunning of the Ameer. I have no doubt that Russian intrigue has occasioned the disaffection of Shere Ali; and Russia has repeatedly said that Afghanistan was beyond the sphere of her influence; but her actions have belied her words. I contend, however, that we have not "clean hands" ourselves in the matter; and it is as true of nations as of individuals that they that "have clean hands shall wax stronger and stronger." We have not acted towards Shere Ali as a nation professing Christianity ought to have done; and as we have been sowing the wind, it is certain that, sooner or later, we shall reap the whirlwind. My only consolation in these dark days is in reposing in the assurance that "the Lord reigneth." I am sorry that I cannot express any confidence in those who are now at the head of affairs either in England or in India. The nation, four or five years ago, ejected from the Queen's Councils one of the wisest and best statesmen we have ever had; and the penalty of its infatuation must be paid. India, too, must suffer from the unaccountable blindness of the electors of 1874. I need not refer to any incident of the war, as you have much earlier as well

as much fuller information in your English newspapers than we get here. A few days ago we heard of the flight of the Ameer, and were reminded of his father, Dost Mahomed, pursuing the same course in 1839. Will the folly our rulers then perpetrated be repeated now? Time will show. War is terribly expensive, and the question has been keenly discussed on this side the water. Will India have to pay the Bill? We have not yet received the particulars of the brief session the Parliament has held this month, but infer, from rather conflicting telegrams, that our unscrupulous Government intend to saddle the Indian revenues with the larger portion of the expense. This seems to me extremely unjust, and it ought to be stoutly resisted by all the true friends of India. It will be attended, as it appears to me, with great risk. Improvement will be stopped; rather let me say, has already been stopped, as stringent regulations issued to the Public Works Department abundantly show. New taxes must be imposed, and general discontent will, I fear, be excited. The letters of Lord Lawrence, the Duke of Argyll, Lord Northbrook, and Lord Grey, on our relations with Afghanistan, appear to me eminently worthy of perusal.

The Death Roll for the Year contains the names of some who, in various ways, have sought the welfare of India. A few months since the papers announced the death of General John Campbell, C.B. His labours among the wild hill tribes of Orissa, more than thirty years ago, deserve most honourable mention. He probably did more to suppress the bloody rite of sacrifice among the Khonds than any other Government officer, and he secured in a very high degree, the personal respect and confidence of the people. His "Personal Narrative of Service among the Wild Tribes of Khondistan" shows how kindly and firmly he dealt with them. He reasoned and argued with them; but did not fail to let them know that the Government, whose agent he was, bore "the sword," and that that sword would be used if they did not cease from their atrocious rite. At one place the chiefs asked what they were to say to the goddess if they offered the blood of beasts instead of human blood as they had always done. He told them they might say whatever they pleased; and one of the chiefs then repeated the following formula: "Do not be angry with us, O goddess, for giving thee the blood of beasts instead of human blood, but execute thy vengeance on this gentleman, who is well able to bear it. We are guiltless." He said that he had no objection to the punishment so kindly proposed for him. In one part of his "Narrative," he says, "I went out shooting with them, talked often, and in the friendliest way, to them, made them presents of what they most wanted, prescribed for their ailments, and gave medicine if they were sick; smoked with them, was kind to their children, and in short left no stone unturned to win their friendship and adherence to our cause." He adds, " My work in these hills was always to me a labour of love, and I linger with affectionate remembrance on the many years I lived among the rude tribes, and pitched my tent in their mountain villages." Such men are among the benefactors of India, and the record of their benevolent achievements should never be forgotten. General Campbell was ably assisted by Major Mac Viccar and Captain Frye, both of whom finished their course many years ago; and both, too, fell victims to their loving labours for the welfare of these wild mountaineers. A few days before Captain Frye was seized with


the fever that issued in death, Mr. Wilkinson said, "I fear these trips to the jungles will shorten your days." He nobly answered, "Be it so. I would much rather have a short life and do some good, than a long one and do nothing." Rev. John Robinson whose name and work were associated for many years with Serampore, and who was afterwards pastor at Lal Bazaar, Calcutta, finished his holy and useful course a few months since. When we were in Calcutta two years ago we attended a tea meeting held on his formal resignation, through ill-health, of the pastorate of Lal Bazaar church. Much kindly feeling was expressed

towards him.

His father-the Rev. W. Robinson-came out to India in 1806, and encountered much of the vexations interference from the intolerance of Government, which was the lot of missionaries in those early days. Let us be thankful that our lot is cast in happier days; and with increased advantages display increased consecration to Him who has redeemed us to God by His blood. In closing, I am reminded of the oracle concerning Dumah, Isaiah xxi, 11, 12. "Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night? (i.e., I suppose, what time of night is it?) "The watchman said, the morning cometh, and also the night if ye will inquire, inquire ye: return, come." I could spiritualize these three words, Inquire, Return, Come, if I were disposed, but am not sure that the exposition would be in accordance with the mind of the Spirit in this text; and I am very suspicious of expositors who bring out of a text much more than is really in it. So we will end with a plainer warning, "It is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand."

General Conference on Foreign
Foreign Missions.

IN March, 1860, there was held at Liverpool a General Conference on Foreign Missions, an account of which-contained in a well known volume-appeared shortly afterwards. In October last a somewhat similar Conference was held in London, the proceedings of which will be found in a volume just published and notified below.* To give even an outline of this most interesting and instructive volume would occupy too much of our space, and the best service we can render is to advise our readers to procure and read it for themselves. The proceedings of the Conference occupied nearly the whole week, and representatives were present from almost all parts of the world. Unlike the Conference at Liverpool the London Conference dealt more with the wide work of modern missions, than with the various modes by which they carry on their operations. The result was a general survey of the mission field; and so original, so striking, and so extensive, was the information given, that even missionaries themselves were astonished at the vastness of the work which was being carried on in so many parts of the world.

With this volume before it no monthly missionary prayer meeting, for the next twelve months, need lack either information or interest. And were those ministers or friends, on whom the responsibility of

* Proceedings of the General Conference on Foreign Missions, held at the Conference Hall, in Mildmay Park, London, in October, 1878. London: John F. Shaw & Co., Paternoster Row,

conducting the prayer meeting devolves, to master its contents and present its principal details to their respective gatherings in an interesting manner, we have no hesitation in saying that the minds of their auditors would be expanded, their faith strengthened, their hearts enlarged, and that, in adoring gratitude, they would exclaim: "O sing unto the Lord a new song, for He hath done marvellous things."

Bible Translation Society.

THE following letter was intended for the March issue of the Observer, but arrived too late for insertion. It has, we believe, been printed in a separate form, and sent to most of our churches. We are glad, however, to reproduce it here, and trust that those churches that have not yet contributed to the Bible Translation Society's Funds will arrange to do so without delay. So long as the British and Foreign Bible Society continues to circulate Roman Catholic versions of the Scriptures and so long as it continues to circulate Protestant versions in which the word Baptizo is rendered to sprinkle, or to pour; to bathe, or to wash; and refuses aid to the versions of Baptist missionaries, simply because they translate the word by one that signifies to immerse, so long will the Bible Translation Society continue a necessity. With devout thankfulness we acknowledge the liberal help so long received from the British and Foreign Bible Society in aid of our Oriya versions of the Old Testament Scriptures. All the more do we regret that this help should cease with the last verse in Malachi-a threatened "curse,” and not be continued in circulating the blessings of the gospel.

Mill End, Rickmansworth, Herts,
February, 1879.


DEAR SIR, Allow me to call the attention of your readers to the following RESOLUTION, passed at the Annual Meeting of the General Baptist Association, held at Westbourne Park Chapel, London, last year. After a statement on behalf of the Society by Dr. Underhill, its Treasurer, it was resolved:

"That this Association, having listened with pleasure to the statement of Dr. Underhill, the Treasurer of the Bible Translation Society, re-affirms its adherence to the principle upon which the Society is founded, gladly expresses its appreciation of the valuable work accomplished by it, and earnestly commends it to the liberal support of the Churches of the Connexion."

For many years the ORISSA Mission has received assistance from the funds of this Society amounting to an average of nearly £170 per year, by which the circulation of faithful versions of the Word of God has been greatly extended. All must rejoice in this. Moreover, the Committee of the Bible Translation Society desire to afford help in the future to the

utmost of their ability, though the response to the above resolution has not hitherto been such as the friends of the Society have expected.

Allow me to urge upon the Churches of the G. B. Association, if they have not yet contributed for the present year, to do so as early and as liberally as they can.

AT LEAST TWO-THIRDS of those forming the General Baptist Connexion have either not contributed at all to the funds of the Society, or have not done so for many years.

I shall be most happy to supply any information, Reports, Tracts explaining the claims of the Society, Cards, Boxes, or Collecting Books, on application being made to the address above. I am, dear Sir, Yours very truly,


Post Office Orders may be made payable to the Secretary, at Post Office, Rickmansworth, or at General Post Office, London.

A Visit to Pooree.


THIS season, for the first time since coming into the country, I have found leisure and opportunity to pay a visit to Pooree. We all needed the change, and now the schools are so much smaller, especially the boys', it is easier to arrange to leave for a time, and the new bungalow at Pooree provides the necessary accommodation. We reached our destination just as day was dawning, after a sleepless night spent in the bullock coach. Only a few people were moving about, and here and there a huge fat bull walking majestically along, as if conscious of his great importance, and the veneration in which his kind is held in this so-called sacred city. We passed along the main street, which is wide and spacious, as it needs to be, when we remember that it is down here the great god Juggernath is annually brought on his immense car to spend a few days, and have change of air at his country residence. In this street is the Rajah's palace-a building of no pretentions, but is distinguished from the others by two crouching lions in stone, one on each side of the entrance. At last the temple is reached. It is so built that it can be seen by pilgrims from all directions at an immense distance, and so seen it is very imposing; but on a nearer approach it is so obscured by surrounding houses, and narrow dirty streets, that the visitor gets but a poor idea of what it is, and into the interior no European is admitted. The monolith standing conspicuously in front of the temple, and towering up one long, straight, slim stone, is the principal object of interest. Opposite the temple the main street abruptly terminates in houses and shops, and a narrow road to the left is disclosed, along which careful driving is necessary, or you may inconveniently send some one into the gutter on the one side, or crush him against the wall on the other. At last the road brings the traveller out on the far side of the town where the European quarter is situated, and a few minutes further travelling brings us to the new mission bungalow. The latter is small enough, to be sure, but well adapted to its purpose, and more commodious than many a lodging at the beautiful watering-places at home. Like all the other houses it rises out of a sea of sand; not a blade of

grass or a green leaf anywhere to be seen. If you want to visit a friend, you must wade to the house through sand. Sand flavours everything you eat, grates between your teeth with the bread, is in your bathing water, in your hair, and indeed everywhere; but in spite of this, and other drawbacks, we spent a very pleasant time at Pooree for ourselves, and, we hope, not in vain either in regard to the few Christian residents there, or the large population of Hindoos. We had services every Sunday for the former; and my husband and the preachers had large congregations of the latter every day in the bazaar.

Several of the principal baboos called upon us, and were very friendly; and on one occasion I and the children accompanied my husband in returning the call. It proved to be an evening on which a Hindoo festival was being held, and the town was crowded with people. As we had to pass down the main street, we had much difficulty in getting along, and at one time I thought we should be obliged to turn back. The people closed upon us, evidently thinking we were one of the best parts of the show; the white faces of our children, also, proving a great attraction. I have seen the countenances of many a weary pilgrim, especially the poor neglected and persecuted widows, who looked as if they had not smiled for many a day, light up with delight at some childish little prank. At last we reached our destination. The baboo, who is in receipt of a good pension from Government, came out to meet us, and said that an hour earlier we could not possibly have got up to his place, as there were five thousand people collected near. He showed us his house and garden, and took us to a platform commanding a good view of the festival, which, he said, was the place from which the Rajah, then in prison, had been accustomed to witness the ceremonies. An immense tank lay before us like a lake, and the people were bathing both themselves and their idols in it, and were performing other idolatrous rites. After a pleasant interview we said farewell to our polite and

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