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sionaries, one with wife and two children, and a Church missionary; also a German baron and a coffee planter. At Colombo we received two more passengers with two children.

We reached Aden on the morning of March 6th, after a run of nine days from Colombo. I went ashore with several more, and visited the celebrated water tanks, one of which will hold above four million gallons of water. The only trees and shrubs in Aden are planted here. They are nicely laid out, and seem to flourish through being daily watered. There had been no rain in Aden for fourteen months, hence most of the tanks were dry. What a strange looking place Aden is! How distinct are the two races, Arabs and Africans, who form the bulk of the native population. Some of buildings are good, and the roads excellent. On returning to the steamer we found a regular bazaar on deck. Arabs with ostrich feathers; Parsees with Indian lace, toys, work boxes, &c.; Somulees with coral baskets, &c.; all zealously plying their trade, and making a deafennoise; while outside the steamer, in tiny canoes, were Somulee woolly-headed boys shouting out, "I dive, sir; I dive, sir; throw sixpence in sea.' It was indeed wonderful to see these boys jump from the top of one of our small boats (twelve feet above our deck) into the sea, and dive apparently almost to the bottom

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after a coin which had been thrown in, and which they invariably secured.

We have passed several steamers the last two days, not less than fourteen, all outward bound. We were off Jeddah, the nearest port to Mecca, this morning. To-morrow evening we hope to be at the mouth of the Suez Gulf, and at noon on Wednesday at Suez. It is possible we may reach London on the 28th March, though I fancy it will be April before we arrive.

We have a service on the poop on Sunday morning, and prayers each morning. We have among our passengers every variety of character, though all are agreeable, and take pleasure in helping each other. Our captain is a general favourite, and does all he can to promote the comfort of those on board. I am wondering whether any letter is awaiting us at Suez. I shall feel greatly relieved to know that all our friends in India and England are well, and that the Sumbulpore party has reached safely.

I am thankful to say my dear wife, who has suffered much from sea sickness, is now feeling better; also Jessie. Fanny has kept up best. Edith and Florry Pike are well. I must now close until we reach Suez, where I hope to post this.

March 12th.-Now we are quite near Suez, and I fancy just where the Israelites crossed. It is quite cold to-day; thermometer 58°. All is bustle preparing for posting letters.

Illness of Mr. Pike, and Return to Cuttack.

THE following communication, relating to the serious illness of Mr. Pike, will be read with feelings of sorrow and sympathy. To him, as well as to friends at home, the present frustration of his ardent desires must prove a great disappointment; but trying as the event is we must believe that in some way it will turn out for the furtherance of the Gospel.

hear that our brother was suffering from what was supposed to be fever; but as


Under date of Feb. 25, Dr. Buckley, writing from Cuttack, observes : "Man proposes, but God disposes." Such seems to be the lesson of our present trials and disappointments. You will know that Mr. Pike left Cuttack for Sumbulpore a month ago, accompanied by Mrs. Pike and the two younger children; also by Mr. Heberlet, two native preachers, and two colporteurs. I am sorry to say that a serious attack of illness, which appears to have been congestion of the brain, has necessitated the return of our friends; and they reached Cuttack this morning. They went nearly a hundred miles on the way, when they were satisfied that it was the path of duty to retrace their steps. A few days after they left we were sorry to

soon heard of his being better, nothing serious was apprehended. Again we heard of unfavourable symptoms, which indicated something like a sunstroke. But an extract from a letter of Mrs. Pike to Mrs. Buckley will tell the story better than I can. "We found it quite impossible to travel on with my precious husband. After leaving the bungalow at Hada Bunga we got over three miles with great difficulty with the poor invalid, and, without knowing it, we pitched our tent close by a village that had just been deserted through cholera. We were obliged to use the

water from their well. We left the place the next morning, fearing for our servants, but could only get on another four miles; so we had to remain in the midst of the jungle My poor husband was very ill, and it was quite impossible for us to journey so. was afraid he would die. Oh, you do not know what I have gone through." It was a most trying position for Mrs. Pike with her two little children and sick husband in the midst of the jungle, where none of the. comforts that an invalid needs can be obtained; and no doubt she would feel like an ancient sufferer-"Unless thy law had been my delight, I should then have perished in my affliction." I should,

however, add that she had much kind assistance from Mr. Heberlet in her time of overwhelming anxiety. What a comfort to think of Psalm lxi. 2-" From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I."

The scene is now happily much brighter, and it is hoped that dangerous symptoms have subsided; but our brother is still very weak. Let us hope and pray that all may fall out to the furtherance of the gospel.

I returned from Berhampore last night after an absence of eighteen days, but have not time now to give particulars of my journey.

Writing on the 3rd of March, in reference to Mr. Pike's illness, Mr. Heberlet states:

The foregoing was penned weeks ago and soon after receipt of your letter. I was then in the mission boat with Mr. Pike and family, journeying towards Sumbulpore. Opportunity for posting letters there was but little, and our brother's rapidly increasing indisposition so discomposed all our plans that I have had to defer writing till this next mail.

Of course you will hear, ere you receive this, that brother Pike's serious illness forced us to turn back when we had got but half over our journey. We started on Friday, and he began to be unwell on Monday. The Monday following he was ill in earnest, and when we got him into the bunglow at Hada Bunga, on Wednesday, he was very weak and getting still weaker from the fever that clung to him, though I think this was only a symptom of his complaint, which I believe to have been congestion of the brain. He would not hear of turning

On the 11th of March Mr. Pike

I am

You have doubtless heard of my illness in several directions. Mrs. Pike wrote, and, I believe, several others. thankful to say I am, I believe, surely, though slowly, recovering strength. It has seemed mysterious, as it has been disappointing, that the project of occupying Sumbulpore this year should have been stopped in this way; but we are bound to believe (and I trust I feel it too) that an overruling Providence has so ordered it. We shall have more time to make deliberate preparations for the future. It may be that we should have risked our healths in going to such a station (much hotter than Cuttack or Berhampore in the hot season), with but the meagre shelter of the Dak bungalow, an exceedingly small place, and not in the best situation.

back but determined to proceed and dismissed the boat back to Cuttack, thus as he thought effectually cutting off the only practicable means of retreat. We got on four miles farther on Friday, and two the following morning, when it became apparent that it would be impossible for him to go on, and that we must turn back. I told him what my opinion was and in answer to his objection that, as the boat was probably then half-way to Cuttack we had no means of returning, added that I had anticipated this breakdown, and so had given orders privately for the boat to follow us a certain distance. He yielded then, and we set our faces homeward, being guided safely hither by the good hand of our God upon us. I believe it would not have been so well with us had we pressed on to Sumbulpore. The Lord dealt very graciously with us-blessed be His name.


We had an exceedingly kind and sympathetic letter from Dr. Harrison, the Civil Surgeon of Sumbulpore, the other day. He mentions in his letter that cholera had been very bad in Sumbulpore; that it had broken out in the gaol, and many prisoners had died. They were now ordered to camp out some distance from the town. I hope Mr. Heberlet will send you an account of the journey: owing to my illness I feel that I could write but little on the subject. I began to be unwell after I had been on the boat four or five days, and very gradually got worse, till it ended in what Mr. Harrison thinks was congestion of the brain. For about a week I imagined that I did not have one moment's sleep day or night, though I am assured I frequently dozed; still my brain seemed to


be always working, until I feared I should go mad. Indeed, one night I felt I could not be responsible for my actions, and called up Mr. Heberlet to keep Mrs. Pike company.

I fancy the anxiety in which I have been for several months past, owing to the uncertainty in my movements, the worry of very hastily breaking up home, and the parting with our dear children, the really hard work of removing, &c., has had something to do with my illness. Once on the boat we had rest, and then the reaction came.

Mr. Heberlet may not be writing just yet, so that I will mention a couple of interesting particulars, which I dare say he may mention again. At a spot, not very far from Banki, two of the native preachers came up with a small party (two or three) of pilgrims. One of them no sooner saw our books than he shewed himself extremely anxious to possess

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them, and they speedily bought eight anna's worth, including a New Testament. They then remarked-in the district beyond Sonepur (but not in the Sumbulpore direction) if you were to take several gharry loads of these books they would all be sold. They may doubtless have exaggerated; but the least their assurance could mean is that in that district there is a considerable desire to read our books. The other particular of interest relates to a man who appeared to hold a good position under the Rajah of Narasingpore. He heard of us preaching in some villages and selling books, and having apparently seen some tracts or gospels before, came on his pony to the boat to buy. He, and one or two young people with him, bought one rupee's worth: a large type New Testament, six annas; and a selection of smaller books and tracts.

Wild Beasts and Snakes in India.

THE total number of persons killed in India in 1877 by wild animals and poisonous snakes, was 19,695 as compared with 19,273 in 1876; the total number of cattle destroyed was 53,197 against 54,830 in the previous year; the number of snakes destroyed was 127,295 against 212,371 in 1876; and the number of wild animals killed was 22,851 against 23,459.

The only serious increase in the number of persons killed is due to deaths by snake-bites. Sixteen thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven persons were killed in the year 1877 as compared with 15,946 in the preceding year. Rewards were paid for the destruction of snakes during the past year in the provinces of Bombay, Bengal, the Punjab, and to a very small extent in the Central Provinces and Mysore.

The Chief Commissioner of the Central Provinces (in which Sumbulpore is situated) said "It is impossible to consider the appalling loss of human life caused by snakes, without re-opening the question of rewards payable for their destruction, especially as an occasion for remark presents itself in the fact that the Saugor Municipality pays rewards for their destruction. Most district officers have either altogether ignored the matter or have passed it by with an expression of regret that rewards have of late years been withheld. The main reasons for their withdrawal were, first, that it was difficult, often impossible, to distinguish between venomous and harmless snakes; secondly, that the instinct to kill snakes was generally so strong that they would be killed whether rewards for their destruction were given or not; thirdly, that to offer rewards might lead to an increase of deaths by people incautiously poking after them; lastly, that snake-killing might become a profession, and snakes be bred for the sake of the reward granted for their destruction.

The view taken by the Lieutentant-Governor of Bengal, Sir Ashley Eden, that deaths from snake-bites occur mostly in and about human habitations, derives much confirmation from the figures of the past two years, which show that while tigers kill twenty times as many cattle as they do persons, snakes kill nearly twenty times as many persons as cattle. Under these circumstances it is obviously useless to pay large sums in rewards to professional snake-catchers who catch snakes in the jungles and bring them into head-quarters. But the President in Council is of opinion that rewards for killing snakes in towns and large villages may with much advantage be given by municipal bodies, with or without help from the Local Government; and the matter is recommended to the earnest attention of Local Governments. By means of such rewards the common people may gradually be brought to destroy, instead of venerating, the snakes that haunt the roofs and purlieus of their dwellings.

Letter from Mr. Vaughan.

THE following letter from Mr. Vaughan has hitherto been crowded out of the Observer. As it contains information of interest, and refers to a somewhat new department of Christian usefulness-the Zayat, or Christian Book-room-our readers will be glad to read it. Mr. V. remarks:

There are several things about which I could write, but I cannot help but think that they have been referred to so often that I forbear to do so. Mud-houses,

social customs, the novelty of scenery, trees, and other things, may be interesting topics, but I do not care to refer to them even if I had time. Cuttack is much more like England than unlike it; and at times it is exceedingly difficult to believe that one is so far from home. You see to what a degree I have harmonized with my environments-but wait until the hot weather comes.

The number of details with which Conference had to deal was something alarming, and the intimate knowledge that the brethren had of the persons mentioned seemed very great. But I want to say a little about the Zayat.

Our Zayat-or reading-room-is a pleasant, cool building, on the site of the old mission chapel. People are passing and re-passing all day. It is very conveniently situated. The roof would be admired in England; indeed it is an admirable building altogether. When it was first opened we had quite a large number of books, and they are selling very rapidly. There are a great number of Baboos who speak English-many more than I expected to find. In fact a man who only spoke English would find ample work to do among these people. They know English, Bengalee, and Oriya; but they prefer to read and speak English. Although I am assured that the number of those who are actual members of the Brahmo Somaj is small, yet almost all who speak English profess to belong to that society. There appear to be very few indeed, from all that I have heard and seen, that know English and yet retain faith in Hindooism. Hence these Baboos have bought many English Bibles and Testaments.

I found from conversation with the young men who are connected with the College that they had only read extracts from the New Testament, and were very desirous to read the book itself. Hence, during the recess, they have met me in the afternoon at the Zayat from four to six o'clock for this purpose. The College opens to-morrow, after which they

have agreed to meet me on Saturday afternoons from three to six o'clock.

Last Saturday evening I delivered a lecture in this same building, the subject being, "Jesus Christ: what do we think of Him?" From fifteen to eighteen were present, and at the close we had conversation. They asked whether I should deliver more lectures. I am hopeful that good will result from this one, and from others I hope to give.

Taking everything into consideration, we have great cause for thankfulness in regard to this new undertaking, and we look forward hopefully to its future. Mr. Miller took the deepest interest in it. Mr. Heberlet has had plenty to do in arranging books, marking the prices at which they were to be sold, and getting everything into the first-rate working order in which it has commenced. Our stock of books comprises English, Bengalee, Hindustani, Hindi, Oriya, and Sanscrit. It is delightful to be surrounded with them.

Then we have one Almirah fitted up with books for reading in the room. We have some good books, but we trust our English friends will send us more. Mr. Hill will let them know how to send them; the postage is very reasonable indeed. Natives may come in and read the Scriptures and other books in many languages; but, as I have said, those who read English-and they are many-prefer to do so. The desire for thoroughly good English books is great. Do send us some at once, please.

Everybody who has seen this readingroom speaks well of it. It is so inviting and cheerful that those who come once will be almost sure to come again. The white walls are relieved by texts and pictures illustrative of Scripture, which produce quite a beautiful effect.

Surely this book-room bids fair. Support it in every way, by prayers, contributions of books, and by money.

Mr. Pike is expected here in a day or two en route for Sumbulpore. May God bless him! He has our heartiest sympathy, our warmest prayers. From all I have heard the fields are whitening already unto harvest. The Lord prosper him and sustain him on every hand.

Pleasant Reminiscences of Amos Sutton.

DEAR MR. HILL,-In the Religious Herald of Richmond, Virginia, for March 6, is one of a series of papers headed "The recollections of a long life. By the Senior Editor," which reports the Baptist Triennial Convention, held at Richmond, in 1835. The chief feature of the paper is the record of the visit of Rev. Dr. Cox and Rev. Jas. Hoby, who attended as delegates from the Baptist Union of England, and whose chief object was to represent English Baptist sentiment on the slavery question, after the emancipation of West India Slaves. The report of their proceedings is very interesting, and might well be copied into the Baptist or Freeman, especially as the conduct of the delegation was questioned on their return.

Our dear, ever-memorable AмoS SUTTON, and other missionaries, were there; and the famous Dr. Jeter, the Senior Editor of the Herald, says: "The addresses of Drs. Cox and Hoby, Rev. Mr. Sutton, and brethren Jones and O-ga-na-ye, were excellent, and awakened a profound interest. The speeches of Mr. Sutton, especially, were among the most touching and persuasive of any that I have heard from returned misssionaries; and it has been my privilege to listen to many."

I post to you the Herald from which this is extracted.

Bradford, March 20, 1879.

Yours very truly,

What is Zenana Work?


THE question is frequently asked, "What is Zenana work, or what does Zenana mean?" The word is of Persian origin, and signifies the apartments of the women, and means the same as harem in Turkey. As soon as a woman among the higher castes in India is married, custom requires that thenceforward she shall no more go outside the walls of her home, only on very special occasions. Her marriage takes place when she is still quite a child. From the age of eight or nine years, the women of the higher and middle classes are doomed to a life of seclusion and ignorance. In the outer life the Zenana woman has no part, no recognized position at all. She has no knowledge, nor cultivation. She has nothing to do, so the dreary hours are spent in sleeping or cooking, or making garlands for the gods, or looking at her jewels, or braiding her hair. Many of these women are very religious and extremely bigoted and superstitious. Över one hundred and twenty millions of females now are in India.

By Zenana work, we mean work among the women secluded in their homes; carrying to them, what they cannot come forth to receive, a sound Christian education, with all the blessings which follow. It is telling to these inmates the "sweet story of old," which brings life, light, and liberty. This work must be done by women; the missionaries cannot do it, because they cannot be admitted. This task is given us to do. Formerly it was a difficult matter to get into these homes, but now they are open to the lady missionary. She wins the confidence of these women, and then teaches them to read, and sometimes shows them how to do various kinds of fancy work, which enables them to pass their time pleasantly. Zenana work is one of the most important missionary agencies, for here in these homes is the stronghold of Hindooism. Some of these women are earnestly desiring knowledge. Doors are opening every day. Let us make haste to open them, and give Christian training, and carry comfort to hearts that are without it.-Women's Foreign Missionary Society, New York.

CHATTERIS.-The Annual Foreign Missionary Meetings were held on March 23rd and 25th. Two sermons were preached on the former day by the Rev. J. F. Makepeace, of Bluntisham, and on the eve of the latter day, the annual meeting was held, the pastor (Rev. F. J. Bird) presiding. Addresses were delivered by the Revs. E. Abraham (Wesleyan), W. Hill (Secretary to the Missions), J. F. Makepeace, and the Pastor. Total amount contributed to the funds of the Society, over £11. F. J. B.

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