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temps si court, si précieux sans réflexion." The ennuyé is, in fact, eternally flying from himself to externals, and he is only displeased with them, because he attributes to them the fault which is in himself.

But however well Pascal understood the appearances of the disease, that he was mistaken in attributing it to the fall of man I am the more inclined to think, because, of all mankind, those who bear the largest portion of the common curse pronounced on the species, and, in the force of the term, get their bread in the sweat of their brow, are the least liable to this affliction. Although there are too many who prefer living by the most profligate corruption, and who think honest industry" a devilish bore," yet I never knew a single instance in which one of these sturdy beggars among the great were obliged to buckle too, without a speedy cure of his habitual ennui.

It assuredly was a very ill-natured turn of Dame Nature's to force this malady into the company of riches and pleasures, and thus to damp the joys of " the higher classes of society;" driving the educated and the noble to seek the company of the very lowest and worst part of the community-black-legs, dog-fighters, jacko-maccako men, cockers, &c. &c. and compelling them to throw overboard their superfluities in order to lighten the vessel, and to dissipate the enormous wealth, which prevents them from enjoying one moment of satisfaction.

There are, indeed, who think this distribution of Providence has for its object the equalizing the condition of the species, and abating the envy of the poor. But notwithstanding the instance of the French epicure, who, when a mendicant told him he was hungry, replied, "Ah! le coquin heureux, que je le porte envie," I can never consent to put these two cases upon an equality, nor be brought to believe that a "fat sorrow and a lean one" are quite on a par. Ennui, it is true, drove Alexander the Great to India, and Poverty has often sent a vast many persons to the same place, which in both instances has produced a great deal of bloodshed and robbery :-and so far things are pretty much on the square. But who ever heard of Poverty's making a man get tipsy with his mistress and set fire to Persepolis ? Who ever knew Poverty offer a reward for the discovery of new pleasures? Was Poverty ever reduced to kill flies? or (coming nearer to home) did Poverty ever make a man walk a thousand miles in a thousand hours, or ride 150 miles, walk twenty, and kill forty brace of birds, all within the narrow compass of one natural day?

"Aurum (says Horace) perrumpere amat saxa:" but though many an honest fellow is glad to get his living by breaking stones, I never heard of one poor enough to take a pleasure in the operation.

Bene est cui Deus obtulit
Parca quod satis est manu,-

The poor have the best of it. "Potemkin, first minister of Russia, the favourite of his sovereign, covered with glory, loaded with riches and ribands, and sated with pleasures, was disgusted with every thing, because he had enjoyed every thing. On one day, he envied the peaceable dignity of a bishop, and left his ministerial concerns to embark in the disputes of the Greek church; on another, he sighed for retirement and monkish tranquillity. Then again, he formed projects for making himself Duke of Courland, or King of Poland. In

the bosom of peace he meditated war, and in the camp his whole desire was peace. Fatigued with honours, yet jealous of rivals, he was always bored' with what he did, and always regretted what he did not attempt."*

What a picture! Can workhouses and hospitals afford its equal? "Con cio sia cosa che," (as the Italians with a laconic brevity express themselves) that all the world complains of ennui, all the world, nevertheless, envies the unfortunate fortunates who are the most subject to the malady. The reason is obvious: all the world can see the glittering of the star, but none but the owner can know the dreary solitude of the heart that beats under it. Those who go but "once in a way" to a play or an opera, dine only now and then well at a lord mayor's feast, or visit the Park only on some very fine Sunday, havė no conception of the "bore" of faring sumptuously every day, or of the ennui of being forced to listen night after night to the same music. They see not the two demons of bile and calomel drugging the voluptuary's malachatauni soup with insipidity; they know not the disgust of that eternal bore-the eternal Rotten-row."

To endure ennui well, it requires to be bred to the trade. The most intolerably "bored" of alt ennuyés are the nouveaux riches. When the snug warm citizen realizes his gains, and, lodging his plumb securely in the stocks, retires to ease and rurality, he at once becomes the most wretched of human beings; and, unless his cidevant clerks and successors let him sometimes into their counting-house, to inspect their balance, or he can contrive to slip into town and "see how things are going on upon 'Change," 'tis ten to one that in the first twelvemonth he joins his carp in his own fish-pond, or hangs himself up under the shade of his own horse-chestnut. Thus it comes to pass, that to endure ennui is a mark of dignity; and though it is no longer the fashion to be "gentlemanlike and melancholy," yet eternal listlessness and yawning are affected as the supreme" bon ton" of the supreme "bon genre:" and every social affection, every human passion is discarded, in order to arrive at that pitch of selfishness, necessary to be perfectly "bored." For Delille has well observed of the egotist, "Le moi de lui fait le centre du monde,

Mais il en fuit le tourment et l'ennui."

Upon this subject of ennui much remains to be said: but "malheur à lui qui dit tout ce qu'il sçait."

"L'art d'ennuyer est l'art de tout dire ;"

and, though writing ex professo on the theme, that is not a sufficient reason for "boring" the readers of the New Monthly, being myself the great sublime I draw. So without farther ceremony non verbum amplius addam."

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Advertisement for a dedicatee, 381-im-
mortality of the ancients worthy em-
ulation, 382-Dryden's dedications,
383-prayer to the reader to offer ten-
ders for immortality, 384.
Age, old, 347.

Ages, my head's seven, 461.
Alfieri's political comedies, 265-object

of Alfieri in writing them, 266-cha-
racter of, 267-the "One," 268-
analysis of, 269, 272-continued, 334.
Alibret, imitation of, 283.
Anacreontic from Cadalso, 34.
Animal food, remarks on, 563.
Apelles, the gallery of, 111, 193.
Apollo, madrigal to, 272.
Arques, the one-handed flute-player of,
369-description of the valley of, 370
-Sully's description of, ib.-the cas-
tle of, ib.-the half-pay colonel and
musician, 371, 372.
Asses, essay on, 157.
Auctioneer and lawyer, the, 9.

Ballad-singers, English, 212-ancient
English, ib. 213-the rival ones, 213
-Elderton and Delone, 214-Lilli-
bullero, and similar ballads, 215-
patronized by the wits of Anne's reign,
216-Lord Bolingbroke's Clara, 217.
Bank-clerk and stable-keepers, the, 131.
Bar, sketches of the Irish, 97, 289-Mr.
Plunket, 98-libel on, 99-rise of, ib.
-character as a lawyer, 100, 101—
person of, 102-manner, voice, and
method, 103-favours Catholic eman-
cipation, 104-resemblance to Sir S.
Romilly, 105-Mr. Bushe, 289-his
descent, 290-qualifications of, 291,
292-specimens of his manner, 294-
speech on the Catholic Board aboli-
tion trial, 296-case of O'Grady, and
his conduct thereon, 297-his manner
and port, 301-his wit, 302-extract
from a speech of his, 304.-The hall
of the Four Courts, 481-daily resort
of the legal profession, ib.-Mr. O'-
Connell, 482-Mr. H. D. Grady, 484
VOL. IV.-1822.

-the bar preferred in Ireland as a
profession, 485-remarks on effects of
this choice, ib. 486, 487-objects of
Lord Clare respecting, 488-conduct
of Connaught gentlemen to process-
servers, 489-ludicrous affidavits of-
fered to the courts, 490.

Barton (Bernard), verses by, 211.
Belshazzar, review of Milman's, 49—
description of, 50-extracts from, 52,

Billaut (M. Adam), his drinking song,

Biter bit, the, 519.

Blenheim, a visit to, 512-the park, 513,
514-Alfred and Rosamond, 515-
the house, 516, 517-garden and trees
at, 518.

Bracebridge-hall, review of, 65.
Bridal customs of the Irish, 185-Mary's
first love, ib.-holiday merriment,
186-ceremonies of the bridal, 187,
188, 189-ancient customs, 190, 191.
Bushe (Mr.), sketch of his forensic ca-
reer, 289.


Cadalso, Anacreontic from, 34.
Campaigns of a Cornet, 27, 556.
Campbell (T.) song by, 81-ditto, 91-
ditto, 199-of the Greeks, 451.
Candle, the miraculous, 82.
Caprice, 107.

Carlos of Spain and Philip II., 231, 352.
Chances of female happiness, 284.
Chess, on the game of, 125, 315.
Church-yard wanderings, 84.
Collegian and porter, the, 327.
Comedies, Alfieri's political, 265, 334.
Confessional, No. III. 54—IV. 406.
Coppet, account of, 329-Madame de
Staël's dislike of country life, ib.—ob-
servations on her works and charac-
ter, 330 to 333.

Cornet, campaigns of a, 27-court mar-
tial described, ib.-the Pyrennees, 29
-Bayonne, 30-Tarbes, 31-charge
of cavalry, 32, 33-commander
wounded, ib.-Scotch dragoon, 556-
his adventure with a French comis-
sary, 557-various movements of the
army, 558, 559-enters Toulouse, 560
-peace, 561-attends a ball given by
Marshal Suchet, ib.-march home,
and retirement into the country, 562.
Country life in England, 305, 436-Eng-
lish park, 305-family in the coun-
D 4

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try, 306-rural fête described, ib. 307,
308-emptiness of London, 436,-
club-houses, 437-country residences,
438, 439-county dinners, 440, 441
-epigram on a House of Commons
orator, 442.

Cozening Cousins and caustic Compli-
ments, 508.

Cupid and Time, 495.


Dedicatee, advertisement for one, 381.
De Staël, anecdote of Madame, 537.
Devil, and the Nuns, the, 314-how to

see the, 435.

Dialogues of the dead, 140-Johnson,

Savage, and Goldsmith, 141-the
Scotch novels, 142-modern poets,
143-present taste, 144.
Digressions in the two exhibition rooms,
218-the Chelsea pensioner, 219-
Wilkie's models for his pictures, 220
-the rent-day, 221-the blacksmith
of Antwerp, 222.
Dinner, the, 278.

Earth's Missioner, 205.
English ballad-singers, 212.
Ennui, 574.

Entremeses of the Spanish Theatre, on
the, 549.

Epigram of Pananti, 60, 64, 151.
Epigrams, on, 35-those of Greece, ib.

37 to 40-French, 42, 43-English,
43-to Miss Edgeworth, 288-others,
Exhibition rooms, digressions in, 218.
Eyes, the eloquence of, 61-conceits re-
specting, 62-poetic praises of the

eye, 63, 64.


Fair Sophist, th496.

Farmer and Counsellor, the, 252.
Fat Actor and Rustic, the, 130.

Brunswick's campaign, 523-La Fay-
ette, 524-miserable character of the
French emigrants, 525-self-devotion
of the French soldiers, ib.—pleasing
optical illusion, 526.

Gouty merchant and stranger, the, 11.
Greeks, song of the, 451.
Grievances, social, 412-the travelled
grievance, 413-the University one,
415-the aimable de bon ton, ib.-the
lettered one, 416-the sporting one,
ib.-the punster, 417.
Grimm's Ghost, 537-anecdote of Ma-
dame de Staël, ib.-new place of in-
terment, 538-Mount Rhadamanth,
539-epitaph, in, ib.-tomb of Miss
Flight, 540-epitaph on, ib.-inscrip-
tion over the stone of Phoebe Las-
Guido Cavalcanti, account of, 1-born
celles, 541.
at Bologna, 2-his character, 5-let-
ter of Lorenzo de' Medici respect-
ing, 8.


Happiness, female, chances of, 284.
Head, advantages of having none, 108.
seven ages of, 461.

Helen, lines on the death of, 211.
How to see the Devil, 434.
Hypochondriacs, 470-symptoms of their
complaint, 470, 471-a Northampton-
shire one, 471-his fancied com-
plaints, 472-dinner with him, 473—
his books, ib.-his opinion of matri-
mony, 474-love of peptic precepts,


Interludes of the Spanish theatre, on the,
549-Los Huebos, or the Eggs, 550-
La Cueva, or the Cradle, 551-the
comedy of Isidore, 553-Los Romanos
and the Hospital for Fools, 554.
Irish, bridal customs of the, 185.

Female happiness, chances of, 284-ill. Italian Opera, the, 224-awkward situ-

natured satires on women, 285-un-
happy situation of, ib.-old maids ill-
treated, 286-relative situations with
the husband after marriage, 287—un-
congenial unions, ib.-hardships and
trials of women, 288.
Fitzgerald (Lord Edward), stanzas
posed by, 351.
Flowers, poetry and moral use of, 401.
Flute-player, the one-handed, 369.
Fortunes of Nigel, review of, 77.
Foscolo (U.), his residence, 506.



Gallery of Apelles, the, 111, 193.
Game of Chess, on the, in Europe in the
thirteenth century, 125, 315.
Girl, on a poor but pretty one going to
a rout, 479.

Goëthe, Memoirs of, 521-reflections on,
521, 522-his account of the Duke of

ation of a novice at, ib.-causes of
the rage for it, 225-mode of estab-
lishment, ib.-Byron's satire against,
226-musical predilections, ib,—man-
agement of, at home, 227-on the
Continent, ib.-egotism of Vestris,
228-effect of complicated music, 228,
229-a crowded night at, 229-lofty
pretensions and negotiations of, 230—
a good place to study life, ib.
Italy, lines of, 333.


Last of the Pigtails, the, 242.
Laughter, the wisdom of, 457-causes of
the laughter of Democritus, 458-dif-
ferent species of Laughter, 459-a
steam-boat conversation, 460-Scar-
ron's exclamation on his death-bed, ib.
Letters on England, 145-the English
Drama, ib. to 151-on English actors,


452-Kean, 453-Miss O'Neill, ib.-
C. Kemble and Young, 455.
Letters on a tour in Switzerland, 21,
133, 246, 310.
Liar, the, 165.

Lines on the death of Helen, 211.
Literary recollections of London, 118-
Lord Russell's execution in Lincoln's
Inn-square, 119--Button's, 120---
Will's, 121-Dryden's House, ib.
the Parks, ib.-Literary Trio, 426.
London and the Country, 273-superi-
ority of London acknowledged by
Johnson, 273-sameness of country
life, 274-country sports, 275-Lon-
don the seat of charity, 276-inde-
pendence of London, 277-a Sabbath
in, 502-passage to Dover, ib.--re-
flections on arriving in London, 503-
misses his surgical friend, 504-ram-
ble to Regent's park, 505-the resi-
dence of Foscolo, 506-St. Martin's
church, ib. 507.

Louvre, the, in 1822, 462-Hall of the
Centaur, 464-colossal bust of Rome,
465-the Centaur, ib.-the Venus
Victrix, 466-the gladiator, 467-
the return, &c. 468, 469.
Love (de l'Amour), review of, 423-
different varieties of love, 424-emo-
tions caused by, 425-durations of
different epochs of, 426-female au-
thors, 427-of a rival in, 428-cen-
sures on English literature, by the
author, 429-incident respecting jeal-
ousy, 430.
Love, parted, 124.

Madrigal to Apollo, 272.

Marriage act, the new,


May, stanzas to, 96.
Mæcenas, his villa, 494.
Memoirs of Goethe, review of, 521.
Mayor of Miroblais, the, 399.
Miser's will, the, 223.
Miseries of reality, 391-decline of the
empire of imagination, ib.—ancient
traditions have lost their effects, 393
--a Catholic church a vulgar thing,
ib.-Rousseau's Hermitage a mean
place, ib.-all become known and
real, and the empire of fiction no
more, 394.

Missioner, Earth's, a fragment, 205.
Modern Pilgrimages, 329, VI.-491, VII.
Mount Rhadamanth, account of, 539.


Napoleon in exile, 178-opinions re-
specting Napoleon, 179-domestic de-
tails of, at St. Helena, ib.-his bed-
room, 180-his own character, 181-
his account of the execution of the
Turks at Jaffa, 182-of libels on him-
self, ib.-of the Duke d'Enghein, 183
-his opinion of Russia, ib.-her de-

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Parson at fault, the, 521.
Pananti, epigram of, 60, 64, 151.
Parted love, 124.

Petrarch, sonnet of, 171.
Peter Pindarics, 9, 130, 251, 327, 399,
519-the auctioneer and lawyer, 9—
the gouty merchant and stranger, 11
-the fat actor and rustic, 130-the
bank-clerk and the stable-keepers,
131-Piron and the judge of police,
251-farmer and counsellor, 252-
the collegian and porter, 327-the
Mayor of Miroblais, 399-Rabelais
and the lampreys, 400-The biter
bit, 519-the parson at fault, 521.
Philip II. and Prince Carlos of Spain,
231, 252.

Physician, the, No. I. 254-No. II. 362.
No. III. 563.

Pigtails, the last of t


Pilgrimages, modern, 92, 329, 491.
Piron and the judge of police, 251.
Plato, republic of, 69, 152.
Players in Paris, English, 259.
Pleasures of the table, on the, 206.
Plunket (Mr.), sketch of him, 97.
Poetry of pleading, 200-lyric of Tasso,
373-of flowers, 401.

of life, the, 161.
Poetry: Peter Pindarics, 9, 130, 251,
327, 399, 519-Anacreontic from Ca-
dalso, 34-love and folly, 47-epi-
grams of Pananti, 60, 64, 151-song
to Mary, 76-the miraculous candle,
82-on being shown some beautiful
specimens of ornamental porcelain,
83-song, by T. Campbell, 91-May,
lines to, 96-to the harvest moon, 100
--Caprice, 107-second sight, 116–
parted love, 124-drinking song, 139
-the vision, 160-sonnet from Zanot-
ti, 164-of Petrarch, 171-Adelgitha,
199--Earth's Missioner, 205-on the

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