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wars, either against Scotland or on the con-
tinent, feeing moreover his demefnes confi-
derably diminished, was frequently reduced
to the most preffing neceffities. But though,
in confequence of the spirit of the times, he
frequently indulged himself in particular acts
of injuftice, yet he perceived, that it was
impoffible to extend a general oppreffion
over a body of nobles and a people, who fo
well knew how to unite in a common cause.
In order to raise fubfidies therefore, he was
obliged to employ a new method, and to
endeavour to obtain, through the consent of
the people, what his predeceffors had hitherto
expected from their own power. The fheriffs
were ordered to invite the towns and bo-
roughs of the different counties to fend de-
puties to parliament; and it is from this æra,
that we are to date the origin of the house
of commons *.

"It must be confeffed however, that thefe

deputies of the people were not at first pof

The commons

originally fum.

moned only to feffed of any confiderable authority. They wants of the

fupply the

were far from enjoying thofe extenfive pri- king. vileges, which, in thefe days, conftitute the houfe of commons a collateral part of the government; they were in thofe times called

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The advantage

of legally influ

encing the mo

tions of govern


Eleven confir

mations of

magna charta

in Edward's

the commons.

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up only to provide for the wants of the king, and approve of the refolutions taken by him and the affembly of the lords. But it was nevertheless a great point gained to have obtained the right of uttering their complaints, affembled in a body, and in a legal way to have acquired, inftead of the dangerous refource of infurrections, a lawful and regular mean of influencing the motions of the government, and thenceforth to have become a part of it. of it. Whatever difadvantage might attend the ftation at firft allotted to the reprefentatives of the people, it was foon to be compenfated by the preponderance the people neceffarily acquire, when they are enabled to act and move with method, and efpecially with concert.

"And indeed this privilege of naming reprefentatives infignificant as it might then

reign, owing to appear, presently manifefted itself by the the influence of moft confiderable effects. In fpite of his reluctance, and after many evafions unworthy of fo great a king, Edward was obliged to confirm the great charter; he even confirmed it eleven times in the courfe of his reign. It was moreover enacted, that whatever should be done contrary to it fhould be null and void; that it should be read twice a year in all cathedrals; and that the penalty of excommunication

munication should be denounced against any one, who fhould prefume to violate it.

"At length he converted into an established law a privilege, of which the English had hitherto had only a precarious enjoyment; and in the ftatute de tallagio non concedendo he decreed, that no tax fhould be laid, nor impost levied, without the joint confent of the lords and commons; a moft important ftatute this, which, in conjunction with Magna Charta, forms the basis of the English conftitution. If from the latter the English are to date the origin of their liberty, from the former they are to date the establishment of it; and as the great charter was the bulwark, that protected the freedom of individuals, fo was the ftatute in question the engine, which protected the charter itself, and by the help of which the people were thenceforth to make legal conquefts over the authority of the crown."

* «The representatives of the nation, and of the whole nation, were now admitted into parliament; the great point therefore was gained, that was one day to procure them the great influence, which they at prefent poffefs; and the fubfequent reigns afford continual instances of its fucceffive growth.

* De Lolme, c. iii. p. 41, & feq.
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<< Under

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Under Edward

II. the com

mons annex

petitions to the

"Under Edward the Second, the commons began to annex petitions to the bills, by

bills, by which which they granted fubfidies; this was the dawn of their legiflative authority. Under

they granted


Under Edward

111. they claim Edward the Third, they declared they would not in future acknowledge any law, to which

a right of confenting to every law,

and of impeach


Under Hen. IV. they refufed to grant fubfidies till anfwers were given to their petitions.

The progrefs of their influence legal and fure.

they had not exprefsly affented. Soon after ing ministers of this, they exerted a privilege, in which confifts at this time one of the great balances of the constitution; they impeached, and procured to be condemned fome of the firft minifters of ftate. Under Henry the Fourth, they refused to grant fubfidies before an anfwer had been given to their petitions. In a word, every event of any confequence was attended with an increase of the power of the commons; increases indeed but flow and gradual, but which were peaceably and legally effected, and were the more fit to engage the attention of the people, and coalefce with the ancient principles of the constitution. Under From Hen. V. Henry the Fifth, the nation was entirely taken up with its wars against France; and ther progrefs of in the reign of Henry the Sixth began the fatal contefts between the houfes of York and Lancaster. The noife of arms alone was now to be heard; during the filence of the laws already in being, no thought was had of enacting new ones; and for thirty years toge

the wars of the nation pre

vented any fur

the influence of the commous.


ther, England presents a wide scene of flaughter and defolation.

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At length, under Henry the Seventh, who, by his intermarriage with the house of York, united the pretensions of the two families, a general peace was re-established, and the prospect of happier days feemed to open on the nation. But the long and violent agitation, under which it had laboured, was to be followed by a long and painful recovery. Henry mounting the throne with fword in hand, and in great measure as a conqueror, had promises to fulfil, as well as injuries to avenge. In the mean time the people wearied out by the calamities they had undergone, and longing only for repofe abhorred even the idea of refiftance; fo that the remains of an almoft exterminated nobility beheld themselves left defenceless, and abandoned to the mercy of the fovereign.

"The commons on the other hand accuf- Commons and tomed to act only a fecond part in public

lords fubmiflive to the first princes of the

affairs, and finding themfelves bereft of thofe, houfe of Tudor. who had hitherto been their leaders, were more than ever afraid to form of themselves an oppofition. Placed immediately as well as the lords under the eye of the king, they beheld themselves expofed to the fame dangers; like them therefore they purchased their perfonal

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