The booke of gostlye grace of Mechtild of Hackeborn |
p | 25 |
p | 44 |
p | 57 |
p | 65 |
Tertia pars cc 143 | 74 |
Notes to the Text | 79 |
Select Glossary | 109 |
Quinta pars cc 118 | 117 |
Bibliography | 127 |
141 | |
Common terms and phrases
Abbess Adam of Dryburgh Antiphon appears Benedictine Bernard Blessed Virgin Book of Margery Booke's Cambridge Carthusian Catalogue Christ Church Cistercian copy devotion Dévotions dialect Diligendo Deo Divine Dominican edition EETS Elizabeth of Schonau English Religious Lyric feast fifteenth century folios follows C's forms German Gertrude Golden Legend grete haffe Helfta Henry Suso hereselfe herte Holy hymn inflexions Introit Joann Julian of Norwich Latin Liber Spiritualis Library liturgy London Lord manuscript Margery Kempe Matt Mechtild of Hackeborn Mechtild of Magdeburg Medieval meditation Middle English Miss Allen monastery mystical northern Note Oxford pa.t passage Passion prayer prep prologues pron Psal reads refers refl Responsory Revelationes revelations Richard Rolle Sacred Heart schalle sche scribal error scribe sermon spellings spiritual subj Symbolism Syon trans translation Trinity usually variant visions vowel word Wounds writings York ţat