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HALF-PAY to be allowed to the under-mentioned OFFICERS according to the following Scale.

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Staff Captains, Chief Inspectors, and Inspectors of Machinery. S

Chaplains and Naval Instructors.† For 10 years' service in the double capacity, an addition of.

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After 8 and under 11 years' actual service as Secretary to
Flag Officers and Commodores of the 1st Class.

0 12

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Under 14

0 14


Above 14

0 17 06

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[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]


Under 5 years' service.


Above 11 years', provided he passed his examination for
Surgeon while under 10 years' service

On promotion or under 14 years' service

[merged small][ocr errors]

17 above 17

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And for each additional year of service is. a day more until
the maximum is reached, namely

On promotion or under 25 years' service.

above 25

And for each additional year of service 18. a day more until
the maximum is reached, namely

Order in Council, 30th April 1877, modified these Regulations.

+ See Circular 29 of 1875 as to pay of Chaplains and Naval instructors.

0 11 0 11


0 13 6 014

0 16



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NOTE.-Officers with less than 5 years' Service in the Senior Rank will be allowed to reckon 2 years' Junior

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will be allowed to reckon 4 years' Junior Service besides.

will be allowed to reckon 6 years' Junior Service besides.

will be allowed to reckon all Junior Service which is allowed to count.

1. An extra 10l. per annum to be given to Staff Captains, and to Chief Inspectors and Inspectors of Ma chinery, for each year's service in those ranks, provided that such increase will not bring their retired pay to more than 4501. a year, which shall be the maximus retired pay for those ranks. [Maximum of Chief Inspectors raised to 5007. by Order in Council, 30th Apri 1877.]

2. The maximum retired pay for the following Officers not to exceed the sums stated against each rank:Chaplain and Naval Instructor Secretary





Staff Commanders

Chief Engineer


Retired Pay.

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Staff Surgeont

Naval Instructor

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3. Officers to be allowed, at their option, to retire either upon the above scale or on the active half-pay of their rank at the time of retirement.

4. The retired pay of Officers who entered, or who shall hereafter enter Her Majesty's service after the age of 25, and in cases of Chaplains or Chaplains and Naval In structors after the age of 30, will not depend on their age, but on their service only. The provisions contained in first and fourth columns of the Scale of Retired Pay will

See Circular 29 of 1875 as to pay of Chaplains and Naval Instructors.

† Note.-By Order in Council of 4th February 1875, the titles of Staff Surgeon and Surgeons 2nd Class were changed into Fleet Surgeon and Staff Surgeon, and the maximum retired pay was raised to 4501.

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The power vested in Us to grant lower rates of halfpay in cases of misconduct, to be extended to retired Jay.

7. Power to be reserved to Us to suspend at any time, and with respect to any rank, the provisions of the Order, under which an Officer may, at his option, retire at an age less than that fixed for compulsory retirement in each rank.

8. Retirement from the Active List not to disqualify any Officer for employment at or under the Admiralty.

. All Officers to be allowed, at their own request, and with Our consent, to compound their retired pay under the Rules laid down by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury for administering Act 32 & 33 Vict. cap a

XL. Pensions,

1. Naval and Greenwich Hospital Pensions to be awarded to old, infirm, wounded, and disabled Officers on the Retired List of long service, but not to be conferred as a qualification for Retirement. Except as herein stated, the qualification for, and the distribution and amounts of these Pensions to remain as defined by existing Regulations.

2. The following alteration in the distribution and amounts of Greenwich Hospital Pensions to be made :Stad Captains and Captains retired

from Staff Captains' List ... 1 Pension of 801. Staff Commanders and Navigating Lieutenants, and Captains retired from Staff Commanders' List. Chief Inspectors and Inspectors of Machinery.

Chief Engineers.

2 Pensions of 501.

. 1 Pension of 801. 7 Pensions of 501. 3. In calculating service for these Pensions the same Rules to apply as for Retirement.

4. All Officers in receipt of Naval or Greenwich Hos. pital Pensions not to be allowed to retain them after being promoted.

5. No Pension, except a Pension for wounds, can be commuted.

XII. Temporary Provisions.

1. The following provisions to apply to Navigating Ocers, Chief Inspectors and Inspectors of Machinery, Chief Engineers, Chaplains, Naval Instructors, Medical 05es, Paymasters, and Assistant Paymasters, now buding those Ranks on the Active List.

2. All Officers to whom, under the following clauses, an option is given, must signify to Us in writing, within such time as may be prescribed, in what manner they elect to exercise such option. In the event of their failing to intimate their wishes, it will be assumed that they

have elected the new Regulations for Retirement laid down in this scheme.

3. The new scales of pay and allowances to apply to all Officers, unless they request in writing, within such time as may be prescribed, to be paid according to those now in force, in which case they will continue to receive the old rates of pay and allowances during all their future services except present Assistant Paymasters, who, when promoted to the rank of Paymaster, will only be entitled to receive pay according to the new scale.

4. Officers to whom option is given, and who elect to be dealt with under the old Regulations, will retain their present rights as to half-pay, promotion, and retirement, except so far as they are expressly limited by these Temporary Provisions, but they will have none of the advantages of the new Regulations, except as to pay and allowances in accordance with the preceding clause.

[By Circulars 62 of 1873, 21 of 1874, provision is made for allowing Officers to change from old to new Regulations, if they would not, under the new Regulations, have been compulsorily retired before the date of application to exchange.]

5. Officers to whom option is given, and who elect to be dealt with under the "New Regulations," will receive half-pay, and will be promoted and retired in accordance with them, and will retain no rights abolished by them, except so far as is expressly laid down in these Temporary Provisions.

6. Present Navigating Officers, Chief Inspectors and Inspectors of Machinery, Chief Engineers, Medical Officers, and Paymasters, to be retired under the conditions as to age and non-service within a term of years, which are fixed by the new Regulations; but to be allowed an option of retiring on the scale herein provided, or on the terms they now enjoy.

7. Present Chaplains and Naval Instructors to be allowed, at their option, either the terms of the "New Regulations" as to half-pay and retirement, or the privilege of remaining under the old Regulations; but in no case to be allowed to remain on the Active List after they have attained the age of 60.

8. Chief Engineers who entered Her Majesty's service before 27th February 1847 to be allowed to count towards retirement all time served as 1st and 2nd class Engineer.

9. Until the Assistant Paymaster's List is reduced to 200, Assistant Paymasters of 3 years standing may, with their consent, be retired with the pay of 3s. 6d. per diem, an additional 6d. being given for each complete year beyond three served as Assistant Paymaster until the maximum is reached, viz., 68. per diem.

10. Until the Active Lists shall have been reduced to the numbers proposed, Officers, of whatever age, may be retired with their consent, and at Our discretion; if they are above 40 years of age, upon the terms of the new Regulations; if they are under 40, upon the half-pay of their rank according to the new Regulations.

All present Rules and Regulations, except in so far as they are expressly altered or limited by these General or Temporary Provisions, shall be deemed to remain in force.

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Admiralty, 23rd February 1874. (EXCHANGE FROM OLD TO NEW REGULATIONS AS TO PAY AND RETIREMENT.) The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are pleased to direct, with respect to the permission to exchange from the Old to the New Regulations for Fullpay, Half-pay, and Retirement, which was granted by the Circular of 25th September last to every Officer who

at the time of applying should be on the Active List, that application for Exchange cannot be entertained where the Officer, if he had originally elected the New Regulations, would have been compulsorily retired under them before the date of such application. By command of their Lordships,

To all Commanders-in-Chief, &c.


At the Court at Windsor

The 18th day of May 1870. Present:

The QUEEN'S most Excellent Majesty in Council. WHEREAS there was this day read at the Board a Memorial from the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, dated the 16th of May 1870 in the words following, viz.:

"Whereas by Your Majesty's Orders in Council of the 22nd February 1870, Your Majesty was pleased to sanction certain proposals for the retirement of the Executive and Civil Officers of Your Majesty's Fleet: Whereas we are of opinion it is desirable that further regulations be laid down on certain points connected with the Scheme of Retirement then sanctioned, we would humbly propose to Your Majesty:

"1st. As regards service of Officers on Committees or Commissions of Inquiry in connection with naval matters of importance, we are of opinion that, considering the value of such enquiries, it is but just to allow a certain portion of such service to count as full service as regards Pay, Half-pay, and Retirement, though not to reckon as service to save Officers from compulsory retirement on account of non-service; we would therefore submit, that we be empowered to allow Officers to count a portion of the time so employed, namely, up to six months on Committees and Commissions, as full time; afterwards as two-thirds of full time; but the maximum addition to what an Officer would have been allowed if all his Committee time had counted as Halfpay time, to be two years.

"2nd. As regards civil employment at or under the Admiralty, we would humbly submit that when an Officer is retired from the Active List on account of age, non-service, or otherwise, and we deem it advisable to retain him in such civil employment, he should continue in receipt of his former emoluments as though he had remained on the Active List, until he ceases to be in such civil employment, that his retired pay should then be calculated according to the total period of service he may have completed, reckoning his civil employment as service for this purpose.

3rd. As regards promotion on the Lists of Navigating and Medical Officers, and in the ranks of Paymaster and Chief Engineer, we would submit to Your Majesty, that we be allowed to fill up not more than one in four


vacancies which may be caused by Retirement, or Promotion consequent on Retirement, until the Lists may be reduced to the numbers authorised by Your Majesty's above-named Orders in Council; and we would beg to point out that provision for making such promotion in the ranks of Captain, Commander, and Lieutenant, was contained in the Order of Council of 22nd of February


"4th. As regards the promotion on Retirement of Staff Commanders and Paymasters, whereas it is laid down by Your Majesty's Order in Council of 26th June 1867, that Staff Commanders having served 20 years in the ranks of Navigating Lieutenant and Staff Commander shall receive, when retired, the rank of Retired Captain, and that Officers having served 15 years those ranks shall retire with the rank of Retired Cora mander; and by Your Majesty's Order in Council of 9th July 1864 it is laid down that Paymasters who may have completed 20 years' service, including Acting Paymasters' time, and not more than 4 years' time as Assistant Paymaster, shall be retired with the rank of Paymaster-in-Chief: And whereas by Your Majesty's Order in Council of 22nd February 1870 it has been provided as to Commanders and Lieutenants placed on the Retired List that these Officers shall be granted the rank of Retired Captain and Retired Commander only at our discretion: We are of opinion that it will be for the benefit of Your Majesty's Service that similar conditions should be made applicable to the Promotion on Retire ment of Staff Commanders and Paymasters, so that these Officers should no longer be entitled to claim the respective ranks of Retired Captain, Retired Commander, and Paymaster-in-Chief, when removed from the Active List, but that such promotion should, in addition to the above-mentioned requirements of service, be governed also by qualifications of good and meritorious service: We therefore humbly submit that in future such Promotions on Retirement be made at our discretion. We beg further to represent that, so far as financial arrangements are affected, the Lords Commissioners of Your Majesty's Treasury have signified their concurrence in the above-mentioned proposals."

Her Majesty, having taken the said Memorial into consideration, was pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to approve of what is therein proposed; and the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly. (Signed) ARTHUR HELPS.


No. 36.-N.

At the Court of Windsor,

The 18th day of March 1880. Present:

The QUEEN'S most Excellent Majesty in Council. Whereas there was this day read at the Board a Memorial from the Right Honourable the Lords Commis sioners of the Admiralty, dated the 16th of March 1880, in the words following, viz. :

"Whereas by Article 237 of the Regulations established under Your Majesty's Order in Council of the

4th of February 1879 for the Government of Your Ma jesty's Naval Service, it is provided that To qualify a Staff Commander for the rank of Staff Captain be must receive an appointment as Master Attendant, 1 Assistant Master Attendant, or Queen's Harbor Master, or he must, with 20 years sea-service as a Commis 'sioned Navigating Officer have performed some special service, the nature of which is to be mentioned in the Gazette; and whereas the effect of these provisions has been to exclude from advancement to the rank of Staff Captain Officers unable to acquire the above-mentioned qualifications but yet deserving, in our opinion, of such promotion. We would humbly submit that Your Majesty will be graciously pleased to cancel the said Article 237 and to substitute the following provi. sions, viz.:

"To qualify a Staff Commander for the rank of Staff Captain he must receive an appointment as Master Attendant, Assistant Master Attendant, or Queen's Harbor Master, or he must have completed 15 years seaservice as a commissioned Navigating Officer and have performed such special services as in the opinion of the Admiralty render him deserving of promotion.

"We would represent to Your Majesty that it is not proposed to increase the number of Staff Captains at present authorized, and that consequently no additional

expenditure beyond that authorized by the Regulations will be incurred by these proposals."

Her Majesty, having taken the said Memorial into consideration, was pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to approve of what is therein proposed. And the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly. C. L. PEEL.


At the Court at Osborne, Isle of Wight,
The 5th day of February 1872.

The QUEEN'S most Excellent Majesty in Council. WHEREAS there was this day read at the Board a Memorial from the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, dated the 19th of January 1873, in the words following, viz:

"Whereas Your Majesty was pleased, by your Order in Council of 22nd February, 1870, to establish Regulations for the Retirement of Chaplains, and Chaplains and Naval Instructors of Your Majesty's Navy And whereas we are of opinion that it is expedient, in the interests of Your Majesty's Service, to allow such Officers to cease to serve Your Majesty at a period earlier than that laid down by the Order in Council: And whereas we are also of opinion that the services of such Officers, if of a certain duration, should not be unrecognized: We do therefore most humbly submit that Clause 6, paragraph 3, of the said Order in Council be cancelled, and that We be authorised to make the following regulations:

"1. That any Chaplain who obtains from us permission to accept a living, or desires to retire from Your Majesty's Service, may, provided that he has not less than 10 years' service, be retired with pay on the following scales, viz. :£50 per annum. £100

After 10 Years' Service


15 20

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The amount earned by service under Order in Council of 22nd February 1870.

2. That Chaplains who have less than 10 years' service and accept a living, will be considered as desiring to resign Your Majesty's Service, and will accordingly not be entitled to any pecuniary retiring allowance, or to either Half or Retired Pay. The Lords Commissioners of Your Majesty's Treasury have signified their concurrence with these proposals."

Her Majesty, having taken the said Memorial into consideration, was pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to approve of what is therein contained; and the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.

[See Circular 29 of 1875.]



At the Court at Windsor,
The 3rd day of March 1873.

The QUEEN'S most Excellent Majesty in Council. WHEREAS there was this day read at the Board a Memo. rial from the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, dated the 1st of March 1873, in the words following, viz.:

"Whereas we have had under consideration the state of the Active List of Paymasters and Assistant Paymasters in Your Majesty's Fleet; and whereas we are of opinion that, in order to increase the efficiency of those Lists, and to maintain a steady and more equal flow of promotion, it is necessary to reduce the Active List below the numbers laid down by Your Majesty's Order in Council of 22nd February 1870, the numbers now borne being in access of the requirements of Your Majesty's Service; we would, therefore humbly propose to Your Majesty

"1. That paragraphs three and four of section six of Your Majesty's said Order in Council of 22nd February 1870 be cancelled.

"2. That the Active List of Paymasters, including Secretaries, be reduced to two hundred. "That the Active List of Assistant Paymasters, Clerks, and Assistant Clerks, be reduced to two hundred and thirty.

"4. That until the Active List of Paymasters shall have been reduced to the numbers proposed, Paymasters, of whatever age, be retired, with their consent and at our discretion, on the terms laid down in Your Majesty's said Order in Council of 22nd February 1870.

"5. That until the Active Lists of Assistant Paymasters, Clerks, and Assistant Clerks, shall have been reduced to the numbers proposed, Assistant Paymasters be retired, with their consent and at our discretion

"(a.) If under three years' standing, with the pay
of two shillings and sixpence per diem.
"(b.) If of three years' standing, with three shil-
lings and sixpence per diem, an additional
sixpence per diem being given for each com-
plete year beyond three, served as Assistant
Paymaster, until the maximum is reached,
viz., six shillings per diem, these being the
same terms as those laid down in Your Ma-
jesty's said Order in Council of 22nd February

"6. That until the list of Paymasters shall have been reduced to the number proposed, we be empowered to promote to the rank of Paymaster, in the vacancies caused by death or compulsory retirement, not exceeding ten in any one year; but that in the case of voluntary retirement no promotion shall be made.

"We beg that Your Majesty will be graciously pleased to sanction these arrangements, which have received the concurrence of the Lords Commissioners of Your Majesty's Treasury."

Her Majesty, having taken the said Memorial into consideration, was pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to approve of what is therein proposed; and the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.

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At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight,
The 9th day of August 1872.

The QUEEN'S most Excellent Majesty in Council. WHEREAS there was this day read at the Board a Memorial from the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, dated the 1st August 1872, in the words following, viz.:

"Whereas Your Majesty was graciously pleased, by Your Order in Council of the 5th February 1872, to estab lish Regulations for the Retirement of Sub-Lieutenants of Your Majesty's Navy; and whereas, having had under our consideration the present state of the Active List of Navigating Sub-Lieutenants, we are of opinion that it is necessary to establish Regulations for the Retirement of Officers in this rank, we would therefore humbly submit to Your Majesty the following proposals:

"1. Navigating Sub-Lieutenants to be compulsorily retired at the age of forty, or at any age if physically unfit for service.

"2. Retired Pay to be granted as follows: after three years' seniority, 3s. 6d. per diem, an additional 6d, being given for each complete year beyond three served as Navigating Sub-Lieutenant until the maximum is reached, viz., 6s. per diem.

"3. Officers who, in our opinion, are not deserving of receiving Retired Pay on the above scale, to be granted such lower rate of Pay as we may think fit to award them.

"4. Service for Retired Pay to be calculated in accord

ance with the Provisions of Your Majesty's Order in Council of 22nd February 1870, relating to Navigating Officers, &c.; time during which a Navigating Sub-Lientenant may be on Half-pay, after he has served three years in that rank, to reckon in the proportion fixed by the said Order in Council,

"5. Navigating Sub-Lieutenants to be allowed, at their own request and with our consent, to commute their Retired Pay under the rules laid down by the Lords Com missioners of Your Majesty's Treasury for administering the Act 34 and 35 Vict. cap 56.

"6. The existing rules as to Half-Pay to Navigating Sub-Lieutenants while on the Active List to remain in


"7. We would humbly submit to Your Majesty that the above Regulations be sanctioned, and we further be allowed to apply the same to Navigating Sub-Lieutenant George Horwood, who has served for 41 years and 9 months in Your Majesty's Navy, and who was discharged from Your Majesty's Coastguard Service in July 1971, on attaining the age of 00, from the date of his said dis charge.

"We beg that Your Majesty will be graciously pleased to sanction these arrangements, which have received the concurrence of the Lords Commissioners of Your Majesty's Treasury."

Her Majesty having taken the said Memorial into consideration, was pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to approve of what is therein proposed; and the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly. (Signed) ARTHUR HELPS.



The Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight,
The 9th day of August 1872.

The QUEEN'S most Excellent Majesty in Council. WHEREAS there was this day read at the Board a Memorial from the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, dated the 7th of August 1872, in the words following, viz.:

"Whereas we have had under our consideration the position of Inspectors-General and Deputy InspectorsGeneral of Hospitals and Fleets in Your Majesty's Fleet, with reference to the provisions of Your Majesty's Order in Council of 22nd February 1870, and especially to the provisions that Service shall mean Service on Full-pay; and whereas Inspectors-General are not called upon to serve except in charge of Naval Hospitals at home; and whereas it is provided by the Order in Council of the 7th August 1860 that no Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets shall be promoted to the rank of Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets, unless he shall

have served five years as a Deputy Inspector-General, during three years of which period he shall have been in charge of a Foreign Hospital, or of a Fleet or Squadron; and whereas a Deputy Inspector-General cannot serve otherwise than in the capacities mentioned, except in charge of a Naval Hospital at home; and whereas the service of any Inspector-General or Deputy Inspector General in charge of a Naval Hospital at home or abroad, though not Service on Full-pay, is upon salary equal thereto, we are of opinion that Service by any InspectorGeneral or Deputy Inspector-General in charge of a Naval Hospital at home or abroad should be held to be Service for the purposes of the said Order in Council of the 22nd February 1870; and we humbly beg that Your Majesty will be graciously pleased by Your Order in Council to give directions accordingly."

Her Majesty, having taken the said Memorial into consideration, was pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to approve of what is therein proposed; and the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly. ARTHUR HELPS.



No. 1.-C.W.

At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight,
The 4th day of February 1875.

The QUEEN'S most Excellent Majesty in Council. WHEREAS there was this day read at the Board a Memorial from the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, dated the first of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, in the words following:

"Whereas we have had under our consideration the position of the Medical Officers of Your Majesty's Navy, and whereas we are of opinion that it will be for the benefit of Your Majesty's Service that the following Regulations shall be established, we beg to submit them most humbly for Your Majesty's approval:

"1. That surgeons on entry shall have the same relative rank as Paymasters, Chief Engineers, and Naval Instructors, namely, shall rank with Lieutenants under eight years' seniority, and shall have uniform corresponding to such relative rank.

"2. That Staff Surgeons shall be denominated 'Fleet Surgeons,' and Staff Surgeons Second Class simply 'Staff Surgeons;' the distinction in rank between these two grades to be denoted by a small difference in the uniform.

"3. That Inspectors-General shall be compulsorily retired at the age of 60; on 21. per day, provided they shall have completed the period of service now required to entitle them to the maximum Half-pay of their rank "4. That Deputy Inspectors-General shall be compul sorily retired at 60; if in the first six of their rank, at 33s. per day, others at 80s. per diem, provided that they shall

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