The Inflatable Moment: Pnuematics and Protest in '68Marc Dessauce To a group of architecture students at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris in the turbulent year 1968, the idea of the inflatable held a promise of mobility, movement, energy, and escape. Seeking to overturn the inertia and oppression that they believed characterized mainstream architecture, the Utopie group (as they called themselves) designed a series of pneumatic buildings, furniture, and environments, all heavily influenced by American military structures and comic books as well as by the work of Buckminster Fuller, Henri Lefebvre, Jean Baudrillard, and London's Archigram. Though Utopie architects Jean Aubert, Jean-Paul Jungmann, and Antoine Stinco were unable to realize their dream of a society literally built on air, their fanciful, exuberant, witty, and highly detailed drawings remain some of the most extraordinary in modern architecture. The Inflatable Moment documents this fascinating intersection of architectural, social, and political history, as it presents a complete, annotated catalog of the designs of the Utopie architects alongside similar structures from the period. Essays on the pneumatic phenomenon and the intellectual history of the Utopie group are supplemented by reflections by the three architects, each written especially for this book. |
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A.J.S. Aerolande Anthropos Antoine Stinco Itinerant Archigram architects Auguste Pace balloon catalog cm Fonds Régional cm J.P. Jungmann cm Private collection colored pencil Contemporain du Centre critique Diploma project dome Ecole des Beaux-Arts Ecole Nationale Supérieure environment Experimental Pneumatic Dwelling Expo 70 Fonds Régional d'Art France Frank Lloyd Wright Frei Otto French Guy Debord Hall for Objects Haus-Rucker Henri Lefebvre Hubert Tonka inflatable furniture inflatable structures ink and colored intellectual International Isabelle Auricoste issue Itinerant Exhibition Hall Jean Aubert Jean Baudrillard Jean-Paul Jungmann Dyodon L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui l'urbanisme Lefebvre's melp Michelin modern print Musée d'Art Moderne Nalbach Nanterre Objects of Everyday Orléans paper 27 Pavilion pencil on trace photograph Pierre pneu pneumatic pneumatic structures PNEUMATIQUE political radical Régional d'Art Contemporain René Lourau Reyner Banham Situationist International situationists social Stinco Itinerant Exhibition tensegrity theoretical tion Traveling Theater ture urban planning Utopie group Utopie's Walter Bird