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He was a missionary, and to carry to the world God's message of love, he traveled more than seven times the circumference of the globe. Courageous, persistent and undaunted, he delivered that message to the world; and though it requited his love with scorn, yet like Paul of old he could say, "Necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the Gospel." And as sheaves gathered by him into his Father's garner, multitudes of Saints on Mount Zion arise and call him blessed.

He was a man of peace; and labored in all the conditions of his life to uproot hate and plant love in its place. And as one who stands where the waters divide, and streams change their courses, he stood and said, "Henceforth Zion shall be in the lead." As he spake the streams of prejudice turned from his people, and there came a multitude of voices from those laboring in all the nations of the earth, saying: "The tide of prejudice is receding, and we reach the hearts of the people."'

He was a man who lived in closest communion with nature. Simple and natural in all his ways, he endeared himself to all who love nature for herself and the natural in man. He was the friend of humanity, and never separated himself from them, even though he was the associate of princes and leaders of men.

His life, so richly filled with lessons, preaches above all the eloquent sermon of sublime devotion to duty, and Christ-like humility.

His life's epitome is this:

"Greatness and goodness are not means, but ends!

Hath he not always treasures, always friends,

The great, good man? Three treasures, love and light,
And calm thoughts, regular as infant's breath:

And three firm friends, more sure than day and night,
Himself, his Maker, and the angel death!"


This number of the ERA closes the first volume of our magazine. In looking over the achievements of this first year of the ERA's existence a sense of gratification is experienced, because we feel that all and more than all that was proposed in its establishment has been accomplished.

Every number of the ERA has been in the hands of subscribers on the first of every month.

We promised at the outset a magazine of sixty-four pages per number; we have published one of eighty pages per number, with the exception of the first.

We started at first, and with some misgivings, to publish a five thousand edition. We increased the issue to seven thousand, and had to reprint the first three numbers.

We expected at the commencement to publish a magazine of great value to the members of the Improvement Associations at home, but in addition to that, through the liberal patronage on the part of the young men of the church, and the generosity of the ERA's friends who assisted in so noble a purpose, upon the solicitation of the Editor and Manager of the ERA, we have supplied between sixteen and seventeen hundred missionaries abroad with the magazine free, and have by this means, in the first year of the magazine's existence, made it widely known in all parts of the world, especially wherever the English language is spoken; and a number of its choicest articles have been translated and published in the languages of continental Europe, by church publications there.

Increasing the size of the magazine enabled us not only to publish more matter, but a greater variety of it.

Sending it free to missionaries removed it from the position of being a merely local magazine, to one of general interest and world wide circulation.

The developments attendant upon its first year's existence, has wonderfully increased its value as an advertising medium, and our advertising patrons have received much more than was promised in their contracts.

The realization of its achievements has been so far beyond anything that was anticipated for it at the commencement, that it is not only with a feeling of gratification, but also of astonishment that we review the first year's existence of the ERA; and it is with a sense of gratitude for the blessings of Almighty God upon this enterprise that we see this last issue of the first volume go to press.




Among the many items affecting the work of the associations in the coming year that were decided at the annual conference of the Improvement Associations in the latter part of May, we desire especially to call attention to the following:

First: "That all the associations in any event be required to begin this fall with the new Manual, with a view to completing it during the season."

This was adjudged necessary because of the importance of having all the associations work at the same time on one general subject. Any other course would soon lead to confusion in the work of the associations. It is the purpose of the General Board to supply the associations with a Manual each year, to make these Manuals progressive in their character, and project them along lines leading up at last to the consideration of the great dispensation of the fullness of times, with the view to establishing in the hearts of the youth of Zion faith in the work of that great dispensation. It is therefore of the utmost importance that this item of instruction shall be complied with on the part of all the associations. If it is not so complied with it will be but a short time until the utmost confusion will exist. Some associations would be at work on Manual No. 1, others on Manuals No. 2, 3, 4, etc., and no general instructions could at any time be given at once applicable to all the associations. But if the associations will take up these Manuals as they come out and devote themselves earnestly to each subject as it is presented, and all the associations are engaged on that one theme, order will prevail, the same class of instruction, either by members of the General Board as they meet with the associations or of the Superintendency through the ERA, will be applicable alike to all.

Members of associations who failed to complete the last Manual should be encouraged to complete it by studying it at home. But the associations, to be in harmony with the instruction of the general conference should in any event begin this fall with the new Manual, and be determined in their efforts to complete it during the season.

Second: "On motion of Elder Joseph E. Robinson it was decided to

commence the meetings of all the associations on the first week after the general conference in October."

This action of the conference should not be overlooked, and an earnest effort should be made to carry the resolution into effect.

Third: "Elder B. H. Roberts suggested that the Stake Superintendents begin their preliminary work early in the fall, and get their associations organized and in running order so as to be ready to begin work in earnest on the date decided upon for the commencement of the work."

We would further suggest that the presidents of associations arrange the program a week or two before the time of the first meeting. That they select some of the most active and able members of the association to take part in the program, that a vigorous effort be put forth to make the meeting of the associations a success from the start. It would also be well for the president and his associates to have prepared the program for the second meeting, with members assigned to the various parts of the lesson so that there may be a continuation of the success achieved at the first meeting The officers should give this item their attention, as upon it depends the success of starting our association work.

Fourth: "On motion of Elder Edward H. Anderson it was decided that wherever possible the associations have a uniform night of meeting throughout the respective stakes. "

"On motion of Elder Joseph E Johnson it was decided that wherever practicable, Tuesday night be the night of meeting for the Young Men's Associations, and that the joint sessions be held on Sunday evening, the evening of the Fast Day being selected for that purpose wherever possible."

It is to be hoped that this decision of the conference has not been overlooked, but that the officers have already consulted with presidents of stakes and the bishops of wards with a view to carrying out this action of the conference. It may be true that for the present, in some places, the securing of the nights designated may not be practicable, but the effort should be continued so that as soon as local circumstances change Tuesday night and the Sunday night designated may be secured, that finally in all the wards and Stakes in Zion there shall be uniformity in the night on which the associations meet. If that is done amusements and social gatherings, both of a public and private character, will soon adjust themselves to this arrangement, and our association night will be protected from infringements by other appointments of parties, theatres, sociables, etc., etc., and in time we shall be as secure from interruptions on our meeting nights as, at present, the Sabbath Schools are in their time of meeting; and there is no doubt but what this will inure to great advantage to the associations.

That all these items of instruction issued from the late general conference of the associations, if carried into effect, will result in great advantage to our societies there can be no question; and we respectfully urge them upon the attention of stake superintendents and ward presidents in the hope that an effort will be made to see them carried into effect.



August 20th: The North Atlantic Squadron under command of RearAdmiral Sampson arrived at New York City and was royally welcomed by hundreds of thousands of people.

21st: President McKinley cables to Admiral Dewey and General Merritt, at Manila, his thanks and the nation's for the gallant work of the officers and men in the Manila campaign.

22nd: The Spanish government appoints its military commissioners for Cuba and Porto Rico.

23rd: The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the American Banker's Association met in Denver, Colo.

25th: General Shafter leaves Santiago for home.




26th: Secretary of State Day announces the selection of four of the five peace commissioners; they are: Secretary Day, Senators Davis and Frye and Mr. Whitelaw Reid. A dispatch from Manila announces the fatal shooting in Cavite of Geo. H. Hudson of Battery B, Utah Artillery, by natives. Corporal William Q. Anderson was also


27th: President McKinley promotes Captains R. W. Young and F. A. Grant to be Brevet-Majors of Volunteers.

28th: The Czar of Russia issues an invitation to the Powers to take part in an international conference to consider propositions for the maintenance of general peace and the reduction of the excessive armaments of the great nations.

30th: The sessions of the Utah Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church closed in Manti, Utah. Before adjourning a set of resolutions was passed replete with garbled statements and absolute falsehoods concerning the "Mormon" Church. * General Merritt sailed from Manila



for Paris, France, to act as one of the peace commissioners.

31st: Colonel Henry of the French army and one of the principal witnesses for the government in the great Dreyfus case, was arrested on the charge of having forged the letter on which the government chiefly depended for the conviction of Dreyfus. Colonel Henry confessed the forgery and shortly after committed suicide.

September 1st: The National Irrigation Congress opened in Cheyenne, Wyoming. General Shafter arrives in New York.






* A dispatch received in London, England, from Nazey Island in the river Nile, Africa, reports that the Anglo-Egyptian army were advancing on Khartoum, had encountered the advanced guard of the Dervishes on August 30th, and a slight skirmish ensued. A great battle is expected shortly.

2nd: President Wilford Woodruff died in San Francisco, California, at 6:40 a. m.



* It is announced that a treaty of alliance

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