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the wild boar.

Lin, cease, or give over.

Liveden, did live.

Make, a companion.

Making, poetical composition.
Male, sometimes for mail.
Malefices, evil deeds.
Malengin, ill intent.
Malengine, guile.

Malfont, a source of evil words.
Maliced, bore ill-will.
Maligne, grudge or oppose.
Malist, regarded with ill-will.
Mall, a mallet, a blow, to maul.
Many, often used for company.
Mard, threw down.
Marge, brink.

Marke-white, white mark.

Mart, Mars, the god of war.
Martelled, hammered.
Martyrest, dost torment.

Matchlesse, not paired, or alike.

Mate, sad; did mate, did distress, or render sorrowful.

Mathtravel, one of the three provinces, into which

Wales was divided by Roderic the Great.

Mavis, the cock-thrush, or song-thrush.

Maugre, or Maulgre, in spite of, but sometimes

used as an imprecation.

Maulgré, whether he would or not. May, maid, often used for can. Meane, mien.

Mear'd, divided.

Meare, limit, or boundary. Measured, travelled.

Medled, mingled.

Medling, mixing.

Livery and seisin, delivery and possession, a law Meere, absolute, entire.

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Meint, mingled.

Melling, medling.

Memories, sometimes for obsequies for the dead. Ment, mingled.

Losell, a loose good-for-nothing fellow.

Lo'ste, loosed, dissolved.

Loth, unwilling.

Mercifide, pitied.

Meriment, mirth.

Mertians, inhabitants of Mercia, one of the king

doms of the Saxon heptarchy.

Mery, pleasant, delightful.

Mesprise, contempt, or neglect.

Mew, place of confinement.

Mewes, prisons.

Meynt, mingled.

Lover, an opening in a cottage to let out the smoke, Mickle, much.

and to let in the light.

Loves, sometimes for lovers.

Lout, bowed down, did homage.

Mieve, move.

Might, frequently used for should.

Mincing mineon, affected wanton.'

Minime, a little song; minim, a term in music. Miniments, toys, trifles.

Minisht, diminished.

Lug, a pearch or rod for land-measuring, contain- Minstrales, minstrels.

Lower, sometimes for low.

Lowled, did honour and reverence.

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Mome, a dull stupid blockhead.

Panachra, a sovereign remedy.

Moniment, image, superscription, ornament.

More, often used for greatly, greater.

Mores, roots.

Morion, head-piece.

Mortall crime, mortality.

Most, often used for greatest.

Most regiment, chief government.
Mott, measured.
Mountenance, amount of.

Mowes, months. See Mockes.
Moyle, defile.

Muchell, much.

Munificence, defence or fortification.
Mured, enclosed.

My toward good, my approaching happiness.

Mysterie, profession, trade, or calling.

Namely, particularly.

Narre, nearer.

Nas, nehas, or has not.
Nathemore, not the more.
Native, natural.

Ne brest, the meaner sort of men.
Ne desperate, neither despaired he.
Neighbour town, next town.
Nephewes, used for grandchildren.
Nest, in familiar language for house.
Net, neat, clean.
Nett, pure, clean.

New, sometimes for newly, lately.

New in pound, anew in the balance.

New-borne, regenerated.

Newell, a new thing.

Nigardise, niggardliness.

Nill, will not.

Nis, is not.

Nobilesse, nobility, or nobleness.

Nonce, occasion.

Pannikell, the brain-pan, the scull, crown of the

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by the name of Puck.

Port, carriage, aspect.

Northerne Wagoner, Bootes, one of the constellations. Portance, comportment.

Nosethrils, nostrils.

Not, knew not.

Nought seemeth, is unseemly.

Nould, would not.

Noule, noddle.

Noursle up, educate.

Nousled, nursed.

Noyd, annoyed, injured.

Nye, advance.

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Potshares, potshards.
Pouke, see Ponke.

Pouldred, beaten to dust.

Pouse, pease.

Practicke paine, practice and endeavour.

Prank, a mode of dressing the ruff.

Pranke, an injury, or mischief.

Pray, sometimes for a beast of prey.

Prayde, preyed upon.

Preace, press or crowd.

Preeving, proving, proof.

Preif, proof.

Preiudize, a conjecture, or judgment.

Prepense, to consider.

Presage, to point out with the hand.

President, often for precedent.

Prest, ready at hand, quick.

Pretended, held forth to view, stretched out.
Preventing, coming before.

Price, sometimes as a verb, to pay the price.
Pricking, spurring.

Prieve, prove; prieved, proved.

Prime, morning, sometimes the spring, or prime of the Moon.

Principle unsound, bad beginning.
Privie, secret.

Professe, to have the appearance of.
Proiect, throw.

Protense, stretching out, extent.

Prowest, bravest.

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Relate, to bring back.

stopping, or to stay, abate.

Relide, joined himself.

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Relent, slacken, or remit, soften; sometimes for Say, or Sey, a thin sort of stuff.

Reliv'd, brought to life again, reanimated.

Relyv'd, brought to life again.

Remercied, thanked.

Rencounter, an accidental combat or adventure.

Renew, to tell from the beginning.

Kenfierst, reinforced.

Re'nforst, reinforced.

Renowmed, renowned.

Say, sometimes for assay, proof.
Scand, climbed up.

Scarabee, beetle.

Scarmoges, skirmishes.

Scath, damage, hurt.

Scatterlings, scattered or dispersed rovers, Scerne, discern.

Scorse, exchange.

Scriene, screen.

Scrike, shriek.

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Sell, saddle.

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Seneschall, household steward, the master of the ce- Spring, or Springal, a young person.

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Sprent, sprinkled, or spread over.

Springals, young men,

Spyals, spies.

Spyre, shoot forth.

Squib, any petty fellow.

Squint eye, partial judgment.

Squire, for square, rule.
Stadle, support.

Stal'd, stolen.

Stales, devices, tricks.

Stanck, weary or faint.
State, stoutly.

States, state-canopies or pavilions.
Stay, stop or catch.

Sted, station or place.

Steme, exhale or evaporate.

Stemme, stem or stay.

Stent, stint, restrain.

Sterne, tail.

Sterpe, starve.

Steven, noise,

Stie, ascend.
Stild, dropped.
Strayt, street.
Stinted, left off.

Stire, stir, move, incite.

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Teemed, joined together in a team.

Tyranning, acting the part of a tyrant.

Vade, vanish.

Teene, sorrow, vexation, grief; sometimes to afford, Vailed, pulled off, laid down.

or stir up.

Teld, for told.

Tempereth, governs.

Tempest dred, dreadful tempest.

Termlesse, unlimited.

Terror, sometimes for religious awe, Than, sometimes for then.

The grosse, the whole.

Thee, thrive, prosper.

Thewed ill, ill-bred, ill-mannered.

Thewes, manners, accomplishments,

Thick, or Thicke, thicker.

Tho, used for then.

Thrall, thrill, pierce.

Threasure, treasure.

Three square, triangular.

Thrillant, piercing.

Thrilled, pierced.

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Vaine, idle.

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