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"He allows himself these relaxations only when he "is tired with the more weighty affairs and con"cernments." Finally, that they would univerfally contend to do fome great thing, as who fhould moft merit of the fciences, by fetting their hands to the promotion of experimental and useful knowlege, for the univerfal benefit and good of mankind.

This, this alone, would render them deservedly honourable indeed; and add a luftre to their memories, beyond that of their painted titles, which (without some solid virtue) render but their defects the more confpicuous to thofe, who know how to make a right eftimate of things, and, by whofe tongues and pens only, their trophies and élogies can ever hope to furmount and out-laft the viciffitudes of fortune.



Of the new way of engraving, or MEZZOTINTO, invented and communicated by his HIGHNESS Prince RUPERT, COUNT PALATINE OF RHINE, &c.


We have already advertised the reader in one

of our preliminaries, why we did omit what had been by us prepared for the accomplishment of the more mechanical part of the CHALCOGRAPHICAL art: but it was not out of the least defign to abufe him in the title at the frontifpeice of this hiftory; fince we believed he would moft readily commute for the defect of a mystery fo vulgar, to be gratified with another altogether "rare, extra"ordinary, univerfally approved of, admired by "all who have confidered the effects of it, and, "which (as yet) has by none been ever published."

Nor may I, without extraordinary ingratitude, conceal that illuftrious NAME which did communicate it to me; nor the obligation which the curious have to that heroic PERSON, who was pleased to impart it to the world, though by fo incompetent and unworthy an inftrument.

It would appear a paradox, to discourse to you of a graving, without a graver, burin, point, or aqua fortis; and yet is THIS performed without the affiftance of either. That what gives our most perite and dextrous artifts the greatest trouble, and is longest finishing, (for fuch are the hatches


and deepest shadows in plates) should be here the least confiderable, and the most expeditious; that, on the contrary, the lights fhould be in THIS the most laborious, and yet performed with the greatest facility; that what appears to be effected with fo little curiofity, fhould yet fo accurately resemble what is generally esteemed the very greatest, viz. that a PRINT fhould emulate even the best of DRAWINGS CHIARO OSCURO, or (as the ITALIANS term it) peices of the MEZZOTINTO, so as nothing either of UGO DA CARPI, or any of those other masters who pursued his attempt, and whose works we have already celebrated, have exceeded or indeed approached, especially for that of PORTRAITS, FIGURES, tender LANDSCHAPES, and HISTORY, &c. to which it seems most appropriate and applicable.

This obligation then we have to his HIGHNESS PRINCE RUPERT, COUNT PALATINE OF RHINE, &c. who has been pleased to cause the inftruments to be exprefly fitted, to fhew me, with his own hands, how to manage and conduct them on the plate, that it might produce the effects I have fo much magnified, and am here ready to fhew the world, in a peice of his own illuftrious touching which he was pleased to honour this work withal, not as a venal addition to the price of the book (though for which alone it is most valuable) but a particular grace, as a fpecimen of what we have alleged, and to adorn this prefent chapter.


*The MEZZOTINTO in this edition, is an EXACT COPY of Prince RUPERT's, done by Mr. HOUSTON.


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