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exemplary life of holiness) was translated into those heavenly mansions, where Christ our Lord went to prepare a place for his; there to possess that glorious crown of righteousness, which is laid up for, and shall be given by the Lord the righteous judge, to all them that love his appearance. Ages to come, and people yet unborn shall call him blessed, and bless the Lord for raising of him up. And blessed shall we also be, if we so walk, as we had him for an example; for whom this Testimony lives in my heart, he lived and died the servant of the Lord.

T. E.


Forasmuch as many other Testimonies from divers counties and friends concerning George Fox, and his great service for the truth are sent up to London, which cannot conveniently be printed with the Journal, lest they should swell it too big; and many of them being of the same import, therefore they are reserved for further consideration, to be disposed of, as a future service may be seen in the wisdom of God for them, when way is made for his epistles, or any of his other works to be published.

The appearance of the Lord's everlasting Truth, and breaking forth again in his Eternal Power in this our day and age in England

WHEREIN the Lord's mighty power and word of life hath been richly and freely preached, to the gathering of many into reconciliation with God by it; to the exaltation and glory of the great God, through the bringing forth of the heavenly and spiritual fruits, from such as have been gathered by his eternal light, power, and spirit, unto himself. And by the sowing to the spirit in the hearts of people, life eternal hath been reaped; that the flocks have been gathered, which have the milk of the word plenteously; that the riches of the word have flourished, and mightily abounded; and God's heavenly plough with his spiritual men hath gone on chearfully, to the overturning the fallow ground of the hearts, that had not borne heavenly fruit to God. And God's heavenly threshers with his heavenly flail, have with joy and delight threshed out the chaff, and the corruptions, that have been a top of

God's seed and wheat in man and woman. And thus have they threshed in hope, and are made partakers of their hope, through which God's seed is come into his garner.

Oh! the unutterable glory, and the unexpressible excellency of the everlasting glorious truth, gospel, and word of life, that the infinite, invisible, and wise God, (who is over all) hath revealed and manifested! And how have the professors, priests, and powers risen up in opposition against his children, that are born of the immortal seed by the word of God! And, Oh! how great have the persecutions, and reproaches, and spoiling of goods been, that have been executed upon them! But they that have touched them, and touches them, which are as dear to God, as the apple of his eye, how hath the Lord manifested himself to stand by them, in overthrowing powers, priests, and states! What changes have there been since (1644) and 1650, and 1652! How have the gaols been filled since then in this nation with the heirs of life, God's chosen ones, who had no helper in the earth, but the Lord and his Christ! So that truth's faithful witnesses were scarcely to be found, but in gaols and prisons, where the righteous were numbered among the transgressors; who had neither staff nor bag from man, but the staff, the bread of life, and the bag that holds the treasure, that waxes not old. But the Lord Jesus Christ, that sent them forth, was their exceeding great supporter and upholder by his eternal and spirit, both then and now.


G. F.









THAT all may know the dealings of the Lord with me, and the various exercises, trials, and troubles, through which he led me, in order to prepare and fit me for the work unto which he had appointed me, and may thereby be drawn to admire and glorify his infinite wisdom and goodness, I think fit (before I proceed to set forth my public travels in the service of Truth) briefly to mention how it was with me in my youth, and how the work of the Lord was begun, and gradually carried on in me, even from my childhood.

I was born in the month called July, in the year 1624, at Drayton in the Clay, in Leicestershire. My father's name was Christopher Fox: he was by profession a weaver, an honest man; and there was a seed of God in him.. The neighbours called him Righteous Christer. My mother was an upright woman; her maiden name was Mary Lago, of the family of the Lago's, and of the stock of the martyrs.

In my very young years I had a gravity and stayedness of mind and spirit, not usual in children; insomuch, that when I have seen old men carry themselves lightly and wantonly towards each other, I have had a dislike thereof risen in my heart, and have said within myself, If ever I come to be a man, surely I should not do so, nor be so


When I came to eleven years of age, I knew pureness and righteousness; for while I was a child I was taught how to walk to be kept pure. The Lord taught me to be faithful in all things, and to act faithfully two ways, viz. inwardly to God, and outwardly to man; and to keep to Yea and Nay in all things. For the Lord shewed me, that though the people of the world have mouths full of deceit, and changeable words, yet I was to keep to Yea and Nay in all things; and that my words should be few and savoury, seasoned with grace; and that I might not eat and drink to make myself wanton, but for health; using the creatures in their service, as servants in their places, to the glory of him that hath created them; they being in their covenant, and I being brought up into the covenant, as sanctified by the word, which was in the beginning, by which all things are upheld, wherein is unity with the


But people, being strangers to the covenant of life with God, they eat and drink to make themselves wanton with the creatures, devouring them upon their own lusts, and living in all filthiness, loving foul ways, and devouring the creation; and all this in the world, in the pollutions thereof, without God: and therefore I was to shun all such.

Afterwards, as I grew up, my relations thought to have made me a priest; but others persuaded to the contrary: whereupon I was put to a man that was a shoemaker by trade, and that dealt in wool, and used grazing, and sold cattle, and a great deal went through my hands. While I was with him he was blessed, but after I left him he broke, and came to nothing. I never wronged man or woman in all that time; for the Lord's power was with me, and over me, to preserve me. While I was in that service I used in my dealings the word Verily, and it was a common saying among people that knew me, If George says verily, there is no altering him. When boys and rude people would laugh at me, I let them alone, and went my way; but people had generally a love to me for my innocency and honesty.

When I came towards nineteen years of age, I being upon business at a fair, one of my cousins, whose name was Bradford, (being a professor, and having another professor with him) came to me and asked me to drink part of a jug of beer with them, and I, being thirsty, went in with them; for I loved any that had a sense of good, or that did seek after the Lord. And when we had drunk a glass a piece, they began to drink healths, and called for more drink,

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