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The word zone signifies a belt or girdle; and these divisions are called zones, because they encompass the earth like a girdle. Q. How many Zones are there?

A. There are five zones- -one torrid,-two temperate, and two frigid zones.

Q. What part of the earth's surface does the Torrid Zone embrace?

A. That part of it which lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

This zone is called the torrid, or burning zone, because of the great and continued heat of the sun, which passes over it twice du ring the year.


In the Torrid Zone there are but two seasons, the wet and dry. During the wet season, it rains almost constantly for six months;and during the other six months, it seldom rains. There is no spring or autumn. The dry season is termed summer, and the wet season winter.

The Torrid Zone is distinguished for its productions, both animal and vegetable. Among the animals found in the Torrid Zone, the most remarkable are the elephant, rhinoceros, lion, tiger, leopard, hyena, crocodile, the camel, zebra, antelope, lama, &c. Serpents and insects of enormous size abound in the Torrid Zone, many kinds of which are extremely venomous.

Among the vegetable productions of the Torrid Zone, the most noted are tea, coffee, sugar-cane, bread-fruit, oranges, spices, gums, &c.

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The forests are clothed with a perpetual green, and many of the trees grow to a larger size than those of any other part of the globe. The inhabitants of the Torrid Zone are distinguished for the blackness of their skins, and for their feebleness, both of body and mind. Can you show me the Torrid Zone on the map of the world? Between what two circles or lines does it lie? Can you tell me how Do you live in the Torrid many degrees wide the Torrid Zone is? Zone? Is the Torrid Zone north of us or south of us? In what zone are the countries that lie between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn?

Q. What part of the earth's surface do the Temperate Zones embrace?

A. Those parts which lie between the Tropics and Polar Circles.


The Zone which lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic circle is called the NORTH TEMPERATE ZONE; and the one lying between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic circle, the SOUTH TEMPERATE ZONE. These Zones are called Temperate, because they are situated between the two extremes of heat and cold, which renders the air temperate and salubrious.

In the Temperate Zones there are four seasons; viz. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

The vegetable productions of the Temperate Zones are not so numerous or luxuriant as those of the Torrid Zone; the principal are grains, of different kinds, cotton, apples, pears, peaches, nuts, vines, grusses, and a great variety of plants.

The animals of the Temperate Zones are less numerous and ferocious than those of the Torrid Zone. The most noted among them are bears, wolves, panthers, foxes, bisons, deer, elks, &c. But they abound with animals which are useful for food or labor, as the horse, the ox, the cow, the sheep, the mule.

The inhabitants of the Temperate Zones have fair complexions, and are distinguished for strength, both of body and mind, and for industry, intelligence and enterprise.

Can you point out the Temperate Zones on the map? How many Temperate Zones are there? In what Zone are we now? Is the Northern Temperate Zone north or south of the Equator? Between what two circles is the Northern Temperate Zone? In what Zone are all the countries that lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle?

Q. What part of the earth's surface do the Frigid Zones embrace ?


A. Those parts which lie between the polar circles

and the poles.

These are called Frigid, or Frozen Zones, because the cold is so severe, that nearly the whole of these regions is covered with perpetual snow and ice.

In the Frigid Zones there are but two seasonsa long cold winter, and a short summer.

In the Frigid Zones there are no trees, and but few vegetables of any kind, except moss.

The principal animals are the white bear and reindeer, the sable, and the ermine.

The inhabitants of these regions are distinguished for their dimin. utive size, dark complexions, and for their ignorance and imbecility. Can you show me the Frigid Zones? What is the Zone called that surrounds the North Pole? Which way from us is the North Frigid Zone? Should you like to live in the North Frigid Zone? Why? Do the inhabitants raise corn, wheat, rye, &c. in the North Frigid Zone? Why not?

Questions on the different Zones.-In what Zone do you live? If you were to go to the countries that lie in the Torrid Zone, should you find snow and ice? Which Zone produces the greatest number of animals? Did you ever see an animal that was brought from the Torrid Zone? Did you ever see an animal that was brought from the Frigid Zone? For what are the inhabitants of the Torrid Zone distinguished? For what are the inhabitants of the Temperate Zones distinguished? Of the Frigid Zones? Which Zones produce the greatest number of useful animals? In which zone do you imagine the people are most happy? Why? Which zone do you think produ. ces the greatest abundance of vegetables, suitable for food? Which the greatest number of animals proper for food? Do the people of the torrid zone, probably, eat more vegetable or animal food? How many animals can you mention in the torrid zone, that are proper for food? How many in the temperate zones? In the frigid zones? Do you suppose each zone furnishes such food as is best calculated for the health of its inhabitants?


Questions. In what direction from us did the sun rise this morning?. In what direction from us did it set last evening? Can you point to the North? To the East? To the South? To the West? What do the initials, or first letters of the words North, East, West, and South spell? NEWS. Can you point to the North-east? Southeast? South-west ? North-west?

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What is represented by the cut? What can you tell me about the mariner's compass? Is the compass used by any except sailors? Did you ever see a compass of any kind? Is there any difference between a compass used by surveyors and that used by sailors?



A. It is a picture, or representation of a part, or of the whole of the earth's surface.

The top of a Map represents the north; the right hand east; the bottom south; the left hand west.

*The Mariner's Compass consists of a circular box, containing a paper card marked with the 32 points of direction fixed on a magnet. ic needle that always points north and south, except slight variations. The invention of this important instrument is ascribed to Flavius Gioia of Naples, in 1302. We can hardly imagine the in quer es

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