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In your denial I would find no fenfe:

I would not understand it.

Oli. Why, what would you


Vio. Make me a willow cabin at your gate,
And call upon my foul within the houfe;
Write loyal canto's of contemned love,"
And fing them loud even in the dead of night
(4) Hollow your name to the reverberant hills,
And make the babling goffip of the air
Cry out, Olivia! O you should not rest
Between the elements of air and earth,
But you should pity me.

Oli. You might do much :
What is your parentage?

Vio. Above my fortunes, yet my state is well:
I am a gentleman.

Oli. Get you to your Lord;

I cannot love him: let him send no more;
Unless, perchance, you come to me again,
To tell me how he takes it; fare you well:
I thank you for your pains; fpend this for me.
Vio. I am no feed poft, Lady; keep your purse:
My mafter, not myfelf, lacks recompence.
Love make his heart of flint, that you fhall love,
And let your fervour, like my Master's, be
Plac'd in contempt! farewel, fair cruelty.
Oli. What is your parentage?

Above my fortunes, yet my ftate is well:

I am a gentleman

I'll be fworn thou art.


Thy tongue, thy face, thy limbs, actions, and fpirit,
Do give thee five-fold blazon-not too fast-soft! foft!
Unless the mafter were the man.-How now ?

Even fo quickly may one catch the plague ?
Methinks, I feel this youth's perfections,

With an invifible and fubtile ftealth,

(4) Hollow your name to the reverberate bills.] I have, against the authority of the printed copies, corrected, reverberant. The adjective paffive makes nonfenfe.


Το creep in at mine eyes. Well, let it be
What ho, Malvolio,-

Enter Malvolio.

Mal. Here, Madam, at your fervice.
Oli. Run after that fame peevish messenger,
The Duke's man; he left this ring behind him,
Would I, or not: tell him, I'll none of it.
Defire him not to flatter with his Lord,
Nor hold him up with hopes; I am not for him:
If that the youth will come this way to-morrow,
I'll give him reafons for't. Hye thee, Malvolio.
Mal. Madam, I will.

Oli. I do, I know not what; and fear to find
Mine eye too great a flatterer for my mind:
Fate, fhew thy force; ourfelves we do not owe;
What is decreed, muft be; and be this fo!






Enter Antonio and Sebaftian.


ILL you flay no longer? nor will you not,
that I go with you?

Seb. By your patience, no: my ftars fhine dark.
ly over me: the malignancy of my fate might,
perhaps, diftemper yours; therefore I fhall crave of
you your leave, that
may bear my evils alone. lt
were a bad recompence for your love, to lay any of
them on you..

Ant. Let me yet know of you, whither you are bound.

Seb. No, footh, Sir; my determinate voyage


is mere


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extravagancy: but I perceive in you fo excellent a touch of modelty, that you will not extort from me what I am willing to keep in; therefore it charges me in manners the rather to exprefs myfelf: you muft know of me then, Antonio, my name is Sebaftian, which I call'd Rodorigo; my father was that Sebaftian of Mefjaline, whom, I know, you have heard of. He left behind him, myself, and a fifter, both born in one hour; if the heav'ns had been pleas'd, would we fo ended! but you, Sir, alter'd that; for, fome hour before you took me from the breach of the fea, was my filter drown'd.

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Ant. Alas, the day!


Seb. A Lady, Sir, tho' it was faid the much refembled me, was yet of many accounted beautiful; but tho' I could not with fuch eftimable wonder over-far believe that, yet thus far I will boldly publish her, the bore a mind that envy could not but call fair: the is drown'd already, Sir, with falt water, tho' I feem to drown her remembrance again with more.

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Ant. Pardon me, Sir, your bad entertainment. Seb. O good Antonio, forgive me your trouble. Ant. If you will not murder me for my love, let me be your fervant.

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Seb. If you will not undo what you have done, that is, kill him whom you have recover'd, defire it not. Fare ye well at once; my bofom is full of kindness, and I am yet fo near the manners of my mother, that upon the leaft occafion more, mine eyes will tell tales of me: I am bound to the Duke Orfino's court; farewel. [Exit. Ant. The gentlenefs of all the gods go with thee!

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I have made enemies in Orfino's court,
Elfe would I very fhortly fee thee there:
But come what may, I do adore thee fo,

That danger fhall feem fport, and I will go. [Exit.
Enter Viola and Malvolio, at feveral doors.

Mal. Were not you e'en now with the Countess Olivia ?

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Vio. Even now, Sir; on a moderate, pace I have fince arrived but hither.

Mal. She returns this ring to you, Sir; you might have faved me my pains, to have taken it away your felf She adds moreover, that you should put your Lord into a desperate affurance, fhe will none of him. And one thing more, that you be never fo hardy to come again in his affairs, unless it be to report your Lord's taking of this receive it fo.

Vio. She took the ring of me, I'll none of it.

Mal. Come, Sir, you peevishly threw it to her, and her will is, it fhould be fo returned; if it be worth ftooping for, there it lies in your eye; if not, be it that finds it.

Vio. I left no ring with her; what means this Lady?
Fortune forbid, my outfide have not charm'd her!
She made good view of me; indeed, fo much,
That, fure, methought, her eyes had loft her tongue;
For fhe did fpeak in ftarts diftractedly :

She loves me, fure; the cunning of her paffion
Invites me in this churlish meffenger.

None of my Lord's ring? why, he fent her none.
I am
man--if it be fo, (as, 'tis ;)
Poor Lady, he were better love a dream.
Difguife, I fee thou art a wickedness,
Wherein the pregnant enemy does much.
How eafy is it, for the
proper falfe

In womens waxen hearts to fet their forms!
Alas, our frailty is the caufe, not we,

For fuch as we are made, if fuch we be.

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How will this fadge? my mafter loves her dearly,
And I, poor monter, fond as much on him;
And fhe, mistaken, feems to dote on me:
What will become of this? as I am man,
My ftate is defperate for my mafter's love;
As I am woman, (now, alas the day!)

What thriftlefs fighs fhall poor Olivia breathe?
O time, thou muft untangle this, not I;
It is too hard a knot for me t'unty.

F 2



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Sir Ta

Enter Sir Toby, and Sir Andrew.


Pproach, Sir Andrew, not to be a-bed after midnight, is to be up betimes; and Diluculo furgere, thou know'ft,-

Sir And. Nay, by my troth, I know not but I know, to be up late, is to be up late.

Sir To. A falie conclufion: I hate it, as an unfill'd can.; to be up after midnight, and to go to bed then, is early; fo that to go to bed after midnight, is to go to bed betimes. Does not our life confit of the four elements?

Sir And. 'Faith, fo they fay; but, I think, it rather confifts of eating and drinking.

Sir To. Th'art a fcholar, let us therefore eat and drink. a foop of wine.

Maria! I fay!

Enter Clown.

Sir And. Here comes the fool, i' faith.

Clo. How now, my hearts

picture of we three ?

did you never fee the

Sir To. Welcome, afs, now let's have a catch. Sir And. (5) By my troth, the fool has an excellent breaft. I had rather than forty fhillings I had fuch a leg, and fo fweet a breath to fing, as the fool has. Infooth, thou waft in very gracious fooling laft night,

(5) By my froth, the fool has an excellent breast.] I have been advis'd to read, breath, here. But the text is, certainly, right without any alteration. The allufion is not to the clown having a white skin, but a good power in finging. It was a phrafe in vogue, in our author's time. In a Spanish vocabulary, printed in Queen Elizabeth's reign, Aquel tiene linda boz is thus expounded; He has a good breaft; i. e. as we now fay, good lungs, to hold out in finging. So Ben Johnson, in his mafque of Gipfies metamorphos'd;

An excellent fong, and a fweet fongfler, and would have done rarely in a cage, with a difh of water and hempfeed; fine breaft of his own! And Beaumont and Fletcher, in their Pilgrim;

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Pray you, ftay a little: Let's hear him fing, has a fine breast.


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