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"Case 2d shews, in particular, that the instrument made use of, is capable of keeping the upper and lower portions of a fractured leg in a proper line, notwithstanding the existence of considerable spasmodic action in the muscles, even after other means have failed.

"Case 3d goes to prove, that a patient may leave his bed a few days after the accident has occurred, provided the inflammatory action is got under, and it would appear, from the rapidity with which this man recovered, that the slight irritation kept up in the fracture, by occasionally hanging the limb down, accelerates the union of the bones."

"Case 4th shews, that the instrument is not only capable of keeping the bones in a proper line, but, also, of preventing any motion from taking place between the fractured surfaces; for it will be recollected, that this was a case where the bones were little disposed to unite; and, if motion had been produced in the seat of fracture, in consequence of her moving about, it is not likely that union would have taken place while she continued to do so. It might be said, that motion was produced between the fractured surfaces, and that this caused the bones to inflame and throw out callus; but I believe it will be found, as I shall hereafter endeavour to shew, that motion alone is little calculated to produce union in bone, any more than between the divided surfaces of any other texture."

The author states, that it is his intention to give an account of the use of his instrument in the treatment of compound fractures and cases of non-union, and, also, in the treatment of injuries of the knee and dislocations of the ancle; but he reserves the consideration of these subjects till some future period. In the mean time, as we have heard the apparatus well spoken of by some good judges, we have presented the public a full account of it at our own private expense.




Works received for Review since last Quarter.

1. A Treatise on the Disease termed PUERPERAL FEVER ; illustrated by numerous Cases and Dissections. By JOHN MACKINTOSH, M. D. One vol. 8vo, pp. 323. Edinburgh. Nov. 1822.

2. A Historical and Topographical Essay upon the Islands of Corfu, Leucadia, Cephalonia, Ithaca, and Zanté; with Remarks upon the Character, Manners, and Customs of the Ionian Greeks, &c. By WILLIAM GOODISON, A. B. Assistant Surgeon in His Majesty's 75th Regiment. Octavo, pp. 267, with numerous maps and sketches, price 12s. Ed. boards. October, 1822.

We recommend this interesting little volume to all officers, civil and military, going to the Mediterranean, as containing a great mass of entertaining information. The medical matter will be found in the next number of our Journal.

3. A Treatise on the Epidemic Puerperal Fever, as it prevailed in Edinburgh in 1821-22. To which is added an Appendix, containing the Essay of the late Dr. Gordon on the Puerperal Fever of Aberdeen in 1789-90-91-92. By WILLIAM CAMPBELL, M. D. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons; one of the Medical Officers of the Royal Public Dispensary, Lecturer on Midwifery. Octavo, pp. 400. Edinburgh and London, 1822.

4. Observations on the Acute and Chronic Dysentery of Ireland; containing a Historical View of the Progress of the Disease in Ireland, with an Enquiry into its Causes; and an Account of its Symptoms and Mode of Treatment; with a Report of selected Cases. By JOHN O'BRIEN, M. D. Fellow and Censor of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland; and Physician to the Fever Hospital and House of Recovery, Cork Street, Dublin. Octavo, pp. 100. Dublin, 1822.

To be reviewed in our next along with some other works on the same subject.

5. Illustrations of the Enquiry respecting Tuberculous Diseases. By JOHN BARON, M. D. Physician to the General Infirmary at Gloucester. Octavo, pp. 234, and five coloured plates. London, 1822.

6. A Description of the Human Muscles, with their several Uses, and the Synonyma of the best Authors. By JOHN INNES. A new Edition, with Notes, practical and explanatory, by JoнN HUNTER, Surgeon and Lecturer on Anatomy in Glasgow. Illustrated with 18 new engravings of the muscles, by W. H. Lizars; 12mo, pp. 180. London & Glasgow, 1822.

Innes's Description of the Human Muscles has long held a distinguished place among our English medical classics. Mr. Hunter has improved the original Work by the insertion of practical and explanatory notes, which seem to us to be judiciously selected and perspicuously expressed. On this and other grounds, therefore, we can recommend his edition of INNES, as a cheap and faithful guide to students in the course

of their dissections, and even to the operative surgeon, when preparing himself to relieve or eradicate diseases with the knife. Did our space admit quotations, we should transfer to our own columns the notes standing at pages 30, 42, 45, 53, 75, 95, and 115, with others of equal importance. The plates are equal to any of the kind we have seen the volume, indeed, is well worthy the attention and patronage of those for whose use it has been prepared.


7. Practical Observations on the Treatment and Cure of several Varieties of Pulmonary Consumption; and on the Effects of the Vapour of Boiling Tar in that Disease. By Sir ALEXANDER CRICHTON, M.D.F.R.S. Physician in Ordinary to their Imperial Majesties the Emperor and Dowager Empress of Russia, to His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, &c. &c. One volume, octavo, pp. 261. London, December 1822.

8 Sketches of Field Sports, as followed by the Natives of India, with Observations on the Animals. Also, an Account of some of the Customs of the Inhabitants, a 'Description of the Art of catching Serpents, as practised by the Cunjoors, and their Method of curing themselves when bitten; with Remarks on Hydrophobia and Rabid Animals. By DANIEL JOHNSON, formerly Surgeon in the Honourable East India Company's Service, and many years resident at Chittrah in Ramghur. Octavo, pp. 261, and one plate. London, December 1822.

This little volume contains a great mass of local information, which will be found most useful as well as amusing to the young civil, military, and medical officer in the East Indies. To them we recommend it conscientiously. It will also be found to contain much entertaining matter for the general reader in this country. We shall give some extracts from the medical portion of it in an early Periscope.

9. Pharmacopoeia Imperialis, sive Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, Edinburgensis, et Dublinensis collatæ ; cum notis Anglicis Decompositiones Chemicas Exponentibus. Small 8vo, pp. 255. London, Dec. 1822.

The Collator's preface will best explain the nature of this little

work. "The design of the Pharmacopoeia Imperialis is to give a comparative view of all the formulæ in the last editions of the three Pharmacopaias, with a brief explanation of those processes in which the chemical changes produced are most worthy of remark. The Latin text has accordingly been preferred, and the corresponding formulæ have been successively arranged, so as to afford the best means of comparing them. In selecting, among several methods of accomplishing this design which were suggested, it was finally resolved to follow the plan of the London College, and to insert the formula of the Edinburgh and Dublin Colleges in their proper places conformable to this method. The Chemical Remarks have been made as short as was judged to be consistent with perspicuity: had these been more ample and copious, the book would have been rendered more expensive, without, perhaps, adding very materially to its value."-Preface.

The work is materially different from the Conspectus of Mr. Thompson, inasmuch as it gives the whole of the formula and directions of the three Pharmacopeia at full length, in Latin. It does not, however, give the properties, doses, uses, &c. of the medicines, as in Mr. T's Conspectus.

10. An Essay on the Medicinal Efficacy and Employment of the Bath Waters, illustrated by Remarks on the Physiology and Pathology of the Animal Frame, with reference to the Treatment of Gout, Rheumatism,

Palsy, and Eruptive Diseases. By EDWARD BARLOW, M. D. Graduate of the University of Edinburgh, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, one of the Physicians of the Bath Hospital, &c. Octavo, pp. 200. December 1822.

11. Memoria su di un'Operazione di Litotomia Digna di Particolare Considerazione, &c. Da ANTONIO TRASMONDI ROMANO, &c. Quarto, pp. 27. Roma, 1822.

We return thanks to Mr. Babington for the above.

12. History and Method of Cure of the various Species of Epilepsy: being the Second Part of the Second Volume of a Treatise on Nervous Diseases. By JOHN COOKE, M.D. F.R.S. F.A.S. &c. Cctavo, pp. 235. Longman and Co. February 1823.



From the following intelligence in the 20th number of the AMERICAN MEDICAL RECORDER, it will be seen that the MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL REVIEW has, ere this, become a Denizen of the United States.

"J. V. Seaman, New-York, has in Press, and will publish in Quarterly Numbers, The Medico-Chirurgical Review, and Journal of Medical Science ;-conducted by associated Physicians and Surgeons, and superintended by JAMES JOHNSON, M.D. of the Royal College of Physicians,


"Each number of this work will contain upwards of 230 pages, forming a volume of nearly 1000 pages a year; each volume will contain three engravings. The price will be 5 dollars per annum, payable on the delivery of the first number.

"There are eleven numbers of this Journal now published in London, and it is proposed to commence at the first number, and to continue to reprint one number every month or six weeks, until we come up with the last number published in London, after which a number will be published regularly once a Quarter, in less than two months after its appearance in London.

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Subscriptions for this valuable work will be received at the office of the American Medical Recorder."

While this event occasions a considerable pecuniary loss to the Editor, he has some reason to be proud that his work is the first, and, he believes, the only journal of medical science, that has ever before received the honour of transplantation from the continent of Europe to the continent of America, or indeed to any foreign soil.

We are not without hopes that our labours may conduce to harmonize the profession on both sides of the Atlantic, and diffuse "peace and good will," as well as professional information, throughout the various regions which this Journal is now destined to travel. It must be some gratification to authors to know that the analyses of their works take now an extensive circuit in this Review on both sides of the Atlantic.

We have received a letter from Dr. J. M. Good, explaining the error which his printer made by converting 16.28 into six hundred and twentyeight, mistaking the b for a 6, and thus raising the weight of a diseased

*The American demand will now be supplied in their own market.


Intelligence, Correspondence, &c.


liver to the above monstrous quantity.-See page 595. The leaf containing this error was early cancelled, but the notice did not reach us in time.

The long letter of PHILO-CRITICUs has reached us, but all his rhetoric will not persuade us to deviate from dense analysis and sparing criticism. Let him recollect that to veil oneself with an anonymous mask, and then strike unseen at every passenger, is not bravery and independence, but cowardice and assassination. Those hypercritics who call out most loudly for rigid severity on the writings of others, are, to our knowledge, abortive authors and unsuccessful journalists themselves. No man is so apt to impute improper motives to others, as those who are under the influence of improper motives themselves; and if we ever shall condescend to unmask these anonymous critics, the motives of their praises and censures will stand conspicuous before their brethren, and render themselves very low indeed in the eyes of the world.-Verbum Sat.


The Medical Intelligencer says, "Perhaps Dr. Johnson may recollect that one (of the physicians) pointed out to him the fact at his visit, and traced the edge of the liver for his information.” Dr. Johnson is under the necessity of denying this statement. The condition of Mr. Knox's abdomen, from blisters, totally precluded any such demonstration, and Mr. Knox's words to Dr. Johnson, in the presence of Dr. Armstrong, were these "Two eminent anatomists have declared to me that there is no enlargement of my liver." Dr. Armstrong has, since the publication of the case, drawn Dr. Johnson's attention to a private conference which they had together the first night of meeting at Mr. Knox's house, in which Dr. A. stated his belief that Mr. Knox's liver was enlarged, and that he thought he could trace the edge of it in the abdomen. Dr. Johnson has some recollection of this observation, though it did not rccur to him at the time the notes were made of the case. The object of the publication of the case was to shew that two eminent anatomists had been unable to detect any enlargement of the diseased viscus; and as Dr. J. made no examination, and gave no opinion himself, he could not possibly have any object in exaggerating or lessening any circumstance connected with it. Dr. Johnson could not but feel surprised at the manner in which the Medical Intelligencer displayed, or rather distorted the observation of Dr. Armstrong above alluded to, (which was totally unimportant in the narrative,) very clearly indicating a wish to attach a stigma on Dr. Johnson's veracity. Dr. J. would advise the Medical Intelligencer not to be too hasty in imputing evil to its neighbours.

Mr. Hutchinson's letter contains satisfactory reasons why, in the second edition of his work, he was sparing of his own cases, and anxious to bring forward the testimonies of others.

We beg to direct the attention of our surgical brethren to the series of engravings of newly invented or improved surgical instruments, now publishing in this Journal by Mr. Weiss.


On Wednesday, February the 5th, the anniversary of this Society was held at the Society's Room, Aldermanbury, when the following members were elected officers for the ensuing year :—

President, Benjamin Robinson, M. D. Vice Presidents, William Babington, M. D. F. R. S. H. Lidderdale, M.D. Sir William Blizard, F.R.S. Benjamin Travers, Esq. F. R. S. Treasurer, B. Robinson, M. D. Secretaries, J. T. Conquest, M. D. F. L S. William Cooke, Esq. Council, Thomas Callaway, Esq, W. D. Cordell, Esq. John Dunston,

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