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1681. trade, and entered into divers branches thereof themselves; which were foon improved upon by others.



or concef


Conditions, or conceffions published.-Sailing of the firft fhip for Pennfylvania.-Jofeph Kirkbride, Sc.-The Proprietor's manner of treating the Indians. His letter to them.-First frame of government and laws published.-Part of the preface to the fame.-Purport of the frame, and one of the laws.-Duke of York's deed of re-leafe to William Penn.-The territories obtained, &c.—Boundary between the territories and Maryland.

THE proprietary, having already made confi

The pro- derable fales of land, agreed with the adventurers and purchasers on the first deed of fettlement, which conditions, in part, may be regarded as an effay towards a fions, &c. conftitution of government, according to the powers granted him by charter. It confifts chiefly of certain rules of fettlement, of treating the Indians with justice and friendship; and of keeping the peace, agreeable to the customs, ufages and laws of England, to be obferved on their arrival in the country, and there to be altered, on occafion. This compact is published, under the title of, " Certain conditions, or conceffions, agreed upon by William Penn, Proprietary and Governor of the province of Pennfylvania; and thofe, who are the adventurers and purchafers, in the fame province, the 11th. of July, 1681."* Which may be seen at length, in the appendix, No. I.

* One of the ftipulations in this inftrument fhews the provident care and knowledge of the proprietary, in a matter, whose continued neglect will doubtless, in future, be found more important to the country than has been imagined, viz.

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The first

three fhips

Three fhips failed for Pennfylvania this year; two from London, and one from Bristol. The John and Sarah, from London, commanded by Henry Smith, is faid to have been the firft that arrived there; the Amity, Richard Dimon, mafter, from fail for the fame place, with paffengers, was blown off, Pennsylvato the Weft-Indies; and did not arrive at the nia, &e. vince, till the spring of the next year; the Bristol Factor, Roger Drew, commander, arrived at the place, where Chefter now ftands, on the 11th. of December; where the paffengers, feeing fome houses, went on fhore, at Robert Wade's landing, near the lower fide of Chefter-creek; and, the river having froze up that night, the paffengers remained there all the winter.*

"That, in clearing the ground, care be taken to leave one acre of trees for every five acres cleared, efpecially to preserve oak and mulberries, for filk and fhipping."

* Among the paffengers, in thefe fhips, were John Otter, Nathaniel Allen and Edmund Lovett, with their families; and feveral fervants of Governor Penn.-Jofeph Kirkbride, then a boy, being one of them, who afterwards became a perfon of importance, in the province. He is an instance, among many others that might be given, in the early time of this country, of advancement from low beginning to rank of eminence and esteem, through induftry,with a virtuous and prudent couduct.—The difficulties, hardships and trials of many of the well difpofed early fettlers, however low in the world, rather vifibly tended to their promotion, and, in some respects rendered them more useful and worthy members of fociety, in this new country; while others, even poffeffed of handsome patrimonies, at first, but more improvident, and less accustomed to encounter with fuch difficulties, &c. more commonly went to ruin, or were reduced to indigence; besides, a dependance on fuch inheritances, even with otherwise prudent economy, in the early time of this country, where, and when fervants could fcarcely be had, or kept, by any means, feveral worthy perfons, who had not been used to labor, found, by forrowful experience, did not answer here, as in Europe; so that for a series of years, thofe who came hither more wealthy, and had before been used to a different manner of life, fometimes loft much of what they had poffeffed, and were reduced to greater ftraits and trials, than the more poor and laborious part of the fettlers, who were generally more numerous, and got eftates;-Hence it became noted for being a good poor man's country, &c.

This Jofeph Kirkbride, above mentioned, was afterwards a preacher, among the Quakers; and, for many years in the magistracy, and frequently in the Affembly. He is faid to have been an exemplary and zealous promoter of the religion of his profeffion; and a very serviceable perfon in divers refpects and capacities. He lived in Buck's County; where he died in the First month, 1737.



In one of these fhips failed William Markham, a relation of the proprietary; whom he had ap Commif- pointed his Deputy Governor, and joined with fioners fent, him certain commiffioners, to confer with the Indians, or Aboriginies, of the country, refpecting their lands; and to confirm with them a league of peace. Thefe Commiffioners he enjoined to treat them with all poffible candour, justice and humanity.


To cultivate a right understanding with these naance of tives, by a kind, gentle and juft treatment and treating the Indians ufage, was an affair of great importance to the fu



ture happiness and profperity of the province; which good policy alone, even, from views of temporal interest, in fuch a cafe, would point out; yet notwithstanding this, the unhappy effects of a contrary conduct, or a neglect in this particular, had been frequently and long experienced, in some other provinces, to their great detriment, and ruinous confequences.

But William Penn appears to have acted from Penn's con- higher, and more difinterested motives, in referduct refpec- rence to thefe people, than from those of mere ting the Indians

temporal advantage only; which, it is manifeft, he never received from the province, in any respect whatever, during a life of near thirty-feven years continuance after this time; but loft much by it. His ideas were more exalted, than to be confined within the narrow view of a temporary interest. alone, and his conduct refpecting thefe poor, ignorant and favage people, declared his regard for univerfal justice, and the naturai rights of mankind; tending to imprefs on their minds, as was his concern for all others, a proper fenfe of eternal justice, and the happy effects of friendship, love and peace; than which nothing can have a stronger influence on the rational and confiderate mind, to keep it. within the due bounds of justice and truth. The firft fpecimen, that I find, of his manner of treat

ing these people, appears in the following letter, 1681.
which he fent them, on this occafion, by his de-
puty and commiffioners; wherein, without per-
plexing and confufing their untutored ideas, with
fine-spun and unintelligible notions, and forms of
belief, fo common to fome ecclefiaftics, he adapts
his fubject to their understandings, in the following
plain and fimple manner.

"London, the 18th. of the Eighth month 1681.
"My Friends,

His let

"There is a great God and power, that hath made the world, and all things therein; to whom you and I, and all people owe their being, and ter to them. well-being; and to whom you and I must one day give an account, for all, that we do in the world.

"This great God hath written his law in our hearts, by which we are taught and commanded to love and help, and do good to one another. Now this great God hath been pleased to make me concerned in your part of the world; and the King of the country, where I live, hath given me a great province therein; but I defire to enjoy it with your love and confent; that we may always live together, as neighbours and friends; elfe what would the great God do to us, who hath made us, not to devour and deftroy one another, but to live foberly and kindly together, in the world? now I would have you well obferve, that I am very fenfible of the unkindness and injustice, that have been too much exercised towards you, by the people of these parts of the world; who have fought themselves, and to make great advantages by you, rather than to be examples of goodness and patience unto you; which I hear hath been a matter of trouble to you, and caufed great grudg ing and animofities, fometimes to the fhedding of blood; which hath made the great God angry. But I am not fuch a man; as is well known in


Penn's let

1681. my own country. I have great love and regard towards you; and defire to win and gain your love and friendship, by a kind, juft and peaceable life; William and the people I fend, are of the fame mind, and ter to the fhall, in all things, behave themselves accordingly; and, if in any thing, any fhall offend you, or your people, you fhall have a full and fpeedy fatiffaction for the fame, by an equal number of juft men, on both sides; that, by no means you may have juft occafion of being offended against them.



lifhes a


"I fhall fhortly come to you myfelf; at which time, we may more largely and freely confer and difcourfe of these matters; in the mean time I have fent my commiffioners to treat with you about land, and a firm league of peace; let me defire you to be kind to them, and the people, and receive these prefents and tokens, which I have sent you, as a teftimony of my good will to you, and my refolution to live juftly, peaceably and friendly with you."

"I am your loving friend,
"William Penn."

In the beginning of the year 1682, William Penn published his frame of government, and certain William laws, agreed on, in England, by himself and the Penn pub- purchafers under him, entitled, "The frame of frame of the government of the province of Pennfylvania, in America; together with certain laws, agreed upon, in England, by the Governor, and divers freemen of the aforefaid province. To be further explained and confirmed there, by the first Provincial Council, that fhall be held, if they fee meet." Which frame, &c. may be seen in the appendix, No. II.

ment and laws.

In the preface to this frame is exhibited a sketch of the author's fentiments on the nature of government, in general, his reflections on the different modes of it, and his inducement for forming his. It may serve to give some idea of the judgment of the Quakers, in general, on this fubject, respecting

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