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the government of the province, and not contrary to the laws of England." The Assembly met in 1639, and passed a Code of laws. Among these laws

was one interesting to farmers, as it legalized a custom still existing in this State. It was in reference to the measurement of a barrel of corn. "A barrel of new corn, at or before the fifteenth day of October in any year, shall be twice shaked in the barrel, and afterwards heaped as long as it shall lie on; and at or before the Feast of Nativity (Christmas), shall be twice shaked and filled to the edge of the barrel, or else not shaked and heaped as before; and after the said feast it shall not be shaken at all, but delivered by strike."

5. Thomas Smith, who had been captured in the expedition sent out by Claiborne, was tried for murder. He was found guilty, and sentenced to death, though it is not ascertained that he was executed. A bill of attainder was passed against Claiborne by which his property was confiscated to the Proprietary.

6. Claiborne was still in England endeavoring to accomplish his object through the known avarice and unscrupulousness of the royal court. He boldly laid claim to the Isle of Kent and its dependencies, and charged the Proprietary's officers with having attacked and slaughtered his men.

Questions.-4. When did the Assembly pass laws? 5. What was done with Smith? 6. Where was Claiborne, and what was he doing? What did he charge upon the colouists?

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In the trial of Smith, however, it was proved that the first fire was from Claiborne's boat. In a petition to the king, he offered to pay the crown two hundred pounds sterling for a grant of the Isle of Kent and other valuable possessions.

7. The whole matter having been referred to a proper committee, they reported, after a full investigation, that the lands in question belonged absolutely to Lord Baltimore, and that no trade with the Indians could be carried on without his consent.

8. Claiborne, thus baffled, returned to Virginia to carry on his old schemes of annoyance. The legislature, however, interfered and compelled him to desist. Then he dispatched an agent to Maryland praying the restoration of his property which had been confiscated to the government. prayer was rejected, and, for a while, he abandoned his efforts.


9. During the earlier years of the colony, the settlement was circumscribed within narrow limits, and the presence of the two missionaries who had accompanied the colony was required in the settlements. For these reasons their efforts at converting Indians, were confined to those who were in friendly relationship with the settlers. But as the

Questions.-6. What was proved on the trial of Smith? What did Claiborne offer the king? 7. What was the report of the committee? 8. What did Claiborne do? 9. How many missionaries accompanied the colonists? Why did they not go abroad among the Indians? Did they teach the Indians in the settlement?

colony increased, new missionaries arrived from England.

10. These zealous men immediately began to penetrate into the interior, and visit every tribe and village. The Indians at Patuxent received them very kindly, and bestowed upon them a plantation called St. Mattapany, on the Patuxent, where a missionary station and a store house were immediately erected. The missionaries travelled in a boat, subsisted by hunting, and at night slept under cover of a slight tent. Confiding themselves to the protection of God, they slept as soundly as if surrounded by the luxuries of a palace.

11. In five years they had extended their sta tions throughout a large portion of the province; they had visited many tribes, and made many con verts; they possessed four permanent stations, the most distant of which was one hundred and twenty miles from St. Mary's. They went in every direction preaching Christianity to the savages, and by their gentle influence they maintained the peace and quiet of the settlements more firmly and securely than could have been done by all the militia of the province.

12. The conversion and baptism of Clitomachen, the Tayac, was a remarkable event. The Tayac was the chief officer of the Piscataways, the most

Questions.-9. When did more arrive? How did the Indians receive them? 11. What was the result of their labor? of the Tayac?

10. What did they do? How did they travel? 12. Describe the baptism

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extensive and powerful tribe in Maryland. Shortly after the arrival of Father White, the missionary, the Tayac was taken sick, and forty medicine men tried all the arts of conjuring within their power, to cure him. The missionary gained permission to treat the sick chief, and by his treatment shortly restored him to perfect health. After having been properly prepared for the reception of the holy rite, the Tayac and his household were baptized.

13. The Tayac after this abandoned the habits and dress of the savage, adopted those of the English, and learned their language. In a conversation with the governor on the advantages of trading with the settlers, he is reported to have said: "I consider these as trifling, when compared with this one benefit, that, by their aid, I have arrived at the true knowledge of the one God, the most important of all knowledge."

14. Thus surrounded by Christian Indians, the colony suffered but little from the hostilities of the natives, nothing that rose to the dignity of an Indian war. What troubles they had were caused by the Susquehannas, the Wycomeses and Nanticokes, who were too far from the settlements to be brought under the good influences of the whites. The promptness and energy, however, of the gov ernor, prevented any serious disaster to the colony,

Questions.-13. What is said of the Tayac, after his baptism? What remarkable language is attributed to him? 14. What Indians were troublesome ?

and in a short time a truce was concluded with the


15. The colony had gone on improving, strengthening their settlements, and extending their legislation, and, although by act of the Assembly which met in 1639, the privileges of the Governor had been greatly extended-privileges that might have been of dangerous consequences- the wise and virtuous administration of Leonard Calvert, fully justified the confidence which the people placed in his honor and integrity.



1643-1647.-CLAIBORNE AND INGLE'S REBELLION — Troubles in England--Insubordination of ClaiborneCalvert Visits England· - Indian Troubles - IngleGov. Brent --Calvert's Return -- Endeavors to obtain Possession of Kent Island--Calvert compelled to Flee-Conduct of the Insurgents--Success of Parliamentary Party-Calvert Regains Possession-Death of Calvert.

1. The contest which had broken out in England, between the King and Parliament, materially affected the good order of the Maryland colony. The government was a royal grant, and the Proprietary was an adherent of the king. As the

Questions.-15. What is said of Leonard Calvert's administration? 1. What is said of the contest in England? To which side did the Proprietary belong?

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