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richest in the kingdom, it being valued, in the year 1534, at 1361. a year. It was formerly the endowment of a Prebend in York Cathedral, but is now a lay fee. The market-place is open; but the houses are low, and mean; and the place appears as if destitute of inhabitants.

Three miles from Masham brought me to


This sequestered and romantic spot is the property of Mrs. Allanson. A small stream, running through a deep and woody glen, has been obstructed in various places by upright pieces of stone, and thus forms several artificial cascades. Some close walks, winding by the stream, conduct to the Great Fall, which differs greatly from those mountain cataracts so lately described; it is divided into two parts, and rather steals, than dashes, down rocks richly clad with moss; and wholly divested of that wildness of character before observed, yet it possesses a mildness and beauty peculiar to itself. The foliage about the fall is extremely fine, and may be studied with convenience from a covered seat opposite. Here are several places recommended to the notice of travellers, as Fisher's-Hall, Mowbray Castle, the Grotto, and others. From Mowbray Point, an



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