Lif-Comm. CONTENTS. CHRISTIANITY inestimable on account of its mo- ral influence---the extent of its prevalence---circum- stances which establish its credibility---the enlightened age in which it obtained credit---The character and sufferings of its first teachers---they could have no motive to deceive mankind---their doctrine proves that they were not enthusiasts---a general expecta- tion of a great deliverer at the time of our Saviour's appearance---This event predicted by the Jewish prophets---many particulars of the gospel history confirmed by the contemporary testimony of Pagan Mr. Hume's objection against the possibility of mira- of The doctrine of Christianity concerning a future state Moral as well as natural evil reconcileable with the goodness of God---The inequalities of the human condition levelled by the prospect of immortality--- The present restlessness of the human mind an argu- ment for a future state---the human character ex- alted by this hope---Christianity therefore a blessing ---Speculations concerning the places of future re- wards and punishments, and concerning angels or devils, useless---the notion of evil dæmons prevalent among the ancients---fear a powerful instrument in the cure both of natural and moral diseases---how mankind---its good effects extensive, even beyond of its truth. Of the establishment of Christianity under Constantine The religious warsamong Christians not to be imputed to Christianity, but to the ambition of its professors ---The piety taught by Christianity rational and sub- lime---its religious institutions simple and useful--- not answerable for corruptions introduced by bigo- try or avarice---makes its appeal to reason---cn the mere ground of authority, respectably supported--- Ridicule not the test to which the truth of Christianity should be brought---its first propagation neither en- LETTER XCVIL : Monastic institutions the offspring of persecution---fos- LETTER XCVIII. Comparison of the superstitions of Pagan and Chris- LETTER XCIX. Monastic seclusion from the world founded on false no- able |