| Matthew Horbery - 1744 - 306 pages
...we are at present, it does not yet appear what we shall be y 1 only we know that the time will come, when this corruptible shall put on Incorruption, and this mortal shall put on Immortality. 11 And every Man that hath this Hope in him, purifieth himself, even as he (God) is pure. It is much... | |
| Bibliography - 1776 - 586 pages
...diftinct, lively and exquifitc pictures of the joys of another ; of the rcfurrection of the dead, the laft judgment, and the triumphs of the righteous in that tremendous day, ' when this corruptible fhall put on incorruption, • and this mortal fhall put on immortality *.' No other has ever reprelentcd... | |
| Soame Jenyns - Apologetics - 1776 - 210 pages
...diftinct, lively and exquifite pictures of the joys of another ; of the refurre&ion of the dead, the laft judgment, and the triumphs of the righteous in that tremendous day, " when this corruptible " fhall put on interruption, and " this mortal {hall put on immor" tality *." No other has ever reprefented... | |
| Tobias Smollett - English literature - 1776 - 526 pages
...Jillinct, lively and exquilite pictures of the joys of another; of the refurreclion of the dead, the lalt judgment, and the triumphs of the righteous in that tremendous day, " when this corruptible fiiall put on incorruption, and this mortal (hall put on immortality." No other has ever reprefented... | |
| Soame Jenyns - 1790 - 310 pages
...diftincT:, lively, and exquifite pictures of the joys of another ; of the refurrection of the dead, the laft judgment, and the triumphs of the righteous in that tremendous day, " when this corruptible fhall put on incor" ruption, and this mortal fhall put on im" mortality*." No other has ever reprefented... | |
| William Melmoth - Apologetics - 1802 - 326 pages
...diftinct, lively, and exquifite pictures of the joys of another; of the refurrection of the dead, the laft judgment, and the triumphs of the righteous in that tremendous day, ' when this corruptible mail put on incor* ruption, and this mortal fliall put on im* mortality.''^ No other has ever reprefented... | |
| John Smalley - Congregational churches - 1803 - 454 pages
...and immortality to light:" meaning no doubt, the immortality of the body, as well as of the soul : when " this corruptible shall put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality." These are the grand objects of those who are risen with Christ, and seek those things which are above.... | |
| Lord Peter King King - Apostles' Creed - 1804 - 352 pages
...immortality, and so should make us partakers of his incorruption, in hopes of the resurrection from the dead, when this corruptible shall put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality." Lastly, the chief and principal end of our Saviour's descent into hell was, that he might subject himself... | |
| Lord Peter King King - Apostles' Creed - 1804 - 358 pages
...immortr'lty, and so should make us partakers of his incorruption, in hopes of the resurrection from the dead, when this corruptible shall put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality." Lastly, the chief and principal end of our Saviour's descent into hell was, that he might subject himself... | |
| Robert Coutts - Sermons - 1808 - 460 pages
...•Lutexxi. »8. f Eph. v. 29, go. || Johaxiv. 3. shall be " fashioned like unto his glorious body :"* " this corruptible shall put on incorruption, and " this mortal shall put on immortality. "f Undazzled by the lustre of his countenance', your eye shall then be enabled to behold him with stedfast... | |
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