ON INDIA; BY MARIA GRAHAM, and AUTHOR OF “JOURNAL OF A RESIDENCE IN INDIA." 1785 1842 } With Etchings and a Yap. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, PATERNOSTER-ROW; AND A. CONSTABLE AND CO. EDINBURGH. THE indulgence with which the Public received the “Journal of a Residence in India," induced the writer to hope, that the curiosity concerning our oriental possessions was still sufficiently alive to promise a favourable reception to the following little work. It is written solely with the design of being useful to such as are called upon to go at an early period of life, to India, and who therefore cannot have had time to make themselves acquainted with even the general outline of the history, religion, or science of that country; and though the execution must necessarily have fallen far short of the design, yet it is hoped that the general sketch here presented may not be found uninteresting or uninstructive. The sources from which the information contained in the following pages is chiefly drawn, are, the papers of Sir W. Jones, Mr. Colebrooke, and Major Wilford in the Asiatic Researches; and where these guides have failed, those who could, in the writer's humble judgment, be best relied on, were chosen. Colonel Wilks's admirable History of Mysore, Orme, Scott, Dow, Malcolm, Buchanan, have all been referred to; and if on every occasion where the author has made use of their works she has neglected to name them, it is because such references would have been too numerous at the bottom of her pages. For the etchings which accompany the letters, the writer is indebted to her ingenious young friend and relation Mr. J. D. Glennie, of Dulwich, who kindly interrupted his higher and more interesting : |