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pense Fund. This fund shall be disbursed from year to year by the Committee of Arrangements, and be used for the purpose of meeting the expense of entertaining such commissioners as are not otherwise provided for; and that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the account of the Committee of Arrangements after it has been approved by the Finance Committee of the Assembly." This is often called the Entertainment Fund. The apportionment for this fund for 1882 is one and one-half cents per communicant.†

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Has a church court the power to assess a tax upon the churches?

"None of our church courts are clothed with power to assess a tax upon the churches. Apportionments to meet the expenses of the several bodies may be made, but the payment depends upon that voluntary liberality which flows from the enlightened consciences of the people, who may confidently be relied upon to return whatever is necessary for the conduct of our ecclesiastical business." If the Presbyteries choose to pay only the expenses of their own commissioners, "the Assembly cannot require them to contribute to the general fund.” Yet "each Presbytery is hereby earnestly requested to contribute annually its full proportion for the Commissioners' and Contingent Funds of the General Assembly.”‡ Can a claim for mileage be made after the adjournment of the General Assembly?

The Assembly only can act upon such a claim. In 1878 a commissioner from the Presbytery of Santa Fé, who had been in the previous Assembly, presented a claim for $154 due him since last year from the Mileage + Ibid., 1881, p. 581.

*Minutes G. A. 1877, pp. 545, 570.

Ibid., 1878, pp. 67, 68.

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What is done with the balances of the Mileage and Entertainment Funds?

The balances of the Mileage Fund and of the Entertainment Fund are paid to the Treasurer of the General Assembly, and go to the account of the next year.† Do commissioners receive the printed Minutes?

"Every Minister and every vacant church contributing to this fund (Mileage Fund) connected with the Presbyteries, thus complying with the provisions of this plan, shall be entitled to a copy of the annual Minutes of the General Assembly." In 1880 the Assembly Resolved, "That the Stated Clerk forward a copy of the printed Minutes to every Elder who is a commissioner in this Assembly, provided he forwards his P. O. address, and that the Presbytery which he represents has paid its quota to the Mileage Fund." §

* Minutes G. A. 1878, p. 100.

Pres. Dig., p. 473.

† Ibid., 1880, p. 13. 2 Minutes G. A. 1880, p. 85; 1881, p. 553.

[blocks in formation]

of General Assembly, 303, 538. Alliance:

of Presbytery, 240, 538.

of Session, 176.

of Synod, 257, 538.

Evangelical, 96, 282.

Presbyterian, 281-284.
Alternates, 184, 300, 550-552.

Administration of sacraments, 85-93. Ambassador, 45.


to church, 85, 139–145.

to communion, 90, 139, 144.



to constitution, 19, 294-299.
to motions, 533.


[blocks in formation]

Apostolic churches,

118, 177, 191.
Appeals, 190-201.

11, 44, 53, 61,

absence of records in, 195, 197.
appellant in, 192.
before commission, 196, 253, 270.
and complaints, 190.
conditions of, 192.

from congregational meeting,

decision of, 191, 198, 251.

under Plan of Union, 278.

and decision of civil court, 197.
dismissed, 197.

effect of, 193, 251.

final, 251, 260, 268.

in General Assembly, 268.
heard, 193, 253.

inferior court in, 195.

informalities in, 192,197,251,257.
limitation of time in, 192.
from the Moderator, 537.

of congregational meeting,
129, 165.

notice, 192.

original parties in, 193.

in other churches, 191, 199.
in Presbytery, 190-199.
records read in, 194.

absent, 195, 197.

and references, 190.

retirement of parties in, 196.
right of, 191.

in Synod, 251-254.

vote taken on, 194–199.
voters in, 199.

to what court, 165, 192, 268.

rights of, 194.
spirit of, 192, 226.


for aid. See BOARDS.
for membership in church, 85,

in Presbytery, 210-213.
Apprentices, baptism of, 85.
Appropriations. See BOARDS.

of overtures, 294-299.

of records, 172-174, 229, 258.
Ashmun Institute, 341, 489.
Assess, power to, 559.


mileage, 557.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

and Sabbath-schools, 109.
witnesses, 137.

Benediction, 47, 117.
Benevolence, 515-521.

authority of, 27, 344, 451.
correspondence school, 549.
distribution, 443.
imprints of, 443.
Mohegan, 460.
publication of, 443.
revision of, 445.

in Sabbath-school, 163.
societies, 444.

Biddle University, 342, 490.
Bigamy, 99, 101, 105.

Bishops, 45, 52.

in other churches, 43, 46, 180,
199, 205.

Blackburn University, 341.

Blanks for reports, 175, 235, 236, 521.
Bluffton Institute, 497.

Board, A. B. C. F. M., 465, 468.

Am. Home M., 420.

and church extension, 432.
Board of Aid for Colleges, 506–509.
Board of Deacons, 70.

Board of Education, 329, 430-442.
applications to, 330-337.
appropriations of, 330-337.
and Candidates, 329-337.
and colleges, 441.

committees on, 439, 441.

Board of Education:

early measures, 329, 430.
and freedmen, 491.
functions of, 441.

and parochial schools, 436-438.
and Presbyteries, 330.
scholarships of, 333, 334.
and seminaries, 329-347.

Board of Church Erection, 473-479.
applications to, 477.

and chapels and schools, 478.
and manses, 515.

Board of Church Extension, 475.
Board of Missions, 418, 420, 425, 468,


and Church Extension, 418.
and common Board of Agency,

Board of Missions, Domestic, 425.
early measures, 111, 415-418,

Board of Missions, Freedmen, 498.
women's department of, 499.
Board of Missions, Home, 415-430.
applications to, 426.

and Church Extension Commit-
tee, 423.

committees of, 421-425.
departments of, 494, 501.

and Committee on Freedmen,

and Missionaries, 413, 428.
and sustentation, 501.
women's, 428-430.

Board of Missions, Foreign, 459–473.

Chinese, 464.

committee of, 471.

early measures, 459, 461-463,

and education, 472.
Indians, 464.

of other churches, 459, 467.
women's, 472, 473.

Board of Publication, 442–459.
colporteurs of, 455-458.
committee of, 447.
departments of, 451-455.
depositories of, 451.
early measures, 442, 447.
Missionaries of, 455-458.
and Sabbath-school literature,
163, 447, 451, 457.

and Sabbath-school work, 163,


superintendents of, 456.
Trustees of, 482.

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