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Damen mada” &r. v. 35. Alcibiades, the son of Clinias, gpunta tra Ses of the Telamonian Ajax.-T. WARTON. METER Achaser the GreEL.—T. WARTON.

» Ovale suvimas, quais Pīprčvus keros.

* I SITE and Ctria, beck instructors of Achilles. The instances 4 2 1 the masses ancient history.-T. Warton.

og maà, a visch had passed three vernal equinoxes, two springs Am het struse, went abroad in February, 1623, when veen it come their prose correspondence, where Milton says, HAR EVERY ILoquum ad te scripserim."-T. WARTON.

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Sæpe sarissiferi crudelia pectora Thracis
Supplicis ad moestas delicuere preces :
Extensæque manus avertunt fulminis ictus,
Placat et iratos hostia parva Deos.
Jamque diu scripsisse tibi fuit impetus illi,

Neve moras ultra ducere passus Amor;

Nam vaga Fama refert, (heu, nuntia vera malorum !)
In tibi finitimis bella tumere locis ;

Teque tuamque urbem truculento milite cingi,
Et jam Saxonicos arma parasse duces®.
Te circum late campos populatur Enyo,

Et sata carne virum jam cruor arva rigat;
Germanisque suum concessit Thracia Martem;
Illuc Odrysios Mars pater egit equos;
Perpetuoque comans jam deflorescit oliva,
Fugit et ærisonam diva perosa tubam,
Fugit, io! terris, et jam non ultima virgo

Creditur ad superas justa volasse domos.
Te tamen interea belli circumsonat horror,
Vivis et ignoto solus inopsque solo ';
Et, tibi quam patrii non exhibuere penates,
Sede peregrina quæris egenus opem *.
Patria, dura parens, et saxis sævior albis,
Spumea quæ pulsat littoris unda tui;
Siccine te decet innocuos exponere fœtus,

Siccine in externam ferrea cogis humum?
Et sinis, ut terris quærant alimenta remotis
Quos tibi prospiciens miserat ipse Deus,
Et qui læta ferunt de cœlo nuntia, quique,
Quæ via post cineres ducat ad astra, docent?
Digna quidem, Stygiis quæ vivas clausa tenebris,
Eternaque animæ digna perire fame!

Sæpe sarissiferi.

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From the Macedonian "sarissa," or "pike;" whence soldiers were called "sarissophori." See Liv. ix. 19. And Ovid," Met." xii. 466.-TODD.

e Et jam Saxonicos arma parasse duces.

About the year 1626, when this Elegy was written, the imperialists, under General Tilly, were often encountered by Christian, Duke of Brunswick, and the Dukes of Saxony, particularly Duke William of Saxe Weimar, and the Duke of Saxe Lauenburg, in Lower Saxony, of which Hamburg, where Young resided, is the capital. See v. 77. Germany in general, either by invasion or interior commotions, was a scene of the most bloody war, from the year 1618 till later than 1640. Gustavus Adolphus conquered the greater part of Germany about 1631.-T. WARTON.

f Vivis et ignoto solus inopsque solo.

These circumstances, added to others, leave us strongly to suspect that Young was a nonconformist, and probably compelled to quit England on account of his religious opinions and practice. He seems to have been driven back to England, by the war in the Netherlands, not long after this Elegy was written.-T. WARTON.

g Sede peregrina quæris egenus opem.

Before and after 1630, many English ministers, puritanically affected, left their cures, and settled in Holland, where they became pastors of separate congregations: when matters took another turn in England, they returned, and were rewarded for their unconforming obstinacy in the new presbyterian establishment.-T. WARTON.

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Induiturque brevem Tellus reparata juventam,
Jamque soluta gelu dulce virescit humus.
Fallor? an et nobis redeunt in carmina vires,
Ingeniumque mihi munere veris adest m?
Munere veris adest, iterumque vigescit ab illo,

(Quis putet?) atque aliquod jam sibi poscit opus.
Castalis ante oculos, bifidumque cacumen oberrat,
Et mihi Pyrenen somnia nocte ferunt;
Concitaque arcano fervent mihi pectora motu,
Et furor, et sonitus me sacer intus agit.
Delius ipse venit, video Penëide lauro
Implicitos crines; Delius ipse venit.

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Jam mihi mens liquidi raptatur in ardua cœli,

Perque vagas nubes corpore liber eo;

Perque umbras, perque antra feror, penetralia vatum,

Et mihi fana patent interiora deum ;

Intuiturque animus toto quid agatur Olympo,

Nec fugiunt oculos Tartara cæca meos.



Quid tam grande sonat distento spiritus ore?
Quid parit hæc rabies, quid sacer iste furor?
Ver mihi, quod dedit ingenium, cantabitur illo;
Profuerint isto reddita dona modo.

Jam, Philomela, tuos, foliis adoperta novellis,

Instituis modulos, dum silet omne nemus:
Urbe ego, tu sylva, simul incipiamus utrique,
Et simul adventum veris uterque canat.
Veris, io! rediere vices; celebremus honores
Veris, et hoc subeat Musa perennis opus.
Jam sol, Æthiopas fugiens Tithoniaque arva,
Flectit ad Arctöas aurea lora plagas.

Est breve noctis iter, brevis est mora noctis opacæ,
Horrida cum tenebris exulat illa suis:

Jamque Lycaonius, plaustrum cœleste, Boötes
Non longa sequitur fessus ut ante via ;
Nunc etiam solitas circum Jovis atria toto
Excubias agitant sidera rara polo:

Nam dolus, et cædes, et vis cum nocte recessit,

Neve Giganteum Di timuere scelus.

Forte aliquis scopuli recubans in vertice pastor,
Roscida cum primo sole rubescit humus,

Hac, ait, hac certe caruisti nocte puella,
Phoebe, tua, celeres quæ retineret equos.
Læta suas repetit silvas, pharetramque resumit
Cynthia, luciferas ut videt alta rotas;

m Ingeniumque mihi munere veris adest?

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See v. 23. There is a notion that Milton could write verses only in the spring or summer, which perhaps is countenanced by these passages: but what poetical mind does not feel an expansion or invigoration at the return of the spring;-at that renovation of the face of nature, with which every mind is in some degree affected?-T. WARTON.

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