I love the Italian churches, with their broad aisles, vast and unfrittered, — no pews, no divisions, no aristocratical screenings; all kneeling together, the high and mighty and the lowly, on the same pavement; all sending up their thanksgiving, or... Slight reminiscences of the Rhine, Switzerland, and a corner of Italy [by M ... - Page 79by Mary Boddington - 1834Full view - About this book
 | Leigh Hunt - English periodicals - 1834 - 680 pages
...though it was but for a moment, for I soon returned to my allegiance. A good Hint to Protestant Churches I love the Italian churches with their broad aisles,...eyes all are equal. No dread of vulgar contact, no dread of the tattered penitent. I shall never forget the impression made upon me on my first visit... | |
 | Ireland - 1884 - 716 pages
...CHURCHES. — I love the Italian churches with their broad aisles, vast and unfrittered — no pews or divisions — no aristocratical screenings — all...and the lowly on the same pavement— all sending their thanksgiving or prayer to the same great Being, in eyes all are equal. No dread of -vulgar contact... | |
 | Robert Walsh, Eliakim Littell, John Jay Smith - 1835 - 742 pages
...Italian church introduces remarles which, if not original, are at least just and well expressed: — " I love the. Italian churches, with their broad aisles,...vulgar contact, no elbowing of the tattered penitent. 1 shall never forget the impression made upon me, on my first visit to St. Peter's at Rome, by a young... | |
 | 1840 - 838 pages
...divisions, no aristocrática! screenings, but all kneeling together, the hi^'h and the mighty, ana the lowly on the same pavement, all sending up their...the same great BEING, in whose eyes all are equal. By the time we entered, vespert had commenced, a couple of wax-lights flickered on the altar, and the... | |
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