Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in Early Twentieth-Century German ThoughtPresenting a comprehensive portrayal of the reading of Chinese and Buddhist philosophy in early twentieth-century German thought, Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in Early Twentieth-Century German Thought examines the implications of these readings for contemporary issues in comparative and intercultural philosophy. Through a series of case studies from the late 19th-century and early 20th-century, Eric Nelson focuses on the reception and uses of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism in German philosophy, covering figures as diverse as Buber, Heidegger, and Misch. He argues that the growing intertextuality between traditions cannot be appropriately interpreted through notions of exclusive identities, closed horizons, or unitary traditions. Providing an account of the context, motivations, and hermeneutical strategies of early twentieth-century European thinkers' interpretation of Asian philosophy, Nelson also throws new light on the question of the relation between Heidegger and Asian philosophy. Reflecting the growing interest in the possibility of intercultural and global philosophy, Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in Early Twentieth-Century German Thought opens up the possibility of a more inclusive intercultural conception of philosophy. |
Zhang Junmai Eucken and Driesch | |
Nietzsche Scheler and Confucian Ethics | |
Daoism in Buber and Heidegger | |
Heidegger Misch and the Origins of Philosophy | |
Husserl and Heidegger | |
Other editions - View all
Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in Early Twentieth-Century German Thought Eric S. Nelson Limited preview - 2017 |
Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in early Twentieth-Century German Thought Eric S. Nelson No preview available - 2019 |
Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in Early Twentieth-Century German Thought Eric S. Nelson No preview available - 2017 |
Common terms and phrases
Analects articulated Asian philosophy Buddha Chan Buddhism Chapter China Chinese philosophy communication Compare conception concerning Confucian ethics Confucius contemporary context contrast Crisis of European critical critique culture Dahui Daodejing Daoism Derrida dialogue Dilthey discourses Driesch and Driesch early Confucian East Asian emptiness encounter Enlightenment Eucken Eurocentric Europe European Sciences Fern-Ost als gäste forms Frankfurt gäste Jungchinas genuine German philosophy Greek Hasidism Hegel Heidegger's hermeneutics Hongzhou Huineng human Husserl idea immanent intellectual intercultural hermeneutics interpretation Kant language Laozi Leibniz Levinas life-philosophy lifeworld Linji Martin Buber Martin Heidegger metaphysical Misch modern Western moral mysticism nature negative Neo-Confucian Nietzsche Nietzsche's non-Western nothingness one’s oneself oriented perspective Phenomenology political practical question rationality reflection religion resentment response ressentiment Rosenzweig Scheler significance social Socrates spiritual teaching technological things thinkers thinking thought tradition trans transcendent transformation translated understanding University Press Vittorio Klostermann West Western philosophy Yijing York Zen Buddhism Zhang Junmai Zhuangzi Zongmi