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all the people, except a few penfioners or fome of the clergy, were againfl the measures of government.

There was a strange indifference and want of feeling prevailed at this time among all ranks of people, with regard to public affairs, through all the country; of which there was a ftrong proof given which will readily recur to every body's memory, that the accounts of many of the late military tranfactions, as well as political proceedings of very great importance, were received with as much indifference, and canvaffed with as much coolness and unconcern, as if they had happened to two nations with which they were no ways connected. We muft, from thefe obfervations, except the people of Scotland, who almost univerfally, fo far as they could be defcribed or diftinguished under any particular denomination, not only applauded, but offered their lives and fortunes in fupport of the prefent measures. The fame approbation was alfo given, and affurances made, tho' with lefs earnestnefs and unanimity, by a great number of towns in England. One thing which may be confidered as a political barometer with refpect to the sentiments of the lower ranks of people in cafes of that nature, was at this time exceedingly low, namely, the recruiting fervice. This went on flowly, and very

few either in England or Ireland were fond of either the land or fea fervice, though great encouragement was given, and no means was left untried for making extraordinary levies. In the midst of all these political commotions, the city of London made a capital figure in oppofition to the ministry and the meafures which they were now purfuing. A petition and remonftrance was agreed upon by the livery of that city, which strongly reprobated the measures that were

going on, but as the King would not receive it upon his throne, it was not prefented.

Some short time before these transactions of the city of London which related to the petition and remonftrance, a letter was received from the committee of New York, addreffed to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and common-council, together with a copy of their affociation, a recital of moft of thofe grievances and complaints which we have often taken notice of in this history. In this paper they rejected and cenfured feverely Lord North's conciliatory propofitions." They declared that the colony was willing and ready according to the antient conftitution, and upon equitable emergencies, to contribute to the fupport of the empire; but also declared, that as Englishmen, they would do it of their voluntary gift, and not by arbitrary compulfion. They teftified their fidelity and inviolable loyalty, with their affection to their coun try; they stated the great danger of further provocarion with respect to the colonies, declaring the unanimity of their citizens in defending their rights at all rifques, and they fignified their confidence and truft in the vigorous exertions of the city of London towards reftoring union, mutual confidence, and peace to the whole empire. All these proceedings marked the spirit and temper of the people both at home and in the colonies, but the miniftry being bent upon their own fchemes, remained callous to all notices, advice, petitions, remonftrances, and exhortations.It appears that this was to them and their party the hour and power of darkness.

The officers in the army were not altogether fond of the American war; fome perfons of the firft rank who had commiffions, refigned and refused to ferve


any longer in a fervice fo unnatural in itself and ruinous to the British empire. Among thefe the Earl of Effingham made the first figure. This nobleman whofe military genius had led him, when a youth, into the army, and fince prompted him to ripen theory with practice, wherever real fervice was to be found, by acting as a volunteer in the war between the Turks and Ruffians, had fince his return, as a peer in parliament, uniformly oppofed the whole fyftem of measures purfued against the Americans, and finding that it was inconfiftent with his character, and unbecoming his dignity to inforce the meafures with his fword, which he had utterly condemned as a legiflator., He accordingly, after declaring his readinefs to ferve his King and country againft their enemies, refigned his commiffion.

The Earl of Effingham's refignation, or rather the caufe from which it proceeded, gave great offen ce, and his requeft of retaining his rank in the army was not complied with. Several officers had not fhewn that willingness in going upon this fervice that they would have fhewn upon any other occafion. A few who could not overcome their repugnance to it, now quitted and gave up. But the majority thought that where the fuperior power of King and parliament had decided, it was no part of their military duty to enquire into the juftice and policy of the quarrel, The conduct of Lord Effingham rendered him extremely popular among thofe who held fimilar opinions with regard to American measures, and who composed a numerous body in England and Ireland. This foon appeared in the city of London, where among the refolutions paffed in the common hall on Midfummer

Midfummer day, and which were afterwards prefented to the King, public thanks were ordered to be given to the Right Honourable the Earl of Effingham, who having confiftently with the principles of an Englithman, refused to draw the fword which has been employed to the honour of his country, against the lives and liberties of his fellow-fubjects in America. And foon after an addrefs of thanks, but still in ftronger terms, was prefented to him from the guild of merchants in Dublin.


This laft body, who in Dublin form a corporation, prefented alfo an addrefs of thanks to the feveral peers, who, as they obferve, in fupport of the conftitution and in oppofition to a weak and wicked administration, protested against the American restraining bills. This addrefs to the protesting Lords, to which was affixed the corporation feal, was fent to each feparately, and a feparate anfwer given, all of which were published at that time. The fheriffs and com. mons of the city of Dublin had for fome time endea, voured to obtain the concurrence of the Lord Mayor and board of aldermen, in a petition to the throne against the measures pursued with refpect to the colonies, but were answered by the latter upon their first application that the matter was of the highest importance, and therefore inexpedient. Upon a fubfequent occafion however they feem to have concurred in the meafure, as a committee of fix aldermen, with as many commoners, and the recorder, were ap pointed to draw up a petition and address. This task being at last accomplished, was arrested in its progrefs by a negative from the mayor and aldermen.

This occafional difpute between the fhe

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riffs and commons, and the mayor and court of ldermen, which was carried on with great warmth, and ended in fome ferious refolutions and declarations.

The impoffibility, of purchafing and providing for negroes, which the prefent difpute had occafioned in our West India iflands, together with the lofs of the American markets for flaves, and the impediment caused by the proclamations of council against the exportation of arms and ammunition, had, altogether, nearly extinguished our American trade. This lofs

was more particularly felt by the port of Liverpool, which had poffeffed a much greater part of that commerce, than any other in the kingdom. When the Guinea fhips arrived, they were laid up, in an uncertainty of their future difpofition, while their crews looked in vain for other employment. All the branches of commerce were alfo flackened in a great degree, and the crews of the Greenland fhips upon their return in July and in the beginning of Auguft, were according to custom difcharged, the number of feamen out of employment in that town became great, and according to fome calculations amounted to near 3000.

In this fituation the feamen complained that an attempt was made by the merchants to lower their wages, in confequence of which a'violent commotion was raised among them, in which they cut the rigging of fome fhips to pieces, affaulted fome houfes, and committed other acts of violence. They at laft difperfed, and all became quiet. But they feizing a number of them, and fending them to prifon, rekindled the flame with greater violence, fo that nothing could have been expected but the deftructiou of that flourifting town. The failors immediately affembled, procured not only fire arts, but cannon, and were pro


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