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mined them with great attention, he found them inacceflible, and fo gave up his defign as entirely fruitless. The army fuffered greatly from the feverity of the weather, both officers and men being totally deftitute of tents and field accoutrements. Sir William Howe accordingly began his march to Philadelphia upon the 8th in full view of the enemy, who fuffered him to return as he came without gaining any one point except much toil and fatigue to the men and the officers. This, General Wafhington forefaw would be the confequence, and it was all that he intended by his movement; for he immediately removed his camp from White March to Valley Forge upon the Schuylkill, about 15 miles from Philadelphia, in a very ftrong and fecure fituation.

General Howe, as the feafon was now too far advanced to admit of any other attention except what related to the accommodation of the troops, fent a grand detachment out to procure forage for the winter, which performed its purpose with fuccefs. The Americans continued during the winter in huts in their camp, without returning to their homes, or going into winter quarters. This fhewed their great zeal for the cause they were engaged in, and the unbounded influence which General Washington had over the minds of the Americans. Thus ended the campaign upon the Delaware; a campaign, concerning which there have been feveral opinions, and which affords room for very ferious reflections. The British troops had been in general fuccefsful, without gaining any advantage; for with all their victories, and the ftrong tide of fuccefs which was faid to attend them, at the clofe of the campaign the amount of all their labours and battles was fimply a good winter lodging in the city of Philadelphia; whilst the troops poffeffed


no more of the adjacent country, than they immedi ately commanded with their arms. Another discouragement attended the conclufion of this campaign, was, that though the colonists might fight them when they had a mind, and with advantage to themselves, it was impoffible for the royal army to bring them to an engagement against their will. This occafioned much uneafinefs in England, among the promoters of this unrighteous war; who had been fo much elated with the news of the first fucceffes, and had boasted in the moft extravagant manner. Gloomy reflections began now to crowd upon them, and guilt and difappointment greatly chagrined their minds. They began to find that victory and defeat were nearly attended with the fame confequences. The fubftance of the nation was wafted, its beft blood was fpilt, yet ftill there was nothing done. The American war was nearly in the fame state that it was at the beginning, merely with this difference, that the colonists were inured to war and could make a better defence. In the beginning of this year the ministerial boasting run very high, concerning the marvellous things that General Howe would do in the fpring; and when they received the account of the defeat in the Jerfeys, they had fixed their hopes upon the atchievements which were ta be performed by the northern army under General Burgoyne. We muft now leave Sir William Howe in his winter quarters in Philadelphia, and look back to the affairs of Canada and the Lakes.

In viewing the hiftory of the fouthern campaign, we have beheld a train of victories without any equivalent advantages, and heard of wonderful archievements without fo much as feeing one province fubdu ed; a large fleet and a numerous army of the best


troops ever fent over the Atlantic, confined in their operations to the defence of a fingle city, without being able to fecure two leagues of country for the fpace of a few days. The northern campaign was ftill more unfuccefsful; for there we meet with nothing except difgrace, defeat, and difappointment. The war upon the fide of Canada and the Lakes was committed to Lieutenant General Burgoyne, an officer whofe abilities were unquestioned, and whofe fpirit of enterprize, and thirst for military glory, though it might be rivalled, could not poffibly be exceeded. It is fomewhat doubtful, notwithstanding the praises that were lavished upon that officer, whether his capacity was adequate to the arduous undertaking he was now engaged in. The fertility of his imagination, and the brilliancy of his fancy, feem to have prevailed more in his character than foundness of judgment, true caution, or penetration.

The appointment of General Burgoyne to this com. mand was far from being pleafing to General Carleton and his friends; it gave great offence to the general, who by his good conduct preferved Quebec, defended Canada, and recovered Lake Champlain. He felt feverely the affront, that when he had brought matters fo far forward, that the command fhould be taken from him and given to another, as if instead of having merited honour for his fervices he had deferved difgrace, and mortification. It was faid that his powers had been diminished in proportion to the greatness of his fervices. His military command before extended to every part of America, whither he might find it neceffary to conduct the army under his command. It was now fuddenly reftrained to the narrow limits of his own province. His friends obferved that he


had in the preceding campaign, not only driven the enemy out of Canada, but had formed a great naval armament, and destroyed the enemy's force upon Lake Champlain, recovered Crown Point, and put all things in that quarter in a fair way of fucceeding the next campaign. That nothing prevented him from taking Ticonderago except the latenefs of the feafon, when he would have immediately profecuted the war to the fouthward. He had, during the winter, applied his ufual industry in forwarding every preparation which might promote the fuccefs of the defign in the enfuing campaign. When the feafon opened the communication with England, instead of the reinforcements he required, and expected for ful filling of his purpofe, he received an arrangment totally new, which was neither planned according to, nor was the execution in any degree left to his difcretion. The minifter for the American department had formed the whole fcheme, and had proceeded fo far as to determine every detachment to be made from the larger bodies to be employed in two feperate expeditions. General Carleton was not even confulted concerning the number and nature of the troops, which were to remain under his command for the defence and fecurity of Canada. In a word, the army which he lately commanded was taken out of his hands, and placed under the command of officers who had lately acted under his authority, and placed in independent commands, and ordered to receive their inftructions from Sir William Howe; which was nolefs than an open infult to Sir Guy Carleton, who had been already informed by General Howe, that the distance of their operations would prevent all communication between them. The minifter on this occa

fion fhewed a real want of ability for directing fuch great and diftant operations; he took for granted that he perceived the force of the enemy, and all the. refourses which they might have to fruftrate his plan, when he did not fo much as confider the difficulties that even arofe. from the very nature of the country. With regard to the force of the colonift's in that quarter, neither the minifter, nor any of the commander's appear to have had the fmalleft information. Generals and troops on a fudden ftarted up, that were never heard of, nor believed to exift till the very moment of action; and a thousand impediments were found to ftand in the way of this expedition, that the minifter never dreamed of, and which his genius never fuggefted to him.

Sir Guy Carlton, notwithstanding the difgrace which the minifter had done him, behaved with a greatnefs of foul which did him much honour. He fhewed, that though he was fenfible of the affront which he had received, yet he knew how to pafs over an injury, and did not fuffer any perfonal difgrace to hinder him from ferving his country, and what he conceived to be the public caufe thereof. He applied himself with the fame diligence and activity to forward by every poffible means, and to fupport in all its parts, the expedition, as if it had been his contrivance and folely his own plan. This conduct though it was what government did not deferve from this officer, yet was abfolutely neceffary for carrying on the defign of this expedition; and though in the end it mifgave, it was more owing to the management of General Carleton, that it proceeded fo far as it did, than to any good conduct of the minifter who formed the plan thereof. The arrangment was fo complicated, and the parts of


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