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little danger rather than abandon their property:--others hoped that their conduct from its moderation would bear an enquiry, and the majority from their having no profpe&t of fubfiftence if they quitted their homes, and an expectation that their obfcurity would fave them from notice. But fuch charges of oppreffion, injustice, and cruelty were made on both fides as are ufually done in fuch cafes.

In the mean time the people in the fleet were diftreffed for the want of provifions and neceffaries of every fort, and were cut off from every kind of fuccour on fhore. This occafioned frequent fkirmimes between the armed fhips and boats, and the forces that were stationed on the coaft, particularly at Norfolk. The Liverpool man of war at length arrived from England, a flag was fent a-fhore, to put the queftion whether they would fupply his Majefty's fhips with provifions, which being anfwered in the negative and the fhips in the harbour being continually annoyed by the fire of the rebels from that part of the town that lay next the water, it was determined to deftroy it and diflodge them thereby. Previous notice being given to the inhabitants that they might remove from the danger, the first day of the new year was fignalized by the attack, when a violent cannonade from the Liverpool frigate, two floops of war, and the Governor's armed fhip the Dunmore, feconded by parties of failors, who landed and fet fire to the neareft houfes, foon produced the defired effect, and the whole town was reduced to afhes. There were at that time various accounts concerning the burning of Norfolk; the royalifts affirmed that the rebels burnt a great part of it themselves, and they on the other hand throw the whole of the charge upon Lord


Dunmore and the King's friends. From a Gazette, Jublished in the Governor's fhip, whither he had removed the printing prefs, it appears that it was only it tended to destroy that part of the town which most annoyed the fhips; but Lord Dunmore's gazettes are not to be confidered of much more credit than the accounts of the Virginians. Whoever was the author of this catastrophe, it is certain that this town was confumed to afhes in this unnatural contest. When a fire is once kindled, it is not eafy to prefcribe limits to its progress, or to determine by what accidents it may be extended beyond the bounds that may be defigned by thofe who kindled it at first.

On this occafion a few of thofe who landed were killed, as alfo fome of the townfmen and provincials.

Such was the fate of the unfortunate town of Norfolk, the moît confiderabie for commerce of any town in the colony, and fo growing and flourishing was it before thefe unhappy troubles, that in the two years from 1773 to 1775, the rents of the houfes encreased from 8,000l. to 10,000l. a year.--The whole lofs was eftimated at above 300,000l.-Though Lord Dunmore might think he had just reasons for what he did on this occafion, and might probably plead neceffity for this meafure, it was undoubtedly a grievous office, as well as an odious talk to a governor, to be himself a principal actor in burning and deftroying the best town in his government. The rebels after this difmal tranfaction, attempted to cut off every refource from the fhips, and partly to purifh the friends of government, burnt and deftroyed the plantations within reach of the water, and obliged the people to remove with their cattle, provifions, and portable effects farther into the country.


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The fituation of other governors in America was not more elegible than that of Lord Dunmore.-Lord William Campbell in South Carolina, having as they said entered into a negotiation with the Indians for coming in to fupport government in that province, and having alfo fucceeded in exciting a number of those back fettlers, who are diftinguished in the Carolina ftile by the name of regulators, to efpoufe the fame caufe, the difcovery of thofe meafures before they were ripe for execution, occafioned fuch a tumult among the people, that he thought it neceffary to retire from Charlestown aboard a fhip of war in the river, from whence he returned no more to the feat of his government. It is fomewhat ftrange that thefe governors fhould have had fo little regard payed them, and fo little authority in thefe provinces, as in none of them to have a majority of the people on their fide. They must certainly have been exceedingly unpopular in former times, and ruled with rigour in their governments, otherwife it could never have happened that the general voice of the people would have been fo univerfally against them.-To prevent any ill effects from Campbell's negotiation, one Mr Drayton, who was judge of the fuperior court. and one of the most leading men in the colony; marched with a strong armed force to the back fettlements, where a treaty was concluded between him and the leaders of the Regulators, in which the differences between them were attributed to misinformation and misunderstanding of each others views and designs, and a tenderness of confcience on the parts of the latter, which prevented their figning the affociations, or pursuing any measures against government; but as they were engaged neither by word nor act to im


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pede or contravene fuch proceedings as fhould be adopted and purfued by the province in general, nor give any information, aid, or affistance to any British troops as thould at any time arrive in it; fo they were to be entirely free in their conduct, otherwise to enjoy a fafe neutrality, and to fuffer no moleftation for their not taking an active part in the prefent troubles. It is probable that the report of Lord William Campbell's misfortune, and the force under Mr Drayton, prevailed more with thefe Regulators than any principles of juftice or moderation. They found that their fchemes were discovered, and they wanted to colour them in the best manner they could. It was prudent in Drayton to make this agreement, and thereby free himself and the whole colony from a war which must have greatly embarraffed them on this occafion.

The government of the province was now lodged in the council of fafety, confifting of thirteen perfons, with the occafional affiftance of a committee of ninety one. As they were informed that an armament was preparing in England, which was particularly intended against the colony, no means were left untried for its defence, in difciplining the forces, procuring arms and gunpowder, and particularly in fortifying and fecuring Charlestown. Similar measures were purfued in North Carolina, with only this difference-Governor Martin was more active and vigorous in his proceedings, but attended with as little fuccefs as the other Governors. The provincial congrefs, committees, and governors were in a continued ftate of the most violent warfare. Upon a number of charges, particularly of fomenting a civil war, and executing an infurrection among the negroes, he was declared an


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enemy to America in general, and to that colony in particular, and all perfons forbidden to hold any communication with him. Thefe declarations he answered with a proclamation of uncommon length which the provincial congrefs refolved to be a falfe, fcandalous, fcurrilous, malicious, and feditious libel, and ordered it to be burnt by the hand of the common hangman.

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The Governor had a palace at New Burn, which he now fortified with an expectation that by means of the back fettlers and the Scotch inhabitants, as well as the Highland emigrants, which were numerous in the province, he would be able to raise a large force and make a confiderable diverfion. But she watchful eye of jealoufy which feldom fuffers the fmallest hints given by an enemy to escape an interpretation, perceived the defigns of the Governor. Before his defign could be effected, the moving of fome cannon ftirred up fuch a commotion among the people, that he found it neceffary to abandon his palace, and to retire aboard a floop of war in Cape Fear river.The people upon this occafion difcovered powder, fhot, ball, and various military stores and implements that had been buried in the palace-garden and yards. This ferved to inflame them exceedingly, every man confidering it as if it had been a plot against himself in particular. In other refpects the province followed the example of their neighbours in South Carolina, by establishing a council and committee of fafety, with other fubftitutes for a regular and permanent government. They alfo purfued the fame method of providing for defence, of raifing, arming, and fupporting forces, and of training the militia, and fhewed equal vigour and readiness in all their proceedings. The


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