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each fide, are crooked, irregular, and armed with frong thorns, garnished with winged leaves, composed of 3 pair of obicure lobes indented at the top. The towers come in a racemus from the wings of the leaves, ftanding erect, and are of a pale yellowish colour, with a purple empalement. They are fucceeded by flat obloug pods, each containing 2 or 3 kidney feeds. Dr Wright fays, that this tree was introduced into Jamaica from Hon. duras in 1715; and is now too common, as it has over-run large tracts of land, fo that it is very diffcult to root out. It makes a beautiful and ftrong fence agamit cattle. If pruned from the lower branches, it grows to a fizeable tree, and, when cld, the wood is as good as that from Honduras. The trees are cut up into billets or junks, the bark and white fap of which are chipped off, and the red part, or heart, is fent to England for fale.


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HEMOPTOE, or a fpitting of blood. HEMOPTYSIS, MEDICINE, Index. HÆMORRHAGIA, } [fróm xipe, blood, and HEMORRHAGY, 5 exfrumu, to burst forth,] in tredicine, a flux of blood at any part of the body; anding either from a rupture of the veffels, when too full or too much preised; or from an erosion of them, when the blood is too harp and corrofive. Hæmorrhagia among the ancient Greeks, was only used for a flux of blood at the nose; but the moderns extend the name to any flux of blood, whether by the nofe, mouth, lungs, ftomach, infelines, matrix, or any other part. See MEDICINE and SURGERY, Indexes.

HEMORRHOIDAL, an appellation given by anatomits to the arteries and veins going to the

inteftinam rectum.

HEMORRHOIDS, or PILES, an iffue of blood from the hæmorrhoidal veffels. See MEDICINE, Index.

HEMUS, in ancient geography, a vaft ridge, running from Illyricum towards the Euxine, fo high as to afford a profpect both of the Euxine and Adriatic feas.

HAEN, Anthony DE, M. D. an eminent Geran phyfician of the 18th century. He was prity counsellor and physician to the late emprefs Mary-Therefa, queen of Hungary and Bohemia. He was author of many works, of which the prin cipal are his Ratio Medendi, in 17 vols 8vo, and a Treatife on Magic. He died in 1776.

HERES, a goddess to whom the ancient Rotans facrificed upon becoming heir to a fortune. HERETICO COMBURENDO, a writ which anGeatly lay againft an heretic, who, having once been convicted of herefy by his bishop, and having abjared it, afterwards falling into it again, or in to fome other, was thereupon committed to the fecular power. It is thought by fome to be as anpient as the common law itfelf; however, the conction of herefy by the common law was not in any petty ecclefiaftical court, but before the archLhop in a provincial fynod, and the delinquent was delivered up to the king to do with him as he pleafed: fo that the crown had a control over the

spiritual power. But by 2 Hen. IV. cap. 15. the diocefan alone, without the intervention of a fynod, might convict of heretical tenets; and unlefs the convict abjured his opinions, or if after abjuration he relapfed, the theriff was bound ex efficio, if required by the bithop, to commit the unhappy victim to the flames, without waiting for the confent of the crown. This writ was actually executed on two Anabaptifts in the 7th of Elizabeth, and on two Arians in the 9th of James I. Sir Edward Coke was of opinion, that this writ did not lie in his time; but it is now taken away by ftat. 29 Car. I. cap. 9. But this ftatute does not take away or abridge the jurisdiction of Proteftant arch bithops or bishops, or any other judges of any ec. clefiaftical courts, in cafes of atheifa, blafphemy, herefy, or fchitm, and other damnable doctrines and opinions; but they may prove and punish the fame according to his majesty's ecclefiaftical laws, by excommunication, deprivation, degradation, and other ecclefiaftical cenfures not extending to death, in fuch fort and no other, as they might have done before the making of this act. Sec. ze See HERESY


(2.) HAFRLEM MEER, a large lake of the Bata vian republic, in the dep. of Amttel, between Haerlem, Amfterdam, and Leyden; navigable by boats.

HAFAIVA, one of the FRIENDLY ISLANDS. HAFAR, a town of Perfia, 108 m. S. of Sufa. HAFDAEL, a town of Norway. HAFFSTADTEN, or a town of Saxony, in HAFFSTETTEN, Cobourg, 5 miles E. of Cobourg,

HAFNERZELL, a town of Bavaria.

HAFT. n.. bæft, Saxon; heft, Dut. from To have or hold. A handle; that part of any in

ftrument that is taken into the hand.

This brandish'd dagger

I'll bury to the baft in her fair breaft. Dryden. -Thefe extremities of the joints are the hafts and handles of the mergbers. Dryden.—A needle is a fimple body, being only made of fteel; but a fword is a compound, becaufe its baft or handle is made of materials different from the blade. Watts.

To HAFT. v. a. [from the noun.] To fet in a haft. Ainsworth.


(1.) * HAG. n. f. [bægeffe, a goblin, Sax. heckle, witch, Dutch. 1. A fury; a the monster.Thus fpoke th' impatient prince, and made a pause;

His foul bags rais'd their heads, and clapt their


And all the powers of hell, in full applause, Flourish'd their nakes, and toft their flaming brands. Crafhaw

2. A witch; an enchantrefs.-Out of my door, you witch! you bag, you baggage, you poulcat, you runnion! Shak. 3. An old ugly woman.

Such affectations may become the young; But thou, old bag, of threefcore years and three, Is thewing of thy parts in Greek for thee? Dryden.

(2.) HAG, in zoology. See MYXINE. *To HAG. v. a. [from the noun.] To torment; to harafs with vain terrour.. B &

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That makes them in the dark fee vifions, And bag themselves with apparitions. Hudibr. How are fuperftitious men bagged out of their wits with the fancy of omens, tales, and vifions! L'EArange.


HAGAR, [, Heb. i. e. a stranger.) a native of Egypt, the fervant of Sarah, concubine of Abraham, mother of ISHMAEL, and ancestor of the ARABIANS. Her hiftory, and the repeated divine interpofitions for the prefervation of her and her fon, are recorded in Gen. xvi. and xxi.

*HAGARD. adj. [bagard, Fr.] 1. Wild; irreclaimable.

time for cultivating the mufes. In 1738, he published his Fables and Tales, the first German collection of the kind. He afterwards publifhed Moral Poems, Epigrams, and 5 books of Songs: which of all his poetical pieces are moft esteemed. He died in 1754.

As bogard hawk, prefuming to contend With bardy fowl above his able might, His weary pounces all in vain doth spend, To trufs the prey too heavy for his flight. Fairy Queen. She's too difdainful; I know her fpirits are as coy and wild, As bagard as the rock. Shak. 4. Hager, German.] Lean; rugged; perhaps, ugly. To this fenfe I have put the following paffage; for the author ought to have written hagard. A bagged carion of a wolf, and a jolly fort of dog, with good fiefh upon's back, fell into company together. L'Eftrange. 3. Deformed with paffion; wildly difordered.-

Fearful befides of what in fight had pafs'd, His hands and bagard eyes to heaven he caft. Dryden. Where are the confcious looks, the face now pale,

Now Bushing red, the down-caft hagard eyes, Or fixt on earth, or flowly rais'd! Smith. HAGARENES, or a branch or tribe of the HAGARITES, defcendants of Ishmael, fo hamed from his mother. Some make the name fynonimous with ISHMAELITES, ARABIANS, and SARACENS; but Afaphs in Pfalm lxxxiii, ver. 6. mentions them as diftinct from the other Ishmael. ites. They dwelt in Arabia Felix, according to Pliny. Strabo joins them with the Nabathæans, and Chavlotæans, whofe habitation was rather in Arabia Deferta. Others think their capital was Petra, or Agra, and if fo, they dwelt in Arabia Petræa. The Reubenites, in the days of Saul, made war with the Hagarites, and became mafters of their country E. of Gilead. This therefore was the true country of the Hagarenes. In the reign of Jeroboam II, 44,760 Ifraelites defeated them, and took 100,000 prifoners, with immenfe booty. (1 Chron. v. 10, 19-11.) When Trajan came into Arabia, he beñeged the capital of the Hagarenes, but could not take it. The Hagarenes valued themfelves upon their wisdom. See Baruch iii. 23. HAGAR'S TOWN. See ELIZABETH, N° 10. HAGEDORN, Frederick DE, a celebrated German poet, born at Hamburg, where his father was refident for Frederick IV. king of Denmuk, in 1703. He finished bis ftudies at Jena; and, in 1723, published a number of poetical pieces in Germany, which were well received. Ile afterwards came to England, and, at his return, was made fecretary to the English Hamburgh Compa ny, a lucrative employment that left him fufficient

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HAGEN, 2 towns of Germany; 1. in the ifle of Rugen in Upper Saxony, 16 miles SE. of Bergen: 2. in Weftphalia, 6 miles NW. of Altena. (1.) HAGENAU, a town of Saxony, in the duchy of Schwerin, 26 miles SW. of Schwerin. (2.) HAGENAU. See HAGUENAU. HAGENBACH, a town of the French republic, in the dept. of the Lower Rhine, 4 miles N. of Lauterburg, and 12 SE. of Landau.

HAGENBRUNN, a town of Austria.

HAGENBURG, 2 towns of Germany: 1. fa Auftria, 9 miles NE. of Steyregg: 2. in Schauenburg, 15 miles W. of Hanover.

HAGETMAU, a town of France, in the dep. of Landes, 7 miles S. of St Sever.

HAGGAI, [n, Heb. i. e. Pleàfant.] the roth of the minor prophets, was born, in all probability, at Babylon, A. M. 3457, from whence he returned with Zerubbabel. By command from God (Ezra v. 1, 2, &c.) he exhorted the Jews, after their return from the captivity, to finish the rebuilding of the temple, which they had intermitted for 14 years. To encourage them, he atfured them, that the glory of this latter house fhould be greater than the glory of the former; which was accordingly fulfilled, when Chrift honoured it with his prefence: for with refpect to the building, the latter was nothing in comparison of the former. The Jews fay, that he died in the laft year of the reign of Darius, at the fame time with the prophets Zechariah and Malachi. Epiphanius fays, he was buried at Jerufalem with the priefts. The Greeks keep his feftival on the 16th Dec. and the Latins on the 4th of July.

HAGGARD. n. f. 1. Any thing wild or irreclaimable.

I will be married to a wealthy widow, Ere three days pais, which has as long lov'd me As I have lov'd this proud difdainful kaggard. Shak.

2. A fpecies of hawk.

Does the wild baggard tow'r into the fky, And to the South by thy direction fly Sandys. -I enlarge my difcourfe to the obfervation of the aires, the brancher, the ramifh hawk, and the borgard. Walton. 3. A hag. So Garth has ufed it for want of understanding it.

Beneath the gloomy covert of an yew, In a dark grot, the baleful baggard lay, Breathing black vengeance and infecting day. Garth * HAGGARDLY. adv. [from baggard.] De formedly; uglily.

For her the rich Arabia fweats her gum ; And precious oils from diftant Indies come, How baggardly to'er she looks at home. Dryd. HAGGED. See HAGARD.

HAGGEIN, a tremendous mountain of the Helvetic republic, in the canton of Schweitz, with a triple top.

* HAGGESS. n. f. [from bog or back.] A man

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(1.) * T HAGGLE. v. a. [corrupted from backle or back.] To cut; to chop; to mangle always in a bad fenfe.

Suffolk firft died, and York all baggled o'er, Comes to him where in gore he lay infteep'd. Shak. (2.) To HAGGLE. v. n. To be tedious in a bargain; to be long in coming to the price.

HAGGLER. 7. f. (from boggle.] 1. One that cuts. 2. One that is tardy in bargaining. HAGI, a kingdom of Africa, in the defert of Zanhaga, on the bank of the river St John. HAGIAZ, a town of Arabia, in Hedíjas. HAGIOGRAPHA, [from us, holy, and yeu, to write.) those books of icripture, called by the Jews Cetuvim. The name is very ancient. St Jerom makes mention of it. The Jews divide the facred writings into 3 claffes: 1. The law, or the 5 books of Moles: 2. The Prophets, which they call Nevilm: And the Cetuvim on, called by the Greeks, &c. Hagiographa; compreLending the book of Pfalms, Proverbs, Job, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles, Canticles, Rath, Lamentations, Ecclefiaftes, and Efther. Kimchi, Maimonides, and Elias Levita, call these books the Writings, by way of eminence, as being Written by immediate infpiration of the Holy Spirit. HAGIOGRAPHER. n. S. [ar@, and rexpw.l a boly writer. The Jews divide the Holy Scriptures of the Old Teftament into the law, the prophets, and hagiographers.

HAG'S HEAD, a cape of Ireland, on the W. coat of Clare county, 17 miles W. of Corrofin. Len. g. 25. W. Lat. 52. 55. N.

HAG'S TOOTH, a mountain of Ireland, in KerTy, N. of Cahir. It has feveral lakes, and abounds with deer.

HAGUE, a town of the Batavian republic in the dep. of Delft; and late prov. of S. Holland. In Latin it is called HAGA COMITIS; in French, La Hage; in Dutch, der Haag, or 'S-Graavenhage, i.e. the Earl's Grove, from the wood near which It built, and in which the earls of Holland had 2 country houfe. It is one of the moft confidera ble towns in the republic, pleatantly fituated, and exceeding beautiful. It has a better air than the other cities, as it stands on a dry foil, fomewhat higher than the rest of the country. It is furrounded by a noat over which there are many draw-bridges Two hours are required to walk round it, and it contains about 40,000 or 50,000 fouls. It is a place of much fplendor and bufinefs, and there are many fine freets and fquares in it. Before the revolution in 1795, it was the refidence of the Stadtholder and foreign ambaffadors. In the inner court all the high colleges and courts of juftice held their femblies; there alfo the foot guards did duty, as the hole guards in the outer, when the fates were fitting. De Plaats is an open airy place, in

form of a triangle, adorned with neat and beautiful buildings: the Vyverberg is an eminence, laid out into feveral shady walks, with the Vyver, a large bafon of water, at the bottom: the Voorhout is the most celebrated part of the Hague, and confifts of the mall, and 3 roads for coaches on each fide, planted with trees, refembling St James's park at London: the palace of Opdam, or Waffenaar, is built in a very elegant tafte: the prince and princefs's grafts are fine ftreets: the Pleyn is a beautiful grove, laid out in feveral cross walks, and furrounded with ftately houfes. The Jewish fy nagogue and the ci-devant palaces of the Prince of Orange, the hotel of Spain, the new Woorhout, the mausoleum of the baron of Opdam, and the hofpitals are much admired. The environs are exceedingly pleafant. This town was taken poffeffion of by the French, under Gen. Pichegru, Jan. 23d, 1795. It is 12 miles NW. of Rolterdam, and 32 SW. of Amfterdam. Lon. 4. 23. E. Lat. 52. 4. N.

HAGUENAU, a town of France, in the dep. of the Lower Rhine, anciently an imperial town. It was taken by the French in 1673; the Imperialifts retook it in 1702; after which it was feveral times taken and retaken by both parties; but at laft the French got poffeffion of it in 1706. It is divided by the Motter into two parts; and is feated in the Foreft of Haguenau, 15 miles N. of Strafburg, and 255 E. of Paris. Near it, the French in Dec. 1793, defeated the allied army, and took 500 prisoners with 16 pieces of cannon. It has about 3,400 citizens. Lon. 7. 53. E. Lat. 48. 49. N.

HAGYMAS, a mountain of Hungary.

* HAH. interje&. An expreflion of fudden effort.

Her coats tuck'd up, and all her motions juft, She ftamps, and then cries bab! at ev'ry thruft. Dryden.

HAHN, Simon Frederick, a celebrated German historian. At ten years of age he was not only far advanced in the Latin, but underfood several living languages. At 14, he delivered a fpeech on the origin of the cloyster at Bergen, his birth-place, which was printed; and in 1708, he publifhed a Continuation of Meibomius's Chronicie of Bergen. After having for feveral years given public lectures at Hail, he became, at the age of 24, profeffor of hiftory at Helmftadt; and was at length counsellor, hiftoriographer, and librarian, to George I. He died in 1729, aged 37. Befides feveral other works, he wrote, I. The Hiftory of the Empire, vol I. 2. Collectio monumentorum veterum et recentium ineditorum, 2 vols 8vo.

HAHRAS, a town of Egypt, 21 m. E. of Tinech. HAI, a town of China, in the prov. of Kiangnan. HAICHBACH, a town of Germany in Auftria, 4 miles NNW. of Efferding.

HAIDECK, a town of Germany, in the circle and duchy of Bavaria, 20 miles S. of Nuremberg. HAIDING, a town of Auftria.

HAIDUCKS, a fierce and rapacious people of Maritime Auftria, in Dalmatia, who live among the mountains and refide in caverns and woods. Four of them, (fays Dr Oppenheim,) will attack and overcome is or 20 travellers.


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