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ERY many Favours and
Civilities (received from
You in a private Capaci-
ty) which I have no other

Way to acknowledge, will, I hope, excufe this Prefumption; but the




Juftice I, as a Spectator, owe your Character, places me above the want of an Excufe. Candor and Openness of Heart, which fhine in all your Words and Actions, exact the highest Esteem from all who have the Honour to know You; and a winning Condefcenfion to all fubordinate to You, made Business a Pleasure to thofe who executed it under You, at the fame time that it heightened Her Majefty's Favour to all who had the Happiness of having it convey'd through Your Hands. A Secretary of State, in the Intereft of Mankind, joined with that of his Fellow-Subjects, accomplished with a great Facility and Elegance in all the Modern as well as Ancient Languages, was a happy and proper Member of a Miniftry, by whofe Services Your

Sovereign and Country are in fo high and flourishing a Condition, as makes all other Princes and Potentates powerful or inconfiderable in Europe, as they are Friends or Enemies to Great-Britain. The Importance of thofe great Events which happened during that Administration, in which Your Lordfhip bore fo important a Charge, will be acknowledg'd as long as Time fhall endure; I fhall not therefore attempt to rehearse those illuftrious Paffages, but give this Application a more private and particular Turn, in defiring Your Lordship would continue your Favour and Patronage to me, as You are a Gentleman of the most polite Literature, and perfectly accomplished in the Knowledge of Books and Men, which makes it neceffary

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