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Ammorzar la superbia, to hum-Ampollosamente, bombastical-wise-Ancóra, yet, as yet, still.

ble pride.


Ammozzicáre, to cut in pieces. Ampollosità, bombast.
Ammucchiare, to heap toge- Ampollóso, bombastic.
Ampollúzza, s. f. u. Ampol-
Ammusáre, to hit nose against letta.


Ammutinamént s. m. mutiny.
Ammutinarsi, to
ammutinati, the



Ana, s. m. a word commonly
used in physicians bills, signi-
mutiny-Glifying a like quantity of each
ineers. several thing.
Anabattista, s. m. anabaptist.
Anacardo, s. m. a plant so



Ammutolito, adj. dumb.
Amo, s. m. hook, fishhook.
Amómo, s. m. a kind of aroma-
tic plant.
Amoráccio, s. m.) amour, in-
Amorázzo, s. m. trigue.
Amóre, s. m. love-Amor pró-
prio, self-love-Amore, affec-
tion, kindness, liking-Amor
mio, my dear, my love.
Amoreggiamento, wooing.
Amoreggiare, to make love.
Amoretto, s. m. dim. of Amore.
Amorévole, adj. kind, friendly,
Amorevolezza, s. m. friendship,

Amorevoleménte,adv. lovingly.
Amoríno, diminutive of Amore.
Amorosamente, adj. amorous-

Amorosello, pretty, genteel,
Amorosetto, lovely, wanton.
Amoróso, adj. full of love.
Lettera amorosa, love letter.-
Amoroso, s. m. lover, gallant,
Amorósa, s. f..mistress, sweet-

Anacoréta, anchorite, hermit.
Anacronismo, s. m. anachro-

Anagallo, s. m. herbs so call-
Anagiride, s. f.) ed.
Anagogía, s. f. a mystical sense
or meaning.
Anagogicamente, adv. mysti-
cally, anagogically.
Anagógico, adj. mystical, ana-

-Ancora, again, anew, stil, once more.Ancóra una volta,

once more.

Ancorachè, though, although.
Ancoraggio, s. m. anchorage.
Ancorché, or Ancorachè,
though, although.
Ancoretta, s. f. a small anchor.
Ancúdine, s. f. anvil.
Andamento, s. m. gait, walk-
Andamento, carriage, beha-

Andantemente, fluently, going easily, without interruption. Andáre, to go.-indúre a piedi, to walk, to go a-foot.-Andare, to go away.-Indare in pace, depart in peace.-Non andrà molto tempo, it shall not be long.-La bisogna non andrá sempre così, it shall not be always so. Andure alia tunge. to draw out in length.-Ander innanzi, to grow, to thrive. Andure all incontro, to go to meet.-Andare pellegrina, to go in-wandering-indare a vela, to

Anagramma, s. m. anagram.
Analemmo, s. m. a term in
dialling, a way to find out the
course of the sun, and the

crease of the shadow.
Analogía, s. f. analogy.
Análogo, adj. analogous.
Anarchia, s. f. anarchy.
Anátema, s. m. anathema.
Anatómia, s. f. anatomy.
Anatomicamente, anatomical-


Anatómico, adj. anatomical.
A'natra, s. f. a duck.
Anca, s. f. haunch, hip.
Ancaióne, adv. limpingly.
Andure ancaióne, to limp, to go


Ancella, s. f. maid, waiting-

Anche, adv. also, too, likewise.

Per anche, yet, as yet.-Me
anche, neither, not, not even.
-Quando uncle, though, al-
Ancheggiare, said of a horse
bearing himself upon his

Amostante, a man of great dig-
nity or othice amongst the
Amovibile, adj. that may be
Ampiamente, amply, fully.
Ampiezza, s. f. ́amplitude,
A'mpio, adj. large, wide.-
impio, ample, great, full
Ampio, s. m. breadth.-Una
lana d'ampio tre dita, a blade
three fingers broad.
Amplesso, s. m. embrace.
Ampliare, to extend, or enlarge.
Ampliázione, s. f. ampliation.
Amplificare, to amplify.
Amplificatóre, s. m. amplifier.
Amplificazione, s. f. amplifica-Ancora, s. f. an anchor for a
, ship-Gitter Páncora, to cast
anchor-Essere all' ancora, to
ride at anchor.-Lever bancora,
to weigh anchor.

Amplo, v. Ampio.
Ampolla s. f. bottle, phial.
Ampolletta, s. f. small phial.
Ampollina, v. Ampolletta.

Ancidere, to slay, to kill.
Anciditére, one that kills. Obs.
Ancilla, s. f. v. Ancella.
Ancino, s. m. a hedgehog.
Ancisore, killer. Obs.
Anco, adv. also, yet, still-
Eroi anco contro di me? and you
against me too?

sail. Andarne la vita, to have one's life at stake.-Andure a marito, to marry-Andare a ruba, to be pillaged.—dindar bene, to succeed.-Andar dietro, to follow.--Lasciamo antiure questo discorso, let us talk no more of this. Andare a seconda, to go with the stream.-Andar sotto, to set, said of the sun.It sole va sotto, the sun sets.Andare pe futti suoi, to go about one's business.-Ander di brigata, to go together.Andare per una cosa, to go to fetch something-Andure per uno, to go to call somebody.

Andare verso una cosa, to approach, to go near.-In tutti i suoi disegni va a gambe levate, alļ his designs miscarry.Andar del corpo, to void. Al peggio andare, when the worst comes to the worst.-A lungo andare, at long run, in time-Andare a monte, to deal the cards again. Andare a galla, to float upon the water, to go adrift. -Andure altéro, to be proud. --So quel che va detto, I know what I must say.Amlare in sementa, to grow up to seed.Andare in amúre, to rut-indare di galoppo,to gallop. Andársene, to decay.Andsene, to be gone.-inditevene via, begone.

Ancóra, adv, also, too, like-Andáre, s. m, step, walking.

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Andáto, adj. gone, past.
Andatóre, s. m. goer, walker.
Un buon andatore, a good

Andatúra, s. f. the act of going,
the act of walking.-Si quell'
andatura, in that manner.
Andizzo, s. m. (usanza) mode.
Andazzo, influence.
Andiánne, let us go.
Andirivićni, s. m. roundabouts.
Indiriviéni, incoherent dis-


Anfibología, s. f. amphibology,
speech that has double mean-


A'ngue, s. m. snake. Poetical.
Anguilla, s. f. eel.
Anguilláre, s. m. a long and
straight row of vines.

a small eel.

Anfibologicamente, adv. ambi-Anguillétta,)
Anguillina, S
Anfibológico, adj. amphibolo- Anguinaglia, s. f.
gical, ambiguous.
Anguinája, s. f.)
Anfiteatro, s. m. amphitheatre. Angústia, s. f. distress, per-
A'nfora, s. f. kilderkin.
plexity, difficulty, trouble.
Anforétta, s. f. small kilderkin. Angustiáre, to afflict, to ver,
Angariáre, to overcharge, to to trouble, to distress.-An-
overburden, to oppress. gustiarsi, to grieve, to be af-
Angariatóre, s. m. an oppres- flicted.


Angela, a female angel.
Angelésco, adj. angelical.
Angelétta, a little female angel.
Angélica, s. f. a plant so called.
Angelicáto, adj. angelical.
Angelichézza, s. f. the nature
and quality of an angel.
Angélico, adj. angelical.-L'an-
gelica trombu, the angel's trum-

Angustiato, adj. vexed, troubled, harassed, distressed. Angustióso, adj. sad, grievous. -Angustiuso, anxious, much concerned.

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A'ndito,s. m. passage, entrance.
Andróne, s. m. passage, entry.
Aneghittóso, . Neghittoso.

shortness of

Aneláre, to breathe short, and with difficulty.-Aneláre, to aspire-Aneláre alla vendetta, to pant after revenge. Anélite, s. m. breath, panting. Anellétto, 8. m.), small ring. Anellino, s. m. j Anello, s. m. a ring-Anello d'oro, a gold ring-Anello, thimble. Dar l'anello, to betroth.

Anélo, adj. out of breath. Aneloso, adj. who has a short breath.

Anémone, s. f. wind flower. Aneto, s. m. an herb like fennel.

Aneurisma, s. m. a dilatation of

an artery. Anfanaménto, prating, prattling, chattering nonsense. Anfanáre, to speak so that nobody knows what to make of it-Anfanáre a secco, to ramble in one's discourse.-Anfanarsi, to wander, to rove, to stray. Anfanatóre, s. m. prattler, babbler.


Angélico, angelical.
Angelo, s. m. angel.-Angelo
custode, guardian angel.-An-
gelo di badia, weathercock.
Angeluccio, little angel.
A'ngere, to grieve, to vex, to
trouble, only used in the third
person singular of the present


Anghería, s. f. violence, force,
wrong, compulsion.-Per an-
gheria, against one's will.-
pigri fanno tutto per angheria,
lazy people do all against
their inclination.
Angheriáre, to force, to com-
pel, to constrain. Angheriare,
to overcharge, to overburden,
to oppress.

Angina, s. f. squinancy, squin


Angiola, v. Angela.
Angiolella, s. f. a little angel.
Angiolétta, s. f. a little angel.
Angiolino, a little angel.
Angiolo, v. Angélo.
Angoláre, adj. angular.-Pietra
angolare, corner stone.
Angolarmente, adv. angularly.
Angolo, s. m. angle, corner.
Angolóso, adj. that has angles.
Angonía, s. f. v. Agonia.
Angóre, s. m. passion, grief of

Anfanatrice, s. f. prattling
woman, talking gossip.
Anfaneggiare, to talk idly, to
prattle. Voi anfaneggiate, you
don't know what you say.
Anfánia, vain talking-Non mi |
state a stordire la testa con le vostre the mind.
anfrnie, don't stun my brain Angoscevole, adj. sorrowful,
with your idle stories.
Anfesibéna, s. f. a serpent that
has a head at both ends.
Anfibio, adj. that lives either
in water or on land-Animale
anfibio, an amphibious crea-

painful, dolorous.
Angóscia, s. f. anguish.
Angosciaménto, v. Angoscia.
Angosciáre, to grieve.
Angoscióso, adj. sorrowful,
grievous, painful, afflicted.

Angústo, adj. narrow, strait,
close. Angusto, little, small.
A'nice, s. m. anise, a plant.-
Anice, aniseed.-Son dati gli
anici, the business is over.
Anile, adj. old, ancient,
Anima, s. f. the soul.-Render
Pánimo, to give up the ghost.

Anima, soul, ghost, spirit.-
Anima, soul, person.-Non v'é
un ánima nel parco, there is not
a soul in the park-Anima
mia, my dear soul.— l'nima di
bottone, a buttonmould-
Anima di cannone, a mould for
casting a piece of ordnance-
Anima, kernel.
Animaláccio, s. m. a great

Animále, s. m. animal.-Vedi pezzo d'animále, see yon great


Animales'co, adj. beastly, stu pid.

Animalétto, s. m. dim. of Ani mále.

Animalóne, s. m. a great beast, Animalúccio, s. m. little aniAnimalúzzo, s. m. S mal. Animánte, s. m. living crea ture; any thing that has soul and life.

Animáre, to hearten, to encourage, to embolden, to animate.

Animáto, adj. animated, hav-
ing life. ffetto animato, sin-
cere love or friendship.
Animavversióne, s. f. animad-

Animella, s. f. the tongue of
several things.--Animella di vi
tello, sweetbread.
A'nimo, s. m. mind, under-
standing, opinion, judgment,
fancy, resolution, affection,
inclination, disposition.-Ha

[blocks in formation]


Annóso, adj. full of years, old,
Anne-Annotazione, s. f. annotation.
Annottare, to grow towards
the evening.

Annegare, to drown
gare, to put under water.
Annegarsi, to drown one's self.
Anneghittire, to grow lazy Annottire, v. Annottáre.
Anneghittire, to make one lazy
or idle.

Annegráre, to blacken.
Anneraménto, blackness.
Anneráre, to blacken-Anne-
rare, to defame, to asperse.
Annerarsi, to grow black
Annerársi, to grow dark or


Annerire, v. Anneráre. Annésso, adj. annexed.


Annestáre, to graft.

geously, stoutly, boldly, reso- Annestamento, the act of graftlutely. Animosità, s. f. courage, boldness. Animositá, animosity, Annichilaménto, annihilation. grudge, spite, malice, ill-will. Annichilánza, s. f. annihilaAnimóso, adj. brave, stout, valiant, courageous. Animúccia, s. f. poor silly soul, petty soul.

Anitra, s. f. duck, drake.
Anitráccio, s. m. young duck.
Anitrélia, s. f. a small duck, a
young duck.
Anitrína, the same as Anitrélla.
Anitrina, s. f. duckweed.
Anitríno, s. m. young drake.
Anitrío, s. m. the neighing of a
horse, or whinning of a mare.
Anitrire, to neigh, to whinny.

Anitróccolo, young duck.
Annacquaménto, sprinkling

with water. Annacquare, to mix water with wine. Annacquaticcio, adj. mixed with a little water. Annaffiaménto, s. m. the act of watering. Annafliáre, to water, to irrigate.

tion. Obs. Annichiláre, to annihilate, to destroy-Annichilarsi, to come to nothing.-Annichilarsi, to humble one's self. Annichilazióne, s. f. annihilation.

Annichilíre, v. Annichiláre. Annidáre, to nestle.-Innidársi, to make one's nest.Annidarsi, to settle any where. Annighittire, v. Anneghittire. Anniversário, anniversary. Anno, s. m. year-Capo d'anno, New-year's day- anno in anno, from year to year.-In capo all'anno, at the year's endi par mill' anni di vederlo, I long to see him.-Entrar negli anni, to grow old. Annobilíre, to nobilitate. Annodáre, to tie, to knit. Annodáto, tied in a knot.

Annodato, concluded, ended. Annoiaménto, s. m. weariness,


Annaffiatújo, s. m. watering-Annoiare, to weary, to tire, to be tedious.Annoiarsi, to be weary.Quanto m' annoia la sua compagnia! how weary am I of his company! Annoiosamente, adv. tediously. Obs.

pot. Annále, adj. yearly. Annáli, s. m. annals. Annalista, annalist, a writer of annals. Annasáre, to smell.-Annasáre, to hunt upon scent.Io l'ho annasato, I have smelt it out. Annaspáre, to reel or wind yarn into a skain or bottom. Annáta, s. f. year.--Annáta, the profit of a whole year.-Un' annata di pigione, a year's rent. Annebbiare, to cloud, to over--Annebbiarsi, to grow cloudy. Annebbiáre, to blast, to blight, Annegamento, the act of


Anncióso, adj. tedious, tiresome. Obs. Annomáre, to name. Not in


Annóna, s. f. provision of corn, all sorts of victuals, or other things that belong to men's


Annonário, belonging to the magistrate having the care to furnish a country or a town with the necessary provisions.

Annovelláto, adj. fabulous.→→→ Annovellato, beguiled, deceiv


Annoveráre, to count, to reck


Annuále, adj. annual, yearlyAnnuale, s. m. anniversary, a service said for a dead person, once every year. Annualmente, adv. annually.. Annulláre, to annul.

Annugoláre, to grow cloudy. Annulláto, adj. void, annulled.

Annullatóre, he that annuls. Annumeráre, v. Annoveráre. Annunziamento, s. m. prediction.

Annunziáre, to foretel.-.1n wunziare, to bring news. Annunziatore, foreteller, reporter, teller. Annunziatrice, she that fore


Annunziáta, s. f. Į the Annune
Annunziazione, ciation, our
Lady's day.
Annunzio, s. m. message, news.
Annunzio, omen.
A'nnuo, adj. annual, yearly.
Annuvoláre, to cloud, to over,


Annuvolíre, v. Annuvolare.
Ano, s. m. fundament.
Anomalo, adj. anomalous.
Anónimo, adj. anonymous.
Anotomía, s. f. anatomy.
Anotomísta, anatomist.
Ansamento, s. m. shortness of

Ansáre, to pant, to breathe short.

A'nsia, s. f. anxiety, sorrow.
Ansiáre, to breathe short and
with difficulty.
Ansietà, s. f. shortness of breath.
Ansietà, sorrow, anguish,

Ansio, adj. anxious.
Ansioso, adj. v. Ansio.
Ansiosamente, adv. anxiously.
Antártico, adj. antarctic.
Ante, adv. before.

Antecedente, adj. foregoing. Antecedente, s. m. the antecedent.

Antecedénza, precedency. Antecessore, predecessor. Antecessóri, predecessors, an


Antelucano, adj. before day

Apertúra, hole, slit, chink, gap-Apertura,overture, proposal-4pertura, way, means, opportunity. Apócope, apocope. Apócrifo, adj. apocryphal. Apogéo, s. m. the mid point of heaven, where the planet is farthest from the earth. Apologético, adj. apologetic. Apológia, s. f. apology. Apologista, an apologist. Apólogo, s. m. apologue. Apoplessia, s. f. apoplexy. Apoplético, adj. apoplectic. Apostasía, apostasy. Apóstata, apostate, renegado. Apostatáre, to apostatize. Apostatrice, she that revolts from her own religion. Apostático, adj. that apostatizes.

Apostéma, imposthume.
Apostemare, to suppurate, to
draw to a head.
Apostoláto, s. m. apostolate,

Apostólico, adj. apostolical.
Apóstolo, apostle.

Apostrofáre, to put an apostrophe over a word. Apostrofe, s. f. apostrophe, that stands instead of a vowel put


A'postumo, s. m. posthumous, born after the father's death. Appaciáre, to pacify, to appease-Appaciarsi, to be pa



Appagamento, s. m. satisfaction, content. Appagáre, to satisfy, to content.Appararsi, take pleasure, or delight in. Appagáto, adj. satisfied, contented, pleased.. Appajáre, to pair, to match. Appalesáre, to discover, to de

light. Antemurále, s. m. defence, any thing that serves to screen against..

mans usually had.
Antipápa, antipope.

Antipasto, s. m. such dishes as
are first served at table,

Antenato, s. m. progenitor, an-Antipatía, s. f. antipathy.


Antipático, adj. antipathical. Anténna, a sailyard.-Anténna, Antipensáto, adj. premeditated. any long pole. Anténna, lance, Antipodi, s. m. pl. antipodes.


Antiporre, to prefer.

Antennétta, s. f. small sail-Antipórta, s. f. fore-gate-An


tiporto, s. m. outward porch,
the entry of a house.
trai-Antiquário, antiquary, a man
skilled in antiquities.
Antiquáto, adj. obsolete.
Antisapére, to know afore

Antenóra, s. f. a place in hell,
feigned by Dante, where
tors are punished.
Antepenúltimo, adj. before the
last but one.
Antepórre, to prefer.
Antepósto, adj. preferred.
Anteriore, adj. anterior, fore-
most. Anteriore, former, fore-


Antiste, a prelate, a ruler or

Antitesi, s. f. antithesis.
Antivedere, to foresee.
Antivediménto, s. m:foresight,
Antiveditóre, a wary man, hav-
ing a good foresight.
Antivedúto, adj. foreseen, fore-

Anteriorità, s. f. priority.
Anti, adv. before.
Antiandáre, to go before.
Anticáglia, s. f. antiquities.
Anticagliaccia, 6. f. a despicable
piece of antiquity.
Anticamente, antiently.
Anticámera, s. f. anticham-cipate.


Antiveníre, to prevent, to anti

A'ntro, s. m. den, cave.

ring-Dito anuláre, the ring-

Anticáto, adj.antiquated,grown Anuláre, adj. pertaining to a
out of use.-Anticáto, accus-
tomed, used, inured.
Antichezza, s. f. v. Antichità.
Antichità, s. f. antiquity.An-
tichità, antiquity, the antients.
Anticipamento, s. m. v. Antici-

Anticipáre, to anticipate.
Anticipataménte, adv. before-

Anticipazione, s. f. anticipa


Anzi, adv. rather.-Anzi, on
the contrary-Anzi, even,
also-Anziché, sooner, before.
-Anzi pure, rather than not.
-Anzi bella che no, rather
handsome than not.-Anzi la cified.
mia partenza, before my depar-Appadiglionáre, to set up or
pitch a tent, to pitch a camp.


Anzianático, the churchwar-Appadiglionáto, adj. incamp.

den's office.

Antico, adj. antient, eld.-Pa- (Anzianità, ancientness, anti-
rola antica, obsolete word-quity.-Aniánit, seniority.
Alb antica, adv. after the man- Anziano, s.m. senior-Anzino,
ner and fashion of the an- adj. old, ancient, of old time.
Anzinato, adj. eldest, firstborn.
Aocchiáre, to ogle.
Aorcáre, to hang.
A ótta, adv. often, oftentimes.
-A otta a otta, now and then.
Ape, s. f. bee.
Apennino, Appenine, moun-
tains in Italy.
Aperire, v. Aprire.
Aperitivo, adj. diuretic.
Apérta, s. f. hole, slit, chink,

Antichi, ancients.
Anticorrere, to run before.
Anticorte, s. f. an outward
court or yard.
Anticuore, s. mn. a disease in

Antidétto, adj. foretold.
Antidiciménto, s. m. predic-


Antidire, to foretell.
Antídoto, s. m. antidote.
Antifona, s. f. anthem.
Antiguardia, s. f. vanguard.
Antimónio, s. m. antimony.
Antimúro, s. m. cutmost wall,
parapet, breastwork.
Antinome, s. m. the first name
of the three which the Ro-


Apertamente, adv. openly.
Apertamente, freely, frankly.
Apérto, adj. open.-A braccia
aperte, with open arms.-
Aperto, plain, manifest, evi-
dentAperto, bold, hardy,
stout-Con viso aperto, boldly.

Appallottolare, to form as a

Appáltare, to farm, to let to

Appaltatóre, farmer.
Appálto, farm.
Appaltonáto, adj. debauched,

lewd. Obs.

Appamondo, v. Mappamondo.
Appannaménto, s. m. dimness.
Appannáre, to dim, to cloud.-
Appannáre, to dull-Appan-

nare, to draw a net.




Apparáre, to learn-Apharáre, Apparsióne, t. Apparizione.
to furnish with hangings.
Apparito, s. m. preparation, Appartamento, s. m. apartment,
provision, furniture.-Con ap.
parate,stately, sumptuously.—' Appartare, to separate, to se-
Apparata, train, retinue, equi- ver, to divide, to put asunder.
-Appartársi da un luogo, to go
from a place.
Appaitataménte, separately, se-
verally-Appartatamente, inse-
cret, secretly, underhand.
Appartito, separated, parted.
Appartito, picked, picked

Apparecchiamento, prepara-
tion, preparatives for war.-
Apparecchiamento, furniture.
Apparecchiare, to prepare, to
make ready Apparecchiare la
tacon, to lay the cloth. 1p-.
parecchiare il pranzo, to get din-
ner ready.
Apparecchiatúre, dresser, wait.
er, he that prepares.
Apparecchiatrice, fem. of Ap-
Apparecchio, s.m. preparation.
Appareggiare, u. Pareggiare
Appareggiare, to pair, to sort,'
to match-Appareggiarsi, to;
compare one's self.
Apparentáre, to match.-ip-
parentarsi con una buona fami-
glia, to match one's self into a
good family. Apparentars, to
make one's self familiar, to
familiarize one's self.
Apparentato, adj. related, kin


Apparente, adj. apparent,plain,
manifest, evident.Ipparente,
apparent, seeming-Non è op
parente che venga oggi, in all
likelihood he won't come to
Apparentemente, apparently,
in all appearance.
Apparenza, s. f. appearance,
outside, show-Bella apparen-
za, fair outside. In apparenza
pare un galantuomo, he looks
like an honest man.-Appa-
reaza, presence, carriage.
Uomo di bella apparenza, come-
ly man.-.
-Apparenza, appear-
ance, likelihood, probability.
Apparire, to appear.Mi ap-|
parve in sogno, it appeared to
me in a dream.-Non appare
in lei segno alcuno di vita, there
is no sign of life in her.
Appariscénte, adj comely hand-
some-Appariscente, plain, ma-
nifest, evident.
Appariscénza, s. f. mien, out-
side, countenance.
Apparíta, s. f. apparition, ap-
pearance. L'apparita del gi-
orno, the daybreak.-L'appa
rita del sole, the rising of the


Apparizione, s. f. apparition,


Appartenénte, adj. belonging,
conformable, agreeable.p
parterinte, concerned, interest-


Appartenenza, s. f. appurte
nance, thing that belongs to.
Appartenere, to belong, to re-
late, to concern to regard.
Appurtenére, to be related as a
kinsman-Appartenere, to be
come, to be reasonable or fit.
Appassáre, to wither, to dry.
Appassionatamente, adv. pas-
Appassionato,adj. endured, suf-
fered. Appassionato, passion-
ate, affectionate, fond.
Appassire, c. Appassare,
Appastare, to stick as paste.
Appellagićne, s. f. appeal.
Appellaménto, s. m. appeal.
Appellare, to name, to call


Arpellare, to accuse.-.
láre, to appeal from the judg
ment of an inferior court to a

Appellativo, adv. appellative,
susceptible of appellation.
Appalatruo, s. m. in grammar,
appellative.-Luscior il proprio
per l' appellativo, to leave what
is certain for what is uncer-

Appellazióne, s. f. appeal.
Appello, s. m. Appello,

[blocks in formation]

Appetibile, adj. desirable.
Appetíre, to desire, to covet,
to be desirous of.
Appetitivo, adj. appetitive, that
provokes appetite, that whets
the appetite.

Appetito, s. m. appetite, the fa-
culty of desiring Appetilo,
stomach, desire of eating.-
Aver perduto Pappetito, to have
lost the stomach. Iver buon
appet to, to have a good sto-

Appetitóso, adj. v. Appetitívo.
Appetizione, s. f. desire, incli-
nation.--Appetizióne di richezze,
thirst of riches.
Appétto, adv. in comparison.
Appianáre, to level, to make
even, to make smooth, to lay
flat.Appiandre, to clear, to
remove difficulties.
Appiastráre, to cleave, to stick
fast.-Appiastráre, to engraft.
-ipplestrare un diamante, to
set a diamond.

Appiastricciúre, 2 v. Appia-
Appiastriccicáre,S strare:
Appiattamento, s. m. the act of
hiding, of concealing.
Appiattare, to squat, to lie

squat. Appiattatamente, adv. by stealth, in a hidden manner. Appiaitáto, adj. squat.-Tenere appiattata qualche cosa, tó conchallenge, defiance. ceal something.-Stare uppiatAppéna, adv. hardly, scarce. tato, to lurk. Appenáre, to suffer, to bear, to Appiccágnolo, s. m. string, tie, endure, to undergo. bond, hook.picágnolo,ring Appenáto, adj. tortured, trou- on which the scales hang. bled, grieved, afflicted.-Ap-Appiccaménto, s. m. the act of penáto, tired, wearied, fatigued. hanging on, of fastening unAppendere, to hang-Appen to, of sticking or cleaving in. déte questa cappello al chiodo, Appiccáre, to tie, to bind, to hang this hat on the nail.- fasten, to make fast -Appicear Appendere un malfattore, to hang con una spilla, to pin-Appiccar a malefactor. con bottone, to button.-ppicAppendice, appendix, supple- care, to hang-ppiceársi, to ment.-. -Appendice, appendix, keep close, to cleave, to stick, that belongs to or is an ap- to take hold-Appiccursi, vo


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