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Bacheca, s. f. a glass-case.

ance. -Bacheca, a head.

Badéria, s. f. a silly woman.
Badéssa, s. f. abbess.
Badía, s. f. abbey.
Badiále, adj. easy.-Sed a ba-
diale, easy-chair, arm-chair.
Badigliamento, yawning.


Bacheca, a fine man in appear- Badigliáre, to yawn.
block-Badile, s. in. shovel, spade.
Badiúzza, s. f. small abbey.
Bagaglia, s. f.

Bacherózzo, a little worm,
Bacherózzolo,) a grub.
Baciabásso, s. m. bow, inclina-
tion of the head.
Baciamáno, s. m. a compliment.
Baciapíle, s. m. hypocrite.
Baciáre, to kiss.

Baciarsi, to kiss one another.
Baciáre, s. m. a kissing, a kiss.
Baciar la scopa, to have pa-

Baciatóre, a kisser.
Baciatrice, a kissing woman.
Bacile, s. m. v. Bacino.
Bacinella, s. f. a till.
Bacinetto, s. m. helmet.
Bacíno, s. m. bason.
Bácio, s. m. kiss.
Bacio, a place exposed to the
north wind.-A bacio, towards
the north.

Baciocco, s. m. simpleton,

Baciózzo, s. m. a hearty kiss.
Baciucchiare, to give many
kisses one after another.
Baciúcchio, s. m. a little kiss.
Baco, s. m. worm, silk-worm.
➡Baco, maggot, mite.-Bachi,
S m. pl. worms.-Boco, a
word to frighten children.
Bácolo, s. m. stick.
Bacúcco, s. m. a hood.
Bacúccola, s. f. wild filbert




Bagaglie, s. f. pl.
Bagaglio, s. m.
good things.
Bagaglióne, a soldier's boy.
Bagagliuole, s. f. pl. a few tat-
tered clothes.

Bagagliúme, s. m. bag and bag-

Bagáscia, harlot.
Bagascióne, a whore's man.
Bagattélla, s. f. trifle, toy, idle
thing, thing of small value,
small business.
Bagattelliére, s. m. juggler.
Bagatellúzza, small trille.
Bagattino, s. m. small piece of

Baggéo, a simpleton.
Baggianáccio, a great dolt, a

Baggianáta, s. f. thing foolishly

said or done.

Baggiane, s. f. pl. fair words,
false promises.

Baggiano, a blockhead, a fool.
Baggioláre, to support,to prop.
Bággiolo, stay, prop.
Bagliore, s. m. dazzling light.
Baglivo, bailiff.
Bagnamento, the act of sprink-

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Baionétta, a bayonet.
Bajúcolo, s. m. dim. of Baja.
Baiúlo, s. m a street-porter.
Bajúzza, s. m. dim. of Laja.
Balascio, s. m. a balas ruby.
Balaústra, s. m. the flower of
the pomegranate tree
Balaústro, s. m. rail, ballister,
little pillar.

Balbettáre, to stammer, to
Balbetticáre, stutter.
Balbo, adj. tongue-tied, that
stammers, stutters.

Balbúzie, s. f. stammering,

Balbuzzáre, v. Balbettáre.

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Balcóne, s. m. balcony.
Baldacchino, s. m. canopy
Aspettare il baldacchino, to be
Baldamente, boldly.


Bagnáre, to wet, to moisten.
Eagnarsi, to bathe-Bognáto, | Baldánza, s. f. audacity, beld-
adj. wet.-Begnálo e cimato,
cunning, crafty.
Bagnatore, he that bathes him-
|Bagnatúra, the act of sprink-

Bada, a word always used like
an adverb, er. -' -Tenere a bada,
to keep at bay Stare a bada,
to stand trifling
Badalóne, s. m. a kind of fig.
Badaluccáre, to skirmish.-Ba-Bágno, s. m. bath, bagnio.
duluccare, to idle one's time

Baldanzeggiáre,to make merry.
Baldanzosamente, boldly.
Baldanzosetto, adj. somewhat


Badaluccatóre, an idler. Badaluccatricé, a female idler. Badalucco, s. m. skirmish. Badalucco, amusement, play. Badare, to loiter, to tarry, to stay-Badure, to do slowly out of idleness.-Badiire, to mind, to heed, to take care. Baddte bene a grel che dico, mind well what I say.-Bodate a fatti vostri, mind your business. Badare, to look amorously


Baldanzóso, bold, hardy.
Baldézza, boldness, audacity.
Baldo, bold, courageous.
Baldére, boldness. Obs.
Baldória, s f. blaze, bonfire.
Baldrácca, harlot, drab, brim.

Bugno, the act of bathing.-
Bagno, large bason, cistern.-
Bagno, place where galley-
slaves live when ashore
Bagnuolo, a small bath.-Bag-Baléna, s f. whale-Balina a
nuolo, fomentation.
secco, a mistake, blunder.
Bagordáre, to revel, to riot.- Balenamento, lightning
Bagordare, to celebrate a feast Balenáre, to lighten.-Balenáre,
with tournaments.
to send forth -Balenáre, to
Bagórdo, s. m. an offensive stagger, to reel.
weapon to justle with-Ba- Balene, s. m. flash of lightning,
gordo, just, tournament -Ba lightning-In un baléno, in an
gordo, too much eating and instant.-Arcobalena, the rain-

Baja, s. f. sham, flam.-Dar la


Balestra, s. f. cross-bow.---Cari



cu la balestra, to cram one's Ballottáre, to ballot.

ing-glass. guids

Alla Balócca, adv. rashly, in- Bamboleggiáre, to act like a Balestrajo, a maker of bows. considerately.

child. Balestrare, to shoot, to dart.- Baloccamento, mistake, blun- Bambolinaggine, childishness. Balestrare, to fling, to throw, der.

Bambolino, s. m. a babe. to burl.-Balestrare, to vex, to Baloccáre, to amuse, to keep at Bambolità, s. f. childishness, trouble, to disquiet. bay.

childish action. Balestráta, a cross-bow shot. Balócco, a silly man.

Bámbolo, s. m. child, babe. Balestriére, a cross-bow man, a Balòce, s. f. boiled chesnuts. Banca, s. m. a place wherein shooter.

Balordággine, blockishness. soldiers muster, and receive Balestriéra, s. f. the place where Balorderia, v. Balordaggine. their pay.--Passar la banca, to the cross-bow is mounted, Balórdo, adj. foolish. loop-hole.

Balsámico, adj. balsamic, Banchettáccio, a degrading Balestro, s. m. o. Balestra. balmy;

augmentative of Banchetto. Balestrone, a large cross-bow. Balsamíno, balm-tree.-Balsa- Banchettáre, to banquet, to Balestrúccio, a bird so called. mino, the herb balm.

feast. Bália, s. f. a nurse. Bálsamo,

Banchetto, banquet, feast. Balía power, authority.--Darsi Bálsimo, I

s. m. balm. ,

Banchetto, a little beach. ia balia, to give one's self up Bálteo, s. m. belt, sword-girdle. Banchiére, a banker. to a thing

Baluardo, bulwark, bastion. Banco, s. m. a bench. --Banco, Baliaccia, å degrading augmen- Balusánté, adj. dim-sighted. counter, bank. tative of Balia; a fat nurse: Balza, rock, cliff.–Balza, edge, Far banco, to be a banker. Baliággio, s. m. bailiwick. border.

Wetter banco, Banco, the Baliático, S. m. the nurse's Balzána, s. f. fringe.

bench on which the galley. pay.

Balzáno, said of the legs of a slaves sit when rowing. Balato, s. m. the space of time horse when different in colour Bánco, pew, seat in a church. that the power lasts.

from the rest of his body.-- -Banco, bench, seat.-Banco, Balin, a foster-father, a nurse's Bolzano, giddy-headed.

a table. husband. --Baio, a president, Balzáre, to climb up, to clam- Banconcello, s. m. dim. of a chief ruler.

ber up.-Balzáre, to bound, to Banco. Balioso, strong, lusty, robust. skip.--Balzar fuora, to jump Bancóne, s. m. augment. of Balire, to bring up.--Balire, to

Banco. handle with strength. Balzatore, a jumper.

Banda, s. f. sideways. Dall'alBalista, s. f.a warlike engine Balzellare, to frisk, to skip.--tra banda, on the other side. to cast stones.

Bulzellare, to overburden with Da questa banda, on this side. Balla, s. f. a bale or pack of

-Meller da bunda, to put Balzellóni, adv. frisking, skip- aside, to save. Banda, band, Balláre, to dance - Ballare, to ping.

swath, band, fillet, bend in he shake, to jog:-1 denti mi bal-Balzello, s. m.additional charge, raldry.--Banda, gang, band, laro, my teeth are loose. surcharge.

set, company.----band, side.--Ballára, s f. dance, dancing.–Balzo, steep rock, hill, cliff.-- Da'la mia banda, on my side. Ballata, ballad. Qual ballata, Balzo, the rebound of a ball İndare alla banda, to go to tal sonata, to give like for hike.


stroke upon the ruin, to be undone.--Ardere -Grdar la ballata, io com- round 110, Spanish paint.

alla bandır, to heel on one side, mand

as ships do.--Pussur da banda Bambigia, s. f. cotton.

a banda, to run through. dim, of Ballata.

Hambagino, cotton cloth. Bandeggiáre, to banish. Ballatójo, s. m. terras, flat Pambagio, o. Bambagia. Bandeila, s. f. the iron-work roof

Bambagioso, cotton-like." of a door or window. Ballatore, dancer, dancing Bamberottolo, a little child. Banderáje, s. m. ensign or corBambina, little girl.

Obs.--- Banderajo, one Pallatrice, dancer, woman- Bambinággine, s. f. childish- that makes banners, flags, or dancer.

chasubles, and other church Balleria, s. f. a deal of dancing. Bambinéllo, a little child. Ballerino, dancing-master, Bambinería, childishness. Banderése, esquire. Obs. dancer -Ballerino, the skin of Banabinésco, childish.

Banderuóla, s. f. a banderol. a white plum.-E i vermigli Bambino, child, infant. Bandićra, s. f. colours, bammer. bollerini scopri, a me della tra Bámbo, sottish, silly, witless.- -Far bandiera, to out-rungoancia, shew me your bloomy O bambu, you fcol.

bandiera, by chance or inad cheeks.

Bambocceria, s. f. childishness. vertencv.- - Bandiera, a prostiBalletto, 8. m. ballet.

Bambóccio, s. m. a child in tute.Far la bandiera, to save Ballo, & m. dance, ball. bambucc'e, a simpleton.-Bem- cabbaye; said of taylors. Ballonchio,

country- | boccióne, a lusty, healthtul Bandinélla, towel.-Bandinella, dance. child.

curtain. Ballúne, 3. m, a large bale. Bambola, s. f. a puppet, a doll. Bandire, to proclaim, to pube Dailuncáre, to leup, to jump. -Bumbula, the plate oi a look- lishBandire, to tell, lo speak



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Bandoliéra, s. f. bandoleer. Bándolo, s. m. the head of a skein.-Ritrovare il bándolo, to| find the way.

Bara, s. f. bier, coffin.-Il morto és la bar, the thing is clear. Barabúffa, s. f. fray, altercation.

Baracáne, s. m. a kind of cloth.

Barácca, s. f. a barrack, a


Baraccáre, to pitch the tents. Baraccúzza, s. f. a small barrack.

Baráre, to cheat, to over-reach. Báratro, s. m. dungeon, abyss, pit. Báratro, hell. Barátta, s. f. strife, squabble. Barattamento, s. m. exchanging.

Barattáre, to barter, exchange. -Baratture, to cheat, cozen, or catch-Barallare una mercanzia, to run a commodityBarattare, to rout, to put to the rout.

Baratteria, s. f. deceit, trick. Barattiére, deceiver, cozener. Baratto, s. m. truck, exchange.

Burálto, deceit, guile, trick. Barattola, a water-fowl SO called. Barattolo, s. m, an earthen pot wherein apothecaries keep

their medicines. Barba, s. f beard.-Fur la barba, to shave.-Barba, root, the beard of roots.-Barba, root, principle-Far la barba di stopa, to play a_trick.—Alla barba, in spite.-Barba dell parupetto, the surface of the breastwork-Barba, uncle. A Lombard word. Barbacáne, s. m. outward-wall,

a trick.

Barbaresco, of Barbary.
Barbárico, barbarous.
Barbárie, s. f. barbarity.
Barbarismo, s. m. barbarism.
Bárbaro, barbarous.
Barbarossa, s. f. a kind of grape.
—Barbarossa, wine made of
the grape called Barbarossa.
Barbassóro, v. Bacalare.
Barbato, adj. bearded.-Pianta
barbata, a plant that has roots.
-Male barbato, inveterate dis-

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Barcajuólo, water-man. Barcáta, s. f. a bark full. Barcherécchio, s. m. a great many barks together. Barchetta, s. m. small bark. Barchettina, s. f. diminutives Barchettino, s. m.) of Barchet


Barco, s. m. a park. Barcollaménto, s. m. nodding, tottering.

Barcollánte, adj. waving backward and forward.-Barcollánte, fearful, dubious, timor


Barcolláre, to wave, to reel, to stagger, to totter. Barcollóne, adv. reeling.—Andar barcollone, to totter, to reel.

Barcóne, s. m. a large bark. Barda, s. f. a sort of armour for horses formerly in use. Barda, a sort of saddle. Bardássa, s. m. a catamite. Bardáto, adj. caparisoned. Bardatúra, s. f. trappings for a horse.

Bardella, s. f. pack-saddle. Bardellétta, s. f. a pannel, a pack-saddle.

Bardellóne, s. m. pannel. A bardósso, adv. without a saddle, to ride on the bare back of any beast that


Bardótto, s. m. the horse which the waggoner rides.-Passar per bardotto, to be scot-free. Barélla, s. f. hand-barrow. A barella, adv. in abundance, plentifully.

Barelláre, to carry with a handbarrow.

Bargagnáre, to bargain.-Bargagnare, to cavil. Bargágno, s. m. bargain. Obs. Bargellino, s. m. an ancient piece of money-Bargellino, dim. of Bargello.

Bargélio, s. m. a sheriff-Dar neil bargello, to meet with a bad accident.

Bargili, s. m. plur. the gills Bargigione, s. m. under a

cock's neck.

Bargigliúto, adj. that has gills. Bargiglione, s. m. a cask, a pow

anciente piece of money, now Basilisebojo , v. Basalischio.


to be


the poso

dering-tub, a barrel. Basílica, s. f. cathedral church, enough of it. Barile, s. m. a wine-vessel, a basilic. Basilica, royal man. Bastarda, s. f. a kind of small barrel. Barile della ruta, the sion-house

galiey. stock of a wheel. Barile, an! Basílico, 8. m. sweet basi'. Bastardáccio,


a mean bastard. called giulio.


Bastardigia, s. f. the state of Barilétta, s. f. a little flagon. Basiménto, s. m. the act of being a basiard, a breed of Barilétta, s. f. dying.

bastards. Bariletto, s. m.

Basíre, to be at the point of Bastardo, adj. bastard.-Erbe Barletto, s. m. a little barrel death, breathe one's last. bastardı, weeds. Barlióne, s. m. or cask, a Basito, adj. expired, dead. Bastardóne, a villainous basBarlótta, s. f. flagon. Basothia, s. f. pottage, porridge. tard. Barlótto, s. m.

A low word.

Bastardáme, s. m. a breed of Baritono, s. m a musical term. Basóso, adj. stupid, dull.

bastards.- Bestresne, young Bariúne, s. m. duskishness. Bassa, u. Bascià.

shots, that are prejudicial or Barlíme, hint, notion. Ve ho Bassainénte, adv. meanly, poor- uscless un barlume, I know something ly.

Bastáre, to suffice, of it.

Bassamento, s. m.lfall, diminu-l cnough.Patu ben pinto, you Baro, s. m. cheat, rogue. Bassanza, s. f. $ tion, abase- said enouch.--2p! poco cieho Barocco, s. m. sharking, spung- ment, miserv.

mi busta, I ain contented with ing Bassáre, o. Abbassare.

that little I have.--. astare, to Barómetro, s. m. barometer. Bassétta, s. f. basset, a game at last. Baronaggio, s. m. barony. cards. Bass'ita, the skin of a Bastérna, s. f. a kind of cart. Baroniccio, s. m. roguc, knave. lamb newly yeaned. Bastévole, adj. sufficient. Baronáre, to beg, to mump:

Bassettáre, to kill. Obs. Bastevolezza, s. f. sufficiency. Baroncello, a little baron. --Ba-Bassetto, adj. somewhat low. Bastevolmente, adv. sufficientTomelo, a vagrant fellow, a Bassézza, s. f. meanness, low-ly. rambler.

liness. Bassérza, base deed, Bastía, s. f.ramgart with palliBarónė, s. m. baron.--Boróne, unworthy action.-Fate una sadoes.-Bastic, a trench, a a vagabond, a beggar.-Barone basserza, to 'debase one's self. fene. di campo frore, pickpocket.- Bassilica, s. f. the basilic vein. Bastiére, o. Bastaio. Barone di francia, one that has Bassílico, s. m. sweet basil. Bastimento, s. m. vessel, ship.

Basso,adj.low, shallow.–Basso, Bastionáre, to fortify with basBaronessa, s. f. baroness. base, mean.-Paesi bassi, the tions. Baronevóle, adj. heroic, heroic- Low Countries.---La gente Bastióne, s. m. bastion, bul. al.

bassa, the common people.wark. Baronevolmente, adv. like a Tenere il riso bassn, to look Bastíta, s. f. a ranıpırt with baron.

down.— Il sole è basso, the sun' pallisadoes. - Bastit:, fortress. Baronia, s. f. barony. -Baronia, is going to set.--Di bassa nasa Básto, s.m. pack-saddle,pannel. barons.

cita, of a mean extraction. -Da basti e se!'a, fit for any Barra, 8. f. bar, barricado. L'ora è bassu, 'tis late-Punno thing:-- Non son uono da pora, Barráre, to bar, to shut with a basso, narrow cloth.Basso, s. tar basto, I am not a nian to bar.-Barrare la strada, to stop m. the lower part of.--Il basso bear an affront.--Serrare il

d'una montagna, the foot of a bast) adosso ad uno, to press, to Barráto, adj. inclosed, beset. hill.—Busso, adv. down, low.

urge one. Barreria, s. f. a cheating action. -Basso, the base or bass in Bastonáccio, s. m. a large club. Barricata, s. f. barricado.


Bastonáre, to cudgel.-BastoBarriéra, s. f. barrier. --Barriéra, Bassotti, š. m. pl. a mess of ma- náre, to censure, to reprove. a sort of children's play. caroni.

Bastonare i pesci, to row. Barro, 5. m. a cheat at cards or Bassótto, adj. thick and short. Bastonáta, s. f. a blow with a dice.

Un bassotto, a short and thick stick. Bastonateda ciechi, liard Barúlfa, s. f. fray, altercation.

blows. Barulláre, to buy and sell again Bassúra, u. Bassezza. Bastonatúra, s f. blows given as retailers do.

Basta, s. f. long stitch.--Basto, with a stick Barúllo, s. m. huckster, retailer, 'tis enough.

Bastoncello, s. m. dim. of Baforestaller, regrater:

Bastágio, s. m. a porter. Bastoncino,) stone. Barzelletta, s. f. jest, joke. Bastajo, a maker or seller of Bastóne, s. m. stick, staff, cud. Basa, s. Base. pack-saddies.

gel.l'oston di comandu, the Basalischio, s. m. basilisk. A bastalčna, with all one's staff of command... Passegnar Basamento, v. Imbasamento. might.

il bastone, to lay down the Barcia, 6. m. bassa, a Turkish Bastánte, adj. sufficient, able.


-Pestone, support, dignity.

Bastanteménte, adv. sufficient prop --- Kasténi, s. m. pl. club, Bassiare, . Baciare. ly.

at cards.lrcermare in cop. 6 Base, s. f. base or basis. Bastánza, s.f. sufficiency. Obs. dare in bastoni, to row one way Busco, s. m. dunce, blockhead. - Basta za, strength, power. and look another.-Onunar di 22-te, s. £. pl. Whiskers. Obs.Ne ho a bestanza, I have bestone, to beat.--Il bastonie fa


the way.


fuggire il can dalle nozze, fear prevents a great many evils. Bastoniére, s. m. a mace-bearer. Bastracóne, s. m. a lusty or fat


Batacchia, s. f. a blow with a stick.

Batacchiare, to beat. Batacchiata, s. f. a knock given with a cudgel.

Batacchio, s. m. a cudgel, a stick.

Bátalo, s. m. the lappet of at doctor's hood. Obs. Batassáre, to shake. Obs. Batistéro, s. m. the font over which children are baptized. Batocchio, s. m. a blind man's stick.-Batocchio, clapper of a Bátolo, s. f. the ground-work. Batósta, s. f. bustle, tumult, up



Batostáre, to contend and quarrel.

Battúta, s. f. time or measure in

music.--Accomodarsi alle bat-
tute, to follow the opinion of
others, to cringe.--Battuta,
way, road.Andar per la bat-
tuta, to follow the course of
the world.--Via battuta, a
beaten road.

Battúto, s. m. the leads of a
house.-Battuto, he that be-
longs to a religious company
or fraternity.
Batucchiería, s. f. subtilty,

Battersela, to go away.-In un
batter d'occhio, in an instant.-
Batter la borra, to quake for
cold, to shiver.Batter il bu-
tirro, to churn milk.-Báttere
(verbo recip.) to beat-Mi
batte il polso, my pulse beats.-
Batter l'ali, to flutter.-Batter
gl' inimici, to beat the enemy.
-Batter il taccone, to travel a-
foot.-Batter due chiodi ad una
calda, to do two things at
once.-Battere, to foresee.-
Io comprendo dove costui vuol
battere, I conceive what he Batúffolo, s. m. a heap, a hoard.
aims at.-Battersi le guance, to Bava, s. f. foam, slaver, drivel.
repent.-Battersi, to fight a -Bava, thin and coarse silk.
duel-Battere una città, to bat--Baca de metalli, the dross of
ter a town.-Batter il fuoco, to metals.
strike fire-Baiter l'ore, to Bavaglio, s. m. a bib.
strike the hours, as a clock Bavalischio, s. m. a basilisk.
does.-Battere una cosa altrui Bau, a voice to frighten child-
nel mostaccio, to fling a thing ren..
into one's face.
Bavella, s. f. a kind of coarse
Battería, s. f. battery.
Battesimale, adj. baptismal.
Battésimo, s. m. baptism.-
Battésmo, Tenere a battesimo,
to stand godfather, or god-
Battezzamento, s. m. christ-

Battaglia, s. f. battle, fight.
Dar battaglia, to join battle.
Battaglia, a squadron, a batta-
lion-Mettere in battaglia, to
draw in order of battle.In
battaglia, in array.
Battagliare, to fight, to skir- ening.
Battagliatore, combatant,
Battagliére, fighting man,
Battagliéro, soldier.
Battaglieresco, adj. warlike.-
Battaglieresco, martial, valiant.
Battagliero, adj. ready to fight.
Battaglieróso, adj. martial, war-Batticúlo, s. m. a belt.

Battezzante, adj. that christ

Battagliésco, adj. warlike.
Battaglietta, s. f. skirmish.
Battagliévole, adj. martial, war-
Battaglio, s. m. bell-clapper.
Battaglione, s. m. a battalion.
Battaglióso, adj. warlike, va-


Battezzáre, to christen, to bap-
tize.-Battezzare, to give a


Battezzatore, he that christens.
Battezziére, v. Battezzatore.

Batticuóre, s. m. palpitation.
Battifólle, s. f. a bastion.
Battifrédo, s. m. a tower or
bastion. Obs.
Battifuóco, s. m. steel.
Battigia, s. f. falling sickness.
Battilano, s. m. carder of wool.
Battilóro, s. m. gold-beater.
Battimento, s. m. the repeated
act of beating.-Battonénto,

Battagliuóla, 7 small en-
Battagliúzza, s. fgagement, palpitation.

skirmish. Battellétto,

Battisóffia, fright,dread;
little boat, Battisóffiola, s. f. a ludicrous

Báttere, to beat, or strike. Battistério, the font in which
Battere alla porta, to knock at children are baptized-Libro
the door.-Batler la campagna, di battisterio, church-book,
to scour the country-Battere wherein christenings are en-
i denti, to shake with cold.-tered and recorded.
Batter le palme, to clap, to ap- Báttito, s. m. fear.
plaud.Battere in terra, to Battitoio, s. m. the rabbet of
throw or fling down.-Battere door or window.
il grano, to thresh corn-Bat- Battitóre, s. m. he that beats.
ter moneta, to coin, to mint.- Battitúra, s. f. the act of beat-
Batter gli occhi, to wink often. ing.
--Buttere, to walk in haste.-

Batto, s. m. a small sca-vessel.


Bávero, s. m. the collar of a
Baviéra, s. f. the visor of a

Baúle, s. m. trunk.
Bavóso, adj. slabbering.
Bazza, s. f. good luck.-Bazza,
a trick made at cards.
Bazzarráre, v. Barattare, and
all its derivatives.
Bazzécola, s. f. a frivolous

Bazzesco, adj. coarse.--Parlar
bazzesco, rough language.
Bázzica, conversation, compa-
ny.-Bázzica, is also a play at
cards-Bazzica, things of no
great value.
Bazzicáre, to keep company, to
frequent.-Io non bazzico con
questa gente, I don't converse
with such people.
Bazzicatúre, s. f. things of no

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Bazzótto, adj. somewhat hard.
Be',masculine plural of Bello-
Be', the sheep's bleating.-Be,
well.-Be', perche non mi dì tu
almanco chi tu se'? well, why
don't you at least tell me who
you are?
Beáre, to bless.
Beatamente, adv. happily.
Beatánza, s. f. the state of the
blessed in heaven. Obs.
Beatificáre, to beatify.
Beatificazione, s. f. beatifica

Beatífico, adj. beatific.
Beatitudine, s. f. beatitude

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