The Sociology of Old Age |
Men and retirement | 83 |
Women and old age | 97 |
Race ethnicity and old age | 114 |
Copyright | |
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activities age groups Ageing and Society analysis areas argued Asians and Afro-Caribbeans behaviour Britain British carers Chapter cultural day centres death demographic dependency DHSS disadvantages discussed disengagement dying economic ethnic minority ethnic minority groups example experience factors Fennell functionalist geriatric gerontology Godlove health and social home help hospital household husband ill-health illness immigrants important individual institutions interviewed issues labour lack large survey less life-history living London major meals on wheels means migration nursing old age older women participant observation particular patients patterns pension people's perspective Phillipson population problems relation relationships relatively reported residential response retirement role sample seen Shanas sheltered housing social class social gerontology Social Policy society sociologists sociology of old special settings staff statistics stereotypes suggests tend theory Townsend trends United Kingdom University of Keele Walker welfare widowed workers working-class younger