Safety Planning with Battered Women: Complex Lives/Difficult ChoicesSafety Planning with Battered Women introduces a new model of ôwoman-definedö advocacy that is designed to bridge the gap that sometimes occurs between a battered womanÆs perspective and a victim advocateÆs perception. Created to improve service delivery to women who are victims of domestic violence, this new model emphasizes placing attention on the victimÆs assessment of the risk in a violent relationship and in her decision making. Authors Jill Davies, Eleanor Lyon, and Diane Monti-Catania strive to help advocates better understand battered womenÆs decisions, including the decision to remain in an abusive relationship; to improve advocacy for victims with varying cultural backgrounds and experiences; and to provide advocates with assistance in redesigning their services, so they may better meet the needs of battered women. Since there are no quick fixes to the problems encountered in cases of domestic violence, it is vital that victims be provided with a real understanding of their options and the opportunity to implement those safety plans they deem most feasible. Safety Planning with Battered Women helps advocates tailor alternatives that will enhance the safety of battered women based on the individual realities of battered women. This book is both enlightening and highly practical and is a must read for anyone working with domestic violence victims. By introducing a woman-defined model and offering a new approach to advocacy, Safety Planning with Battered Women will compel readers to reexamine current approaches and examine the future provision of services to domestic violence victims, making it a valuable resource for students, researchers, academics, professionals, and practitioners. |
Chapter 1 Introduction | 1 |
Part I Understanding Battered Womens Perspectives | 9 |
Chapter 2 Creating the Image of Battered Women | 11 |
Chapter 3 BattererGenerated Risks | 21 |
Chapter 4 LifeGenerated Risks | 53 |
Chapter 5 Battered Womens Decision Making and Safety Plans | 73 |
Part II Building Partnerships with Battered Women | 93 |
Chapter 6 Risk Analysis | 95 |
Chapter 8 Toward a WomanDefined Advocacy Environment | 131 |
Chapter 9 WomanDefined Policy Advocacy | 146 |
Chapter 10 Conclusion | 165 |
Appendix A Considerations for Information Gathering | 169 |
The Connecticut Experience | 177 |
References | 185 |
193 | |
About the Authors | 201 |
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Common terms and phrases
abusive partner addition advo advocate's advocates African American agency agency's analysis and plans battered mothers battered woman syndrome battered woman's risk Battered Women's Decision battered women's safety batterer-generated risks behavior cacy call the police child protective services collaborative court custody developed effect emotional abuse example experience factors family violence focus friends goals identify implementation individual battered women individual woman-defined advocacy involved keep kill learned helplessness leave the relationship life-generated risks life-threatening violence limited lives mandatory arrest mental health issues needs Newbury Park ongoing options particular physical violence posttraumatic stress disorder protection strategies protective order psychological PTSD questions response safety strategies service-defined advocacy sexual staff staying talk tell threat tion victim Violence Against Women woman Woman-defined policy advocacy woman's analysis woman's risk analysis women's needs women's safety plans