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Acceptance of membership, 2, 52, 54, 107,
124, 133, 139, 197.

Accessions to the Library the past year,


Accommodation, larger, required for the
Library, 15-16.

Act for naturalizing foreign Protestants
in the Province of Massachusetts Bay,

Acts of Incorporation in 1794 and 1857,


Acts of the Legislature of Massachusetts,


Adams and Sampson, donation from, 133.
Adams, Rev. Amos, a manuscript sermon
of, 123.

Adams, Hon. Charles F., 2, 51, 133, 139,
167, 198.
His remarks at the anniver-

sary of the battle of Bunker Hill, 68-75.
Adams, G. W., donation from, 139.
Adams, George, donation from, 437.
Adams, John, 44, 57, 70, 71, 74, 79, 86,
287, 376, 381.

Adams, John Quincy, Memoir of, assigned

to the Society by Hon. Josiah Quincy,
54-55, 134, 241.

Adams, Samuel, 44, 112, 225, 287, 388.
Addison and Washington Irving, 399-400,


Adlard, George. His "Account of the
Dudleys of Massachusetts," 20-21.
Admission-fees, 251, 254.

Alkins, T. B., donation from, 14.
Allen, John, the Puritan, 142.

Allibone's Dictionary of English and

American Authors, 397.

Almack, Richard, 274.

Allston, Washington, medal of, 133-134.

American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
donation from, 365.

American Antiquarian Society, donations
from, 107, 235, 309, 429.

American Antislavery Society, donations
from, 139, 146.

American Baptist Missionary Union, dona-
tions from, 196, 226.

American Biography, Rev. Dr. Belknap's
materials for a complete, 11-12.

American Board of Commissioners for
Foreign Missions, donation from, 146.
American Oriental Society, donation from,

American Philosophical Society, dona-
tions from, 124, 378, 384, 429.
American Tract Society, donation from,


American Unitarian Association, dona-
tions from, 146, 196, 226.

Ames, Ellis, 384. His remarks on cir-
cumstances connected with the circular
addressed to the Selectmen of Stough-
tonham, 387-390, 392.

Amory, Thomas C., 196. Elected a Resi-
dent Member, 374.

Amory, William, 266, 267, 271.
Anderson, Rev. Rufus, D.D., donation
from, 139.

Andros, Sir Edmund, 163.

Anniversary of the battle of Lexington,
22. Of the battle of Bunker Hill, 52,
55, 68.
Of the landing of the Pilgrims,

Annual assessments, 251, 254.
Annual meetings, 1, 234.
Annual Reports of the Standing Commit-
tee, 3-7, 237-245. Of the Librarian,
8-18, 246-249. Of the Cabinet-Keeper,
18-19, 249-251. Of the Treasurer,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Baylor, Mr., aid-de-camp to
Washington, 82.


Beeman, Captain, the infamous, 85.
Belcher, Governor, 52, 351, 352.

Belknap, Edward, donations from, 244,

Belknap, Rev. Jeremy, D.D., 297. Dona-
tion of books and papers of the, 4-5,
9, 11-12, 26, 63, 134-135, 144. His jour-
nal of a tour to the camp at Cambridge
in 1775, 77-86. His record of the ori-
gin of the Society, 110-112. Letters to
him from General Washington, 134,
136-138. His possession of Standish's
sword, 142-143. Portrait of, 244, 273.
Belknap Papers, preparing of, 251.

Bell, Luther V., M.D., 226. Elected a
Resident Member, 20.

Bell, Hon. S. D., donation from, 133.
Bennet, Secretary, 276.

Benson, F. A., donations from, 197, 226.
Berkeley, Lord, 345, 347.

Bernal, Diaz del Castillo, 279, 280, 281,
282, 283.

Bernard, Governor, 386, 387.
Bigelow, Hon. George T., 235. Elected a
Resident Member, 197. His acceptance
of membership, 226.

Bigelow, Dr. Jacob, 425, 429, 430.
Bill, Richard, 65.

Blackley, Captain, of Marblehead, 77.
Blackstone, Sir William: his Commen-
taries, 29.

Blagden, Rev. George W., D.D., 228, 235,
272, 286, 332, 334, 390.

Bland, Richard, of Virginia, 137.

Bliss, Rev. Philip, LL.D., decease of, 20.
Blue and buff uniform, origin of the,

Board of Customs, London, in the reign
of George III., 322–324.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 313, 315.
Bond, Dr. Henry, death of, 311.
Bond, Colonel William, 311.
Bongarden, Philip, 353, 354, 355, 356.
Bonpland, M. de, 315.

Books missing, 9.

Boston Athenæum, donation from the,


Boston City Missionary Society, donation
from, 226.

Boston, donation from the Trustees of the

Public Library of, 391.

Boston, donations from the City of, 1, 107,


Boston Mercantile-Library Association,
donation from, 122.

Boston Port Bill, 33, 216, 291.

Boston Provident Association, donation
from, 196.

Boston Town House, 11.

Bours, Samuel, 382.

Bowditch, Mrs. Elizabeth B., donation
from, 148.

Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingersoll, 1, 19, 122,
148, 167, 228, 255, 273.

Bowdoin College, donation to, 425. Let-
ter of thanks from, 438.

Bowdoin, James, Governor of Massachu-

setts, 44, 120-121, 287.

Bowen, Francis, 235.

Boyd, Captain, 223.

Braddock, General, 45, 341.

Bradford, Governor, 127, 128, 142, 144,
145, 162, 164.

Bradlee, Rev. Caleb D., donations from,
107, 286, 391.

Brasseur, Abbé, de Bourbourg, 280, 281.
Braybrook, Lord, D.C.L., decease of, 20.
His "Pepys," 129.

Breast-pin, a relic of Samuel Adams and
John Hancock, 44.
Brebeuf, Father, 278.

Brevoort, J. Carson, elected an Honorary
Member, 228. His donation of a pano-
ramic drawing, 397, 424.
Brevoort, Henry, 397.

Brewster, William, the Pilgrim, 6, 142,


Bridge, Samuel J., 322, 323, 324.

Brigeart, the Sieur, 278.

Brigham, William, 3, 7, 122, 124, 144, 167,
283, 424, 438.

Brimmer, Martin, 350, 353, 354.
Brinley, Francis, donation from, 330.
Bristed, C. A., 211.

Bristol County, donation from the County
Commissioners of, 146.

British Army, uniform of the, 149, 150.
British State-paper Office, 118.

Brooks, Rev. Charles, 112, 124, 129, 133.
Elected a Resident Member, 52.
Brougham, Lord, 370.

Brown, Agnes, mother of Governor Win-
throp, 148.

Brown, Captain, of the "Sukey," 23,


Brown, John, of the French Church in
School Street, Boston, 353, 354.
Brown University, donation from, 391.
Bruce, Major, 67-68.

Brush, Crean, 79.

Bryant, William Cullen, 411.

Buckle's work on Civilization, 128, 129.
Budd, Nicholas, of Norway, 342, 343.
Buffs, the, and the Young Buffs, 149.
Bunker Hill, battle of, 36, 52, 55, 57, 67,
68, 75-77, 82, 188, 259, 261, 296, 302,

Bunsen, Chevalier: his "Signs of the
Times," 321.

Burgoyne, General, 67, 68, 153, 287.
Burke, Edmund, 25.

Bust of the Hon. Robert C. Winthrop,

By-laws: duties of the Standing Com-
mittee, 237-238.


Cabinet, 6-7, 18, 112, 242, 249, 254.
Cabinet-Keeper. See "Shurtleff, Na-
thaniel B., M.D.," p. 462.
Cadillac, Mons. La Motte, 361.
Calderon de la Barca, 428.
Calvert, family of, 137.
Calvert, Sir George, 347.

Camp at Cambridge in 1775, Dr. Bel-
knap's tour to the, 77-86.

Cannon-ball, a gift from James Shipley,


Cannon's "Historical Record," 149.
Capponi, Marquis Gino, 201.

Cardova, Don Louis, 380.

Carlos, Don, 202.

Carlton, Governor, of Quebec, 38.

Carpenters' Company of Philadelphia, do-
nation from the, 54.

Carr, Sir Robert, Knt., letter of, to the
Earl of Lauderdale, 273-276.

Carteret, Sir George, 345, 347.
Cartwright, Colonel, 274, 275, 276.
Carver, John, the Puritan, 142.
Cary, Hon. Thomas G., elected a Resident
Member, 113. Death of, 331. Resolu-
tions passed, 330-331. Hon. John C.

Gray nominated to prepare a memoir of
Mr. Cary, 332.

Catalogue of the Library, 5, 52-53, 124,
242-243, 253, 379, 438. Catalogue
Fund, 253.

Celebration of the one hundredth anniver-
sary of the capture of Quebec, 373-

Chace, Judge, of Maryland, 137.
Chalmers, George, 159.

Chamber of Commerce, Nashville, dona-
tion from, 1.

Chamber of Commerce, New York, dona-
tion from, 309.

Chandler, Hon. Peleg W., 167. His re-
marks on Rufus Choate, 366–372.
Charles I., 155, 156.

Charlevoix, 279.

Chicago Historical Society, donations
from, 51, 124, 286, 309, 378, 384.
Chilton, Mary, 142.

Choate, Hon. Rufus, 196. His death an-
nounced, 365. Resolutions passed on
the occasion, 365-366. Remarks by
Hon. Peleg W. Chandler, 366–372. By
Judge Parker, 372.

Church, Dr. Benjamin, 59, 62, 67, 71, 72,
73, 78.

Circourt, Count de, 237.

Circular addressed to the Gentlemen Se-
lectmen of Stoughtonham, 384-390.
City of Boston, donations from, 1, 107,
235. Taxes paid to, 251.

City of Roxbury, donation from, 124.
Clark, Henry, donation from, 384.
Clark, Dr. John, 430.

Clark, Hon. J. V. H., donation from, 133.
Clark, Richard, one of the consignees of
tea in 1773, 216, 217.

Clarke, Rev. Joseph S., D. D., donation
from, 146.

Clifford, Hon. John H., 19, 53, 167, 336.
Clinton, Governor, 287.

Coat of Dr. Franklin, 6.

Coke, Lord, 29.

Coles, Hon. Edward, elected an Honorary
Member, 228. His acceptance of mem-
bership, 235.

Collections of the Society, 2, 7, 11, 144,
147, 241, 243, 244, 251, 252, 254, 273,
322, 332, 374, 378, 379, 424, 425, 430,
438, 439, 440.

Collections of the New-York Historical
Society, donation of, 13.
Collins, Major James, 302.

Colony Charter of 1628, transfer of the,
from England to Massachusetts, 154-


Commission, issued in the reign of George
III., to revenue officers at Boston, 322-

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