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16K RAM Accounts Receivable Apple Computer Apple II Applesoft Assembly Language Assembly Language Programming Asyst Design Base Systems BASIC Business Applications bytes California cassette CBASIC CBASIC-2 character Codasyl compiler cost CP/M Cromemco customers data base DBMS dealer Digital Research disk drives diskette Editor Electric Pencil fields Filemaster floppy disk format FORTRAN functions grams hard disk hardware InfoWorld integrated interface keyboard Ledger Libes Lifeboat machine mailing list manual MDBS Micro microcomputer MicroNet Micropoiis Microsoft Microsoft BASIC module MP/M North Star operating system Osborne Pascal Peripheral personal computer plications printer problem processor puter record screen Shafer software package standard storage tion trademark TRS-80 Model TRSDOS Tymnet Unix update utility VersaWriter ware Whitesmiths word processing WordStar