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ACADEMICAL institutions, great object of,

Adversity, early, frequently a blessing, 288.
Agnesi, Maria, her history, 66.
Ainsworth, Mr., character of his 'Rook-
wood,' 482.

Animal instincts, 218.

Anti Corn-Law Association, 241.
'Arabian Nights' Entertainments,' marvel-
lous machinery by which they are con-
ducted, 99.

Arnault, A. V., his' Souvenirs d'un Sexagé-

naire,' 1-authenticity of the work, ib.-
distinction between memoirs and remi-
niscences, ib.-modern memoir-writers,
2-soi-disant Memoirs of Louis the
Eighteenth, and Le Vasseur, ib.-fabri-
cations of the Parisian press, 3-the au-
thor's tragedy of Marius à Minturnes,'
4-his politics, 5-his visit to England,
ib.-and return to France, 6-anecdotes
of the reign of terror, ib.-death of the
king and queen, 8-execution of Dan-
ton and Robespierre, 9-the author en-
trusted by Buonaparte with a mission to
the Ionian Islands, 11-lines inscribed
by him in an albumi kept at Vesuvius, ib.
-appointed one of the savans to accom-
pany Buonaparte to Egypt, ib.-passage
from Toulon to Malta, ib.-his capture
by the British, 15-and return to Paris,
ib.-an actor in the affair of the 18th
Brumaire, 16.

Arnold, Dr., his edition of Thucydides, 42.
Ascham, Roger, his advice to those who
would write well, 302.

Autobiography of the Emperor Jahangueir,

'Ayesha, the Maid of Kars,' 485.



Bar, advice to a young man going to the,

Barrow, John, jun., Esq., his Excursions
in the North of Europe, through parts of
Russia, Finland, Denmark, and Norway,
in the years 1830 and 1833,' 458-pic-
ture of Moscow, ib.-ease and expedi-
tion of travelling in Finland, 459-
Stockholm, 460-Fall of Trolhätten, 461
-Elsineur, ib.-Hamlet's garden, ib.—
Christiania, 462-route from Christiania
to Drontheim, 463-sketch of the inha-
bitants, 465-Drontheim, 466.

[ocr errors]

Barton, John, his 'Inquiry into the Expe-
diency of the existing Restrictions on
the Importation of Corn; with Obser-
vations on the present social and political
Prospects of Great Britain,' 260.
Beckford, William, Esq., his Sketches of
Travels in various parts of the World,'
426-early appearance of Mr. Beckford
as an author, ib.-his Biographical
Memoirs of extraordinary Painters,' ib.
-his tale of Caliph Vathek, ib.—the
present work a reprint of a book passed
through the press forty years ago, 428-
unlike any book of travels in prose, ib.
-the author's progress, 429-his pro-
found melancholy, settled voluptuous-
ness of temperament, and capricious
recklessness of self-indulgence, ib.-
great charm of the book the date of its
delineations, 430-a Sunday evening at
the court of Bavaria, ib.-rapid glimpse
among the Tyrol forests, 431 — - first
opening of Italy, 432-journey to Ve-
nice, 433-hotel on the Great Canal, ib.
-morning piece in Venice, 434-even-
ing one, 435-record of M. de Villoison,
2 P


the investigator of Homer, 437-excur-
sion to Vallombrosa, ib-visit to the
Grande Chartreuse, 440 arrival at
Rome, and youthful impressions on first
beholding St. Peter's, 444-Lisbon, 447
-palace of the Marquess of Marialva, ib.
-evening walk in Lisbon, 450-Ma-
drid, and acquaintance with a Turkish
ambassador, 452-visit to the Escurial,

Bengal jugglers, feats of, 111.

Biela's comet, popular apprehensions with
regard to, 58.

'Biographia Britannica,' character of, 349.
Blessington, Lady, her tale of 'The Re-
pealers,' 482.

Bloomfield, Robert, 362.

Booksellers, defence of, against the charge
of authors, 364.

Boys, education of, at a grammar school,

Brydges, Sir Egerton, Autobiography of,
342-the author's several accounts of
his personal and literary career, ib.—
his birth and education, 343-comes
into possession of the family estates, ib.
-devotes himself to belles-lettres and
English antiquities, ib.-his private press
at Lee Priory, ib.-failure in his legal
claim to the barony of Chandos, 344-
and in achieving a first-rate name as an
author, 345-his mingled tone of self-
satisfaction and self-reproach, 347-
sketches of himself in early boyhood,
345-his ancestors, 349-his excellent
edition of Collins's Peerage, ib.-his
sneer at his Alma Mater, 350-great
object of academical institutions, ib.-
sketches of Cambridge society, 352-
Dr. Farmer, ib.-Dr. Plumptre, ib.-
Porson, ib.-Chatterton, 353-Sir Eger-
ton's first appearance as an author, ib.-
his novel of Mary de Clifford, ib.-strik-
ing sketches of his own existence, 355
-his pecuniary embarrassments, 356-
his antiquarian pursuits, ib.-his Kentish
neighbours, 357-is returned to the
House of Commons, 358-his sketches
of public characters. ib.-Canning, ib.-
Castlereagh, ib.-Vansittart, ib.-Grat-
tan, ib.-Whitbread, ib.-Ponsonby, ib.
-Frederick Robinson, ib. Charles

Grant, ib.-Huskisson, ib.-Tierney,
ib.-Wilberforce, ib.-Mackintosh, ib.
-Romilly, ib.-Lord Lyndhurst. ib.-
Lord Liverpool, ib-Mr. Pitt, 360-
Miss Seward, 361-Robert Bloomfield,
362-Lord Byron, ib.-Lord Nugent's
Portugal, ib. Sir Egerton's work a
most curious study for the psychologist,

Buonaparte, specimens of his taste and
temper, 12-dicta of, 288.
Burdett, Sir Francis, sketch of, 358.
Bury, Lady Charlotte, her Three Sanc-
tuaries of Tuscany' quoted, 439.

Byron, Lord, his sensibility, 345—his
Childe Harold, 362.


Cæsar and the Duke of Wellington, cu-
rious coincidence in the general charac-
ter of their military services, 400.
Calderon, Don Rodrigo, his conduct at his
execution, 94.

Cambridge society, sketches of, 352.
Canning, Right Hon. George, his eloquence

characterized, 290-sketch of, 358.
Cary, Rev. Henry Francis, his 'Pindar in
English Verse,' 18. See Pindar-his
translation of Dante, 23.
Casaubon, Isaac, 79.

Castlereagh, Lord, sketch of, 358, 360.
Character, intellectual and moral, effects
of the want of harmony between, 288.
Charcoal and diamond, establishment of
the identity of, 63.

[ocr errors]

Châtelet, Madame de, her comment on,
and translation of, Newton's Principia,'

Chatterton, Thomas, 353.

Chinese character, traits of, 472.
Christiania, description of, 462.

Church Establishment, reply to arguments
against, 135.

Church Rate Bill, 524.

Clarke and Locke, examination of the
theological arguments of, 214.
Clarke, Dr. Adam, Account of the Infancy,
religious and literary Life of, written by
one who was intimately acquainted with
him from his boyhood to the sixtieth
year of his age, 117 his birth and edu-
cation, 118-is received into the Wes-
leyan school at Kingswood, 122-his
call to the ministry, 123-scenes of
itinerancy, 126-his visits to the Duke
of Sussex, 128-marries, 129-his love-
letters, ib.-locomotiveness of the me-
thodist preachers, 130-Clarke masters
many eastern languages, completes a
commentary on the Bible, and edits a
supplement to Rymer's Foedera,' 131
-his sentiments respecting the Church
of England, 132-his last illness and
death, 134-reply to arguments against
an established church, 135.
Coleridge, S. T., his lines to a Cataract from
a cavern near the summit of a mountain-
precipice, 26.


Collins's rhymeless 'Ode to Evening,' mu-
sical effect of, 25.
Comfort, the chief secret of, 293.
Corn Laws, 228-various opinions at pre-
sent existing upon, ib.-the question of
a fixed or a fluctuating duty, 229-pre-
sent state of our agriculture, and what
it would become if the prohibitory duties
were destroyed, 230-Anti Corn-law As-
sociation, 241-the question of low prices
considered, 249-Mr. Jacob's Tracts
on the Corn Trade and Corn Laws,' 259
-Mr. Barton's Enquiry into the Re-
strictions on the Importation of Corn,'
260-effects of low prices of agricul-
tural produce on the rate of mortality,
263-effect of the decay of tillage upon
the agricultural population, 266-hand-
loom weavers, 270-evils of over-pro-
duction, 272.

[ocr errors]

Courage and industry, nothing great or
good to be obtained without, 288.
Cowley, his ignorance of the construction

of Pindar's odes, 19-his prose essays
models of thought, sentiment, and lan-
guage, 347.

Crabbe, his definition of genius, 365-
his tale of the Confidant' the ground-
work of Miss Edgeworth's 'Helen,' 484.
Créqui, Marquise de, Souvenirs de la,
391-versatility of the Parisian manu-
facturers of memoirs, ib.-the present
work a complete forgery, and the gross-
est of impostures, 393-and the lady to
whom it is attributed a phantom of the
fabricator's imagination, 396.

Crombie, Rev. Dr. Alexander, his 'Natu-
ral Theology, or Essays on the Existence
of Deity, of Providence, on the Immor-
tality of the Soul, and a future State,'
213-comprehensive view taken by the
author of the science of natural theology,
ib.-examination of the theological ar-
guments of Locke and Clarke, 214-
natural theology described, 216-exist-
ence of Deity, 217 animal instincts,
218-mental constitution of man, 224—
future state of existence, ib.
Cumberland, Bishop, saying of, 289.
Cumberland, Richard, Esq., recollections
of, 361.


Dante and Pindar the most picturesque of
the great poets, 21.

Danton, execution of, 9.

Death, instances of the ruling humour
strong in, 93.

Dissen, Professor, preface to his edition
of Pindar, 41. See Pindar.

Dissenters, their alleged grievances exa-
mined, 511-their exclusion from the
Universities, 520.


'Doctor, The,' 68-attention excited by
this work, ib.-its excellences and de-
fects, 69-outline of the work, 70—its
proto ype Tristram Shandy,' ib.-—its
character, ib.-generation and dwelling-
place of the Doves, 71-catalogue of
Daniel Dove's library, 74 his son's
education, 77-conduct of Lord Lauder-
dale on the bill for putting an end to
the employment of children to sweep
chimneys, 82-chapter on puppet-shows,
84-main drift of the work to revive
genuine old English feelings and tastes,
88-account of the draining of Potteric
Carr, 91-instances of the ruling humour
strong in death, 93-lines worked on a
little girl's first sampler, 95-conjectures
in connexion with the author of 'The
Doctor,' ib.

Donnegan, Dr. James, his New Greek
and English Lexicon, principally on the
plan of Schneider,' 162.

[ocr errors]

Dumas, Alexandre, his play of 'Henri
Trois,' 184-his Christine,' 195-bis
'Antony,' 196-his 'Teresa,' 197-his
'Angela,' 198,

Duroc, anecdotes of, 14.


Edgeworth, Maria, her Helen,' a tale, 483.
Education of a son, advice on the, 77.
Egerton, Lord Francis, his translation of

Hernani and Henri Trois,' 181.
Eloquence of the House of Commons, 358.
England, climate of, its austerities the
source of abundant comforts, 288.
Erasmus's Dialogues, a selection from, a
proper school-book for boys acquiring
Latin, 80.

Escurial, visit to the, 453.

Established Church, reply to arguments
against, 135.


Fame, progress of, 355.

Farmer, Dr., academical portrait of, 352.
Fashionable life, novels of, rapid succession
of those ephemeral productions, 481.
Finland, ease and expedition of travelling
in, 459.

Fox, Mr., his manner of stating the question
in debate, 290.

French drama, state of the, 177-little
influence of literature on the progress
of the French revolution, and share in
ib.-the classical and ro-
its success,
2 P 2

Imantic schools in French literature, 179
-fashionable productions of the present
Parisian stage, 180-Victor Hugo and
Alexandre Dumas, ib.-Lord Francis
Egerton's translation of Hernani and
Henri Trois,' 181-Hugo's imitations of
Shakspeare, 182-his 'Marie Tudor,' ib.


[ocr errors]

Dumas's Henri Trois,' 184-Hugo's
'Marion de Lorme,' 185-his' Le Roi
s'amuse,' 186-his Lucrèce Borgia,'
188-his Mary of England,' 191-
Dumas's 'Christine,' 195-his 'Antony,'
196-his' Teresa,' 197-his Angela,'
198- The Tour de Nesle,' 201-Du-
mas's Richard Darlington,' 205-im-
moral tendency of the modern French
drama, 210-the female characters, ib.
-authority of the licenser, 212.
French revolution, little influence of litera-
ture on its progress, and share in its
success, 177.


[blocks in formation]



lead taken in the study of the dead lan-
guages by the Germans, ib.-the English
servile imitators of their triumphant
145-splendid exceptions, ib.-
causes of the superiority of the German
classics, ib. want of an accurate and
comprehensive Greek lexicon explained
in our own tongue, ib.-progress made
by the Germans in this their new line of
lexicography, 146-excellence of Pro-
fessor Schneider's Lexicon, 147 — its
want of arrangement, ib.. Passow's
excellent Manual Lexicon,' 150-
Hase's new edition of Stephen's The-
saurus,' 153-defects of Dr. Donnegan's
Greek and English Lexicon, principally
on the plan of Schneider, 162-outline
of a new Greek and English Lexicon, 165.
Gurwood, Lieutenant-Colonel, his Col-
lection of the Dispatches of Field-
Marshal the Duke of Wellington during
his various Campaigns in India, Den-
mark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Coun-
tries, and France, from 1799 to 1818,'


Gutzlaff, Charles, his Journal of three
Voyages along the Coast of China, with

notices of Siam, Corea, and the Loo-
Choo Islands,' 468-account of the
author, ib.-trade between the coast of
China and Siam, 469-internal manage-
ment and arrangement of Chinese vessels,
ib.-a scene on the coast of Fokien, 471
-traits of the Chinese character, 472-
frequency of infanticide, 473-Gulf of
Petche-lee, on the frontiers of Tartary,
475-arrival at Canton, ib.-Chinese
mandarins and merchants, ib.-the au-
thor's extraordinary power over the
minds of the Chinese, 476-Chinese
government, ib.-coast of Corea, 477—
Loo-Choo Islands, ib.-Gulf of Leau-
tung, 478-city of Kai-Chou, 479-
Island of Poo-to, 480.


Helen,' a tale, by Maria Edgeworth, 481.
History, general difficulty of writing, 410.
Hook, Theodore, Esq., his Life of Sir
David Baird,' 404, 409.

House of Commons, characteristic elo-
quence of, 290.

Hugo, Victor, his imitations of Shakspeare,
182-his 'Marie Tudor,'ib.-his 'Marion
de Lorme,' 185-his' Le Roi s'amuse,'
186-his Lucrèce Borgia,' 188-his
Mary of England,' 191-his Richard
Darlington,' 205.
Humour, instances of the ruling, strong in
death, 93.

[ocr errors]

Huskisson, Right Hon. William, parlia-
mentary sketch of, 358, 359.
Hypatia, the mathematician, her melancholy
story, 66.


Jacob, William, Esq., his 'Tracts on the
Corn Trade and Corn Laws,' 259.
Jahangueir, Memoirs of the Emperor,
written by himself; and translated from
a Persian Manuscript, by Major David
Price, 96-proceedings of the Oriental
Fund Committee, ib.-Dow's character
of Jahangueir, 100-jealousy between
him and his son Chusero, 102-splen-
dour of his throne, ib.-his regulation
forbidding the sale of intoxicating li-
quors, 103-character of his favourites,
104 his marriage, 106-exploits of his
father, 109-rebellion of his son, ib.-
portrait of himself, ib.-feats of Bengal
jugglers, 111-his mausoleum in honour
of his father, 116.

Industry, unspeakable importance of early,

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