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Thou Lazarus, thou laithly lein Tramort,
To all the Warld thou may Example be,
To luke upon thy gryslie pitious Port,

For hydious, how and holkit is thine Ee,
Thy Cheik bane bair, and blaikint is thy Blie,
Thy Chop, thy Chol, gars mony Men live chaste,
Thy Gane it gars us mynd that we maune die;
I conjure thee, thou hungert hyland Ghaist.

The larbar Lukes of thy lang leinest Craig,
Thy pure pynd Throple peilt, and out of Ply,
Thy skoldirt Skin, hewd lyke a Saffron-bag,

Gars Men dispyt thair Flesch, thou Spreit of Gy!
Fy! feyndly Front, Fy! Tyks Face, Fy! O Fy!
Ay Loungand, lyke a Lock-man on a Ladder;

Thy ghaistly Luke fleys Folks that pas thee by, Lyke a deid Theif thats glowrand in a Tedder. Nyse Nagus, Nipcaik, with thy Schulders narrow, Thou lousy lukes, and tume of Lumis Aw, Hard Hurcheon, hirpland, hippit like an Harrow; Thy Rig-bane ratles, and thy Ribs on raw, Thy Hanches hurklis with Hukebanes harsh and haw, Thy laithly Lymms are lein as ony Treis:

Ŏbey, Theif Bard, or I sall brek thy Gaw,

Foul Carrybald, cry Mercy on thy Kneis.

Thou scowry hippit, ugly Averil,

With hurkland Banes, ay howkand throu thy Hyde, Reistit and crynd, as hangit Man on Hill,

And aft beswakit with an owre hie Tyde, Quhilk brews richt meikle Barret to thy Bryd, Hir Care is all to clenge thy Cabroch Hows,

Quhair thou lyes sawsly in Saffron back and Syde, Powdert with Primrose, swarmand all with Clows. Worlin Wanworth, I warn thee it is written,

Thou skyland Skarth, thou has the Hurle behind, Wan wraigland Wasp, mae Worms thou has beshitten Than there is Grass on Ground or Beist on Lind;

Tho' thou did first sic Folly to me find; Thou sall again with mae Witnes than I,

Thy Gulschoch Gane does on thy Back it bind,
Thy whostand Hipps let neer thy Hose be dry.

Thou held the Burch lang with a borrowit Gown,
And an Caprowsy barkit all with Sweit;
And quhen the Lads saw thee sae like a Loun,
They bickert thee with mony a Bae and Bleit,
Now upland thou lives rife on rubit Quhiet,
Aft for ane Cause thy Burdclaith neids nae spredding,
For thou has nowther for to drink or eit,
But like a berdless Bard that had nae Bedding.

Strait Gibbons Air, that neir owrestrade a Horse,
Blae barefut Bairn, in bare Tyme was thou born;
Thou brings the Carrik Clay to Edinburgh Cross,
Upon thy Boetings hobbland hard as Horn,
Strae Wisps hing out quhair that the Wats ar worn,
Cum thou again to skar us with thy Straes,

We sall gar skale our Schulis all thee to skorn,
And stane thee up the Cawsy as thou gaes.

The Boys of Edinburgh, as the Beis out thraws,
And ay crys out, Heir cums our awin quier Clerk;
Then fleis thou lyk a Houlat chaist with Craws,
Quhyle all the Bitches at thy Buitings bark.
Then Carlings cry, Keip Curches in the merk,
Our Gallows gapes, lo quhair a graceless gaes:
Anither says, I se him want a Sark,

I red ye Kimmer tak in your Linning Clais.

Then rins thou doun the Gate, with Gild of Boys,
And all the Toun Tykes hingand at thy Heils;
Of Lads and Lowns ther ryses sic a Noyse,
Quhyle Wenches rin away with Cards and Quheils,
And Cadgers Avers cast baith Coals and Creils;
For Reird of thee, and rattling of thy Butes,

Fish Wyves cry fy, and cast down Skulls and skeils, Sum clashes thee, some clods thee on the Cutes.

Loun lyke Mahoun, be boun me till obey;
Thief, now in Greif, Mischief sall betyde,
Cry Grace, Tyks Face, or I thee chase and fley,
Owl, rair and zoul, I sall defoul thy Pryde;

Peild Gled, baith fed, and bred of Bitches Syde, Sae lyke a Tyke, Purspyke, quhat Man sets by thee, Forflitten, -bitten, beshitten barkit Hyde. Climb Ledder, fyle Tedder, foul Edder, I defy thee.

Mauch Mutton, byle Button, percht Glutton, Air to Hillhouse;

Rank Beggar, Oyster-dreggar, foul flegger in the Fleit; Chitter-lilling, Ruck-rilling, Lick-schilling in the Millhouse:

Bawd Rehator, Thief of Nature, false Traytor, Feynds Get,

Filling of Tauch, Rak sauch, Cry Crauch thou art owreset;

Mutton Dryver, Girnal Ryver, zad Skyvar foul fell thee; Herityck, Lunatyck, Purspyk, Carlines Pet,

Rotten Crok, dirten Dok, cry Cok, or I sall quell thee

Kennedie to Dunbar.

DOTHANE Deils Son, and Dragon dispytous,
Abiram's Birth, and bred with Beliall,
Wod Werwouf Worm, and Scorpion vennemous
Lucifers Laid, and foul Feynds Face Infernal;
Thou Sodomite seperate frae Saints Celestal;
Put I not Silence to the Shiphird Knave,
Gin thou of new begins to ryme and rave,
Thou sall be made baith blate and bleir Eied Bestial.

How thy Forbeirs are come, I have a Feil,
Of Cockburns-Peth, the Writ makes me awar,
Generit betwixt a scho Beir and a Deil;
Sae he was calld Deilber and not Dunbar :

This Deilber generit of a Meir of Mar.
Corspatrick Earl of Merch, and be Ilusion,
The first that eir pat Scotland in Confusion,
Was that false Traytor firmly say I dare.

Quhen Bruce and Baliol differt for the Croun,
Scots Lords could not obey the Inglis Laws;
This Corspatrick betrayed Berwick Town,

And slew Seven thousand Scots within thae Waws:
The Battle syne of Spottsmuir he gart cause,

And came with Edward Langshanks to the Field, Where Twelve thousand true Scottish Men were kill'd,

And Wallace chaist, as the Chronicle shaws.

Scots Lords and Chiftains he gart hald and Chesson,
In Firmance fast, till all the Field was done,
Within Dunbar that auld Spelunk of Treason;
Sae Inglis Tykes in Scotland wan abune;
Then spulziet they the Haly Stane of Scone;
The Cross of Halyroodhouse, and sic Jewells;
He birns in Hell, Body, Banes and Bowells,
This Corspatrick that Scotland has undone..

Wallace gart cry an Counsale into Perth,

And call'd Corspatrick Traytor be his Style,
But that damn'd Dragon drew him in Diserth,
And said he kend but Wallace King in Kyle,
Out of Dunbar that Thief he made Exyle,
Unto Edward and Inglis Ground again:
Serpents and Taids and Tigers sall remain,
In Dunbar Waws, Tods, Woufs and Beists vyle.

Nae Fowles of Effect, now amange thae Binks,
Biggs nor abydes, for nothing that may be,
Thy Stanes of Treason as the Bruntstane stinks,
Of Deilbers Mother casten in the Se.

The Variet Aple of the forbidden Tree, That Adam eit quhen he tint Paradyce, Scho eit envennom'd like a Cockatryce, Syne marriet with the Deil for Dignitie. Zit of new Treason I can tell the Tales,

That cums on Nicht by Vision in my Sleip, Archbauld Dunbar betray'd the House of Hales, Because the zung Lord had Dunbar to keip, Throu that pretendand to their Rowms to creip; Richt crewely his Castle he purseuet,

Broucht him forth boundin, and the Place reskewt, Set him in Fetters in a Dungeon deip.

It were against baith Nature and gude Reason,
That Deilbers Bairns were true to GoD or Man,
Quhilk were baith gotten, born and bred in Treason,
Belzebubbs Oys and curst Corspatricks Clan,
Thou was prescryvt and ordain'd be Sathan,
Now to be born to do thy Kin Defame,
And gar me shaw thy Antecessours Schame,
Thy Kin that lives may wary thee and ban.

Sen thou on me thus, Lymmer, leis and trattlis,
And sends sic Sentence foundit of Envy;
Thy Elders Banes ryse ilka Nicht and ratle;
And on thy Corss, Vengance, Vengance they cry,
Thou art the Cause they may not rest nor ly;
Thou says for them few Paters, Salms or Creids,
But gars me tell their Rentells and Misdeids,
And thair auld Sin with new Schame certery.

Insenswat Sow, ceis fals Eustaces Air,

And knaw, kein Scald I hald of Alathia, And gar me not the Cause lang to declair, Of thy curst Kin Deilber and his Alia; Cum to the Corss on Kneis and mak a Cria, Confess thy Cryme, hald Kennedie thy King, And with a Hawthorn scourge thy sell and ding, Thus drie thy Pennance dele quisti quia.

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