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weighed down with the cares of state, has been fain to confess the refreshing powers of his Alhamra. Strangers who visit the capital should call at the "Marble Pillar."

"LIVE AND LET LIVE."--This is the motto of the enterprising young caterers, Messrs. Walnut and Radford, who hold forth at No. 214 Broadway, opposite St. Paul's; and we may safely say that whoever lives under their administration, will live

well. They have recently enlarged and refitted their pleasant establishment as a resort for the bons vivants, and their larder is always stocked with the choicest viands.

BLACKMAN'S WASHINGTON RESTAURANT is one of the convenient places of the town for procuring an excellent dinner or lunch. His quarters are at 15 Nassau street.



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"By unwise attempts to 'harden the constitution' by needless exposure to heat and cold, and over-exertion; forgetting that a man's constitution is like a good garment, which lasts the longer for being the better taken care of, and is no more im

the general reader; and in our climate, where these diseases are very prevalent, such a book is of the utmost value. We make a very short extract, which comprises "a volume" in itself, if estimated by the good it may do in removing a prevalent and dangerous error. Speaking of Consumption, the of the "profes-Doctor says, it is generally inherent, but is also prosions," and the "fac- duced by various causes which he enumerates, and ulty" at least will finally, from necessity find its account with the printer instead of the patient. What with medical books, lectures, and nostrums, what with the teachings of Allo-, Hydro-, and Homoeo-pathy, man will soon learn to know himself, prescribe for himself, and give stout battle, f not with disease and even death itself, at least with the doctors. Many a good and many a bad book on physic and physiology has made its appearance, "illustrated with cuts," during the past few years. The doctors have evidently discovered that the people are far more willing to take their precepts than their practice, that they will more readily swallow their theories than their medicines; and with the numerous rays of pharmaceutic and physiological light already let in upon the public mind, it is

found to be much easier to preserve than to restore health. By means of the sensible and really scientific portion of the medical books published, men are enabled to discover many of the causes of disease, and thus avoid it, as also the appropriate remedies to be applied when disease occurs. Redfield, of Clinton Hall, has just published one of this class, entitled:

BRONCHITIS AND KINDRED DISEASES. By W. W. HALL, M. D.-This is a book of 350 pages, including an index, and treating of the diseases of the throat, the bronchia and the lungs, written in a language and style adapted to the comprehension of

proved by hard treatment than a new hat is made better by being banged about."

This is not only plain-spoken, but rational, and consistent with common sense; for, to say the least, there can be no harm in the avoidance of unnecessary exposure. The Doctor in this work takes the ground that Consumption is not in all cases an incurable disease.

THE CAVALIERS OF ENGLAND. BY HENRY WILLIAM HERBERT. New-York: J. S. Redfield, Clinton Hall. This may properly be termed a romance of English history, written by one whose long residence in a republic has not sufficed to wean his spirit from the ancient usages of fatherland, or to monarchical and regal ceremonies and institutions, eradicate from his soul the strong affiliation to book, which comprises a series of fugitive pieces, implanted in the mind of his youth. Mr. Herbert's heretofore published in varions magazines, will be read with interest for its romance rather than its history; but it is of a class which we never commend to an American reader, as being calculated to convey false and poisonous notions of legitimacy and aristocracy, entirely unsuited to a republican student. The American reader can store his mind with true pictures on these subjects by the perusal

of legitimate history, and to that we commend him delineating the passions, Remorse, Jealousy, Reon all occasions.

LILLIAN AND OTHER POEMS. BY WINTHROP MACK WORTH PRAED. Redfield, Clinton Hall.-The poems of Praed have heretofore been better known in England than in America, though many of his fugitive pieces have been conned with delight by the readers of our own periodical literature. This volume is the first collation of his poetical works, and even this is very incomplete. Their author was one of the most promising of modern English poets, and it is much to be regretted that his career was so early cut off. A term of ten years added to such a life would undoubtedly have placed the name of its possessor among the deathless poets of the world, and given to mankind an unpalling feast of delight. There is a peculiar freshness of style in Praed's poetry, a sort of fine mosaic, composed of the gems of fancy and fact most choicely and artistically put to gether, and none can read them and tire. With few exceptions, his poems are like exquisite paint ings, over which the eye wanders again and again, constantly seeking and finding new beauties.

REMORSE AND OTHER TALES. By G. P. R. JAMES. New-York: Bunce & Brother, 134 Nassau street. This is said to be the best work of its well-known author. It comprises a series of consecutive tales

venge, Love, Despair, and Hatred, carefully interWoven with romance of captivating interest.

THE TWO FAMILIES: An Episode in the History of Chapelton. By the Author of "Rose Douglass.” New-York: Harper & Brothers.--Chapelton is represented as a pretty country town in Scotland, and the present work purports to be a side-leaf in its history. It will pass current at least as a romance of pleasing interest, carrying with it a good moral.

COURTESY, MANNERS, AND HABITS. By GEOSGE WINFRED HERVEY. Harper & Brothers.--Guessing at the title of this book, we should have placed it in the Chesterfieldian category. But it does not belong there. What Chesterfield was in the fashionable and social world, Hervey is in the religious, and his book is devoted to the culture of becoming courtesy and etiquette as a Christian duty among Christians: a worthy mission truly, yet one that would seem to be superfluous in the field to which it is devoted. There is yet room for another Chesterfield.

FIELD-BOOK OF THE REVOLUTION.--No. 22 of Lossing's patriotic pictorial is now before the public, published by the Harpers. We are not surprised to learn that this valuable serial is in extensive demand.


ADDRESS OF CHANCELLOR AMES C. PAGE.On the evening of the 27th of April, Warren Chapter No. 3 held an anniversary celebration at their rooms in Brooklyn, at which a large company of ladies and gentlemen were present. Our ever active and energetic brother, A. C. Page, Esq., having been chosen as the

orator of the occasion, was present, and delivered a most interesting discourse; stepping from the counting-room to the rostrum, and emerging from the bustling scenes of mereantile duties to the responsible and embarrassing position of a public speaker, with all the ease of an adept in the oratorical art. We make a few extracts from this address, all of which are very fine, and some critically beautiful. The subject being TRUTH, we quote a few words from the proem:

"By truth, we mean things as they are; facts and the relations of facts; things as God appre hends them; things as God reveals them to his creatures."

The speaker proceeded to state, that as truth came from God, it pervaded the whole creation; but that, by the birth and growth of error, truth became perverted or hidden upon earth, and was again brought forth and


revealed to man through the advent of the Saviour. With him it was crucified, and with him arose again. Subsequently it was cast by the Papacy into the wells of the Inquisition, and restored again by Martin Luther. The speaker next dwelt largely upon the value of truth in religion, government, and in all the various phases of its application. We quote a passage:

"But there is enjoyment, and of the highest order, in the pursuit of truth, which renders the necessary toil and self denial but a trivial sacrifice. But while I may insist on the reality of purely intellectual pleasure from study and reflection, my principal object is to declare the superior pleasure which truth in contemplation and possession gives over every other source of enjoyment; a pleasure open to all minds, whether cultivated or uncultivated: to the reflecting student most accessible in its purest quality and largest degree; but also derivable to those who never investigate patiently nor reflect intensely. Truth, discovered and possessed by the mind, gives its own peculiar pleasure. The contemplation of a single truth, casually perceived, as well as that elicited by elaborate reasoning, and brought out in clusters of gems from the deep mines of thought; a bare fact, separated en tirely from error and raised above doubt, contemplated as an immutable reality, bestows enjoyment of a nature superior to the most ingenious combinations where error is known or suspected to be hidden."

The effects of truth and error upon the mind and faculties are thus analytically set forth:

"If error went no further than the intellect, the consequences would not be so sad. But it cannot stop there. The intellectual faculties are the masticators and digestive apparatus of the soul. The mind perceives, reflects, digests, and then the moral circulation and assimilation commence. What the mind feeds on, goes to the conscience, the passions, the heart. If it be truth, the conscience is quickened and true, and the heart beats with healthful pulse, and urges on a current of life throughout the whole being. If it be error, the conscience is paralyzed, the passions swollen and ungovernable, the will perverted, and ready to do the bidding of the basest lusts; and the heart circulates a flood of death throughout the entire economy of the soul.

"So with the body politic. If error could remain in our Constitution, our law-books and legislative speeches, and not circulate through the arteries and veins of our country, it might be a shame and a sin, but it could not do extended injury. But it cannot remain there. A fundamental error at the heart of our Constitution, or in one of the main arteries of our laws, may speedily be found in its effects at the remotest extremity and in the tiniest vein.

"Let us then reflect on the infinite preference of truth over error. Error may come in specious political falsities, promising to distinguish and aggrandize a people by some newly conceived

notion, that takes because it is a novelty. It may present before our eyes the tempting vision of our millions of inert and silent acres all tilled and populated, and teeming with social and business life. And it may whisper that this desired result can be best accomplished by throwing open every door of our precious asylum to the galled serfs of other lands, and enlarging and multiplying our ballot-boxes.

"It may perhaps come to our ears, in the siren eloquence of a true freeman exiled from a land that has a right to be free, and urge us to admit and act upon a fallacy that is so like truth that wise men doubt and hesitate to reject it; and, by touching the tenderest sympathies of an American, almost make us believe it is our duty to join a holy foreign crusade against the tyrants of the old world. Or it may come in any other form. And yet I say, if solid, sober judgment pronounces that error even lurks in it, we had better repress our desire for population, our sympathies with the distant oppressed, tax immigration, and wall in our ballot-boxes, than that political error should defile the fine gold of our republican crown, or poison the arteries of our happy and as yet healthy country. We have nothing to do with any scheme, however fair it promise for wealth, honor, or increase, that will not bear the scrutiny of truth."

The truth in government is thus apostrophized:

"Especially do our age and country demand vigilant partisans of truth. The truth in government never was displayed to mortal eyes until the founding of our republic. An enlightened, free, religious people, with Bible republicanism for their polity, is the full-orbed truth in human government. Brethren, I believe our order is another embodied truth. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty;' and by what eyes shall this vigilance be exercised, if not by the native-born sons of freedom? Who shall be the body-guard of truth in religion and politics for our native land, if not we, whose fathers possessed the soil before we were born? Who so well understand the true principles of our government as we, who were taught them in infancy? Who can possibly love them so well as we, who have never known any other? When immense hosts of aliens are landing annually on our shores, and, like the well-trained regiments of an invading army, form immediately into battalions, ready for self-defense or aggression, needs there no organization of American natives to stand ready for defense, or offense if need be? Or is our country merely a vast tract of land, with some magic property that transforms monarchists at once into liberalists; serfs into men; barbarians into the enlightened and refined; and all, atheists, infidels, and Papists, at once into lovers and practisers of truth? Is America merely a continent, or is it the sacred birth-right of liberty? And is liberty a thing necessarily eternal because it has once existed; and incapable of corruption because it has existed in purity? or is it liable both to be vitiated and annihilated? And by whom is it most likely to be destroyed? By invading armies, under a foreign leader, coming with the avowed purpose of aggression; or by armies equally averse to true, constitutional, restricted liberty, flying from the abodes of tyranny and hunger and ignorance,

and hurled by the very force of necessity at once to the other extreme of riot and licentiousness? Is American freedom of such a nature that it cannot possibly be deteriorated by this mighty in flux of unleavened humanity from the old world?

"Brethren, surely as liberty is the hope of the world, our order is an embodied truth! It is henceforth to be a perpetual institution so long as our country is the chosen of God, the home of the Bible, of virtue, of science, of industry, of hope. The necessity of its existence will never cease until the world is free, until infidelity is dead, until Rome shall be hurled from the seven hills, until tyrants and demagogues shall have disappeared from the earth. As conservators of the greatest and holiest earthly interests, let us then be vigilant, watchful, active, untiring. Let truth be inscribed upon our banner; truth be written upon our hearts; truth be our motto with each other; truth our search, our hope, and our reward."

CHANCERY, O. U. A., STATE OF NEW-YORK, New-York, April 26th, 1852. THE following Rules and Regulations were adopted and ordered to be printed.



Chancery shall always be opened at the appointed time. The G. S. shall preside, assisted by the Grand 1st and 2d Chiefs. In the absence of the G. S., the Chair shall be taken by the Senior Officer present.

Should no quorum appear within thirty minutes of the time named, the members present may or ganize the meeting, and adjourn to some specified future time. A representation of one third of the Chapters, or twenty Chancellors from the body at large, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


The Officers shall be respectively stationed as follows:-Grand 1st C. on the right, and Grand 2d C. on the left of the G. S.; G. Č. of the C. and G. C. C. at the side desk on the right, and G. C. of the E. and G. F. C. at the side desk on the left of the G. S.

It shall be the duty of the G. S. at A. to prevent the admission in, or remaining within the bar of Chancery of other than members of this or other Chanceries, or persons duly authorized.


The G. S. shall appoint two members of the Order to act as Marshals, who shall have charge of the doors.


Every Chancellor shall appear with the Emblem and Star. On entering the Hall of meeting, the name of each Chancellor, together with the name of the Chapter he represents, shall be announced by the Marshal in charge of the inner door; and each person admitted shall salute the G. S. both

upon entering and retiring. Members of Chancery entering the Room after the calling of the Roll shall report themselves to the G. C. of the C. in order that their names may be entered upon the Minutes.


The business of each Session shall be conducted in the following order:

1. Calling the Roll of Members.

2. Reading Minutes of preceding Session. *3. Communications from Arch-Chancery. *4. Communications from Grand Sachem. 5. Communications from Chapters.

6. Reception of Appeals.

7. Reception of Applications for Charters. 8. Reception of Miscellaneous Communications 9. Reports of Standing Committees. 10. Reports of Special Committees. 11. Unfinished Business. 12. New Business.



The Roll of Committees shall be called at each meeting, and reports made, if ready. Committees on special business shall, if practicable, report at the Session next after their appointment.


The G. S. may at any time during the Session suspend the proceedings for the purpose of quali fying a new member, whose credentials shall have been previously presented. Delegates shall always be presented for qualification by a member of the body.


No question shall be stated unless moved by two Brothers, nor be open for consideration unti stated by the G. S.; and when a question is before Chancery, no motion shall be in order, except, 1st, To adjourn; 2d, To lay on the table; Sd, The previous question; 4th, To postpone; 5th, To refur; 6th, To amend. And they shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged, the first three of which shall be decided without debate.


All Ordinances and Resolutions must be presented in writing.


When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be first taken on the highest sum or number, and the longest time proposed.


Any member may call for a division of the question when the sense will admit of it.


When any three members call for the yeas and nays, the G. C. of the C. shall call the roll alphabeti cally, when, as a member is called, he shall caless excused) declare openly and without debate or explanation his assent or dissent to the question.

* Communications from Arch-Chancery or the G. S. may be received at any time during the Session.


After any question, except one of indefinite postponement, has been decided, any two members who voted in the majority, and none other, may, at the next meeting, move for a reconsideration thereof; but no discussion of the main question

shall be allowed unless reconsidered.


No Chancellor shall speak more than twice on any subject under consideration, while any other Brother who has not spoken more than once on the question claims the floor, nor more than ten minutes each time, unless by unanimous consent.


When a Chancellor intends to speak on a question, he shall rise in his place, and respectfully ad dress the G. S. in the words, Most Noble Grand Sachem, who shall then announce the speaker by name. Should more than one Chancellor rise to speak at the same time, the G. S. shall determine who is entitled to the floor, and no Chancellor shall proceed to speak until he has been announced by the chair.


The G. S. or any Chancellor may call a Brother to order while speaking, when the debate shall be suspended until the point of order be determined; unless he appeal from the decision of the Chair, when he may use the following words, and none other: "Most N. G. S., I respectfully appeal from the decision of the Chair to Chancery;" whereupon Chancery shall, without debate, except the appellant may state the ground of his appeal and the G. S. the reasons for his decision, not occupying more than five minutes each, proceed to vote upon the question, which shall always be put as follows: "Will Chancery sustain the decision of the Chair?"


The previous question shall be in this form: "Shall the main question be now put ?" It shall only be admitted when called by ten members, and supported by majority vote of Chancery. And its effect shall be to put an end to all debate, and bring the Chancery to a direct vote upon pending amendments, (if any,) and, thereupon, the main question.


No member shall be permitted to speak or vote on any question before Chancery, unless clothed with the Emblem and Star.

The following resolution was also adopted: Resolved, That the meetings of this body shall always be opened by prayer, recognizing the necessity of the Divine Blessing and Benediction upon our objects and efforts, and that the person chosen by the presiding officer to fulfil that duty shall confine himself to the objects above named; but should no suitable person be present, the above duty may be dispensed with.

E PLURIBUS UNUM CHAPTER has removed from the corner of the Bowery and Broome street to Masonic Hall, No 274 Grand street,

where its meetings will be hereafter held on Thursday evenings.

WAYNE CHAPTER No. 52 celebrated their first anniversary on Tuesday evening, May 4th, at their Chapter rooms.

There was a

goodly number of the sons and daughters of America in attendance to listen to the exercises, which consisted of vocal music by a select choir, and addresses by several members of the Order.

The principal address was delivered, at the request of the Chapter, by Chancellor Jos. C. Morton, of Franklin Chapter, who pointed out and exhibited to the audience, in that truthful and forcible manner for which he is characterized, the many and various elements that are prevalent and growing in the midst of the American people, which will, unless speedily eradicated and destroyed, tend to lead to and hasten our nation's decay.

The lecture was listened to with the most profound respect and admiration by an intelligent and attentive audience; and at its close, a unanimous vote of thanks was tendered to the able lecturer by the meeting, with a request that he would deliver his lecture on "Political Education" before the Chapter on some future occasion.

This Chapter is in a very flourishing condition. Although it has been organized but one year, it can boast of having over ninety members, principally young men, but whose hearts and views are as one as to their duties as Americans; a surplus in their treasury of near $200, notwithstanding the extra expenses incidental to the first year's existence of a Chapter, and one of the most magnificent and costly banners in the city.

May Wayne Chapter ever continue to flourish and prosper, and spread those patriotic principles upon which our noble Order is based.

DUTIES OF CHAPLAINS OF THE ORDER.-The Chaplains of the several Chapters of the Order, besides their other duties, are required by Ordnance No. 6, establishing a funeral service, to report immediately to the Grand Chaplain the decease of any brother of the Chapter. Each Chaplain is also required by section 3, article III., "to record in a book to be kept by him, the death of each brother, together with the cause, time, place of burial,"

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