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and hurled by the very force of necessity at once to the other extreme of riot and licentiousness? Is American freedom of such a nature that it can

not possibly be deteriorated by this mighty in flux of unleavened humanity from the old world? "Brethren, surely as liberty is the hope of the world, our order is an embodied truth! It is henceforth to be a perpetual institution so long as our country is the chosen of God, the home of the Bible, of virtue, of science, of industry, of hope. The necessity of its existence will never cease until the world is free, until infidelity is dead, until Rome shall be hurled from the seven hills, until tyrants and demagogues shall have disappeared from the earth. As conservators of the greatest and holiest earthly interests, let us then be vigilant, watchful, active, untiring. Let truth be inscribed upon our banner; truth be written upon our hearts; truth be our motto with each other; truth our search, our hope, and our reward."

CHANCERY, O. U. A., STATE OF NEW-YORK, New-York, April 26th, 1852. THE following Rules and Regulations were adopted and ordered to be printed.



Chancery shall always be opened at the appointed time. The G. S. shall preside, assisted by the Grand 1st and 2d Chiefs. In the absence of the G. S, the Chair shall be taken by the Senior Officer present.

Should no quorum appear within thirty minutes of the time named, the members present may organize the meeting, and adjourn to some specified future time. A representation of one third of the Chapters, or twenty Chancellors from the body at large, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


The Officers shall be respectively stationed as follows:-Grand 1st C. on the right, and Grand 2d C. on the left of the G. S.; G. Č. of the C. and G. C. C. at the side desk on the right, and G. C. of the E. and G. F. C. at the side desk on the left of the G. S.

It shall be the duty of the G. S. at A. to prevent the admission in, or remaining within the bar of Chancery of other than members of this or other Chanceries, or persons duly authorized.


The G. S. shall appoint two members of the Order to act as Marshals, who shall have charge of the doors.


Every Chancellor shall appear with the Emblem and Star. On entering the Hall of meeting, the name of each Chancellor, together with the name of the Chapter he represents, shall be announced by the Marshal in charge of the inner door; and each person admitted shall salute the G. S. both

upon entering and retiring. Members of Chancery entering the Room after the calling of the Roli shall report themselves to the G. C. of the C. in order that their names may be entered upon the | Minutes.


The business of each Session shall be conducted in the following order:

1. Calling the Roll of Members.

2. Reading Minutes of preceding Session. *3. Communications from Arch-Chancery. *4. Communications from Grand Sachem. 5. Communications from Chapters. 6. Reception of Appeals.

7. Reception of Applications for Charters. 8. Reception of Miscellaneous Communications 9. Reports of Standing Committees. 10. Reports of Special Committees. 11. Unfinished Business. 12. New Business.



The Roll of Committees shall be called at each meeting, and reports made, if ready. Committees on special business shall, if practicable, report at the Session next after their appointment.


The G. S. may at any time during the Session suspend the proceedings for the purpose of qualifying a new member, whose credentials shall have been previously presented. Delegates shall always be presented for qualification by a member of the body.


No question shall be stated unless moved by two Brothers, nor be open for consideration unt stated by the G. S.; and when a question is before Chancery, no motion shall be in order, except, 1st, To adjourn; 2d, To lay on the table; Sd, The previous question; 4th, To postpone; 5th, To refr; 6th, To amend. And they shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged, the first three of which shall be decided without debate.

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After any question, except one of indefinite postponement, has been decided, any two members who voted in the majority, and none other, may, at the next meeting, move for a reconsideration thereof; but no discussion of the main question shall be allowed unless reconsidered.


No Chancellor shall speak more than twice on any subject under consideration, while any other Brother who has not spoken more than once on the question claims the floor, nor more than ten minutes each time, unless by unanimous consent.


When a Chancellor intends to speak on a question, he shall rise in his place, and respectfully ad dress the G. S. in the words, Most Noble Grand Sachem, who shall then announce the speaker by name. Should more than one Chancellor rise to speak at the same time, the G. S. shall determine who is entitled to the floor, and no Chancellor shall proceed to speak until he has been announced by the chair.


The G. S. or any Chancellor may call a Brother to order while speaking, when the debate shall be suspended until the point of order be determined; unless he appeal from the decision of the Chair, when he may use the following words, and none other: "Most N. G. S., I respectfully appeal from the decision of the Chair to Chancery;" whereupon Chancery shall, without debate, except the appellant may state the ground of his appeal and the G. S. the reasons for his decision, not occupying more than five minutes each, proceed to vote upon the question, which shall always be put as follows: "Will Chancery sustain the decision of the Chair?"


The previous question shall be in this form: "Shall the main question be now put?" It shall only be admitted when called by ten members, and supported by majority vote of Chancery. And its effect shall be to put an end to all debate, and bring the Chancery to a direct vote upon pending amendments, (if any,) and, thereupon, the main question.


No member shall be permitted to speak or vote on any question before Chancery, unless clothed

with the Emblem and Star.

The following resolution was also adopted: Resolved, That the meetings of this body shall always be opened by prayer, recognizing the necessity of the Divine Blessing and Benediction upon our objects and efforts, and that the person chosen by the presiding officer to fulfil that duty shall confine himself to the objects above named; but should no suitable person be present, the above duty may be dispensed with.

E PLURIBUS UNUM CHAPTER has removed from the corner of the Bowery and Broome street to Masonic Hall, No 274 Grand street,

where its meetings will be hereafter held on Thursday evenings.

WAYNE CHAPTER No. 52 celebrated their first anniversary on Tuesday evening, May 4th, at their Chapter rooms. There was a goodly number of the sons and daughters of America in attendance to listen to the exercises, which consisted of vocal music by a select choir, and addresses by several members of the Order.

The principal address was delivered, at the request of the Chapter, by Chancellor Jos. C. Morton, of Franklin Chapter, who pointed out and exhibited to the audience, in that truthful and forcible manner for which he is characterized, the many and various elements that are prevalent and growing in the midst of the American people, which will, unless speedily eradicated and destroyed, tend to lead to and hasten our nation's decay.

The lecture was listened to with the most profound respect and admiration by an intelligent and attentive audience; and at its close, a unanimous vote of thanks was tendered to the able lecturer by the meeting, with a request that he would deliver his lecture on "Political Education" before the Chapter on some future occasion.

This Chapter is in a very flourishing condition. Although it has been organized but one year, it can boast of having over ninety members, principally young men, but whose hearts and views are as one as to their duties as Americans; a surplus in their treasury of incidental to the first year's existence of a near $200, notwithstanding the extra expenses Chapter, and one of the most magnificent and costly banners in the city.

May Wayne Chapter ever continue to flourish and prosper, and spread those patriotic principles upon which our noble Order · is


DUTIES OF CHAPLAINS OF THE ORDER.-The Chaplains of the several Chapters of the Order, besides their other duties, are required by Ordnance No. 6, establishing a funeral service, to report immediately to the Grand Chaplain the decease of any brother of the Chapter. Each Chaplain is also required by section 3, article III., "to record in a book to be kept by him, the death of each brother, together with the cause, time, place of burial,

and the duration of his illness, with any thing of interest in connection with his life and death, and report the same to the Grand Chaplain."

The Grand Chaplain is required by the same ordnance to "keep a book in which shall be recorded the names and residences of the several Chapter Chaplains, and also such general or special information as he may receive from them." A record of this kind, if carefully kept, will become one of deep interest, and valuable for reference in the future; and

in order that it may be well and perfectly kept, it is necessary that the several subordinate Chaplains be prompt and faithful in their

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Resolved, That we tender to Wayne Guards our unfeigned thanks for the favor extended to us on the day alluded to; that their kindness, gentlemanly conduct, and good feeling shall ever be remembered with gratitude by us as individuals and as a body.

Resolved, That we congratulate Wayne Guard on their success in military tactics; the "school of the soldier" has been well learned by its Commandant, and imparted to his command, and proves that the name they have adopted never will be dishonored by want of knowledge or lack of courage; and we are confident, as long as we have them at the right of our line, we have but to follow to be sure of victory, when called on to defend the American Constitution and its laws. And it was further

Resolved, That a copy of the above preamble and resolutions be transmitted to the Wayne Guards, and a copy of the same be published in the Republic, a journal of the O.U.A., under seal of the Chapter by the C. of the C.

E. S. Du Bois, C. of the C.

HEALTH OF THE GRAND CHAPLAIN.-The members of the Order will be glad to learn that Col. Steele, G.C., is rapidly recovering from the effects of the dangerous injuries received by being thrown from his carriage a few weeks since. We are happy to announce also that Chancellor Lefevre, whose life was

for some time despaired of, is now considered out of danger, and in a fair way to speedy recovery. The illness of these gentlemen has temporarily retarded the progress of the monument.

THE CHANCERY OF NEW-JERSEY will hold its next quarterly session at Jersey City, on the second Wednesday of June. As all or nearly all the railroads of the State concentrate at that place, it is expected that a large number of Chancellors will be present. A goodly number of members from New-York will probably visit the Chancery of NewJersey during its session.

WASHINGTON Chapter at Orange, N.J.—

We are pleased to learn that this new Chapter is thriving successfully, and that arrangements are in progress for celebrating their first anniversary on the 31st of July, by a public demonstration. In the rural districts of New-Jersey, our Order is proportionately better represented than in any other State.

THE NEW-YORK CHANCERY will hold its June Session at Poughkeepsie, on Monday the 7th inst. Members from this city and Brooklyn will go by the Hudson River Railroad. We understand that arrangements are made by Oncachta Chapter for a public address in the evening, explanatory of our objects and principles.

THE MONUMENT.-A meeting of the delegates from the several Chapters, appointed to obtain subscriptions for lots in the Monument Cemetery, will be held on Monday evening, May 31, at Chancery Rooms, for the purpose of ascertaining the number of lots subscribed. The trustees will be in attendance, and each delegate is requested to come prepared with his subscription book; or, if he cannot be present in person, to send the book.

ZACHARY TAYLOR CHAPTER meets hereafter on Thursday evenings instead of Wednesday. The rooms are on the Third Avenue, near Fifty-eighth street.

AMERICAN CHAPTER has changed its night of meeting from Monday to Wednesday. Rooms, 360 Broadway.

LEXINGTON ASSOCIATION of Brooklyn has, we learn, made the preliminary arrangements for an excursion on 15th of July next.

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WM. W. OSBORN, G. S.-C. E. GILDERSLEVE, G. C. C. Alpha, No. 1, Saturday, cor. Broadway and Grand street. Washington, No. 2, Thursday, cor. Grand and Ludlow sts. Stephen R. Thorne, S.-Thos. Eaton, C. C. Warren, No. 3, Tuesday, Court st., near Fulton, Brooklyn. A. C. Page, S.-C. F. Hermance, C. C. Manhattan, No. 4, Thursday, corner Avenue C and 4th st. Lawrence, No. 5, Thursday, cor. 128th street and 3d Av. American, No. 6, Wednesday, 360 Broadway. Columbia, No. 7, Thursday, cor. Bleecker and Morton sts.

Francis T. Baker, S.-Joseph H. Pomeroy, C. C. Putnam, No. 8, Wednesday, corner Grand and Ludlow sts. Franklin, No. 9, Friday, corner Grand and Ludlow sts.

Wm. B. Ferguson, S.-H. A. Tremper, C. C. Paulding, No. 10, Tuesday, corner 23d st. and 8th Av. Marion, No. 11, Friday, Court st., near Fulton, Brooklyn. Continental, No. 12, Thursday, 327 Bowery.

E. A. Schermerhorn, S.-Wm. P. Armstrong, C. C. Mount Vernon, No. 13, Wednesday, 149 Bowery. Hancock, No. 14, Wednesday, c. Bleecker and Morton sts. A. Horton Keech, S.-C. C.

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Liberty, No. 15, Friday, 149 Bowery.
Decatur, No. 16, Thursday, cor. Broadway and Grand st.
Lexington, No. 17, Monday, Low's Building, Brooklyn.
National, No. 18, Tuesday, 149 Bowery.
Adams, No. 19, Wednesday, Haverstraw.

Ethan Allen, No. 20, Tuesday, c. S. 1st & 4th sts., Wil'b'g.
Perry, No. 21, Thursday, corner 23d street and 8th Av.
Charter Oak, No. 22, Monday, 327 Bowery.

Fort Washington, No. 23, Yonkers.
Woodhull, No. 24, Wednesday, Jamaica, L. I.

Champe, No. 25, Thursday, corner Grove and Hudson sts.
Plymouth, No 26, Thursday, Court st., near Fulton, Br❜kn
Bunker Hill, No. 27, Friday, cor. Bleecker and Morton sts.
Excelsior, No. 28, Tuesday, corner Grand and Ludlow st s.
Independence, No. 29, Wednesday, National Hall.

John C. Garnsey, S.-Jasper Drake, C. C.

Schuyler, No. 30, Friday, 327 Bowery.

Westchester, No. 31, Wednesday, at Tarrytown.

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Tappan, No. 40, Monday, Piermont.

New-York, No. 41, Friday, corner Grove and Hudson sts. Huguenot, No. 42, Friday, Port Richmond, S. I.

E Pluribus Unum, No. 43, Thursday, 274 Grand street.
Liberty Tree, No. 44, Friday, Commercial Buildings, Albany.
Union, No. 45, Thursday, Fort Chester.

Ringgold, No. 46, Tuesday, Greensburg, Dobbs' Ferry.
Ironsides, No. 47, Friday, corner Grand and Broadway.
American Eagle, No. 48, Mamaroneck, Wednesday.
Jefferson, No. 49, Tuesday, corner 29th street and 8th Av.
Oneachta, No. 50, Poughkeepsie, Thursday.
Valley Forge, No. 51, Wednesday, 149 Sixteenth street.
Wayne, No. 52, Tuesday, corner Grove and Hudson sts.
Peekskill, No. 53, Tuesday, Peekskill,

Fort Greene, No. 54, Wed., Montague Hall, Brooklyn.
Empire, No. 55, Friday, 187 Bowery.

Star Spangled Banner, No. 56, Wednesday, Albany.
United States, No. 57, 283 Grand Street.
Constitution, No. 58, Smithville, L. I.


JOHN H. LYON, G. S.-J. B. CLEVELAND, G. C. C. Pioneer, No. 1, Friday, Morris' Buildings, Newark. James R. Sanford, S.-Henry Babbitt, C. C. Clark, No. 2, Monday, Rahway.

Nathan Hale, No. 3, Thursday, Morris' Buildings, Newark, Morgan, No. 4, Tuesday, Hoboken.

Jersey Blue, No. 5, Monday, New-Brunswick.

American, No. 6, Friday, Franklin Hall, Jersey City.
Washington, No. 7, Wednesday, Orange,

American Eagle, No. 8, Tues., Odd Fellows' Hall, Paterson.
John Vermule, S.-Andrew Van Bussom, C. C.
Monmouth, No. 9, Thursday, Freehold.
American Flag, No. 10, Tuesday, Morris' Buildings, New❜k.
Liberty, No. 11, Wednesday, Bergen.
Columbia, No. 12, Saturday, Madison.

Excelsior, No. 13, Monday, Morris' Buildings, Newark.
Raritan Chapter, No. 14, Keyport.

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Alpha, No. 1, Monday afternoon, 2 o'clock, O. U. A. Hall, corner Ludlow and Grand streets.

Columbia, No. 2, Wednesday afternoon, 2 o'clock, corner Hudson and Grove streets.

Lady Washington, No. 3, Monday evening, 7 o'clock, O. U. A. Hall, corner Ludlow and Grand streets. Lady Putnam, No. 4, Monday evening, 7 o'clock, No. 360 Grand street.

Pocahontas, No. 5, Monday afternoon, 2 o'clock, Fountain Hall, 149 Bowery.

Lady Perry, No. 6, Monday afternoon, 2 o'clock, corner of 29th street and 8th avenue. New-York, No. 7, Wednesday afternoon, corner Lispenard street and Broadway.

No. 8,

La Motte, No. 9, Thursday evening, 7 o'clock, Allen, near Grand street.

Lady Champe, No. 10, Wednesday afternoon, 2 o'clock corner Hudson and Grove sts, Ashe and Hall. Liberty Star, No. 1, Newark, New-Jersey, Wednesday evening, 7 o'clock, 259 Broad st.

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