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"potted Purity and Chastity of your Lives and "Converfation."

We hope, by this Time, the Reader is convinced, that fo exact a fyftem of Morals could not eafily have been produced from the licentious Inventions of the Mafon.

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From the Cloyfter we go through a narrow Paffage in the north fide, into the Court where the New Building ftands. This Edifice is 300 Feet in Length, and confifts of three ftories befides the Garrets. This Front is fupported by an Arcade, which forms a beautiful Cloyfter. The whole is deemed an elegant ftructure. It has confiderably the advantage of fome other modern Buildings; for in thofe the upper ftory is commonly an Attic, and confequently the Rooms lower than thofe of the middle; the Rooms of the upper ftory here are exactly of the fame Dimenfion with thofe below; and command a better Profpect. Three other fides were intended to be added; but probably, fince the effect of that beautiful opening to the Meadow has been feen*, the Society may think proper, in fome respect, to alter their defign.

One unparalleled beauty belonging to this College is the Grove, which feems perfectly adapted to indulge contemplation; being a pleafant kind of folitude, laid out in walks and well planted with trees. It has in it about forty head of Deer.

Befides the walks which are in the Grove, there is a very delightful and much frequented one round a meadow furrounded by branches of the Cherwell, called the Water-walks, which yields a great variety, fome parts of it running in ftraight lines with the trees regularly cut; others winding, and the trees

*See the Perfpective View annexed.
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growing little otherwife than as nature directs. On the weft fide a beautiful opening is made into the Grove by removing the embattled wall in that part.

This College was founded by William Patten, called WILLIAM of WAINFLEET, from a Village of that name in Lincolnshire, where he was born. He was educated at Winchester School, and was afterwards Fellow of New College. Having taken the Degree of Bachelor in Divinity, he was elected Master of Winchester School, where he continued twelve years, and then was preferred to be Provost of Eton College by King Henry VI. who advanced him to the Bifhopric of Winchester in the year 1447, and in 1449 he was conftituted Lord High Chancellor of England. In the year 1456 he obtained leave of King Henry VI. to convert St. John's Hofpital into a College. He appointed a Prefident, forty Fellows, thirty Demies, a Divinity Lecturer, Schoolmafter and Ufher, four Chaplains, an Organift, eight Clerks, and fixteen Chorifters. The whole number of Students, including Gentlemen Commoners, is about 120.

The Tower, which is fo confpicuous from every part of the neighbourhood, and elegant in its ftructure, was built fome time after the foundation of the College, and has been fuppofed to have been erected either by, or under the inspection of Cardinal Wolfey, who was member of this Society: but this prefumption refts only on the opinion fo generally entertained of this celebrated perfon. No other notice is taken of it in the records of the Society, than that the Tower was begun in fuch a year, and completed about fix years after. The moft advantageous view of it, is from the Phyfic Garden. The Tower contains a very mufical peal of ten Bells.

Vifitor. The Bishop of Winchester.




N the north fide of the High-ftreet, oppofite Univerfity College, is Queen's College. The whole Area, on which this fine College is built, is an oblong square, of 300 feet in length, and 220 in breadth, which being divided by the Hall and Chapel, forms two fpacious Courts.

The fouth end, which is the grand Front, abuts upon the High-ftreet, in the middle whereof is a magnificent gate, and over it the ftatue of Queen Caroline, under a cupola fupported by pillars; the reft of the front being adorned with niches; but no chambers on this fide, except at each end.

The firft, or fouth Court, is a handfome quadrangle, 140 feet long, and 130 broad, having a lofty Cloyfter, fupported by fquare pillars, on the weft, fouth, and eaft. Over the weft Cloyfter are two ftories, confifting of the chambers of the Fellows and Students, an elegant Gallery, and Common Room; and in that Cloyfter is the apartment of the Provost. Over the eaft Cloyfter are alfo chambers for the Fellows and Students, and fome of those of the late Benefaction of Mr. Michell. The fecond, or north Court, has the Library over it on the weft, and chambers for the Fellows and Students on the north, eaft, and fouth. It has lately received confiderable improvements, and is now a very handsome quadrangle.

The Chapel is 100 feet long, and 30 broad. In the arched roof is a piece of painting by Sir James Thornhill. The windows are admirably painted; the fubject of that over the Altar, by Mr. Price in 1717, is the Nativity of our Saviour: under which has lately been placed a painting on the same fubject,

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a copy

a copy from La Notte, The Night, of Correggio, in the Drefden Gallery, efteemed one of the firft pictures in the world. It was prefented to the Society by Mr. Robfon of Bond-ftreet. The fide windows were removed thither from the old Chapel : two on the north fide are the laft Judgment, and two other on the fouth the Afcenfion. The reft are all of old glass, remarkable for the liveliness of the colours.

There is a paffage between the Chapel and the Hall from the fouth to the north Court, the walls of which carry a handsome cupola with eight Ionic columns, and all the proper ornaments of that order. The outside of the whole is a Doric building, and the infide of the Hall beautified with the fame order: but the infide of the Chapel is entirely Corinthian, the ceiling of which is not inferior to the reft.

The Hall is fixty feet long, and thirty broad, with an arched roof of a fuitable height. It is furnished with Portraits of the Founder and principal Benefactors; to which has lately been added a Picture of her prefent Majefty Queen Charlotte. It is extremely well illuminated, and has a chimney-piece of beautiful marble; and there is an opening from the Gallery over the weft Cloyfter, which feems defigned for mufic; and hither ftrangers are frequently brought, who defire to see the Society at dinner.

The Library on the weft fide of the north Court, about 123 feet in length, is a noble building of the Corinthian Order, with a fpacious Cloyfter to the caft, and the ftatue of the Founder, and principal Benefactors to the College, in niches to the west, and is adorned with ftucco-work by the late Mr. Roberts. It has a fplendid Orrery, and is furnished. with a valuable collection of books and manuscripts in moft languages and fciences. It is alfo orna mented ·

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