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the fides feem to be of the fame workmanship: but the greatest curiofity in this chapel is the Painted Cloth, if it may be so called, at the lower part of the altar. It is the only work of its kind at present in Oxford. The cloth, which is of an afh colour, is the medium; the lines and fhades are done with a brown crayon, and the lights with a white one; which being afterwards preffed with hot irons, caufing the damp of the cloth to incorporate with the colours, has fo fixed them, as to be rendered proof against a brush when used to cleanse it from duft: It was performed by Ifaac Fuller, who painted. the Altar-piece at Magdalen College, and it is generally allowed to be a mafterly drawing. The eaft reprefents the Lord's Supper; the north Abraham and Melchifedeck; and the fouth the Children of Ifrael gathering Manna.

This college was defigned by Nicholas Wadham, Efq. and built in purfuance of his will, by Dorothy his widow, anno 1613, who appointed a Warden, fifteen Fellows, fifteen Scholars, two Chaplains, and two Clerks; the Warden to be a native of Great Britain. The Fellows, after having completed eighteen years from their regency, to refign their fellowships. The Scholars, out of whom the Fellows are to be chofen, to be taken three out of Somerfetfhire, and three out. of Effex; the reft out of any county in Great Britain. The moft confiderable Benefactor fince the Founder, was John Goodridge. M. A.

of this college, who gave all his emetime Fellow


ftow in Effex to this Society. Dr. Hoddy added ten Exhibitions, four for Students in Hebrew, and fix for Greek, 10l. a year to each. Lord Wyndham 2000l. of which 15col. to increase the Warden's falary, and 500l. to beautify and repair the college. Bifhop Lifle, the late Warden, gave two Exhibitions of 10l. per ann. each.


The prefent members of this Society are, the Warden, fifteen Fellows, two Chaplains, fifteen Scholars, two Clerks, and fixteen Exhibitioners; the whole number of Students being ufually about 100. Vifitor. The Bishop of Bath and Wells.


HE avenue to Trinity College, which has been

of the Chapel towards the ftreet, and ornamented with a clock, is fenced by an iron palifade, with folding gates. The front of the college confifts of the Chapel and Gateway, with its beautiful Tower.

In the first court are the Chapel, Hall, Prefident's Lodgings, and Library.

The great elegance of the Chapel refults from an affemblage of high finished ornaments. The carvings of the fcreen and altar-piece, which are of cedar, are finifhed with exquifite tafte by the mafterly hand of that eminent artift Mr. Guibbons. In the midft of the ceiling, which is covered with a beautiful ftucco, is an Afcenfion, which is executed in a good ftyle by Peter Berchett, an eminent French Painter. On the north fide of the Altar, under an alcove, is a tomb, on which are the figures of the Founder and his Lady.

The Hall is fpacious and well-proportioned, and adorned with a portrait of the Founder. Over the chimney-piece are the Arms of Queen Mary and King Philip.

In the Library windows are feveral compartments of fine old painted glafs, much injured in former times.

The fecond court, planned by Sir Christopher Wren, was one of the firft pieces of modern archi

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tecture which appeared in the Univerfity. It confifts of three fides, the north and weft of which are intended to be raised and finished in the manner with that on the fouth. The opening to the gardens, on the eaft, has an agreeable effect.

The Gardens are extenfive, and laid out in two divifions. The firft, or larger divifion, is thrown into open grass-plots. The north wall is covered with a yew-hedge. The centre walk is terminated by a well-wrought iron gate, with the Founder's Arms at the top, fupported by two piers. The fouthern divifion is a pleafing folitude, confifting of fhady walks, with a wilderness of flowering shrubs, and disposed into serpentine paths.

This college was founded March 8, 1594, by Sir Thomas Pope, Knight, of Tittenhanger, in Hertfordshire, Privy-Counsellor to Queen Mary, and a fingular friend to Sir Thomas More, for the maintenance and education of a Prefident, twelve Fellows, and twelve Scholars. The Founder directs, that the Scholars, who fucceed to the Fellowships, fhall be chofen from his Manors: but if no candidates appear under fuch qualifications on the day of election, that they fhall be fupplied from any county in England. He alfo appoints that no more than two natives of the fame county fhall be Fellows of his college at the fame time, Oxfordshire excepted, from. which county five are permitted.

The principal, and almoft only Benefactor, was Dr. Ralph Bathurft, formerly Prefident, who expended 1900l. in rebuilding the chapel.

This college confifts of a Prefident, twelve Fellows, and twelve Scholars. Thefe, with the other members, Gentlemen Commoners, Commoners, &c. amount to about 90.

Vifitor. The Bishop of Winchester.




ALLIOL College is fituated to the weft of Trinity, and confifts chiefly of one court, which we enter by a Gothic gate. The buildings about this court are ancient, except the east end, which is finifhed in the manner in which the reft of that quadrangle may be built.

The Chapel ftands at the north-eaft angle of the great court. The great eaft window, which is well executed, reprefents the Paffion, Refurrection, and Afcenfion of Chrift. The Hall is at the west end of the fame court. In the Master's Lodgings are fome good rooms, particularly a fpacious Hall, having a well-preferved ancient window to the eaft. Their Library is well furnished with a very large collection of ufeful books, and many ancient manufcripts.

Over the gate of the College are the Arms of the Balliol Family

And on the outfide, over against the Mafter's Lodgings, was a ftone placed in memory of those learned and pious Prelates, Archbishop Cranmer Bishop Ridley, and Bishop Latimer, who were burnt at that place for their adherence to the Reformation; which has not been vifible fince the City has been paved in its present form.

Befides this court, there is an area to the northweft, confifting of feveral detached lodgings for the Students; and an elegant new building, rather refembling a modern dwelling-house, with a beautiful front to the ftreet, erected at the expenfe of Mr. Fisher, late Fellow of this Society, in which are feveral handsome apartments. This Infcription is on the north fide, by defire of the Founder: VERBUM NON AMPLIUS FISHER.

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Sir John Balliol, of Bernard Castle, in Yorkshire, father of John Balliol, King of Scotland, first defigned the foundation of this College for the education of Scholars, to whom he gave yearly Exhibitions; but dying before he purchafed land, he recommended the defign to his widow Devorguilla, daughter of Alexander III. King of Scotland, who first fettled thefe Exhibitions; and in 1284 purchased a tenement for her Scholars of Balliol, and conveyed it to the Mafters and Scholars of this Houfe for ever for their habitation, having obtained a royal charter for that purpose. She afterwards added feveral new buildings to it, and fettled lands for the maintenance of the Scholars, dedicating her Foundation to the honour of the Holy Trinity, the Bleffed Virgin, and St. Katherine the Martyr; which Benefactions were afte wards ratified by her fon John Balliol, King of Scot land, and Oliver Bifhop of Lincoln, in whofe diocefe Oxford then was. The value of the lands and revenues, belonging to this college, did not exceed 271. 9s. 4d. per ann. at that time; but their estates were foon after greatly enlarged by the benefactions of others, particularly Sir Philip Somerville. Dr. John Warner, Bishop of Rochefter, founded fourScottish Exhibitions, endowing them with a revenue, which has fince been augmented by John Snell, Efq. The members of this Society are at prefent a Mafter, twelve Fellows, fourteen Scholars, and eighteen Exhibitioners; the whole number of Students amounting to about 90.

The Mafters and Fellows elect their Vifitor, who at prefent is the Archbishop of York.


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