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But if he fees you at a billiard table, or hears your woice at a tavern, when you should be at work, he fends for his money the next day; demands it before he can receive it in a lump.

9. It shows, befides, that you are mindful of what you owe; it makes you appear a careful, as well as an honest man, and that still increases your credit.

IC. Beware of thinking all your own that you poffefs, and of living accordingly. It is a mistake that many people who have credit fall into. To prevent this, keep an exact account, for fome time, both of your expenfes and your income.

11. If you take the pains at firft to mention particulars, it will have this good effect; you will discover how wonderfully, fmall, trifling expenses mount up to large fums, and will difcern what might have been, and may for the future be faved, without occafioning any great inconvenience.

12. In short, the way to wealth, if you defire it, is as plain as the way to market. It depends chiefly on two words, induftry and frugality; that is, wafte neither time nor money, but make the beft ufe of both. Without induftry and frugality, nothing will do, and with them, every thing will do.

13. He, who gets all he can honestly, and faves all he gets (neceffary expenfes excepted) will certainly become rich; if that Being, who governs the world, to whom ali fhould look for a bleffing on their honeft endeavors, doth not, in his wife providence, otherwife determine.




THE white bear of Greenland and Spitf

Bergen is confiderably larger than the brown bear of Europe, or the black bear of America. This bear is often feen on floats of ice, feveral leagues at fea. The following is copied from the journal of a voyage, for making difcoveries towards the North-Pole. C

2. Early

2. Early in the morning, the man at the mast head, gave notice that three bears were making their way very faft over the ice, and directing their courfe towards the fhip. They had probably been invited by the blubber of a fea-horse, which the men had fet on fire, and which was burning on the ice at the time of their approach.

3. They proved to be a the bear and her two cubs ; but the cubs were nearly as large as the dam. They ran eagerly to the fire, and drew out from the flames part of the flesh of the fea-horfe, which remained unconfumed, and ate it voraciously.

4. The crew from the fhip threw great pieces of the flefh, which they had ftill left, upon the ice, which the old bear carried away fingly, laid every piece before her cubs; and, dividing them, gave each a share, referving but a fmall portion to herfelf. As fhe was carrying away the laft piece, they levelled their muskets at the cubs, and fhot them both dead; and in her retreat, they wounded the dam, but not mortally.

5. It would have drawn tears of pity from any but unfeeling minds, to have marked the affectionate concern manifefted by this poor beaft, in the moments of her expiring young. Though fhe was forely wounded, and could but juft crawl to the place where they lay, the caried the lump of flefh fhe had fetched away, as fhe had done the others before, tore it in pieces, and laid it down before them; and when fhe faw they refufed to eat, fhe laid her paws firft upon one, and then upon the other, and endeavored to raise them up.

6. All this while it was piteous to hear her moan. When the found fhe could not ftir them, fhe went off; and when at fome diftance, locked back and moaned; and that not availing to entice them away, fhe returned, and fmelling around them, began to lick their wounds.

7. She went off a fecond time, as before; and having crawled a few paces, looked again behind her, and for fome time stood moaning. But ftill her cubs not rifing to follow her, fhe returned to them again, and with figns of inexpreffible fondness, went round one and round the other, pawing them, and moaning.

8. Finding at laft that they were cold and lifelefs, fhe raifed her head toward the fhip, and growled her refent


ment at the murderers; which they returned with a volley of musket balls. She fell between her cubs, and died licking their wounds.

9. What child can read this interefting story, and not feel in his heart the warmest emotions of gratitude, for the ftronger and more permanent tendernefs he has experienced from his parents; while, at the fame time, he feels his difpleafure arifing towards thofe who treat with wanton barbarity any of the brute creation?


THE tragical death of an Indian of the Col

apia nation, (fays a gentleman) who facrificed himself for his country and fon, I have always admired, as difplaying. the greatest heroifm, and placing human nature in the nobleft point of view.

2. A Chataw Indian, having one day expreffed himfelf in the most reproachful terms of the French, and called the Collapiffas their dogs and their flaves, one of this nation, exafperated at his injurious expreffions, laid him dead upon the fpot.

3. The Chattaws, the most numerous and the most warlike tribe on the continent, immediately flew to arms. They fent deputies to New-Orleans to demand from the French governor the head of the favage, who had fled to him for protection.

4. The governor offered prefents as an atonement, but. they were rejected with difdain; and they threatened to exterminate the whole tribe of the Collapiffus. To pacify this fierce nation, and prevent the effufion of blood, it was at length found neceffary to deliver up the unhappy Indian.

5. The Sieur Ferrand, commander of the German pofts, on the right of the Miffifippi, was charged with this melancholy commiffion. A rendezvous was, in confequence, appointed between the fettlement of the Collapius and the German pofts, where the mournful ceremony was conducted in the following manner..


6. The Indian victim, whose name was Mingo, was produced. He rofe up, and, agreeably to the cuftom of the people, harangued the affembly to the following purpose.

7. "I am a true man; that is to fay, I fear not death; but I lament the fate of my wife and four infant children, whom I leave behind in a very tender age. I lament too my father and my mother, whom I have long maintained by hunting. Them, however, I recommend to the French, fince, on their account, I now fall a facrifice."

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8. Scarcely had he finifhed this fhort and pathetic harangue, when the old father, struck with the filial affection of his fon, arose, and thus addressed himself to his audience. 9. My fon is doomed to death: but he is young and vigorous, and more capable than I, to fupport his mother, his wife, and four infant children. It is neceffary, then, that he remain upon the earth to protect and provide for them. As for me who draw towards the end of my career, I have lived long enough. May my for attain to my age, that he may bring up my tender infants. I am no longer good for any thing; a few years more or lefs are to me of fmall importance. I have lived as a man. I will die as a man.

I therefore take the place of my fon."

10. At thefe words, which expreffed his paternal love and greatnefs of foul in the most touching manner, his wife, his fon, his daughter-in-law, and the little infants, melted into tears around this brave, this generous old man. He embraced them for the laft time, exhorted them to be ever faithful to the French, and to die rather than betray then by any mean treachery unworthy of his blood. My death," concluded he, "I confider neceffary for the fafety of the nation, and I glory in the facrifice."

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11. Having thus delivered himfelf, he prefented his head to the kinfman of the deccafed Chadow; and they accepted it. He then extended himself over the trunk of 4 tree, when, with a hatchet, they fevered his head from his body.


The French, who affifted at this tragedy, could not contain their tears, whilft they admired the heroic contancy of this venerable old man; whofe refolution bore a efemblance to that of the celebrated Roman orator, who, in the time of the triumvirate, was concealed by his fon.

13. The

13. The young man was moft cruelly tortured in order to force him to discover his father, who, not being able to endure the idea, that a fon fo virtuous and fo generous, fhould thus fuffer on his account, went and prefented himfelf to the murderers, and begged them to kill him and fave his fon.

14. The fon conjured them to take his life, and fpare the age of his father; but the foldiers, more barbarous than the favages, butchered them both on the fpot.



HAVE often lamented, that they, who. have taken the most pains to recommend an attention to the art of pleafing, have urged it only on the mean motives of felf-intereft..

2. In order to attain the power of pleafing, they have recommended flattery and deceit; and though they have required in their pupils the appearances of many good qual ities, they have not infifted on any fubftantial or confiftent virtue..

3. It is my wifh to exalt this amiable talent of pleafing. to the rank of a virtue founded on principle, and on the beft difpofitions of human nature. I would feparate it from thofe varnished qualities, which, like whited fepulchres, are but a disguise for internal deformity..

4. A ftudent of the art of pleafing, as it is taught in the fchool of fashion, is all foftnefs and plaufibility, all benevo-. lence and generosity, all attention and affiduity, all gracefulnefs and gentility. Such is the external appearance; but compare it with his private life, with thofe actions which pafs unfeen, and you will find it by no means correfpondent.

5. You will ufually find a hard heart, meannefs, selfishnefs, avarice, and a total want of thofe principles from which alone true benevolence, fincere friendship, and gentleness of difpofition can originate.. You will, indeed, find. even the appearances of friendship and benevolence proportioned to the fuppofed riches and rank of him whofe favor. and patronage are cultivated.

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6. It

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