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BIRTH of NAPOLEON BONAPARTE-His alleged Italian Extraction,

and a Doubt respecting the same-Virulent Aspersions in regard

to his Origin-Dante and the Capetian Race-NAPOLEON'S supposed

Descent from a Florentine Family, and his Ideas of family Pedigree

amply exemplified in his own Words-Biography of General Paoli,

a Friend of the Bonapartean Family-Early Vicissitudes of For-

tune experienced by Letitia Raniolini, NAPOLEON'S Mother-

General Count Marboeuf, Governor of Corsica-Carolo, the Father

of BONAPARTE, named by the Nobility of Corsica to be their Repre-

sentative at Paris, under the ancient Regime-Further Proofs of

the Nobility of NAPOLEON'S Extraction-Characteristic Traits of

Madame Bonaparte, first called LATONA, and afterwards, Mother

of the Gracchi-The Name of NAPOLEON given to BONAPARTE-

Reason for the same, and an Anecdote relating to the Name

of that Saint-General Marboeuf the early Patron of BONAPARTE,

through whose Interest he is appointed to the Military School,

at Brienne, in Champagne-Description of that Seminary-Stri-

king Features in NAPOLEON'S Mind during his scholastic Studies

-Surnamed the Spartan-Inherent Love for his native Island,

and a singular Instance of his Animosity towards its Oppressors

-His Patriotism, and Contempt of French gasconading-Inflexi-

bility of Temper, and consequent Degradation among his School-

fellows-BONAPARTE teaches the younger Boys the Art of War-

fare, but his Games are prohibited-Winter Pastimes, with the

Attack and Defence of Snow-Fortifications-Pastimes allowed on

the Festival of Saint Louis-Dreadful Explosion, and NAPOLEON'S

untractable Mind-Singular Solution of a Question proposed –

Prize anonymously obtained by BONAPARTE, at Lyons, and unfortu-

nate Loss of that Literary Effort....


Professor Keraglion, for whose Widow he afterwards provided—
Opinions concerning NAPOLEON as delivered by General Pichegru,
Professor Domairon, Abbé Raynal, and Generai Paoli-Erroneous
Idea entertained by the German Professor Bauer, and BONAPARTE'S
subsequent Recurrence to that Circumstance-Joins his Regiment—
Introduction to Madame du Colombier-Traits of Gratitude-NA-
POLEON's first Love and subsequent Liberality-Death of Count Mar-
boeuf, and pecuniary Distress-BONAPARTE receives Assistance from
a Female; his subsequent Gratitude-His Rise in Life described in
his own Words-Commencement of the Revolution-NAPOLEON
visits Corsica-State of his widowed Mother and Family-Advo-
cates the Cause of Freedom, and violently attacked for the same
-NAPOLEON and WILLIAM TELL-Further proofs of the Freedom
of Principle manifested by the BONAPARTEAN Family-NAPOLEON
re-visits Paris and is named to command the Militia Battalion at
Ajaccio-Ordered to quit the Town, but refuses-Address circula-
ted among the Regular Troops of the Garrison, who refuse to act
against BONAPARTE and the Militia-Vindictive Spirit manifested
by the General in regard to NAPOLEON-His imminent Danger and
Release from Persecution-Erroneous Report of BONAPARTE'S
having sought Employment under Sir Gilbert Elliot-Removal of
NAPOLEON'S Family from Toulon-Authorship, and Loss of this
early Literary Labour-NAPOLEON's Address in Favour of Paoli
presented to the Constituent Assembly-His Partiality for the
works of Plutarch and Ossian............


Milan surrenders to the French-NAPOLEON's Age or MILL-ANS

-Flight of the Archduke and his Duchess-Planting the Tree of

Liberty-Grand Ceremony on NAPOLEON'S Entrance into Milan

-Proclamation to the Lombards-Stands of Colours forwarded to

the Executive Directory-The Horse Chasseur-FETE DES VIC-

TOIRES at Paris-NAPOLEON'S energetic Address to his Followers-

The Duke of Modena sues for Peace, which is obtained on very

hard, Terms-Commotion at Pavia-The Tocsin rung-False Re-

porta circulated respecting the French-The Tree of Liberty thrown

down at Milan and the Tri-coloured Cockade trampled upon

-General Despinoy's Promptitude-Massacre of the Factious,

and Piliage of the City, during twenty-four Hours-BONAPARTE

returns to Milan-General Lasnes attacks the Village of Binasco,

which is burned to the Ground-Summary Proclamation-The

Rebels of Pavia dispersed and slaughtered-NAPOLEON's first Visit

to that City described-Second Proclamation to the Insurgents-

Tranquillity restored-BONAPARTE visits the Theatre at Milan-

The French enter the States of Venice-Passage of the Mincio at

Borghetto-The Imperialists defeated-Death of Prince Cuto-

Castel-Nuovo taken-Verona entered by Massena's Division-De-

parture of the Count of Provence (Louis XVIII.) from that City,

after tendering Stipulations which were not assented to-Beaulieu

superseded in his Command-NAPOLEON'S Manifesto to the Tyro-

lese previous to his passing through their Country-New Com-

motions in the Genoese States and those of Tuscany and Piedmont

-Fortress of Mantua besieged-General Lasnes enters the Im-

perial Fiefs, and causes the Leaders of the Revolt to be shot-.

Similar Measures adopted at Tortona-Passage of the Po at Bor-

goforte-Surrender of the Citadel of Urbino-Capture of Bologna,

and the Cardinal Legate made Prisoner-Castle of Ferrara, and a

large Train of Artillery taken-The St. Jerome of Corregio, and

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