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difficulty to ascertain what he was worth. The farm which his father had cultivated, and the house in which he had dwelt, belonged to Sir Arthur Bradley; but the furniture of the house, and the stock of the farm, after payment of his father's debts, belonged to Ferdinand therefore, the heir with a laudable diligence and propriety of procedure, set himself to examine into the amount of the debts and the extent of the property; and, when he set the one against the other, they seemed so well fitted, as if they had been made for one another; and, thus, when all was settled, nothing remained. Ferdinand consulted with his friends what was best to be done. He spoke first to the parish-clerk, his old schoolmaster; and he was decidedly of opinion that Ferdinand had better consult his friends. With this recommendation he called upon the parson, who was exactly of the same opinion as the clerk, saying, that the best thing that he could do, would be to consult his friends. From the parson he went to Sir Arthur himself, who gave him a most cordial reception, shook him by the hand with condescension, and expressed his great readiness to serve the young man, according to the best of his power. That was just the thing that Ferdinand wanted. "Do you intend to carry on the farm ?" said the worthy Baronet. "I should be very happy to do so," replied Ferdinand, “only I have no capital, and I don't very well understand farming."

Those were certainly objections, and the baronet saw the force of them, and he replied, saying, "The best thing that you can do is to consult your friends, and see if they can assist you."

Now Ferdinand Harwood, who had talents equal to anything, found himself at a loss to discover his friends. Very likely he is not the first in the world that has been so puzzled. For a few weeks he was invited, now to this neighbour's, and now to that; not so much, it appeared, out of compassion to his wants, as out of compliment to his genius; but this sort of thing cannot last long; people in the country prefer pudding to poetry, and they cannot think why people who have hands should not support themselves. So they one and all began to think and say, that it was a pity a young man of such ability as Ferdinand Harwood should bury his talents in a country village; that London was the only place in the world for a genius to thrive in; and thus they unanimously recommended him to try his fortune in London. Kind-hearted people do not like to see their friends starve, and it is rather expensive to feed them, so they endeavour to get rid of them. The parishclerk knew nothing of London, but the parson did, and was ready enough to give Ferdinand letters of introduction to some men of letters, by whose means he might be brought into notice. The baronet also was willing to give him five guineas towards paying his expenses; and the parish-clerk was willing to give him a copy of Cocker's Arithmetic, to teach him how to make the best use of his five guineas. With five guineas, Cocker's Arithmetic, Thomson's Seasons, and Young's Night Thoughts, and the blessings and good wishes of the whole parish, who were proud of his talents

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and glad to get rid of him, Ferdinand journeyed to London, in search of a livelihood and immortality. All the way along did he amuse himself with thoughts of what should be his first literary production-whether an epic poem, or a tragedy; anything lower he thought would be degrading. At length, when he entered the great city, he was full of poetry and covered with dust. Nine o'clock at night, in Fetter-Lane, in the middle of March, is not a very poetical season; nor are the sights, sounds, and smells, of the closer parts of a great metropolis, vastly conducive to inspiration. Ferdinand could not help congratulating the Dryads, Oreads, Nymphs, and Fauns, that they were not under the necessity of putting up even for a single night, at the White Horse, Fetter Lane a very good inn, no doubt, in its way, but far from being a poetical object to the eye of an unsophisticated villager.

It was the first concern of our genius to deliver his letters of introduction, in which he supposed, of course, that he was described as a genius of the first order, and by means of which he expected to receive a cordial and admiring welcome. He was, therefore, not a little surprised to hear, from the very first person to whom he presented himself, that the present was the very worst time for any one to come to London with a view to literary success.

"Which do you think would be the best time?" said Ferdinand, with much seriousness and sincerity, and with a real desire of information.

"You are disposed to be waggish," said his new friend.

There, however, the worthy gentleman was in error; for Ferdinand Harwood was as little inclined to waggery as any man living. He was a perfect realist; he thought that every thing was what it was: he knew that people did laugh sometimes, but he could not tell why they laughed, nor did he know what they laughed at, besides, ho was a genius, and there was a solemnity in genius incompatible with laughter and waggery, especially in the higher order of geniuses-that is, epic poem and tragedy geniuses.

When he had presented all his letters of introduction, he found that all were unanimous in the opinion that the present was the worst possible time for a young man to come to London on a literary speculation. But there was another point on which they were also unanimous, and that was a most important one-they were all quite willing, and would be most happy, to do anything to serve him. With this consoling thought, he betook himself to his lodgings, and set about writing an epic poem. What a very great genius, or what a very small stomach, a man must have who can write an epic poem in less time than he can spend five guineas in victuals and drink and lodging!-especially when one pound sixteen shillings and sixpence have been deducted from that sum for travelling expenses. But with genius so great, or with stomach so small, Ferdinand Harwood was not gifted; therefore, his money was all gone before his epic poem was finished. That was a pity. Still there was no need to be cast down, for he could but 2 U


call on those friends who would be most happy to do any thing to serve him. He called accordingly; but that very thing which would have been of the greatest immediate service to him, viz, a dinner, none of them would give him: he did not ask them, to be sure-but it was their business to ask him: it was not, however, their pleasure. Generous people, I have frequently had oc casion to observe, like to do good in their own way-they object to all kind of dictation: so it was with Ferdinand Harwood's friends. They did not give him a dinner, which, at best, could have served him but a single day. They gave him good advice enough to last him for many months; they recommended him to finish his poem as soon as he could, and, in the mean time, perhaps, his friends, they said, would afford him some temporary assistance. "Alack! alack!" said Ferdinand to himself, "I wish my friends would tell me who my friends are!"

It happened, in the course of his multifarious reading, that Ferdinand had somewhere seen it set down in print that booksellers are the best patrons of genius; so he went to a very respectable bookseller, and, after waiting two hours and three quarters, was admitted to an audience. Ferdinand thought he had never seen such a nice man in his life-so pleasant, so polite, such a praytake-a-chair-ative style of address, that, by a hop, skip, and jump effort of imagination, Ferdinand, with his mind's eye, saw his poem already printed, and felt his mind's fingers paddling among the sovereigns he was to receive for the copyright. At the mention of an epic poem, the bookseller looked serious; of course, it is all right that he should look so-an epic poem is a serious matter. "What is the subject-sacred or profane?"

"Sacred, by all means," replied Ferdinand; I would not for the world write any thing profane."


Certainly not," said the bookseller; "I have a great abhorrence of profanity. What is the title of your poem ?"

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The Leviticud: I am doing the whole book of Leviticus into blank verse. It appears to me to be a work that is very much wanted, it being almost the only part of the sacred scriptures that has not been versified."

The bookseller looked more serious, and said, "I am afraid, sir, that I cannot flatter you with any great hopes of success, for poetry is not in much request, and especially sacred poetry-and, more especially still, epic poetry."

"Now, that is passing strange!" said Ferdinand, "Poetry not in request! Pardon me, sir; you ought of course to know your own business; but I can assure you that poetry is very much in request. Is not Milton's Paradise Lost in every library? and have not I, at this very moment, the tenth edition of Young's Night Thoughts in my pocket?"

"All that may be true," replied the bookseller, relaxing from his seriousness into an involuntary smile; but modern poetry, unless of very decided excellence, meets with no encouragement."

(To be continued.)

Domestic Intelligence.

The whole of our Domestic Intelligence is extracted from the Journals of the Island with trifling alterations.


The performances of the theatre for the last month, have been particularly interesting and well supported. Among other additions to our corps dramatique, is Mr. and Mrs. Mackay, and an amateur, Mr. Smee, who performed three nights the character of Shylock, in the Merchant of Venice. Mr. Smee's Shylock," is spoken of with delight, by every person who has visited the Theatre, indeed that gentleman's performances are considered excellent. He is the only person we have witnessed on our stage, who has any pretensions to a tragic part. We anticipate much pleasure from a future performance of this Gentleman in the New Theatre.

The four bushrangers, Ward, Newman, Buchan, and Dawson, were on Wednesday last found guilty of burglary, and were sentenced for execution on Monday, Feb. 17th at Launceston, but we believe and hope their lives will yet be spared.

A few days back, Britton and his murderous gang plundered a house or but of Mr. Field's, near Westbury; and since then, they made a constable kneel, on the road, while they felt his head for a scar, which another constable they are seeking to murder, is said to be marked by.

On Friday, Feb. 1, the town was subjected to no less than two alarms of fire. The first was at the premises of Mr. Smails, carpenter, in Campbell-st., where unfortunately, a work-shop containing a quantity of valuable materials, was consumed before the flames could be subdued, although the two town engines were brought to the spot with the utmost promptitude. The second was at Mr. Lowes's, and threatened more serious consequences; but the immediate supply of water-the instant attendance of the engines-and the assistance zealously afforded by a multitude of all classes, extinguished the fire with little damage. It was highly creditable to the 21st regiment, the alacrity and spirit with which they hurried out upon these alarms reaching them, and proceeding in excellent order at a rapid double

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get up" these bons bons, is calculated to charm the eye, as well as the taste. It is well worth while to look in at Mr. Hedger's, when both senses may be fully gratified.


The Rev. Mr. Bedford, sen., having gone upon a clerical expedition to the interior, Mr. Bedford, jun. performs the service of St. David's Church at present. We heard the Reverend Gentleman for the first time on Sunday, 9th inst. His delivery is good-his pronunciation accurate, and his manner correct. learn that Trinity Church, where the Rural Dean, Mr. Palmer, offic ates, being now conveniently fitted up for the accommodation of the public, possesses a very numerous and respectable congregation. Its situation is any thing but suited to the demand of this large and wide spreading town, as the common coup d'ail from any of the surrounding eminences will prove at once, the whole of the very numerous western and southern inhabitants have been entirely thrown out of consideration. The erection of even a Chapel, at the Penites tiary, we consider wholly unnecessary, for the

best of reasons, that we consider the Penitentiary itself entirely so! It is a monstrous evil, the collection of one thousand miserable wretches in this town, every one of whom might be, and ought to be employed-spread-not congregated over the interior. There is no excuse for this but one!

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The Colonial Times seems to oppose what we consider a most rational amuse, ment, viz., the playing of the Band. The Times says, How delightful it is to hear the band on Sunday night!" This is in the mouth of every assigned servant in the town, male and female. "I must have a new bonnet, and a new gown, and I know, too, how to get them, even if I get the Factory the next day," say the women servants in every house in the town. It would be cruel to prevent such delightful assemblies, as are now collected every night. Besides, how could the Black Horse," and the other licensed houses get on, to say nothing of the "unlicensed," with the little snug back parlours, which every Sunday night are now so fully occupied? Oh! it is a fine thing, the band on the Sunday nights-Hobart Town is then alive!

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The same Journal, in speaking of the New Theatre, says: We knew how it would be! when we heard that "Ginger-beer," was called for by the ultra elegantes in the dress boxes at the Theatre, we expected that Gin itself would not be a long way off. It is said that the little fracas the other night between Paddy and Pedro arose from being both three sheets in the wind. We are glad to hear that Mr. Cameron has closed with Mr. Deane, and that the Theatre is to be removed with as little delay as possible. There are many drawbacks attendant upon a play-house, at a tavern, as Mr. Cameron has no doubt fully discovered."

The oldest hands in the Colony, never recollect a season like the present one-with the exception of three days, it can scarcely be said to have rained for nearly three months. The consequence is, that all kinds of feed for the cattle during the next winter, will be extremely scarce and high priced.

We have been informed that Mr. Bonney, Chief District Constable at Westbury, discovered, not long since, one of the haunts of bushrangers, supposed, om particular property discovered about

it, to be Britton's gang. A comfortable hut in the centre of a vegetable garden in full crop, attracted Mr. Bonney's notice when far in an almost impenetrable scrub, of considerable breadth, and extending upwards of ten miles in length. Many trunks, containing stolen property, and a large quantity of loose plunder, was piled against the sides of the hut, amongst which the greater part of that stolen from Mr. Waddingham was discovered. Here, the Colonists of Van Diemen's Land have another undeniable proof of the prison discipline exercised under the administration of Lieutenant Governor Arthur, their Governor. Within a mile or two of a considerable township, actually a military station, bushrangers have a "den"-in the shape of a highly cultivated farm-and have, no doubt, enjoyed, undisturbed, security in it for years. Well, it is time a change took place some where. Britton has been out, we believe, more than five years, and has of course, always had associates. Now, at the expiration of that period, His Excellency is pleased to offer a reward of 200 sovereigns for his capture. Why was it not done at first? Two hundred sovereigns is likewise offered for Browne; if captured by a prisoner, a free pardon in addition, and £30 to carry him home.


The most convenient place for the band to perform, would be on the New Wharf, just under the Government-house, where there is an excellent promenade. thus accommodating the public, Colonel Leahy would deserve thanks, and of course, His Excellency would be pleased to further the wishes of the people.

We are happy to see Mr. Forster, our worthy chief magistrate, has again resumed his sittings at the police-office; his presence there, has of late been much required.

We would call the serious attention of the Public at large, to the nineteenth section of the New Police Act, relating to the control of dogs-as several dogs, in pursuance of that Act, have been seized by the constables and destroyed, no person having claimed them. To remedy this inconvenience, and often preserve a valuable dog, a collar would answer every purpose. It will be seen, by the Police Report, the result of two cases, where dogs have been seized. If

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