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Winter-Birds-Forest Trees.


The inclemency of the season now tame and fearless, he was destroyed by compels the numerous tribes of birds to a cat.' quit their retreats in search of food. The redbreast (sylvia rubecula), the only bird that confides in man, begins to sing. Of the docility of the robin we have a pleasing instance given by Miss Charlotte Smith. Two years ago,' says she, towards the close of the month of August, a robin frequented the drawing-room at B., and became in the course of the winter so tame, that as soon as the windows were open in the morning he used to come in, and seemed to consider it as his domicile, though he always roosted among the shrubs near the window. On being called, he readily made his appearance, and used to sit and sing at the back of

From snowy plains, and icy sprays,
From moonless nights, and sunless days,
Welcome, poor bird! I'll cherish thee;
I love thee, for thou trustest me.
Thrice welcome, helpless, panting guest!
Fondly I'll warm thee in my breast:-
How quick thy little heart is beating!
As if its brother flutterer greeting.
Thou need'st not dread a captive's doom;
No! freely flutter round my room;
Perch on my lute's remaining string,
And sweetly of sweet summer sing.
That note, that summer note, I know;
It wakes, at once, and soothes my woe,-
I see those woods, I see that stream,
I see,-ah, still prolong the dream!
Still, with thy song, those scenes renew,
Though through my tears they reach my view.

It must be gratifying to our readers to give a description of the most remarkable Forest Trees, a subject which cannot fail to be acceptable, considering the limited knowledge usually possessed by young persons, and, indeed, by most people, of some of the noblest ornaments of rural scenery.

From Time's Telescope.

Below me trees unnumbered rise,
Beautiful in various dyes;

The gloomy pine; the poplar, blue;
The yellow beech; the sable yew;
The slender fir that taper grows;
The sturdy oak, with broad-spread boughs.
Dyer &

a chair, or on the piano forte. He was DESCRIPTION OF FOREST TREES. a constant attendant at the breakfast table, and expected to be fed like a domestic animal; for when we went out for a few days, he resorted to the offices, and followed the servants into the larder. My pretty robin, however, was a very Turk in disposition, and would suffer no brother near the throne; for he drove away, with every mark of resentment, any of his compatriots, who during the hard weather showed any inclination to share the advantages he had appropriated to himself; of which indeed he seemed to feel all the value, ALDER (betula alnus.)-The common for, as winter advanced, he became so alder appears generally as a shrub: it familiar as to sit and sing on my daugh- will, however, grow to a considerable ter's shoulder, and appeared to have tree forty feet in height. The leaves totally lost all the apprehensions of a are of a dark green colour, and a roundwild bird. If he chose to go out, in- ish figure, resembling those of the hazel. stead of beating himself against the The bark is blackish; in old trees, full window, he sat on the edge of the frame of clefts; the wood red and brittle. The till it was opened for him; or taking an wood of the alder is valuable for piles, opportunity when the door was open, pipes, pumps, sluices, and in general, for he flew through the green-house or all works intended to be constantly unthrough the passages, till he found bis der water. It is said to have been used way out. He was a great favourite as under the Rialto at Venice; and we well in the kitchen, as in the parlour: are told that the morasses about Vienna and it was with general regret, that were piled with it, in order to lay the early in the spring he was missed, and foundations for building upon; in never returned. Had he retired to Flanders and Holland it is raised in build, as robins are said to do, in woods abundance for this purpose. and copses, he would not have gone The alder-wood serves, also, many far from the house, around which there domestic and rural purposes, as for were so many thickets and shrubs, and cart-wheels, spinning-wheels, milkwhere it is probable he was bred. It is vessels, bowls, spoons, trenchers, &c.&c. therefore most likely, that, being so The roots and knots furnish a beautiful

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Dramatic--The Sea-Serpent; or Harlequin Yankee.

[VOL. 4 veined wood for cabinets. The Scotch frequently found in a thriving state near Highlanders often make chairs of it, brooks and rivulets. The leaves of the which are very handsome, and the colour ash appear late, and fall early; it is of mahogany. The wood which has therefore unfit to be planted for proteclain in bogs is black, like ebony. It is tion or ornament. Its timber ranks very generally planted for coppice-wood, next in value to the oak. The wood to be cut down every ninth or tenth possesses the uncommon property of year for poles; and the branches make being almost uniformly good, whether good charcoal, particularly used in the of young or old trees. It is hard, tough, manufacture of gunpowder. The and much used in making the different bark is used by dyers, tanners, and implements of husbandry, but particuleather-dre-sers; also, by fishermen larly for hop-poles. Its ashes afford for their nets. The Laplanders chew very good potash; and the bark is the bark. The alder makes good employed in tanning calf-skins. hedges by the sides of streams and ditches.

This common aquatic is seldom mentioned by the poets. Virgil tells us (Georg. ii. 110,) that in "boggy marshes alders spring." He gives it the epithet of procera, tall;' and in Ecl. x. 74, takes notice of its quick growth, in an uncommon comparison:


Gallus, for whom my friendship hourly spreads
Swift as green alders shoot when spring its influence

The same poet represents the alder as the material of which the first boats, or rather canoes, were made.

The light, graceful foliage of the ash
adds much to the beauty of landscape.
It is found most in the woods, and very
often among the ruins of some castle or
abbey-(in the nave of the chapel,
perhaps,) and on loose slaty rocks.
Within the sheltered centre of the aisle,

Beneath the Ash whose growth romantic spreads
Its foliage, trembling o'er the funeral pile,
And all around a deeper darkness sheds.

In the church of Ross, constantly used for public worship, is an ash which has insinuated itself into a corner of the building: it still grows and flourishes.


The seeds of the ash, borne along ASH (fraxinus excelsior.)-The ash by the wind, are variously scattered, tree delights in a rich light soil, and and thus account for our finding this attains its greatest height at the age of tree in such peculiar situations. fifty years. Although it also grows in plantation of these trees, when properly wet and loose grounds, yet, when reared managed, seldom fails to prove of great in these, its wood becomes less firm and advantage to the owner, on account of durable. It prospers remarkably well the underwood, which is fit to be cut on a white calcareous soil, and is also every eight or ten years.


From the European Magazine, October, 1818.

PANTOMIME intended for the ex-

shall wander until it is again recovered, changes her to Columbine, and restores her

A hibition of some American scenery, en- lover in the form of Harlequin. The usual

titled "The Sea Serpent! or, Harlequin Yankee," was performed for the first time to night. Its story consists in the enchantment of a young female, who is betrothed to a native chief, and who is guarded by an immense eas snake; to the fury of which,after her lover's imprudent loss of the talisman,intended for her deliverance, and her own refusal of a lover provided for her by her enchanter, they are hoth devoted. Onondago has already been devoured, and Squinacoosla is expecting the same fate, when the kind fairy of the talisman appears, and after declaring that they

pantomimic adventures then commence, wherein much mirth, beautiful scenery, and good mechanism are displayed; till at length the magic tomahawk is regained, and the enchanters who were disguised as the Lover, Pantaloon, and Clown, become the prey of the Sea Snake. This pantomime, excited much well-merited applause.


PROOF PRESUMPTIVE, or the Abbey of San Marco.--- We consider it as proof presumptive of bad taste to produce dramas of this mongrel sort, though the present is likely


Varieties: Critical, Literary, and Historical.

enough to serve its turn for a nine-days gaping-stock, and then descend into that vault where the stock pieces are not kept. The fable had already been borrowed from the French by Mr. Dibdin, who christened it the "Invisible Witness, or Chapel in the Wood."--In Paris it was considered as an attempt to elevate the Affair of Fualdes a little upon tragic stilts; what it is in London our readers may judge from the plot, which we conscientiously copy from the daily pa


accompanies her, and she witnesses the act, and has the affliction to know her brother Alberto is the accomplice of the assassin, Romani, the murderer, finding she is in possession of his secret, demands her hand in marriage, hoping thus to bind her to eternal silence. Her father consents, but she annihilates the hopes of Romani by avowing her marriage. He then threatens to put her child to death if she betrays him. Her husband is suspected of the murder, and, during his examination, Romani, seeming to fondle her It commences with ant of atrocity, child, continually threatens by his gestures which a variety of circu tances seem to to destroy it if she discloses what she knows. prove has been committed who are In the end, the child is snatched from him--innocent. ruer is perpetrated near the the truth is discovered---Alberto dies of anAyor St. Marco. Just at this time, Ernes-guish and remorse, and Romani is reserved for seeks the ruins, to meet Vinancio, to public justice. whom she is secretly married. Her child



From the London Monthly Magazines, November, 1818.

MR. West, the respectable Presi- object by observing the features, and

dent of the Royal Academy, is others by examining the protuberances engaged in completing some unfinished of the cranium. But among these pictures in the Queen's Library at the palace in St. James's Park.


systematizers, there is one deserving of particular notice. He declares that he can discover the temper and habits of A traveller recently returned from any individual by a mere sight of his Syria, relates that the city of Jerusalem band-writing: relying on the authority is now in the most deplorable state. Its of some accidental success, he requires population scarcely amounts to 12,000 only to see a note to be enabled to inhabitants, who mostly profess the pronounce an opinion on the character Mahometan religion. The Turkish of the writer.

soldiers of the garrison are in possession The father of our young Philosopher of the keys of the Holy Sepulchre, and left him a considerable fortune; but, allow no one to enter who does not that he might devote himself entirely to pay beforehand for his admission. his favourite study undisturbed by Every stranger is obliged to give 18 domestic cares, he determined to marry, francs for every visit he pays to the sa- and to consiga the management of his cred tomb. The sight of Jerusalem in property to a man of business. He our days recals to mind the most terri- could find no difficulty in fixing his ble prophecies of Jeremiah. It is even choice in either of these two delicate deserted by the traveller, either through cases: for he possessed an infallible diminution of faith, or dread of the security against being deceived. He persecutions of the Mussulmen. might have married most advantageously, in point of fortune; but, contrary to all New method of ascertaining Charac- expectation, he made choice of a young ters by the Hand Writing-Nosce te lady with whom he was entirely unacipsum-Know yourself, says an ancient quainted; but he had seen a letter Philosopher; but our modern Philoso- addressed by her to one of his friends, phers have abandoned this task for the He admired the beauty of the hand. sake of knowing other people. This, writing. The regularity and delicate without contradiction, is the most turning of the letters bespoke gentleness difficult of all studies, and one which and equality of temper. She was has from time immemorial formed a exactly the woman to whom he wished subject for the meditation of Physiolo- to be united. He had never seen her, gists, Some have hoped to gain their but he asked her in marriage, and ob


Varieties Literary, &c.

[VOL. 4.

tained her hand. With regard to the amongst other good things, once reSteward, his choice was determined by plied thus to the question of what he observing that his hand-writing was had been doing that morning? "I first regular and well proportioned; this went to swear in prostitutes for the man, said he, must possess order and militia, then took a ride as far as the method. He immediately resigned to obstacle (the Obelisk,) and came home him the entire control of his affairs, and in a decanter." thus freed from all earthly troubles he gave himself wholly up to study.


A person, below the middle stature, observed, he could boast of two negative qualificat ns, viz. that he never wore a great coat. nor even lay long in bed.


• Then

But, alas! his happiness was not of long duration. At the conclusion of year, harrassed by the pettish temper of his better half, he was obliged to ob- A woman, probably decayed in her tain a separation from her. It was intellect, stopped a divine in the streetsnecessary to provide a suitable settle- of the metropolis, with this salutation: ment for his wife, but he gave himself "There is no truth in the land, Sir! no concern on that point, leaving it to there is no truth in the land!" • Then the probity of his methodical Steward. you do not speak truth, good woman,' What was his astonishment on finding replied the clergyman. "Oh! yes, that his confidence had been abused, do," returned she, hastily. and that the honest Steward had there is truth in the land,' rejoined he, borrowed money on his security, as quickly. The Princes of Brunswick were, mortgaged the rents of his farms, and left him on the brink of ruin. One of from their very early years, boys of his friends, whose hand-writing bad what the French call, très grande esper It was from about the age of never inspired him with any favourable ance. opinion, on learning this two-fold mis- eight till twelve they were in England One day, the fortune, came to offer him all the service for their education. in his power. You see, said the friend, younger, Prince William, had been that your system is not quite infallible, mimicking several persons remarkable and that you have been deceived on for their eccentricity of speech, when two important points. Yes, replied the elder, Prince Charles, boy-like, our Philosopher, very coolly,-but the exceptions prove the rule.

BULLS, &c.-It was stated last week in the journals, that a person was, by an accident, killed on the spot, which had so much affected his wife, who was a witness to the fatal catastrophe, that it was doubtful whether she would survive her husband!!! A Gentleman to whom this blunder was shewn, observed that all the absurdly penned notices of deaths in the newspapers arose from people writing their own obituaries!

The following was pointed out in the Times of Monday as an example of these ridiculous compositions:

"DIED.-On the 21st, at Richmond, Mr. Wm. Henry Wall, aged 21, a rare example of youth: to eulogise his virtues would but emanate from his goodness; the memory of so worthy a young man will be long lamented by all who knew him."

A Mayor of Oxford (who had not been a Member of the University,)

began to copy his brother, but in a very awkward manner. His tutor checked him, observing, the talent was natural in his brother, but absurd in himself, when the Prince pettishly replied, “I know it is natural in William; he was, as you say, born an ape !”


Captain F. I. Thomas, R. N. has invented a life-boat (to pull and sail atthe average rate) with three keels; the two outer support the bilge, and will prevent the vessel from upsetting of sinking.— Captain Thomas intends making experiments with his boat during his stay at Portsmouth.

A new method of shoeing hores has It consists of two been introduced. pieces joined by a hinge, which is defended by a strong steel-headed rivet, and by adapting itself to the expansion of the foot, is intended to prevent contraction.

VO VOL. 4]

Original Poetry.




From the Gentleman's Magazine. SOMNIUM JUCUNDISSIMUM.


Oh too transcendent vision, To sorrow's phantom-peopled slumber given.


WEET was the dream that cheer'd me yesternight:

1 thought an arm of strength was plac'd near mine,

Form'd with a symmetry that seem'd divine,
Yet lifeless, and as pallid to the sight
As clay-cold corse. The hand was open

And I perceived within its hollow palm
A wound, that testified some deadly barm
Had hapt its Owner. Soon, to my delight,
The fingers, moving, grasp'd my arm around,
And gently drew me upward from the

And, as I rose, how heavenly was the joy
That did my visionary thought employ,
For I soon found (and blessed be the sign!)
It was a SAVIOUR's hand that grappled mine.

The following beautiful lines were written by the late Mr. Hastings, on his passage from India to England, in 1785.

> Imitation of the Otium Divos of

NOR ease the harassed seamen prays,

When equinoctial tempests raise
The Cape's surrounding wave;
When hanging o'er the reef he hears
The cracking mast, and sees or fears
Beneath his watery grave.

For ease the slow Mahratta spoils,
And hardier Seik erratic toils,

While both their ease forego;
For ease, which neither gold can buy,
Nor robes, nor gems, which oft belie
The cover'd heart, bestow.

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No fears his peace of mind annoy,
Lest printed lies his fame destroy,

Which labour'd years have won ;
Nor pack'd committees break his rest,
Nor avarice sends him forth in quest
Of climes beneath the sun.

Short is our span; then why engage
In schemes for which man's transient age
Was ne'er by fate design'd?
Why slight the gifts of Nature's band!
What wanderer from his native land
E'er left himself behind?

The restless thought and wayward will,
And discontent attend him still,

Nor quit him while he lives:
At sea, Care follows in the wind;
At land, it mounts the pad behind,
Or with the post-boy drives.

He who would happy live to-day
Must laugh the present ills away,
Nor think of woes to come;
For come they will, or soon or late,
Since mix'd at best is man's estate,

By Heaven's eternal doom.

To ripen'd age CLIVE liv'd renown'd
With lacks enrich'd, with honours crown'd,
His valour's well-earn'd meed.
Too long, alas! he liv'd to hate
His envied lot, and died too late,
From life's oppression freed.

An earlier death was ELLIOTT's doom;
I saw his opening virtues bloom,
And manly sense unfold,

I bade the stone

Too soon to fade.
Record his name, 'midst bordes unknown,
Unknowing what it told.

To thee, perhaps, the Fates may give
I wish they may, in health to live,

Herds, flocks, and fruitful fields;
Thy vacant hours in mirth to shine;
With these the Muse, already thine,
Her present bounty yields.

For me, O SHORE, I only claim,
To merit, not to seek for, fame.

The good and just to please;
A state above the fear of want,
Domestic love, Heaven's choicest grant,
Health, leisure, peace, and ease.



By the Author of the Novice of St. Clare.'

OVELY Nymph, with laughing eye,
Why delay thy coming, why?

Haste, oh! haste, and let thy feet
Wander by my shaded seat:
Lightly trip beside my cot,

Dance along each well known spot;

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