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VOL. 4.]

Original Anecdotes of the Buonapartes,


about twelve years of age, and always brother, now saw himself the victim to treated with the same affection as the his own work: and his last adieu to rest of his children. Italy was little less than a malediction on the head of his persecutors.

The persons attached to his household, and who embarked with the fami- Lucien tried in vain to obtain perly, were composed of a physician; a mission to land at Cagliari. The tator for his children, father Maurice, a Queen of Sardinia could not convepriest, who also officiated as chaplain; niently admit "the brother of a sovea secretary, in the person of M. Cha- reign so insatiable of power and contillon, already known to the reader, and quests"-and it was notified to him, who had remained with his patron that the British vessels had orders to since his being minister of the in- arrest him if they fell in with his ship. terior; a nephew of his first wife, In point of fact he was soon taken, and educated with Jerome, who enjoyed the choice offered him, to be transportthe unlimited confidence of Lucien, ed to Malta or to England. Lucien merited no less by the excellence of his decided for the former, where he was character, than a sincere attachment to landed on the 24th of August, and his uncle, who intrusted him with the placed with his family in Fort Ricaso most secret affairs of his family. If li; at which he was very indignant. thirty servants are added to the forego Thence he was transferred to San Aning list, a tolerably accurate notion tonio, a country residence of the anmay be formed of Lucien's establish- cient Grand Master's, but accompanied ment, which was really that of a prince. by a guard, and other precautionary When clear out of Civita Vecchia measures. In November, the decision harbour, the Hercules hove too, for the of the British Cabinet being received, purpose of receiving the family, which Lucien sailed for England to be conhad remained on shore to the last mo- sidered as a prisoner of war on parole, ment; and there happening to be a and on the 28th of December cast an→ considerable swell, the boats had great chor at Plymouth. Thence he went difficulty in getting along-side: there to Ludlow, our government paying all was even an appearance of danger to his expenses, and settled, as our readers. those who were unaccustomed to the know, at Earl Powis' seat at Stonesea; and it was with the utmost uneasi- house. Here he remained six months, ness, Lucien saw his children succes- when, owing to the jealousy of the govsively handed out of the frail bark to ernment (says the author) which suswhich they had been consigned: this pected that all the rupture between the was attended with much trouble; and brothers was a mere trick, and Lucien's at times when a billow intervened be- voyage the first step of an important tween the boat and ship's side, or political scheme, it was thought fit to another brought her in violent contact change his residence. He went next with the latter, the senator trembled to a seat purchased from the Marquis with horror, lest some accident might of Worcester, within three miles of the occur. As this state of painful suspense city of that name, for which he paid continued for some time, it did not 9000l. in the name of an English bankfail to bring back the recollection of his er. It is stated, but we cannot believe long persecutions: this was too evident the fact, that Lord Powis took 300 to escape the notice of his attendants; guineas of rent for Stonehouse, after and with a countenance full of indig- having offered it gratuitously. nant rage, he was at one time heard to England, Lucien forgot his republican exclaim in a tone of deep despair, the simplicity, and assumed great state. following line from the Philoctetes of His own apparel was sumptuous, and La Harpe :his liveries rich and brilliant; nor did



Ils m'ont fait tous ces maux-que les dieux les leurs he diminish his expenditure, though he lost 80001. by the bankruptcy of Le Mesurier.

Thus Lucien, who had done so much towards the elevation of his


(To be continued)



Illustration of remarkable Days, Ceremonies, &c.



From the London Time's Telescope, for Oct. 1815.

CTOBER. In a garment of yellow and carnation, upon his head a garland of oake leaves, with the acornes; in his right hand the sign Scorpio; in his lett, a basket of servises, medlers, and chestnuts, and other fruits that ripen at the later time of the year; his robe is of the colour of the leaves and flowers decaying. This moneth was called Domitianus in the

time of Domitian, by his edict and commandment; but after his death, by the decree of the Senate, it took the name of October, every one hating the name and memory of so detestable a tyrant.' (Peacham, p. 420-21.)

October had the name of wyn-monat; and albeit they had not antiently wines made in Germany, yet in this seson had they them from divers countries adjoyning.' (Verstegan, p. 61.)


Remigius was bishop of Rheims. He converted to Christianity not only King Clodoveus, but also a considerable part of his subjects; hence he is honoured by some devotees with the title of the French Apostle. After he had held his bishopric 74 years, he died at 96 years of age, A.D. 535. The cruse which he used was preserved in France, their kings being formerly anointed from it

at their coronation.


Oh! what a noble heart was here undone,
When Science' self destroyed her favourite son!
Yes! she too much indulged thy fond pursuit,
She sowed the seeds, but Death has reap'd the fruit.
"Twas thine own genius gave the final blow,
And helped to plant the wound that laid thee low:
So the struck Eagle, stretched upon the plain,.
No more through tolling clouds to soar again,
View'd his own feather on the fatai dart,
And winged the shaft that quivered in his heart:
He nursed the pinion which impelled the steel,
Keen were his pangs, but keener far to feel;
While the same plumage that had warm'd his nest
Drank the last life-drop of his bleeding breast.

Saint Denys, or Dionysius, the Are-
opagite, was converted to Christianity
by St. Paul.

See Acts xvii.

He was,

at first, one of the Judges of the celebraterwards made Bishop of Athens, where ted court of Areopagus, but he was afhe suffered martyrdom for the sake of the gospel. There are several books which bear his name; but they are, no doubt, forgeries, of the sixth century. The French say that he was the first that preached the gospel among them, and for that reason consider him their

tutelar saint; but for this supposition there is no ground, as Christianity was never preached in France until long af

ter his decease.

idle tales related of Denys, the followAmong the thousand ing is perhaps the most ridiculous and incoherent; he is said to have been beheaded by Fescennius, the Roman governor at Paris; and at the time of his martyrdom he took up his head after it was severed from his body, and walked two miles with it in his hands, to a

place called Martyr's-bill and there laid

down to rest.

SAINT FAITH.-OCTOBER 6. This virgin martyr suffered death under Dacianus, about the year 290, the most cruel torments being inflicted upon The abbey erected to the honour of her. Vows of celibacy were highly this martyred saint at the little village esteemed in the early ages; and, even of St. Denis, near Paris, was founded in our own times, many rites still exist, (says Mr. Eustace) by Dagobert, a in honour of the virgin state. Upon prince of the Merovingian race; and the decease of a virgin, flowers are yet strewed before the corpse by young girls archy. Its abbots distinguished themdressed in white, as emblematic of inno- selves by their talents and their integrity, cence. Garlands also, are, in some during many an eventful year; and so places, woven and attached to the interwoven was its history with that of beams of churches in which virgins have the country, that the annals of St. Den

been buried.

HENRY KIRKE white died.-oct. 6,

Unhappy White! while life was in its spring
And thy young Muse just wav'd her joyous wing,
The spoiler came; and all thy promise fair
Has sought the grave, to sleep for ever there.

was thus almost coeval with the mon


is became the records of France.
was honoured in a particular manner by
the royal family, and was, from its
foundation, the mausoleum of the sove-
reigns of France. Its decorations, as

VOL. 4.]

Time's Telescope-Illustration of Saints' Days, &e.





may easily be supposed, were worthy arable, the church of St. Denis will its antiquity and high destination; and probably resume, ere long, its antient fretted vaults, and storied windows, and majesty. rich shrines, and marble altars, combined their influence to heighten its majesty, and to awe and delight the specta- He was the youngest son of King tor. It was served by a numerous fra- Etheldred; but as all his elder brothers ternity of learned and holy monks were either dead, or had fled away, he fumes of incense ascended daily from succeeded to the crown of England in its altars; and morning, noon, and the year 1042. He collected all the night, the tones of the organ, and the most useful laws made by the Saxon notes of the choir, echoed from its and Danish kings. The additional tivaults. Such was St. Denis in its glory; tle of Confessor was probably given and such I beheld it in the year 1790. him by the pope for settling what was In 1802, I revisited it. The ruins then called Rome-Scot, but now is betof the abbey strewed the ground. The ter known by the name of Peter's Pence. church stood stript and profaned; the The monks ascribed a number of mirwind roared through the unglazed win- acles to him; even his vestments were dows, and murmured round the vaults; reputed holy. His crown, chair, staff, the rain dropt from the roof, and delu- spurs, &c. are still used at the coronaged the pavement; the royal dead had tion of our English kings. been torn from the repositories of departed greatness; the bones of heroes SAINT CRISPIN.-OCTOBER 25. had been made the playthings of chil- Two brothers, Crispinus and Crispidren, and the dust of monarchs had been anus, were born at Rome; whence they scattered to the wind. The clock travelled to Soissons in France, about alone remained in the tower, tolling the year 303, to propapate the Chrisevery quarter, as if to measure the time tian religion. Being desirous, however, permitted to the abomination of desola- of rendering themselves independent, tion, and to record each repeated act of they gained a subsistence by shoe-masacrilege and impiety. king. It having been discovered that The inhabitants of the town made re- they privately embraced the Christian presentations to Buonaparte on the sub- faith, and endeavoured to make proseject, and were flattered with hopes and lytes of the inhabitants, the governor of promises. Still, however, reparations the town immediately ordered them to were neglected, and the progress of ruin be beheaded, about the year 308. From was rapid. At length the Emperor this time the shoe-makers chose them undertook what the First Consul had for their tutelar saints. neglected; St. Denis was destined to receive the ashes of the imperial dynasty; and orders were issued to render It appears that St. Simon's and St. it worthy in every respect of the hon- Jude's Day was accounted rainy as ours that awaited it. The royal vaults well as St. Swithin's. And we learn were cleared, repaired, and in many re- from Holinshed, that, in 1536, when a spects considerably improved. The battle was appointed to have been subterraneous chapels were re-establish-. fought upon this day between the king's ed, and three of them fitted up with troops and the rebels in Yorkshire, that exquisite taste, and devoted to the mem- so great a quantity of rain fell upon the ory of the preceding dynasties. In eve thereof, as to prevent the battle these chapels, prayers were daily offered from taking place. up for the repose of the Merovingian, Carlovingian, and Capetian princes. T The reparation has been continued by ved




following ceremonies are obserthe Sheriffs of London, when Louis XVIII. and, excepting the stain- they Bacle their oaths at Westminster. ed windows, the loss of which is irrep- On the hy after Michaelmas day, or,


Intelligence: Literary and Philosophical.

[VOL. 4 if that day fall on Sunday, on the in the high road from the Temple to Monday following, the Lord Mayor Westminster, but now no longer exists) and Aldermen proceed from Guildhall, are then called forth to do their suit and and the two Sheriffs, with their respective service; when an officer of the court, in companies, from their particular hall; the presence of the senior alderman, and, having embarked on the Thames, produces 6 horse shoes and 61 hobnails, his lordship in the city barge, and the which he counts over in form before the sheriffs in the company's barge, they cursitor baron; who, on this particular go, in aquatic state, to Palace Yard. occasion, is the immediate representative They then proceed to the Court of of the sovereign. The whole of the Exchequer; where, after the usual numerous company then embark in their salutations to the bench (the cursitor barges, and return to Blackfriars' Bridge, baron presiding,) the recorder presents where the state carriages are in waiting. the two sheriffs; the several writs are Hence they proceed to the company's then read, and the sheriffs and the senior hall, and partake of an elegant dinner. under-sheriff take the usual oaths. The On the election of a bailiff at Kidderceremony on this occasion, in the Court minster, the inhabitants assemble in the of Exchequer, which vulgar error sup- principal streets to throw cabbage stalks poses to be an unmeaning farce, is at each other. The town-house bell solemn and impressive; nor have the gives signal for the affray. This is called new sheriffs the least connexion either lawless hour. This doue (for it lasts an with chopping of sticks, or counting of hour,) the bailiff elect and corporation in hobnails. The tenants of a manor in their robes, preceded by drums and fifes Shropshire are directed to come forth to (for they have no waits,) visit the old do their suit and service: on which the and new bailiff, constables, &c. &c. senior alderman below the chair steps attended by the mob. In the mean forward, and chops a single stick, in time, the most respectable families in token of its having been customary for the neighbourhood are invited to meet the tenants of that manor to supply their and fling apples at them on their entrance, lord with fuel. The owners of a forge More than forty pots of apples have in the parish of St. Clement (which been expended at one house. formerly belonged to the city, and stood


himself, containing authentic details respecting the voyage to the residence, the manner living,

at St. Helena; also some letters which were not forwarded to their destination by the British Government.

From the Monthly Magazines for August, 1818. NOTHER National Novel, from the pen A Florence Macarthy. A correspondent observes, that the style of Romance. of which the author of the Wild Irish Girl was the original inventor, still remains in her exeluA Series of Essays, exhibiting the most sive possession: for though Miss Edgeworth lively pictures of English manners, is now in has depicted with great fidelity and incom- a course of publication in the Literary parable humour the manners of the lower Gazette, and promises to become as attracclasses of the Irish,---and though the author tive as the noted papers of the "Olden Time." of Waverly has left imperishable monuments We have it from good authority, of Scottish peculiarities, yet the illustration, that they are written by a noble author, by example, of the consequences of great who has assumed the name of the Hermit in errors in domestic policy, with a view to in-London.* ternal amelioration, has not apparently entered into the plans of those authors.

M. Kotzebue is preparing for publication his Account of the Russian Embassy to Persia. It will appear at the same time at London and Weimar.

Speedily will appear, Sermons, by the Rev. G. R. Maturin, Curate of St. Peter's Dublin,

in octavo.

as w

Mr. Colburn bas just received the Continent, and is preparing for ate publication, the Life of Las Casap to his return from St, Helena, communicated by

Capt. Golownin, the Narrative of whose Captivity has been recently published, is printing Recollections of Japan, comprising an account of the people and of the country.

There have been recently discovered in the parish of Motteston, on the south side of the Isle of Wight, the bones of that stupendous animal supposed to be the Mammoth, or Mastadon: several of the vertebræ, or joints of the back bone, measure thirty-six inches in circumference; they correspond exactly in form, colour and texture, with. [* See the last and present No. of the Athenews.

[blocks in formation]

the bones found in plenty on the banks of the Ohio, in North America, in a vale called by the Indians Big-bone Swamp.

Lieutenant Kotzebue arrived on the 17th of June at Portsmouth, in the Russian ship Rurick, from his voyage of discovery, which lasted two years and eleven months. In the course of this voyage, which was at first directed towards the north, he fell in with a singular ice-berg of great magnitude, which not only had part of its surface covered with earth and mould, bearing trees and vegetable productions, but a portion of its water-line covered with a shore formed by a deposit of the earthy matter washed down from the more elevated situations. On this shore a landing was effected, and considerable remains of the mammoth were found in such a state of putrefaction as to produce an intolerable stench. The Rurick brought away some of the tusks and other parts of these immense animals, which had probably been preserved frozen for many ages, till the mass of ice which inclosed them, put in motion by some unknown cause, reached a more temperate latitude.

Usher, the Clown of the Theatre, in consequence of a wager, set off in a machine like a washing-tub, drawn by four geese, at half-past twelve o'clock, from below Southwark bridge, and passed under four bridges, and arrived at half-past two at Cumberland Gardens. A pole extended from the machine in which he sat, to which the geese were harnessed. For some time they were quite tractable, and he went on swimmingly, but at times they were quite restive, and not easily managed. A great number of persons accompanied him in boats, and several viewed the whimsical expedition from the bridges. After completing it, he offered, for a wager of 100 guineas, to return from thence through the centre arch of London Bridge; but no person would accept the challenge.

Major Gen. Letellier shot himself lately at Paris, in consequence of the grief he felt for the loss of his wife, who died a few weeks since, of the injury she received from the upsetting of her carriage. She was only nineteen years of age. Her distracted husband, before committing the dreadful act, wrapped round him a shawl belonging to her whose death he so deplored; and in his left hand was found a lock of her hair.

The statue of Memnon, sent from Egypt by Mr. Salte as a present to the British Museum, now lies in the Museum yard, and consists of one solid block of granite, weighing about nine tons. The face is in high preservation, and remarkably expressive, The same ship also brought presents of antiquity from the Bey of Tripoli to the Prince Regent, consisting of columns, cornices, chapiters, &c. found at Lebida. The columns are mostly of one solid piece, one weighing near fifteen tons, and being twentwo feet in length. They were selected by Capt. W. H. Smyth, of the royal navy, in which he was assisted by the British cousul at Tripoli.


not place in more secure hands. So careful was the priest of his trust, that having on the road to town, brought it for security about his person to bed, he fancied, that in the course of the night, a man stood over him with a pistol in his hand, demanding the money, which was then the subject of his thoughts. Determined to protect himself and the money from the supposed robber, he made a sudden blow at the imaginary pistol, with such force, that he unfortunately struck bis arm against the bed-post so as to fracture it, and render amputation necessary. The unfortunate clergyman had requested 48 hours time to consider whether or not he should submit to a sacrifice which (according to the regulations of the Romish church) for ever renders him unfit for the priesthood. The following day he suffered his arm to be amputated.,

Pompei.---The rubbish and ashes which overwhelmed the city of Pompeii centuries since, have been in a great degree removed; our travellers are now visiting its streets, inspecting its buildings, houses, and tombs: and from their antiquity, it is a subject of great astonishment to find many of them in so perfect order. They have been so long buried from view, and from any changes of air or of habitation, that they now come out, as it were, as fresh as when they were first lost to society. The destruction is stated to bear date A. D. 63, in the ninth year of Nero, by earthquake, which succeeded about sixteen years the volcanic eruption, which serves to account for the imperfect state of the buildings, apparently from their fragments, of 100 massy a nature to have suffered ruin by merely the ashes of the volcano. Mr. Gall says, that "the natural inference to be drawn from an inspection on the spot seems to be, that the hot pumice-stone fell in successive suowers, and not in one mass; had the latter been the case, the city must indeed have become the tomb of its inhabitants, whereas comparatively few skeletons have been found." It affords an awful sensation, not very easy for words to describe, when the visitors of these ruins first enter the city. pass through several streets of uninhabited buildings, and find themselves among the tombs of the Scauri, and of some of the most eminent men whose names have given historical interest even to modern times, and look round with astonishment to find no person whom they can address as a citizen of the town; nor any persons yet prepared to restore these once elegant dwellings to domestic life.


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The Maid of Killarney, or Albion and Flora; a modern tale: in which are interwoven some cursory remarks on religion and politics. 3s. 6d.

A Treatise on the Culture and Manage ment of Fruit Trees: in which a new method of pruning and training is fully described by W. Forsyth, F. A. S. 13s.

Boadim Castle, in six cantos: with notes. NEW NOVELS.

A consultation of seven physicians, together with surgeon Richars, was held on the Rev. W. O'Conner, from the county of Galway, who, on coming to town upon some business The Physiognomis: by the author of of his own, was requested by a friend, resid-" the Bachelor and Married Man." 3 vols. ing in that county, to convey with him a 12mo. 16s. 6d.

large sum of money for certain purposes, The Nun of Santa Maria di Tindaro: by which the gentleman was confident, be could L. S. Stanhope. 3 vols. 16s. 6d.

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