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Original Anecdotes of Dr. Goldsmith.

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been lately rebuilt, and ornamented by "And in his purse since few bright coins appear, the sign of "The Three Jolly Pigeons.'

"He mounts the rostrum as an auctioneer."

1761-In this year he published his "Vicar of Wakefield," in which it is said here that he drew the characters of his brother and his sister-in-law, the inhabitants of the "modest mansion" of Lissoy. On the 31st of May, in this year, he received his first visit from Dr. Johnson.

A lady from the neighbourhood of 1759. August 9th, Goldsmith wrote Portglenone, in the county of An- to Edward Mills, Esq. near Roscomtrim, was one of those who visited the mon, requesting him to interest himDeserted Village in the summer of self in a subscription to his "Essay on 1817; and was fortunate enough to the present state of Taste and Literafind, in a cottage adjoining the ale- ture in Europe." His feelings were house, an old smoked print, which, deeply wounded by being on this ocshe was credibly informed, was the casion treated with neglect, not only identical "Twelve good Rules" which by Mr. Mills, but by another friend, had ornamented that rural tavern, a Mr. Lawder, to whom he had writwith the "Royal game of Goose," ten on the same subject. &c. &c. when Goldsmith drew his fas. cinating description of it. And here it may be observed, that the scenery of the Alehouse was that of the habitations of most of the farmers in this neighbourhood, before the introduction of modern expensive furniture into them. Every parlour floor was flag ged, or sanded-had its "bed by 1762-In this year he published his night, a chest of drawers by day ;" and "Citizen of the World," in two volumes. exhibited, either on a chimney board, 1763-In the spring of this year he or in an open corner cup-board, a par- had lodgings at Canonbury House, cel of broken or unbroken pieces of near Islington, where he wrote his china, glass, or stained earthenware; "Letters on English History," erronewhile the walls were covered with ously ascribed to Lord Lyttleton. gun-racks, fishing-tackle, and homely 1765-In this year "The Traveller" prints among which, the Twelve appeared, and the author was introgood Rules, and Royal Game of duced to the Earl of Northumberland, Goose, seldom failed to find a place. at that time Lord Lieutenant of IreThus was Jemmy Anthony's parlour land, and he recommended his brother once ornamented, in the old mill of Henry for preferment. In this year his Ballymahon, which he and his ances- "Essays" were published, and he petors occupied for a century: but in titioned Lord Bute in vain to be allowhis early day it boasted the addition ed a salary to enable him to penetrate of Violins, Hautboys, Flutes, and a into the interior of Asia. His memoFrench horn, with which he and his rial was unnoticed and neglected. ingenious brothers often made sono- Goldsmith on this occasion wanted a rous melody on the lovely banks of friend such as Lord Halifax proved to the Inny, and delighted the villagers, Addison upon the arrival of the news who, after the toil of the day, assem- of the victory of Blenheim. On that bled on the bridge to hear them. But, occasion, the Lord Treasurer Godoloh! the ravages of time! The music phin, in the fullness of his joy, meetfloats down the stream no more-all is ing with the above-mentioned Noblesilent, except the roar of the waters man, told him, "It was a pity the through the broken cel-weirs-the mill memory of such a victory should ever has fallen across the water-course-and be forgot ;" he added, that "he was the musicians, "their fates as various pretty sure his Lordship, who was so as the roads they took," are all gone distinguished a patron of men of letdown to the grave, with the solitary ters, must know some person whose exception of poor Jemmy, who, surviv- pen was capable of doing justice to ing the desolation that surrounds him, the action." Lord Halifax replied sticks like a wall-flower in an adjacent that he did indeed know such a pertenement, son, but would not desire him to write

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Dr. Goldsmith-Addison-Novel-Reading.


upon the subject his Lordship had sey, of Dundalk, wrote to Goldsmith, mentioned. The Lord Treasurer en- to rectify an error in his History of treated to know the reason of so un- England, respecting Dr. Walker, the kind a resolution; Lord Halifax briskly celebrated Governor of Londonderry, told him, that he had long, with indig- whom he had denominated in that nation, observed that while many fools work a Dissenting Minister, though and blockheads were maintained in he was Rector of Donoughmore, in their pride and luxury at the expence the county of Tyrone. of the public, such men as were really In 1771, Goldsmith wrote the Life an honour to their country, and to the of Lord Bolingbroke, which he preage they lived in, were shamefully suf- fixed to a Dissertation on Particles. fered to languish in obscurity; that 1770 In the month of January for his own part, he would never de- this year, he wrote to his youngest sire any gentleman of parts and learn- brother, Mr. Maurice Goldsmith. In ing, to employ his time in celebrating a this letter he complains that he had ministry, who had neither the justice nor written above an hundred letters to generosity to make it worth his while. his friends in Ireland, to which he reThe Lord Treasurer calmly replied, ceived no answer. He inquired in it that he would seriously consider of for his mother, his brother Hudson, what his Lordship had said, and endea- his sister Johnson, and the family of vour to give no fresh occasion for Ballyoughter. such reproaches; but that, in the pre- 1773, March 16, Mistakes of a sent case, he took it upon himself to Night appeared first in Covent Garpromise, that any gentleman whom den theatre. The plot of this Comedy his Lordship should name to him, as was suggested to Goldsmith, by an capable of celebrating the late action, adventure which occurred to himself at should find it worth his while to exert Ardagh, in the county of Longford, his genius on that subject. With this where he mistook the house of Mr. encouragement, Lord Halifax named Fetherston (grandfather to the preMr. Addison. The celebrated Poem, sent Sir Thomas Fetherston) for an entitled The Campaign was soon after- inn, having been directed to it by a wards published,and the author found the humorous fencing-master, named CorLord Treasurer as good as his word. nelius Kelly, once the instructor of 1768, January 29, Goldsmith pub- the celebrated Marquis of Granby. lished The Good-natured Man, his first In the beginning of the year 1774, Comedy. In the year 1769, The he received a legacy of fifteen pounds Deserted Village appeared, upon whose from the executors of his uncle, the inimitable beauties it is unnecessary to Rev. Thomas Contarine, sometime descant here. On the 13th of January, Rector of Kilmore, near Carrick on in this year, our author engaged with Shannon. About the same time, his Mr. Thomas Davies, to write an History "History of the Earth and Animated of England in four volumes, 8vo, which Nature" was published; and he died engagement was afterwards fulfilled. the fourth of April. 1772, April 10, Mr. Thomas Wool

Lifford, June 10th, 1818.



Concluded from page 20.

ET us examine some of the evil. Much has been said in all ages principal objections, which are regarding the danger, which results urged against novel reading, a pursuit, from giving the reins to the imaginawhich, when followed in a proper and tion; and, to the impotent malice of rational manner, has never been attend- mediocrity, and the morose temper of ed with the slightest consequence of ascetic philosophy, no subject has formH ATHENEUM. Vol. 4.

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ed a more fruitful topie of verbose de- are the Quakers, who, according to Mr. clamation. We shall not stop either Clarkson's portraiture of their creed to collect or to refute every argument, and discipline, condemn all novels, as which has been adduced by this misdi- calculated to produce an improper exrected ingenuity. Such a task, though citement of mind, and to alienate the easy to execute, would not be of the attention from objects of serious imporslightest utility, when accomplished, tance. These are good reasons against because not all the powers of reasoning, the reading of immoral novels, and aadorned by all the pomp of words, will gainst making them our sole or our ever persuade one part of mankind to principal study, but not against limiting renounce the delight, which they re- and selecting those, which we allow to ceive from compositions that represent be read. "But even those," say our fictitious adventures, or the other to sac- adversaries, "attract us from spiritual rifice the distinction, which is acquired, to temporal affairs, and cause us to or the pleasure which is derived from think more of the pleasures of the preshappily reducing into form and con- ent, than the enjoyments of a future exsistence those volant images of love and istence." Are we then to be called beauty, which hover around them in upon perpetually for religious thoughts some favored moments. To all the and religious conversations? Are we invectives of all the cynics in the world, to be expected to ride, to walk, to row, both parties will turn a deaf and inat to wrestle, and to dine out religiously? tentive ear-the first will be glad to es- Does every thing, which tends merely cape from the dull uniformity of life, to exhilaration, contain within itself a and the cold unfeeling tameness of real taint of criminality? And is man put character, into those regions of fancy, into this world for no other purpose where they can luxuriate in ever vary- than to mortify himself into a proper ing combinations, and can gratify the condition for the next? On a point high aspirings of the mind by the con- like the present, we might appeal from templation of ideal virtues and ideal the judgment of the over-righteous Pharperfections: whilst the latter rejoicing isees, to those who think that the Creain the pleasure which they create, and tor, did not form man to be the slave proud of the influence which they are of an austere and overbearing religion, establishing over the tastes and interests but to follow its precepts, as he would of mankind, will continue to spend the the advice of an affectionate monitor. redundance of their genius in giving We might claim to be permitted to life and substance to thought, as long choose individuals entertaining such as they find in the sympathy and curi- sentiments for our judges and from osity of the public that success which their sentence we feel convinced that we is the constant object of their hopes and should have no reason to shrink. But endeavours, and which, when acquired, we wave this privilege, because we do repays them for all the toil and trouble not see in what manner the argument which they experience in their attempts applies more against this than against to obtain it. For which reason we any other innocent amusement. For shall only combat those objections, in pursuing it, what positive rule, either which bear the stamp of pusillanimity, of divine or human institution, are we and which, on account of their general transgressing? If we are imbibing doccirculation, deserve greater notice than we can bestow on the mass of their fellows.

trines inimical to the constitution of society, or if we are propagating principles injurious to the interests of moralThere is one sect of Christians, for ity, then condemn this occupation; but whose doctrines collectively we pro- if we are doing neither the one nor the fess respect, which totally prohibits other, if we are engaged, as in the limthe perusal of works of this description, ited case upon which we are now arpartly on account of their fictitious nature, and partly and chiefly on account of their general immorality. These

guing, in what is in itself perfectly virtuous, why are we to place that under interdict, which is adapted 30 admirably

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On Novel-Reading.


to charm away the approach of melan- ing, save to the scriptural instruments choly, to alleviate the calamities inci- sackbut and timbrel, as an unnecessary dent to mortality, and to deceive, what exercise of the limbs, indecent in its some find the heaviest of all burdens, gesture, and improper in its tendency; the burden of existence? Surely they and to deem all garments, save those do not mean to assert, and yet their requisite to the covering of nature, as language seems to warrant the conclu- an idle adornment of the person, and sion, that a gloomy, wayward and dis- a badge of servitude to the powers of satisfied temper; that tears and sighs, darkness. It is this self same false and groans and complaints are the pro- spirit, disguised indeed under a differper offerings for men to make to that ent name, but still retaining all its Deity, who has covered the earth with wonted severity, which sees infidelity gay colours, and scented it with rich at present triumphing in the produc perfumes, and who has shewn, by scat- tions of the theatre, and immorality retering over his creation a thousand joys, pluming her crest in those publications which are totally unnecessary to our of the press, which this article attempts mere subsistence, that he has given us to defend and vindicate. something better than a bare existence It has been said, that novels give a even in this sublunary abode of trial false idea of man and of manners.and misery. If they de intend to ad- This is as true with regard to ill-writvocate such dogmas, and if it be, not ten and ill-conducted novels, as a simthe abuse, but the interspersion, of plea- ilar charge is with regard to those missure in the concerns of life, however erable daubs, which degrade nature, by guided by good sense or moderation, misrepresenting it: and proves as which they attack, they are not adher- strongly, that we ought never to look ing to the true principles of religion, at a fine painting, because there are but are actuated by some hidden mo- some wretched sketches, as that we tives unworthy of that beneficent Being ought never to read a well-drawn rewhose service they appear so desirous presentation of human character, beto promote. We say so boldly, and cause, on the one hand there are some upon mature deliberation, because it is tame and feeble, and on the other some only a false spirit of religion, which glowing and overdone delineations of would diminish the number of human it. But even supposing this objection. gratifications, and would substitute in to hold good in its utmost latitude, their place, fasts and penances and mor- what is the result? A delusion, so tifications. It was this false spirit, long as it wears the mask of truth, which, in the first ages of Christianity, may be dangerous, but can never be led many to commit such acts of self- productive of harm when this mask is denial as border on insanity, which withdrawn, when the furtive plumage is prompted Simon Stylites to think that stripped off, and the delusion is at once he was doing God a grateful service, in known, avowed and hackneyed. Bestanding night and day upon a pillar sides, the dramatic effect, which it rein the wilderness, and which inspired quires to add to the pictures which we thousands of infatuated enthusiasts to copy from life, so far from rendering seclude themselves in darksome caves them unnatural, only makes them strike and gloomy solitudes, from that society with redoubled effect and energy, by rewhich man is born to enliven by his calling with greater ease to the mind talents, and benefit by his exertions. the events, which they are intended to It was this false spirit, which, in a peri- resemble. You may retort, that the od nearer to our own times, induced the modesty of truth is notwithstanding viPuritans to condemn all poetry, save olated violated however as it is, we that of Sternhold and Hopkins, as con- would gladly give in exchange for one trary to morality; to interdict all har- novel of antiquity, if antiquity dwell mony, save the harmony of their nose- in such publications, all the prosings grunted psalmody, as a profane eleva- and mystifications of Plato, Aristotle, tion of the voice; to prohibit all danc- Zeno and company, upon the monads,


On Novel-Reading.-Female Writers.

[VOL. 4 duads, and triads of their respective them more gracefully, because they dissystems. For one such work would cern them more distinctly, than we do. let us more into the domestic economy, This phænomenon arises not more and initiate us more deeply in the fire- from the difference of their education in side habits of the ancient Greeks and childhood, than of the nature of their Romans, than all the grave histories, occupations in more advanced existence. which have come down to us of their From his very cradle, man is taught to actions, and all the ponderous tomes of scorn those refined sensibilities, which learned and laborious annotations, woman instinctively fosters with the which the Wasses, the Kusters, the warmest affection. He is told that Spanheims, and the Schweighaussers they are inconsistent with the Roman of classical literature have compiled to dignity of character, which he is recomexplain them. mended to emulate; he perceives, that It was our intention, on commencing they are little suited to those tumultuthe present remarks, to have concluded ous scenes in which he is to mingle as them with a short review of the most a busy actor; and he discards them as distinguished writers in this province of delusive weaknesses, not less to be the republic of letters: but the great shunned than dreaded. Woman, on the length, at which we have already tres- contrary, naturally disposed, by her passed on the patience of our readers, conscious inferiority of personal strength, compels us, however reluctantly, to de- to imbibe them with eagerness, cherishfer such a discussion to a more favora- es them with redoubled energy as ble opportunity. When that event oc- soon as she discovers them to be the curs, we will gladly resume the subject sources of all those gentle emotions, of our present labours; and will point which cast over all her words and acout the various genera, into which tions a magic spell too mighty to be novels are divided, according as they resisted, and which render her at once depend upon the nature of the events the pride, the ornament, and the prewhich they record, or the form and siding genius of society. In man, if method of narration in which those this refinement of feeling were not exevents are recorded. We shall then be tinguished by the force of education, it led to contrast the advantages and dis- never could survive amid the increasing advantages of each particular system as intercourse with the world, which is considered by itself, and as compared forced upon him with increasing years, with others; and, from such a compar- but would inevitably decay and ison, be able to exhibit in the clearest perish under the pressure of the toils, light the beauties, into which they have vexations, and vicissitudes of fortune, at some times seduced, and the faults, which he is unfortunately heir to in into which they have at others betray- the other sex, should it never have preed, genius and talent of the most exalt- viously existed, it is certain to be elicited order. For the present we shall ed during that dangerous period of take leave of our readers, by recalling their lives which intervenes between to their observation, what all of them childhood and puberty; when released will have previously observed, but from their grammars and their samplers, what few of them will have taken the escaped from the frowns, and threats, trouble to account for, the superior a- and petty vengeances of their governesbility which women display over men ses, no longer children, and not yet in every qualification which is requisite quite women, they labour under a rein works of this description. In the dundance of new-born hopes and ideas, representation of those fine and fugi- which keep in perpetual play the pow tive impressions, which constitute the ers of the imagination. Once elicited, soul and essence of sentiment, the fair it receives immediate support and noursex are universally allowed to shine ishment from the influence, which love with unrivalled lustre. They deline- almost simultaneously begins to exerate than more sensibly, because they cise in their bosoms. This passion, feel them more forcibly; and portray which forms but an episode in the bis

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